Thursday, October 10, 2019

The Facade Of A Representative Republic...

Façade: an outward appearance that is maintained to conceal a less pleasant or creditable reality.

When Mr. Trump was running for the nomination of his party to go head-to-head with then-candidate H. Clinton, he made the promise to (try) to defund "planned parenthood".  He has since -- as president -- actually cut some of the over $500 million of taxpayer monies that annually goes to the so-called "providers of health care" to women.

However, a recent appropriation bill introduced in the Senate by former New Hampshire Governor, and now Senator, Demonrat, Jean Shaheen, seeks to restore those meager cuts to the killer of the pre-born and other organizations that sponsor anti-Natural Law activities to culpably ignorant females and their male enablers, or, as I prefer to label them: co-conspirators in the murder of their pre-born babies.

This poor excuse of a woman, is only a puppet of those who operate the abortion mills as a for-profit "business", dismembering and chemically dissolving the tiny bodies of babies developing in the womb of their "mothers".

What is very sad, is the fact that the Republicrats on the appropriation's committee, kept the language of the amendment authored by Shaheen, for State Department appropriations and foreign operations, via voice vote! 

What does a voice vote mean?   Simply, it means that individual lawmakers’ positions aren’t recorded.

Just who are those who voice-voted to include the blood-money in that bill?  Will we ever find out?  If we did, would we be shocked at the revealed names??  Maybe.  Then again, what we are seeing in our country, is simply The Facade Of A Representative Republic.  It is, for the most part, a secret government not of the people, but of the elite; the privileged.  

So, it would seem that the Demonrats aren't the only puppets in our "representative republic," but also the Republicrats that lack the testosterone to stand up for those unable to defend themselves: the pre-born, who are at the mercy and whim of their "parents" immersed in the culture of death...

If anyone reading this short article thinks that I take pleasure in writing this about my beloved country, you are sadly mistaken: I am a patriot, and because I am a patriot, I have to write the truth.   If I don't, then I am also a puppet.  

What are you??

Pray for our country...

PS: some of the information in my article was gleaned from a story on 

Gene DeLalla

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