Friday, December 6, 2019

What Type Of Catholic Is This???

I am getting sick and tired of certain politicians that claim to be Catholic, and, at the same time, are useful idiots for the abortion "industry."

Any right thinking person, whether Catholic or not, would call such  idiocy, hypocrisy.

We are taught that we cannot serve God and mammon, and that we have to choose one or the other.

Not only are we explicitly told this in the Bible, it is common sense.

But there's the rub: the lack of common sense seems to afflict those "Catholic" pols that would lay down their very lives for the "right" of a woman to terminate -- in the most heinous of ways -- the baby developing in her womb.

Lay down their lives??

As I mentioned, the lack of common sense says it all, and, in this case, the lack of spiritual common sense.  It seems that all Church teaching is conveniently forgotten, or twisted to fit their deadly agenda.

I could name more than a few Demonrat politicians, and I would suspect that anyone reading this article could do the same, with several very prominent ones in the House of Representatives, and the Senate as well.

In fact, it is not only the scourge of abortion that these miscreants support, but also their bizarre support for the unnatural "lifestyles" of homosexuality and "transgenderism."  Is it any surprise that the newest threat to children comes in the form of "drag queen story hours" at your local library?

These sick sinners have had their consciences blinded by their many mortal sins; it has darkened their intellects to the point of losing, again, that very important common sense.

Just think, these are the politicians that want to become president or run the House (as Speaker); dictate to God-fearing folk what we have to accept and believe, lest we are labeled hate mongers, or worse.  The current situation is very similar to the tactics used in the old Soviet Union, as well as  Red China and North Korea: Call out your enemies for the things that they, themselves do!  We are seeing this in the constant, unsubstantiated attacks on President Trump and now his wife and children!

This will continue until there is a real change of heart; a real conversion of soul from the likes of Pelosi and Biden.  But if I named the many other "Catholic" politicians that support the culture of death, you may be surprised, or maybe not?

Our first president, George Washington, the "Father of America", knew just Who we had to thank for our blessings; he knew that a Republic could not last without religion, Christianity in particular; he knew, as did some of the other Founders, that a land would be doomed without acknowledging the God who made us, and the virtue necessary to please Him.  But the actions of those that claim to be Catholic undermines those very important tenets...

I'm afraid their hearts and minds have been darkened; their souls corrupted to the core.  That would explain their hate for the gift of life and our freedom to worship the Lord of all -- even them...

We must not only pray for our country, but also for those enemies of our traditions and culture whose desire it is to transform our America into something unrecognizable; something foreign to our children and our grandchildren.

As Christmas approaches, let us all make whatever sacrifices are necessary to appease an angry and jealous God before it is too late.  Or is it too late already?  Keep in mind that God is all merciful, but also all Just, and He will not be mocked!

Gene DeLalla

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