Friday, October 25, 2019

Why The On-Going, Demonic Chaos In Society?

One of many reasons: the attack on the Second Amendment.  If successful, all other rights will be consigned to the dustbin of history.  For without the ability to defend ourselves and our families, the right to freedom of speech, and to criticize the government and to seek redress of grievances, will fall by the wayside.   Make no mistake, the preparation for total domination by an ever-growing, ultra-powerful centralized government in cahoots with the elite and the globalists that has now inserted itself into nearly every aspect of our lives, will be made manifest sooner rather than later!

But they're not done yet: they want more control over our lives, and that includes our right to believe in, and worship God almighty.

The loss of the sanctity of life which led to: 1973, and the killer decision of the Supreme Court to enshrine the "right" of a mother to destroy the new life developing in her womb in law.  And since that time, nearly 62,000,000 babies have been slaughtered!!

Then, came the following:

From abortion, to homosexuality, to the sexualization of our children, to uncontrolled filth in movies, TV, and dastardly violence in video games, to the massive attacks on the family, to euthanasia, to the brainwashing of children in the indoctrination centers -- known as the public school system, and the undermining the rights of parents in favor of the so-called "rights of the child" -- a United Nations scheme that it "takes a village" to raise a child, to the squashing of our God-given rights Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, to live and work and move where we want, etc...

We must fight back, because it seems that the Church -- that's the Catholic Church -- in America, is reluctant to make waves and upset the status quo.  Unfortunately, the hierarchy in the U.S. are beholding to the monies infused from suspect organizations.  I can name a bunch!  Including our own federal government.  Sure, Mr. Trump is attempting to squeeze the funds allocated to the master killers: "planned parenthood".   But he is stifled at each of his heroic steps.  Pray for him!!

As I have written before, the ongoing and obvious weakness in the Catholic Church's human element must accept the major responsibility for the horrible policies in our society that we see today, not only in our country, but also in most Western nations.  This weakness has led to the near-complete denial of the DOGMA that outside the Church there is no salvation.  A very difficult pill for some to swallow, but true nonetheless...

Plus, the kicking of God out of the public sphere, and the so-called "separation of church and state" -- found nowhere in the Constitution, I might add!!   (Read the First Amendment for yourself.)

Christ or chaos!  


Gene DeLalla

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