Sunday, December 1, 2019

To Deceive, If Possible, Even The Elect...

With all the insults directed to God, coming out of Rome, more specifically, the "Vatican," in the form of sacrilege, scandal, idol worship, and mass confusion under the reign of pope Bergoglio, it wouldn't surprise me one bit if even the Elect were deceived.

One of the reasons for the incredible exodus of "Catholics" leaving the Church, is the terrible catechesis since that other source of mass confusion: the Second Vatican Council.  A generation-and-a-half have suffered under the modernists attempt to supplant the REAL Catholic Church with a poor imitation; a façade; similar looking, but with non-Catholic guts.  But even here it fails miserably, with Masonic-type tables replacing the altar, offering little more than a happy-time social gathering, instead of true sacrifice offered to God for praise and thanksgiving for the spiritual food of the Eucharist, without which, there is no life in the human creature (St. John, Capt. 6).

There have been numerous recent polls among those that claim to be church-going Catholics, revealing a devastating statistic: few, very few still believe in the Real Presence of our Lord in His Mass!  This is not only shocking, but also indicates just what the children of the post-Vat. II era are learning in what are classified as Catholic schools, and that includes "Catholic" colleges and universities.

It should be plain for all to see that any semblance of Catholicity is mostly gone from the campuses of most colleges that still call themselves Catholic, embracing, instead, the secular humanism and hedonism so prevalent in our American culture these days, much of which, is protected by "law" in  the tragic misuse of the First Amendment's freedom of speech.

But it is also fallacious court decisions -- specifically, the 1973 Supreme Court's horrific decision of  Roe v Wade -- that have led to the "legal" killing of the pre-born, wiping out nearly 62,000,000 tiny girls and boys under the guise of "privacy" found somewhere -- nowhere, actually! -- in the Constitution.  Moreover, just how many American "Catholic" women use, or have used, contraception, before, during and after Pope Paul VI's Humanae Vitae condemning same?

Add to this mess, how many "Catholics" were deceived in voting, not once, but twice for Obama?  Allowing eight years, in the office of president, a man that supported Murder, Inc., i.e., "planned parenthood," with nearly half a billion dollars -- that's $500,000,000 -- of taxpayer monies every single year.  Even today, with Mr. Trump as president, there is still close to that same amount of our money going to those sellers of aborted baby parts for profit!

It seems to me, that the "Elect" have been deceived...

If that is the case, then there will be few of the Remnant left at the Second Coming...  What a terrible day of judgment that will be, but the chaff will finally be separated from the wheat, and the demonic will end up in their permanent hellish abode for all eternity, while those left, faithful to their God, will enter His kingdom and rejoice with the Lamb...

Pray for discernment, and pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla

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