Thursday, October 24, 2019

Have Rome, The Vatican, And The Pope Rejected The FIRST COMMANDMENT?

As more and more lunacy -- let's call it evidence -- comes out of the mouths of those in-charge of communications for the pope, the Vatican, and the blasphemous Amazon synod, it is apparent that they no longer believe in the Ten Commandments, especially in the most important of the ten: the FIRST COMMANDMENT.

I think that even non-believers have at least heard of the First Commandment, and might even know it's meaning: that there is a God, and that God is a jealous God.  And that there cannot be any other gods before Him.

But we have seen -- and now heard -- that even the pope is not only questioning the divinity of his Master, Jesus Christ, but also allowing pagan rituals to pollute the Catholic Church and further confuse the faithful.  And because of all this craziness, those very same faithful are now in almost complete rebellion against this madness, the destruction of Church teaching, and by consigning the First Commandment to the dustbin of history, including the shredded Magisterium.

What's next?

I think that pope Francis, is trying like the devil, to please the one-world-religion-globalists by destroying, if necessary, the very foundations of the Church founded by our Savior.  So, in essence, he is pleasing the greatest enemy of Christ and His faithful: Satan.

Let's remember just who Satan is: a fallen angel; he did not want to serve his Master; he wanted to be "god," himself, with his own kingdom, apart from God.  That was, and is, impossible.  But!  He now has his own kingdom, alright: it's called HELL!!  

Let's also remember the primary mission of the Church, as Christ taught His Apostles: to preach, baptize, and convert ALL nations.  In other words: the salvation of souls is goal number one.  Unfortunately, the current pope seems to feel that attempting to convert others to the Catholic faith borders on spiritual abuse, if not worse...

The new "gods" that are being worshiped by these apostates, are plastered all across the airwaves and liberal media on a daily basis, just the same as our elected representative (not mine!!!) regurgitate the phony science of "climate change," and other such nonsense.   Yet the scourge and scandals of sexual abuse within the homosexual "clergy" has almost been forgotten in favor of tiny, pagan, unclothed, wooden statues being "worshipped," not only by some of the Amazonian indigenous natives, but also by some "Catholic" cardinals...

But it's not only ongoing apostasy within the Church, it has been reported that a raid by Italian authorities has uncovered a massive fraud and misappropriation of monies from Peter's Pence, to the tune of nearly $500 million dollars, equivalent.  That's half a BILLION dollars!  These monies have been used for "investment properties," as well as living the high-life, no doubt.  Sick!

One way to stop this hemorrhage of hard-earned money from parishioners is to stop contributing to the collection baskets at mass!!  Hit them where it hurts -- in the pocketbook!

These and other scandals have had the effect of far too many Catholics leaving the (new-order) Church for greener pastures, or no pastures at all; who can blame them?

Let's face it: the new-world-order "Catholic" Church is dying on the vine -- and it should!  It is an insult to our Lord and His faithful: the Mystical Body.

I urge all to pray for a swift death of the new-order "church", and a return to the Traditions that have been passed down to us, either by word or by our epistle (St. Paul), and adhere to -- and obey -- the First Commandment!  And pray too, for our country...

Gene DeLalla

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