Sunday, December 8, 2019

The Absolute Insanity Of Gun-Free Zones -- ON MILITARY BASES!!!

If the Founding Fathers could only see what our beloved Republic has become, in the sense of a behemoth, multi-tentacled monstrosity of a central government, dead-set on depriving our rights, instead of defending our rights (granted not by that government, but by the Natural Law and the Constitution) I think they would spin in their graves...

Chief among those rights, is the right to bear arms.  That right is enshrined in the Second Amendment, which, by the way, is under constant attack by those who wish to turn our country into some weird and bizarre socialist "utopia," where only the elites would have that special right.




Because without the Second Amendment, all the other Amendments and the rights guaranteed by them, would fall by the wayside, and consigned to the dustbin of history.  In other words, WE, the CITIZENS, would not be able to defend those rights because we would be totally DISARMED!

How does that sound, hunters?

How does that sound, fathers of families?

How does that sound, those who wear the uniform of their country?

And that is the gist of this short article: The Absolute Insanity Of Gun-Free Zones -- ON MILITARY BASES!!!

Again, we have witnessed some American-hating bastard from a foreign country (Saudi Arabia), taking the lives of American citizens as they went about their daily business helping to keep our country free from pond-scum (enemies) whether here, or in some far off land...

The gutless attack on those men in uniform (and innocent civilian workers) at the Pensacola Naval Air Station, proves once again, the stupid policy that deprives men and women who serve our nation, and put their lives on the line, the right guaranteed under that same Constitution, to defend themselves and others...

Let's go back to the massacre at Ford Hood in Texas, in 2009... There, 13 men and women were sitting in a waiting room (one woman was close to giving birth -- and the baby was also killed) when a murdering Muslim "officer", opened fire (where did he get that gun??) and slaughtered all in the room!  No one could fire back and kill that demon.

There are other incidents as well...

What is going on here??

Does it make any sense at all, that men and women that are in the military and trained in the use of weapons are not allowed to carry concealed on military reservations?

No, it makes no sense at all.

The inability to carry on base, was instituted by George H.W. Bush -- yes, a Republican! -- and has been carried forward to this day.  It should be noted that candidate Trump pledged to end gun-free zones at military bases, but to date, that has not happened.  And until that ignorant policy ends, I fear that there will be more tragedies of our men and women in uniform suffering death and mayhem because they could not defend themselves -- or pregnant women!!

As a veteran of TWO military branches, and a Vietnam Veteran, I say that this policy must end, and end quickly!   The blood of those who died, are on the hands of punk elected representatives who put politics above common sense.  As far as I'm concerned, they have violated their sacred oath to protect and defend those very same rights enumerated in the Constitution, especially the Second Amendment...

Pray for our country, now more than ever...

Gene DeLala

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