Wednesday, December 18, 2019

What Forces Propel Abortionists And Their Supporters?

This is NOT the $64,000 question!

In fact, one doesn't even have to look below the surface; the superficial, to see the answers to this "dilemma".

But what would make my question even more bizarre and downright scary, is that the answers are that many, if not most, "Catholic" politicians are in favor of, and even support those who take the lives of innocent, pre-born babies.

How can this be?

I contend that those "Catholic" pols -- and much of the lay "faithful" as well -- have lost their precious faith, that is, if they ever had it to nurture in the first place.  This can be seen in what is going on in the new-order church since Vatican II up to the present...

Without the faith, it is impossible to please God (St. Paul)...

And so, if one is devoid of the faith (good), then evil can very easily fill that void.  In the case of our elected representatives, that evil comes in many forms, such as money; false compassion; "tolerance"; malice and hate.

It is their contention that if we do nothing to reduce the population, then the planet is doomed, so money continues to pour in from wealthy elites to stifle and even reverse the command from God almighty to multiply and subdue the earth, through the evils of abortion and other means of population control.

Sadly, one of those organizations: Murder, Inc., a.k.a.; "planned parenthood", has received -- and continues to receive -- federal monies to the tune of half-a-billion dollars each year ($500,000,000) of our taxes, even though Mr. Trump has attempted to cut just a smidgeon: $60,000,000, from getting into the hands of the baby killers.  And even that was challenged, and might have been restored by an amendment to a spending bill...

If that is the case, and it is, then where are the pro-life leaders, especially those of the clergy?  Sure, we hear of books, articles, speeches, rallies, marches and the like, highlighting the horrors of killing pre-born babies, but where were those church leaders and others back in 1973 when the "supreme court" sealed the fate of the pre-born in the Roe v Wade decision??

What if they -- and us -- stood up, face-to-face with the devil himself, Satan, and marched down Pennsylvania Avenue to the Capital, and demanded that deadly decision be nullified or reversed, refuse to leave, be arrested and go on a hunger strike (remember those?).  How long do you think that "law of the land" would have lasted??

It has become obvious that those who support the abortionists, have given themselves over to the demon for power and position in this life, with little thought to where they will spend eternity in the next.   I think the reason for that is that they don't believe in the afterlife, and judgment for our deeds, good or evil.

We are currently living in a period of massive social and religious upheaval involving, not only terminating pregnancies through abortion, but also the consequences of the cheapening of life in general, with pornography, homosexuality, infanticide, "transgenderism", and the like.  And part of that cheapening is the brainwashing of our youth in the public school system through a distorted view of American history, as well as the filth that is labeled: sex education, and in conjunction with that, the lessening of parental rights!

Now that we have some of the answers to some of the questions, what is the solution to those answers?

As I have written many times: Christ or Chaos!

Pray for our country...

Viva Cristo Rey!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us!

Gene DeLalla

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