Monday, October 7, 2019

The Roaches Are Coming Out Of The Woodwork...

I always thought that if the president of the U.S. is on the receiving end of threats to his life, then that guy, or a group of nuts, that made the threat, would be arrested and charged with a federal crime that could lead to a prison term.

But it seems that many enemies of the Republic, and President Trump, make threats to his life on a daily basis with little or no consequences.


Where is the "Secret Service"?   Aren't they supposed to arrest and question those traitors to see if there is a real, existential threat, or just some hot air out of the mouths of these jerks?

I don't get it...

Today, there is a real and present danger to Mr. Trump and his administration to the point that the Marine reserves were just put on notice that there is a real possibility that the "cold coup" that Rush Limbaugh mentioned last week, will turn into a hot coup -- out in the open; out from the shadows; in your (our!) face!!

Translation: The Demonrats and their co-conspirators in the "intelligence" community aim to literally take over the White House and our Republic.  And make no mistake, that will mean a total upheaval of our way of life; complete government control of every aspect of our lives, as well as the Bill of Rights being consigned to the trash can.  In addition, our beloved country will be subject to attack from our enemies outside of the U.S. of A. because of a perceived chaos in our governance.  

Does all this sound outrageous?  It does to me, but every day the former agents of the CIA, FBI, and other such agencies, repeat and repeat that President Trump must be "taken out", or knifed; or thrown in jail and placed in solitary confinement... There is an endless list of such threats, but still, these traitors are walking the streets of Main Street, U.S.A., freely spouting their hate and filth.

How much longer will this continue?  What will happen in the next few months, leading up to the 2020 election?

Please pray earnestly for President Trump, and for our Republic...

Gene DeLalla

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