Wednesday, December 11, 2019

"Crucify Him!" ... "We Have No King But Caesar"...

The "silent majority" is no longer silent!

In the not-too-distant past, the silent majority referred to those Americans that went about their daily business, doing what had to be done to live their lives according to their chosen vocation.  And when attacks were made against politicos that reflected their ideology, they responded at the ballot box -- not by violence -- and put those opposed to the American dream in their place by kicking them out of office.

But today's "silent majority" are not those who live and work and fulfill their duties to God, country, and family.  Not anymore.  And they are certainly not silent!!  In fact, they are on a path to engage us in a potential civil war!

It turns out that the "silent majority" are the bad guys; the Antifa types financed by the hard-Left intent on destroying all that is American, as well as those politicians that have been taken over by those elements of the demonic, chief among those elements are hate and malice.  Sure, not every aspect of our American culture is pleasing  to God, not by a long shot, but we have a "rogue" president that is attempting, for the very first time, to help protect the pre-born, for one, and securing our rights as enumerated under the Bill of Rights to the U.S. Constitution, but at the same time recognizes that those rights are NOT granted by government, but by God, under the tenets of the Natural Law.  Mr. Trump knows that it is the job of government to guarantee our rights.  Thank heaven for that!

We are now witnessing almost continual attempts to remove Mr. Trump from office -- nonstop!  In all my years, I have never seen anything like this, and I lived through the mess of President Richard Nixon, and his eventual resignation, justified or not...

In essence, those radicals who want to establish a socialist utopia, will stop at nothing, including rolling over all that get in their way, as a steamroller flattens newly poured asphalt.  They have no king but Caesar (the toxic atmosphere of hate and malice) -- and his father, Satan...

They continue their attempt to "Crucify Him!" (Mr. Trump) -- at all costs, even if it destroys our Republic through violence, because they cannot win in any other way.  Not by argument, and not by voting into office, their lackeys.

Make no mistake, there is a "deep state," despite all the denials, and that deep state continues to undermine the mostly-good works of our president.  We have to remember, that even if Mr. Trump is re-elected, he will face even more attacks -- even on his family, as recently witnessed...  But what happens after Trump's second term ends?  Who will be the new occupant of the White House?   Will it be another "rogue," or a deep stater, or a socialist maggot intent on completely remaking the nation into something unrecognizable to our children and grandchildren?    

We must continue to pray -- earnestly! -- for our country and our president...

Gene DeLalla

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