Saturday, October 12, 2019

More Crucial And Damning Evidence On How The Twin Towers And Building 7 Were Taken Down...

Over the last couple of years, I have been following an exhaustive and comprehensive study conducted by some brilliant, and very concerned, academics, regarding the demolition and total  destruction of the World Trade Center Twin Towers, as well as building seven (known as WTC-7).

Part two, of this three-part investigation, has just been issued, and provides crucial and damning information in this ongoing analysis of how those buildings came down -- and how they couldn't have come down!!

As we all have seen and read, the Towers and WTC-7 came down in nearly free-fall speed!  But the official government report (the NIST report) said that those buildings (and others that are almost never mentioned) came down because of fires from the planes that hit the twin towers, as well as compromised (enormous) steel beams that gave way because of the heat generated by those fires.  Also note, that WTC-7 was not hit by any planes, and the fires that did occur were limited in scope...
(When one looks at the video of WTC-7 coming down, it is apparent that it is, in fact, a perfectly performed demolition.)

It should be noted, too, that no steel skyscraper has ever come down -- anywhere in the world -- due to fires.  Never!

I would urge all, to read and listen to these data as presented by the researchers at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks.  This institution's study is not being conducted to intimidate any group or any alleged reason that group may have had to bring down those buildings; they are not conspiracy theorists, but they are students of mechanics, Newton's Law, physics, etc., and use the available knowledge to find the truth.

It is said that those of good will who seek; knock; and ask, will find the truth, and that truth will win out in the long run.

I feel that what happened on that terrible day, will, some time in the future, be revealed, and, perhaps, finally, give some measure of closure, not only to those folks who lost their loved ones, but also to a nation that continues to suffer from domestic unrest, foreign wars, and entanglements.

Pray for our country, and pray for TRUTH!!

Gene DeLalla 

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