Monday, December 30, 2019

A Look Back At 2019...

Well now.. what a year 2019 has been!  Soon, very soon, it will be history.

One thing is for certain: the gloves are off; the wolves are no longer hiding under sheep's clothing, both in the secular world and as well, in the ecclesiastical world.

Some events will continue right into the new year of 2020, such as the ongoing attacks against President Trump by the hard Left in the Congress as well as in the Senate.  I guess one could call it impeachment forever!

I believe he will survive these false and damaging attacks -- to him and the country, and get re-elected, that is, if there isn't some type of major false flag that is blamed on Mr. Trump, such as the Communist mayor of New York City, DeBlasio, who accused Trump for inciting "hate" against those Jews that were macheted and seriously wounded just the other day...

Then again, when an attack on a group of Christians takes place, as the recent murder of two church members in Texas, that were stopped, by the way, by armed security (part of the congregation!), with a quick shot and killed the maggot shooter, the media is silent.


Because the potential mass murder was stopped by an armed citizen carrying a concealed weapon.  One of the main targets of weapon confiscation by the Leftists/Socialists is the "assault rifle".  It should also be noted that the much maligned "assault rifle" was used to stop the killer of an attack on another Texas church congregation late in 2017, but the media, of course, ignores that fact.

These are only a few examples of the moral and physical violence directed at those who are God-fearing; those who are Catholic, especially; those who are conservative; those who are pro-life; those who believe that it is a right granted under the Natural Law to have the means to defend oneself and their families, and so on...

In reality, the racist and bigoted, God-hating media are the real culprits of societal breakdown in this country, and, in fact, in most Western nations, or what is left of them.

2019 also was a year of wars and rumors of wars... So, what's new?  When will we ever learn?  It seems as though that history keeps repeating itself, with little indication of any change of direction.  Even Mr. Trump just can't seem to buck the generals and admirals, and bring our troops home from the near 130-plus countries, and use the military to defend our own borders, and stop the flow of illegal aliens and hard-core drugs killing our citizens.

Our "intelligence agencies" are out of control, and should be completely re-organized or disbanded for the good of the country, and our rights.  Right now, almost all of us are being spied upon, with little knowledge of who and why our personal information is being collected.  Remember "1984"?

2019 was also a disaster for the Catholic Church world-wide, under the horrible tutelage of pope Bergoglio, but he no longer makes any excuses or explanations for his Marxist Communist background; he no longer attempts to hide his disdain for Catholic teaching and the authentic Magisterium; he has unhinged malice toward anything traditional; he wants to transform the Church into some type of one-world-religion, hell-bent on making it into a homogenized, milquetoast, egalitarian entity with little moral or spiritual influence.

To be blunt: he is a traitor to his Master and Lord.  I pray the he will convert back to the Catholic faith post-haste, as he is now in his 80's, and may not be long for this world.

As 2019 quickly passes into the dustbin of history, it seems that the devil -- Satan -- is in control, but that is only on the surface.  We know Who is really in control, but as I have said many times, we get what we deserve.  When we are un-faithful to God, He will certainly allow us to use our free-will to our own detriment; He will send the operation of error to believe that what is evil is good, and what is wrong is right.  And, as the Bible relates to us, there will come a time (it's here!) when the good will be martyred, and those who kill them, will think they are doing God's work, e.g., destroying the tiny lives of the pre-born, and now the born!

But the pendulum is beginning to swing in the direction of the God-fearing... More and more young families are now attending the Traditional Latin Mass in the Catholic Church, in spite of the notorious pronouncements emanating from the mouth of the pope.  More are standing up for God in the social arena as well... More folks are beginning to nullify the unconstitutional "laws" being passed by the radical socialists legislatures across the country, e.g., in the commonwealth of Virginia...

Violence is always the last resort to protect ourselves and our families, and no God-fearing, conservative should initiate such against our enemies, but it is always wise to be prepared for what might be coming down the road in short order...

Let us attempt to make 2020 a more God-pleasing year to stave-off the justifiable wrath of the Lord.

Pray for our country..

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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