Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Why Does The Inside Of A New Order "Catholic" Church Resemble A Masonic Temple?

For those who attend the new-order "Catholic" church, have you ever wondered why there is a table instead of an altar?   Moreover, why has the tabernacle been moved to a side area, in many cases, even out of sight of the congregation?   I admit that this is not the location in all cases, but in many...

If you want to see a comparison between what passes for a new-order "Catholic" church these days, take a look at some photos -- they are readily available on line -- of the inside of a Masonic temple, and see for yourself the similarities of the placement of the table, where the presider does his thing...

Why is this, and why was this travesty allowed to happen??

First, it is important to realize that several generations ago, the Communists of the old Soviet Union knew that if they were to achieve world domination, there was one, last organization that stood in their way to accomplish that goal.   That organization was, or is, the Catholic Church.  After all, the Church at that time had hundreds of millions of members that were, for the most part, faithful followers of Christ, and His Church.

Those followers had to be conquered, if not by weapons of war, then by subterfuge from within.  Therefore, Red agents recruited haters of the Catholic Church to enter the seminaries and become "priests," work their way up the hierarchical ladder, to the rank of "bishop" and "cardinal".  From there, it was one step away from the papacy!

As of today, that infiltration of the Catholic Church is almost complete.  I said almost complete; we know that it will never fully succeed; we have Our Lord's word on that, but at the same time, He didn't say that the faithful would have elaborate buildings with beautiful works of art to decorate the interior, or vast sums of money to spend on fancy retirement homes for the bishops.  No, we are told in the Bible that there will be a Remnant, here and there...  A Remnant...

So, where did the idea of the table instead of an alter come from?

For those old enough to remember, there was an open revolution in the Church that culminated in what became known as the Second Vatican Council.  It was called by Pope John XXIII for the purported purpose of letting in "fresh air" into the stogy, old Church.  Yeah, right...

But what was let in, was not planned by the pope -- or was it??? -- it was the smoke of Satan!   This choking, stifling smoke was described by the next pope: Paul VI...

Paul VI was, in fact, a very weak pope; unable or unwilling to face the destroyers and their hideous plan to remake the church.

And how was that done??  First and foremost, by destroying the traditional Liturgy.  That liturgy was the maker of saints and martyrs down through the centuries, so it had to be changed as a major step in compromising the Faith of our Fathers...

Now we have to take a look at the main architect of that destruction: Archbishop Annibale Bugnini.  It is said that he was a Freemason, if true, that would fit right in with the substitution of a "table" for an alter, wouldn't it?  But his main  goal was to replace the sublime liturgy with the vulgar tongue of the people, wherever they lived.  So, in the English world, it would be English, not Latin, and so on...

There are photos of at least six Protestant ministers that were seen at the Council.  It is said that Bugnini consulted with them to get their input, as to what would be "acceptable" to them in a new Catholic Mass service.

The destruction from that bombshell can still be seen today.  In fact, it is not getting any better, but rather much worse.  Recent surveys have come to light that indicates that many -- actually, most -- Catholics that still attend Mass, no longer believe in the Real Presence, that is, if they every did.  This can be the result of extremely poor catechesis following the Vat. II Council...  The mom's and dad's that grew up after the council simply did not know their faith.  That ignorance was passed down to their children, and so on...

It is said that the law of praying, is the law of believing!

So, we come back to just what do those who attend the new-order "Catholic" church believe?  Apparently not the Real Presence; the pinnacle of Catholic belief!

It is apparent to me, that the Freemason Bugnini spectacularly accomplished his goal.

Man, and the elements -- the earth --, have now replaced God as the pinnacle of worship...

There is hope!  More and more younger families are attracted to, and attend, the Traditional Latin Mass, and have formed thriving communities of faithful Catholics, in our country and abroad.  The pendulum has begun to swing back in the direction of the sublime, over the vulgar...

Please pray that this magnificent phenomenon continues!  And pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla

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