Tuesday, October 8, 2019

What The Heck Is Pope Francis Doing???

As the Amazonian synod continues in Rome (not the Amazon???), more and more information is coming out from that cadre of demons that seems to confirm its real purpose: to undermine the basic underpinnings of the foundation of the Church.

What was, or still is, that purpose?

Our Lord said: unless a man is born again of WATER and the Holy Ghost, he CANNOT enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.  Period.

His commission to His Apostles was to preach and baptize all nations, and to teach all that they were taught by the Lord, Himself, as well as the inspiration of the Holy Ghost given to them at Pentecost, and beyond...

In other words, the purpose: the salvation of souls...

What would be good, if the pope were to pull those pagans aside and explain to them that they must become Catholic by entering the Church, and convert from their pagan ways.  Anything short of that, and purpose of the pope, being the pope, fails.

If this Amazonian synod implies, or explicitly states anything different, that is a massive betrayal of Christ; the mission of the Church, and pure heresy.

Already, there is the sick and deadly idea that other "religions" are on par, or at least worthy of being  pleasing to God as the Catholic religion.  Nonsense!

St. Paul tells us there is one fold, one faith, and one Baptism...

As this disaster of a synod continues, we see and hear pagans and their pagan rituals being celebrated with the pope in their presence, if not actually participating.  But the impression and the results are there for everyone to see and hear, and it's not good.

Always remember, the pope is supposed to be the guardian of the Deposit of Faith (Scripture and Tradition), not an innovator.  In a sense, his powers are limited; he cannot proclaim new doctrine as being binding on Catholics, if that doctrine contradicts the infallible teachings of the Magisterium (and the Deposit of Faith).

What is happening at this sham of a synod, is just that.  We Catholics must fear what is coming from Rome, and this pope.  But we must also have hope and faith, that in the end, JUSTICE will prevail.  It's just that waiting and praying for that justice, is frustrating and demoralizing -- and confusing.

We have Christ's promise that the gates of hell will not prevail against His Church.  That is a promise that trumps all that we see and hear: the worst attack -- and disorientation -- against the Church since the Arian heresy of the Fourth and Fifth Centuries.

What we can do, at this critical time, is to continue to pray, sacrifice, if possible, in a way that corresponds to our state in life; never give an inch; stand-fast!

Pray for our country, and pray for the Catholic Church...

Gene DeLalla


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