Monday, December 23, 2019


The corporal work of mercy of feeding the hungry, can, in some cases, actually save that person from physical death.

The spiritual work of mercy of admonishing the sinner, can, in some cases -- if they take that admonishment to heart and realize the wrong he or she has done -- can save that person from spiritual death.

The two works of mercy might also go hand-in-hand in certain situations...

But the point here, is that admonishing the sinner can lead to conversion of heart and eventual salvation...

I can hear it now: Judge not lest ye be judged... So reads Scripture.  This oft quoted verse of the Bible, is usually quoted by those who wrest the Scriptures to their own destruction (St. Peter)...

The idea that you, or I, cannot judge someone is complete nonsense, and is easily shown by example.  For the present, however, I will simply explain what God-given common sense tells us: that we judge a person by their words and actions, and sometimes, by their inactions.   We leave the judgment of heart and soul to God alone; that's His job, if you will.

If this is wrong, then God, Himself made a mistake when He incorporated all the elements that make up our grey-matter, and how it functions.

In this day of political and social correctness, the judgment of someone's actions almost immediately conjures up the stupidity of epithets being hurled at the one doing the judging, such as bigot, racist, "judgmental," and the like...

The poison of political and social correctness is being bolstered and strengthened by the very words -- of all people, and the leader of the Catholic world -- Pope Francis, when he uttered the now-infamous: "who am I do judge" (pertaining to homosexuals and other abominations).

 The evil that men do... and I can guarantee that saying something as radical as "who am I to judge," is nothing short of supporting that evil, as well as confusing an already confused "faithful," that is, if they still believe in what the authentic Magisterium teaches.  I have my doubts.  It has become painfully apparent that recent research has shown that few Catholics still believe in the Real Presence of our Lord, Jesus Christ, even after the consecration of bread and wine, into His own Body and Blood!

This is a stunning victory for Satan, the father of lies -- which includes political and social correctness!

What is the remedy for such un-natural, soul-killing sentimentalism?

1) Adhere to what the Church has always and everywhere taught and believed through the two-thousand years since Christ founded His Church.  2) Strengthen our souls with the Bread of Life -- the Holy Eucharist, without which, there is no life in us (St. John, Chapt. Six). 3) Pray!

Pray, too, for our country.

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us!!

Gene DeLalla

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