Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The Left's Rabid Hatred For President Trump (And His Family!)

Dirty politics are one thing, but attacking the president's family, especially his young son, reveals the rabid hate the Left has for Mr. Trump.

But it goes one further... If the Left hates Mr. Trump, and are trying their dead-level best to make the 2016 presidential election null and void, then, for all practical purposes, those hate-filled maniacs are saying the We, the people, are null and void!

It is easy to make that connection seeing what has transpired over the last three years or more, with non-existent corruption or collusion, that even implies, wrongdoing by the president.  On the contrary, those of the Obama administration have shown their true, corrupt colors with support of the very Deep State...

So, my friends, keep in mind that the Demonrats are attempting to overturn who, and what we voted for in 2016!   We are just a hindrance to the hard-Left and their demonic agenda of population control and the destruction of the family: the building block of society.  This is not an exaggeration, just the plain, honest truth.

Their inspiration is radical socialism or Communism (which is more evil?), and their father is Satan; the father of lies.  And by the way, if a lie is told often enough, those guilty of culpable ignorance, will believe it as the truth.

The sickness of the Left, is, I contend, a mental illness; they need psychiatric help and they need it fast.  But above that, they need to convert the hearts and souls back to the God that made them, for without Him, there is chaos!

But until that happens, we must be prepared to do what we must in order to protect ourselves and our families, and our way of life.  That is the reason the Founding Fathers made sure that the Second Amendment was prominent among the Bill of Rights, just after the First Amendment guaranteeing freedom of speech and assembly.  Please note that without the Second Amendment, all the other amendments will die on the vine...

As Christ commanded, we must pray for our enemies, but always, always, be on guard, lest the thief comes in the middle of the night and breaks into a home unprepared and undefended...

Gene DeLalla

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