Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Damned Washington Post...

The Washington Post, you know, that left-wing rag that I wouldn't use to line the bottom of a bird cage -- it would be insulting to the poor bird, and probably cause PTSD from which, it would never recover!

Well, that piece of bias dung, has now pronounced that Gov. Ralph Northam of Virginia, has now come "back from the political dead," after the guv's black face "scandal", all the while ignoring this powerful baby killer and his insatiable thirst for blood of the pre-born -- and now the born!!

Remember he advocated infanticide in an on-air interview?

Yes, I remember the interview, and the reaction of the woman interviewer after this maniac described how a baby that survived an abortion, should be kept comfortable, then the "mother" and her "doctors" could decide whether or not to end the life of the poor thing.

That's after the baby is born alive!

That is called -- and is -- infanticide!

Getting back to the reaction of the female interviewer...  I don't know if that woman was or is "pro-choice," but her body language said it all.  I could readily see a look of shock and surprise on her face; she simply didn't expect the governor of a state to advocate the killing of a born baby,

So here you have it: the Washington Post is so tone-deaf to the murder of pre-born -- and now born! -- babies, that it excuses that Gov. Northam is an ardent supporter of both. But it is certainly no surprise to see their stupid and deadly support for the once-embattled governor, being a radical supporter of abortion themselves,..

Now remember too, that it is Gov. Northam that has gladly supported and will shortly sign draconian anti-Second Amendment legislation that will threaten the very foundations of liberty and freedom of his own citizens through certain types of weapons bans, registry, and eventual confiscation.  This tactic has been used down through the last century-and-a-half -- nearly worldwide -- to enslave a citizenry, and force them to bend to the will of a dictatorial, tyrannical, central government.

And this in Virginia???   Remember Patrick Henry: give me liberty or give me death!

And for you New Hampshireites; the Live Free Or Die state, the New Hampshire house and senate are now Demonrat controlled, with only Gov. Sununu to hold back the dam of liberal gun control and eventual confiscation legislation...  But when Sununu leaves office, be prepared, because those very same Leftists maggots will do all in their power to subvert your right to keep and bear arms.

And filthy abortion supporting rags such as the Washington Post will happily write editorials supporting the next Demonrat governor of New Hampshire, with the phony "get the guns off the streets" campaign, all the while ignoring the proven fact that the bad guys can get any weapon they want for the right price.  That's because outlaws don't obey the laws, only the law-abiding do.  But if push comes to shove, any "law" that violates the right of self-defense under the Natural Law and the Constitution, that "law" is automatically null and void -- and must not be obeyed.

So keep your eyes on the state of Virginia, especially around January 20, 2020.  What is happening in that state could very well become a template for additional states down the road.  I would also suggest to read the relatively short Declaration of Independence; it is, to say the least, eye-opening, and shows what should and must be done if a government becomes the ape of its citizens...

Pray for our country, and pray for President Trump...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us!!

Gene DeLalla

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