Friday, October 4, 2019

The Stunning Parallels Between The Vietnam War, And The War Being Waged By The Hard Left In America...

Are there really "stunning parallels between the Vietnam War, and the war being waged by the hard Left in America"?



Whether folks will ever admit it or not, the war in Vietnam was, IN FACT, being won by American forces and our brave allies, and that includes the South Vietnamese Army (especially the Rangers).


That fact was not ever mentioned in the left-leaning press back in "the world" -- the U.S. of A.

After the 1968 Tet Offensive, and after the initial success of the North Vietnamese regular army, as well as the Viet Cong guerillas, both military forces were systematically decimated, not only on the battlefield, but also in the hearts and minds of their own countrymen.  In other words, their incessant Communist propaganda campaign was failing, and failing badly.

However, Main Street Americans were told otherwise by some of the "most trusted" news anchors of the "six-o'clock news".  Does the name Walter Cronkite ring a bell?  If not, look him up; you may be shocked.   But don't stop there; check out the leftist lackey, Dan Rather.  Sadly, there are many others...

And that's the point: as the Vietnam War was constantly being reported as unwinnable, and a defeat for the U.S., so too, today, those children and grandchildren of the Communist movement in this country from the 1960s onward, are propagating the same lies and propaganda of the previous generation.

Make no mistake, the constant attacks on President Trump -- and any God-fearing, family-loving, pro-life, Second Amendment believing Americans, are now the targets of the radical Left.  But those on the "other side of the isle," are too dumb to realize that there is now someone who is willing AND able to fight back: Mr. Trump, and they don't like it one bit...

And don't make the second mistake of not realizing that the final aim of these Communists is to take out our country, if not militarily, then economically, but even more important than that: psychologically and spiritually.

The Left does not know, and doesn't want to know: God.  They will not serve God, only themselves, and the demons that control their very souls...

Believe it!

Pray very hard for our country...

Gene DeLalla

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