Friday, December 13, 2019

T R E A S O N !!!!!

Treason: the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.

Just who are these traitors?   Unbelievably, those elected officials that occupy the House of Representatives; the Congress of the United States of America!

Specifically, the Democrats, or as I like to characterize them: the Demonrats.  An appropriate handle, because they -- literally -- do the work of the devil, and the father of lies, Satan...

Not only do they betray our country -- and more so, our duly elected president, Mr. Trump, in addition, they betray that special gift of life given to us by our Creator, as co-creators with Him to multiply and subdue the Earth...

The Demonrats are the party of death and mayhem.  How?  By getting us involved in endless wars?  Yes, but even more obviously, by their agenda -- with the help of the rogue Supreme Court -- to "legally" kill babies in the womb of their "mothers", that's how.

The current spectacle of these traitors to our country, and their attempt to disrupt and remove President Trump, is just another example of their filthy works, that someday, will be accountable as they stand before the Just Judge of us all: Christ, our Lord...

It doesn't take a brain to figure out their real intentions here: to transform our nation into a socialist, third-world hell-hole, with the elites taking from the "rich," and giving to the "poor," all the while skimming a big fat percentage of the wealth to pad their own bank accounts.  Isn't that the way of globalist elites?  

It is.  

History is replete with such regimes; must I name them?  If one cannot name just a few, then history will definitely repeat itself, and sooner rather than later.

(A caveat: I truly feel that the majority of those who read my articles are more informed than the average Joe and Mary Six Pack, who care little about where our beloved country is heading, just so long as they have a full tank of gas, and a "six pack" -- or more -- of Bud Lite, for their weekend fun and games...)

I just listened to a "rant" of Mark Levin who stated that the next Demonrat that is elected to the presidency, should by impeached!   That's right; as soon as he or she steps into the White House, impeachment proceedings should begin!   


Because as he rightfully expounded, the Demonrats live by an alien Constitution, while the law-abiding live by the authentic Constitution. 

Sounds just like what is going on in the Catholic Church today: a parallel church that is only similar in its outward appearance, but its guts are just a façade; a shell of the true Catholic Church...

I will go one step further, and give my reason why all this is happening in the first place, whether in the political realm, or in the ecclesiastical realm: the systemic weakness in the Catholic Church, as seen by the world at-large, stemming no doubt, from the infestation of the moles and rats (Communists and homosexuals) that were recruited to infiltrate and bring down the Church from within.  It's oft repeated by this writer, but it is true nonetheless...

So, we can now see that there are traitors to our country, and traitors to our Church, and because we make up the Mystical Body of Christ, then these miscreants are traitors to Christ, their Master and Lord.  I can't even imagine the heavy price to be paid if there is no conversion of heart and mind of our enemies...

Pray for our enemies, but also be aware and alert for those who will attempt to destroy our freedoms -- especially our right to keep and bear arms to defend ourselves, without those rights, we become enslaved...

Gene DeLalla 

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