Friday, October 18, 2019

Just WHO Is Directing The Amazon Synod??

It is becoming more and more apparent that the Holy Ghost is not guiding those attendees at the near-heretical Amazon Synod in Rome.

If anyone reads any of the tripe emanating from the mouths of some of the cardinals and bishops, it should be obvious that the Holy Ghost has been kicked out of the hearts and minds of those who have sold their very precious souls to Satan.  One cannot love God and mammon at the same time; it's either, or...

On a more local level, pray and fight for the complete defeat of what is left of the new-order "Catholic" Church.  And pray for the total restoration of the Traditional Latin Mass throughout the Catholic Church; our only hope for the future...

Right now, the "progressives" are in-charge; they are having their way with the Catholic Church; they now own the buildings, but we have the Faith!

These are dramatic and dangerous times we faithful Catholics are witnessing.  Where will it end?   How will it end?

One thing is for sure: Christ will not abandon His church -- never!

Pray, and pray hard for the defeat of the agenda of these miscreants!  And pray, too, for our country...

Gene DeLalla

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