Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Devastating Sexualization And Criminalization Of Our Children...

Years ago, there was a motion picture rating organization that was influenced by the Catholic Church, so much so, that Hollywood did everything they could to placate the Church so their movies could be distributed to the public.  Believe it or not, such box-office, smash movies, such as "Gone With The Wind" were actually condemned by the Church.

But no more...

I contend that one of the main reasons for the filth and violence so prevalent in the theaters and DVDs as well as in video games, is the absolute downfall and weakness of the Catholic Church.

This almost-complete capitulation of the Church -- by her human element -- to the spirit of the age, has caused tremendous havoc in our American culture, as well as in just about all Western nations.

This, together with the drugging or our children in the public indoctrination centers -- excuse me, I mean the public schools -- not only with needles and pills, but also with the monstrosity that is "sex education."

Recent court decisions have ruled that the rights of parents to control the information and knowledge that their children receive in the schools -- in effect, the school then becomes the "parent" -- end when those parents drop off their kids at school!

The sick and disastrous: "it takes a village," takes on a new and diabolical meaning.

As the "Brown Shirts" of Hitler's youth corps, the "brown shirts" of today, are recruited from the schools -- both pre-secondary, as well as post-secondary -- filling their yet-to-be-developed minds with the propaganda of the radical Left, and their devilish agenda.

Make no mistake, this agenda is anti-Christ, pure and simple.  It is a no-holds-barred attempt, not only to influence our youngsters, but also to completely brainwash them into accepting that which is un-natural; un-Godly...

They are succeeding.

The elements that make their stupendous success, includes, but is not limited to, the vast left-wing conspiracy of the major corporations in cahoots with the big pharmaceutical companies that invest billions (that's BILLIONS) of dollars to advertise drugs for everything under the sun.  In fact, most, if not all of the shootings of the past couple of decades has shown that those involved, were under the influence of some type of psychotropic drug!

Here is the meaning of a psychotropic drug: Any drug capable of affecting the mind, emotions, and behavior. Some legal drugs, such as lithium for bipolar disorder, are psychotropic. Many illicit drugs, such as cocaine, are also psychotropic. Also known as psychodynamic drug.

Combine unrestrained violence, "sex-education", and psychotropic drugs, and you have a perfect storm that can create bizarre behavior that can boil-over into acts of extreme hated and violence, some coming in the form of shootings...

What is the answer to this madness?

AN answer, is the return of the Catholic Church to its traditional ways!  Sound simplistic?  Yes, but true nonetheless...

Secondly, homeschool your children -- at all costs!

Thirdly, pray for our country, that the U.S. of A. returns to God, by repentance, and with a firm purpose of amendment to avoid evil and do good, and follow the two great Commandments to Love God and Neighbor...

Gene DeLalla

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