Thursday, December 19, 2019

Here's Some "Hate Speech": MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

Has it really come to that in our country: to say "Merry Christmas" in the public sphere is "hate speech"?  Maybe, but this writer will always say Merry Christmas, and I don't care who, what, when, where, or why it might offend!

As a recent example, Supreme Court Justice Gorsuch was interviewed on a Fox news program, and committed the "crime" of saying "Merry Christmas"...

As expected, the radical Christ haters went ballistic!

Imagine, saying or writing Merry Christmas has now become verboten... How sad, but not surprising...

As I have written previously, the reason for the season is to acknowledge the coming into the world of our Savior.  He didn't have to do this, but He did out of sheer love of His created creatures.

The reason?

To rescue all mankind -- and yes, feminists, that includes you! -- from the gate closing; soul killing, Original Sin, that has infected all humans that have come, and continue to come, into the world.

As we know, we are told in Scripture and Tradition (that's Tradition with a capital "T"), that the little Baby was born 2,000 years ago in the cold of winter, to parents specifically chosen by God from all eternity, to deliver our souls from the grip of the demon, Satan.

Sure, I realize that not all mankind takes advantage of His sacrifice on the Cross, but those who do -- and suffer for it -- will reap the rewards of being with the Holy Trinity, and see for themselves; LOVE incarnate in His glorified Body!

But why wouldn't all mankind take advantage of the graces so generously provided at such an incredible cost?  The short answer is that, not only do we have a weakened human nature, the very reason for the Cross in the first place, but also because many don't want to change, as sin and evil are very powerful tools used by the devil to lure people away -- and keep them away! -- from the Lord...

So, what can we do to fight off the whiles of the evil spirits roaming about the world ready to devour and ruin any immortal soul not girded for battle?   Put on the armor of God; the breastplate of grace -- as no one will be tempted above his ability to resist with the help of that very same grace (St. Paul)...

For Catholics, never give up!   Never think that the Church has become corrupt!  It can never happen!  For Christ the Perfect Head, could never be connected to a corrupt Body!  Realize that it is the human element of the clergy and laity that are corrupt!   And pray for strength to fight within the Church!  If a Catholic leaves the Church, that plays right into the hands of Satan, and he's won!

For a non-Catholic, come into the Church of Christ -- the Catholic Church; be baptized, so you can receive the Holy Eucharist, without which, you will not have life in you (St. John, Chap. Six)...

And for all: pray, not only for your souls and the souls of your family, but also for our country!!

Viva Cristo Rey!!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us!!

Gene DeLalla


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