Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Forces Of Anti-Life And Their Father...

It seems almost incredible that in the "land of the free, and the home of the brave," we have denied the right to live and prosper, to the tune of 62,000,000 pre-born babies, destroyed in their mother's womb.

The consequences are enormous in many ways!  Sixty-two million fewer American citizens.  Who knows, maybe some would be president, or find cures for diseases that have plagued mankind for millennium...

As the Declaration of Independence states: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, with Life being the first and foremost of the three rights guaranteed by our Republican form of government.  But it is also important to note -- very important! -- that our rights are not derived from the government, but from our Creator under the umbrella of the Natural Law.

This key law -- the Natural Law -- is engraved on the hearts of ALL humans born into the world (St. Paul), allowing us to know right from wrong; good from evil, and separates us from the animals of the jungle.

And there is also the absolute necessity to please God -- the One Who made us.

In fact, the basic catechism states our purpose in this life: to know, love, and serve God in this life, and be happy with Him in the next...

A pretty simple concept to most, but the problem is, is that far too many have rejected that simple concept, and have decided -- with free will -- to serve the Father of Lies, the devil (Satan).

When that happens, all hell breaks loose -- pun intended!

We find little justice in this life, but we can hope and pray for justice to be meted-out in the next at our Particular Judgment, and at the judgment of those who -- in this life -- denied those basic rights to life and happiness.  What a high price to pay for the ongoing scandals that we see and hear about almost on a daily basis, especially the abuse of children.

I also find it interesting that for all the moral weaknesses that President Trump had or has, he is the most pro-life, pro-family, pro-veteran, and pro-2nd Amendment president that I can remember, and I go back to the Truman presidency!  He has his finger in the massive dam of the deep-state; I hope he can hold out, and prevent that monstrous dam from collapsing and entrapping him like an unstoppable tsunami!  Pray for him, for he is fighting the forces of evil and corruption!!

Christ or chaos!  

Pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla


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