Sunday, October 6, 2019

Courage Emanates From Fear...

Does courage really emanate from fear?

Yes, of course...

And today, we need to stand our ground; not leave our posts (our state in life); not be intimidated by those opposed to the reign of Christ in our country and the world outside our shores...

During World War II, and during the darkest hour when Hitler's forces seemed on the verge of conquering England, Britain's Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, made the historically, now-famous, and defiant quote: We have nothing to fear, but fear itself...

He knew that if the people of England were to survive, they could not "leave their posts"; they could "not be intimidated," by the constant bombing of their homeland by overwhelming air forces, not to mention the introduction of "buzz bombs", i.e., rockets fired from across the English Channel...

Things looked mighty grim; there was little hope, at least that's the way it looked to the outside world.  But the Brits were hard nuts to crack...  The U.S. helped with the Lend Lease Act, sending military supplies across the seas, with many a brave merchant marine sent to a watery grave from the incessant "wolf packs" -- German submarines that patrolled the North Atlantic.  But there was no stopping the determination to help our neighbors across the Atlantic; we did not "leave our posts"; we were "not intimidated"...

Today, we are faced with another and more sinister attack, not with bombs and rockets (at least not yet!), but with lies and half-truths that confuse and demoralize many of our countrymen.  We are subjected to malice and hate from those who seem to forget that the reason they can verbally attack or criticize their fellow citizens -- whether justified or not -- is that the right to do so was won at a very high price...

Freedom is not free...

But we are not only faced with malice from the seculars who would like nothing more than to see our Republic die on the vine, and usher in a form of government alien to the American experiment: socialism or outright Communism...

It is also coming from a malformed human element of the Catholic Church, under the current Pope, Francis.

Whether he knows it or not, his words and actions are confusing -- what is left of faithful Catholics -- with some beginning to question the very foundations of the mission of the Church from day-one: the salvation of souls.  All other "missions" are a massive distraction from that primary purpose of the Church in the first place.  Very sadly, hundreds of thousands, and even millions have left the Church.

This confuses, not only Catholics, but also non-Catholics, who once looked to the Catholic Church as a moral and spiritual beacon to safely guide the ship-of-state back to the safety and the calm waters of the inner harbor, and away from the stormy waters of a world gone mad with anti-Christ machinations...

We Catholics must have courage: we "cannot leave our posts"; we "cannot be intimidated"; we must remain faithful to our Lord and His Church -- the spotless Bride of Christ...

Will we have to face martyrdom as the early Christians suffered under the pagan Roman Emperors?  I don't know, but what I do know, is, we have "nothing to fear, but fear itself"...

Pray for our Church, and pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla

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