Thursday, December 26, 2019

Is There A Conspiracy Between The "Catholic" Diocese Of Manchester, New Hampshire And The Vatican, I.E., Pope Francis?

The title -- and the question of this article -- begs to be answered.

In 1997, my family and I "found" the St. Benedict Center in Richmond, NH, that is, after a young couple came to our home in Troy, NH to enroll us in a long-distance phone carrier.  As Providence would have it, the young couple told us of a traditional Latin Mass just 20 minutes away from where we were living.  The rest is, as they say, history!

I hadn't been to, or heard, a Latin Mass for 29 years!  The last time I attended that sublime Mass for all time, was in Vietnam, back in December of 1967 to December 1968!  In fact, my buddy and I not only set up the altar for our Chaplin, but also assisted at the Mass itself.  What an honor and privilege to serve Our Lord at His banquet!

We faithfully attended Mass at the Center for 22 years.  But we also participated in the extraordinary events held at the Center: conferences, Third Order meetings, prayer events, visiting Catholic politicians hoping to receive our votes, visiting guest speakers, and the like.  What a great experience!  It has led to a deepening of our faith, and helped us to explain to others what it means to be Catholic, that is, to preach and spread the Word as Christ commanded His followers to do...

There were many good and holy priests that ministered to us at the Center, especially the "last" priest: Fr. John Earl... A truly faithful servant of Our Lord.

But all hasn't been peaches and cream, not in the least... It seems that there was always friction between the ordinary of the Diocese of Manchester, and the Center.  Not because of some un-Catholic goings on at the Center; just the opposite...

It seems that for some reason, the dogmas of the Church were playthings to be used to squeeze the Center into compromising what the Church has always and everywhere believed and taught.  The good Brothers and Sisters -- whom we admire more than words can express! -- were easy targets for those who consider political, social, and ecclesiastical correctness more important than what we are supposed to -- required to -- believe if we want to get to Heaven...

The last straw came in early 2019, when the Diocese decided to impose "draconian sanctions" on the Center and the faithful followers of Christ, for simply upholding the Deposit of Faith and traditional Catholic beliefs...

The timing for such bizarre sanctions seems to me to coincide with what is going on in Rome -- the Vatican -- and emanating from the very Chair of St. Peter: Pope Francis.  I feel that the Diocese feels very emboldened by the radical denial of the very command of Christ to preach and Baptize all nations.  Not to mention the heresies that seem to spew forth from the very mouth of Francis, especially watering down the very core dogma of the Church: that outside the Church, there is no salvation for any human creature.  In addition, Francis has practically condemned any attempt to bring to non-Catholics, the true faith.

But for what reason would he do that????

I would ask Bishop Libasci why the malice and hate directed toward a religious organization that is guilty of nothing but standing fast to what the Church teaches.   And further, why is the "Rev." Georges de Laire allowed to spread lies and innuendos about the Center and the faithful Catholics who attended Mass there, and now can no longer?

What is happening is akin to what is happening to President Trump and the continued attacks by the hard Left radicals hell-bent on removing him from office...

In conclusion, the actions of the Diocese of Manchester -- and bolstered by their modernists friends, that, for all practical purposes, have taken over the "Vatican" and the papacy itself -- have conspired to squash any semblance of traditional Catholicism left in the world, and that includes the tiny State of New Hampshire.  All the while, seeing nearly empty pews attended by the few elderly still alive, while ignoring the surge in attendance at the traditional Latin Mass springing up all across the country; attended by young and growing families who believe that one has to be Catholic in order to be saved, that truth you can take to the bank!!

Pray for an end to this persecution of the St. Benedict Center, and pray for the conversion of pope Francis back to the Catholic Faith..

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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