Friday, October 18, 2019

New And More Existential Threats Made Against President Trump...

Each new day brings with it new and more unbelievable threats against the President of the United States, Mr. Donald Trump.

It is stunning that even some military generals and admirals -- some retired (thank God!), and some still on active duty (that, by the way, is a major violation of the Uniform Code of Military Justice -- the U.C.M.J.) -- are now calling for Mr. Trump to be removed from office!  In other words, why wait for the lawful process of a national, presidential election to replace him with another candidate?

I contend, that one of the main reasons for these traitors -- in, or out, of uniform -- is that President Trump is a direct threat to the military-industrial-complex that President Eisenhower warned the country about, just before he left office in 1960-61.

Keep in mind, that Eisenhower was a five-star general, and commander of all allied forces in the European theater of operations during World War II.  And, as a civilian, he also knew the concrete connection between the "business" of war, and the vast profits that such conflagrations make for those unconcerned about the blood of the perceived enemy -- as well as that of the innocents...

So, if the president wants to bring home some of our troops from countries, and stop the on-going and endless wars, killing our soldiers and draining what is left of the U.S. Treasury, the neo-con war-mongers go berserk.  They see it as a threat to their very existence; their very jobs are on the line, but not their patriotism -- they have none left...

Where is the Secret Service in all of this???????

Where is any law enforcement in all of this??????

It is noteworthy that any threat -- ANY THREAT -- made on the life of a sitting president, is a federal crime, and commands a lengthy term in federal prison.  So, why haven't those in-charge of the president's safety corralled those punk, leftist, liberal maggots and interrogate the hell out of them????

We even see so-called actors, TV "stars", and nightclub "comedians" calling for his execution in disgusting effigies of blood and mayhem.   So politicized have these media become, that there is little outrage, or at least there is little done to these haters of the president and the Republic.

I have often wondered, why those who hate the electoral process, and the very country they were born in, have not re-located to those socialist paradises such as North Korea or China?   How come??  Speak-up!  Answer me!!

Make no mistake, there is, and has been, an active coup to remove Mr. Trump since the day he took office in January, 2017.  But there's something that the conspirators, and their lackeys in the media,  fail to take into consideration in their rabid hatred: law abiding, Second Amendment believing Americans -- and that includes veterans! -- will not allow a coup to take place.  I guarantee that!

We are living in scary and, at the same time, amazing and exciting times!  Pray for our country!!

Gene DeLalla 

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