Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Christ Or Chaos!

Chaos: a state of utter confusion 

This is what we see happening, not only in some third-world, warlord-controlled country, but now -- sad to say -- in many respects, in our beloved nation.

The agenda of those who despise God and country, and owe their allegiance to satan, are making substantial inroads into our culture and traditions, albeit, not all aspects of our culture and traditions are praiseworthy.  (I realize that is an understatement!).

But to see the violence of the hard-Left (in the form of the so-called fascist fighters, Antifa), is becoming more plain to see every day.  The problem with such radical groups, is that they are, themselves, the fascist; the intolerant; they are culpably ignorant of the Natural Law, and, hence, reject the common sense and, more importantly, free-will given to us by our Creator.

Make no mistake, with the constant attacks on our president, I fear that the verbal epithets hurled at Mr. Trump, may turn into physical attempts to harm him, or worse.  If that were to happen, then there will be a real chance of civil conflict between the enemies of America, and the patriots -- both civil and military (active and veterans), right here on our own land, and not in some far-off foreign land...

In addition to the efforts of the secular forces, and their intent to disrupt our daily lives in ways that downright scare the heck out of me, the constant nonsense coming out of Rome scares me even more, and is partly responsible for the chaos that we see in the world around us.   

The weakness of the human element in the Catholic Church is not only disturbing, but also deadly to those souls seeking succor and direction from the Bride of Christ, but instead are getting the poison spiritual cool aid, a la Jim Jones, and the terrible mass suicide of ignorant innocents, not unlike the slaughter of the pre-born in our country.   

The bottom line: when those who are in-charge of leading souls to Heaven -- the primary command and mission of the Church -- decide to turn their agenda upside-down, and focus on social issues and silly (and deadly?) garbage such as "climate change", and trying to destroy nearly 2,000 years of the male priesthood of Christ by introducing females into the sanctuary, then chaos will reign.  

But there is always hope!  If I didn't believe that, then the only other alternative is despair, a major sin against that very same virtue, as is presumption.    

We must never give up!  We must continue to pray, not only for our country, but also for those leaders of the Catholic Church, that they repent -- publicly -- for their horrendous sins against their charges: the eternal loss of souls...

Christ Or Chaos!

Gene DeLalla

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