Monday, December 16, 2019

"Drag Queen" Performance Attacks Christmas (In Kansas City, MO)...

It has become painfully apparent that such abominations are not isolated incidents.  For far too long, this bizarre and demonic phenomenon has been seen and reported all across the country, and is just another example of the degenerate state of our morality here in the U.S. of A.

But what is truly horrific, is that "parents" willfully and gladly bring their children to these circuses of filth knowing, for the most part, what their kids will see and hear.   It is not pretty!!

We know that the minds of little children are just like a sponge: they absorb everything they see, hear and experience.  Such is a normal way they learn and grow.  But to learn and grow with such works of the demon will do nothing to strengthen them against the trials and tribulations they will face as adults.  Just the opposite is true... Their "immune system," if you will, will become weaker, and less able to withstand the world, the flesh and the devil.

And now, there is a "Drag Queen" Christmas performance scheduled at the Folly Theater in Kansas City, MO!   This "theater" is located at 300 West 12th Street, and a peaceful demonstration will include the recitation of the holy Rosary... If you can't make it there, please pray a special Rosary to end these horrible attacks against Christmas.  In other words, against Christ and His most Blessed Mother, as well as St. Joseph.

(As an aside, St. Joseph is often left out of the equation of salvation history, but in reality, he was specifically chosen by God to be the foster father of His only begotten Son, our Lord.  His duties as a father were the same as the fathers of today: to provide for, protect, defend his family, and teach his offspring.  It is said that Jesus grew in wisdom and grace -- in His human nature, that is -- and was subject to them (His mother and father.))

The flyer for this blasphemous promotion indicates that "all ages welcome," even though it warns of "adult" behavior...

In a sense, why should anyone be surprised at these damned antics?   If we are "legally" able to kill our pre-born babies, then the sanctity of life is reduced to that of a chicken or a dog.  And believe it or not, if one mistreats such animals, there are penalties of fines or jailtime, and rightly so.  But what about that tiny developing girl in her mother's womb?   The "supreme court" has ruled that the baby, for all practical purposes, has no say in the matter, and has signed her death warrant with no appeal process allowed.  There is hope, however, that this barbaric slaughter is on the wane, and the pendulum is beginning to swing in the direction of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, with President Trump now being the most pro-life president in American history!

But much more has to be done to end this ongoing child sacrifice...

And one of those things, is to get the rocks out of the heads of those "parents" that take their children to public libraries to see these sick "men" and "women" perform in the most lewd and scandalous of fashions.  I can't even imagine what a terrible price they will pay if they continue to subject their charges to exhibitions that can very easily warp their minds and jeopardize their immortal souls!

Pray for our country!!  And pray, too, for parents that they may become God-fearing; without that justifiable fear, they can, and most likely, will lose their souls.

Gene DeLalla

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