Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Catacomb Pact???

I have often written that the Second Vatican Council was not inspired by the Holy Ghost as many have claimed, but by the devil, Satan himself.  That assertion has proven to be correct.  The proof has been made manifest in many ways over the years...

But there is much more coming out of Rome, such as the bizarre Amazon Synod.  Now, it has been learned that there will be a celebration of a renewal of the "Catacomb Pact"; a pact among the bishops of that Council, that, for all practical purposes, replaces the Christ-mandated command to preach, baptize, and convert all nations, with some Masonic "brotherhood" nonsense, or worse.

For all practical purposes, it means that there is no one, soul-saving religion.

In other words, the Catholic Church is just one of many "religions" that can lead all peoples to their heavenly end.

It should be noted that the first "Catacomb Pact" was celebrated at the close of Vatican II -- held in secret -- down in the catacombs where the remains of the early Christians are buried.  (If only those martyrs could rise up and slay those blasphemous bastards, they would do the world good!)

By the way, the celebration will conclude with a "mass" -- I have used air quotes because, as with the first pact, the renewal pact will feature the Protestant inspired, concocted "mass," of Archbishop Bugnini from the Second Vat. Council...

The primary goal of the Catacomb Pact is many fold, and among those goals: to destroy Tradition; to make the Catholic Church a "brotherhood of man"; to hell with our Lord's, one, holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, in favor of a phony weakling with little moral or spiritual power to direct men to heaven.

These make-believe "bishops," have caused havoc in the Church, founded by Christ, 2,000 years ago.  What a scandal!  And what a price they will pay at their Particular Judgment...

But this betrayal of Christ goes back many years before that demonic Council.

As Pope SAINT Pius X fought the modernists, from 1903-1914, today, the human element of today's Church has surrendered to the spirit of the age, with a new generation of those diabolical modernists.

We faithful Catholics, who love Sacred Tradition, and the truths handed down from the Apostles, must be willing to stand up and fight -- resist to the face -- any clergy that rejects those truths; from the local parish priest, to the desk of the pope...

Pray for an end to the new order "church," and pray, too, for our country...

Gene DeLalla

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