Wednesday, December 11, 2019

..."We Have No King But Caesar" -- II...

Just who are these traitors, these idiots?

This time, it's a little more clear-cut: it's the Novus Ordo (that's new-order) "Bishops" and "Cardinals" -- and the "pope"...

These beasts are a scourge to any Catholic attempting to live out a life of faith in Christ, but the enormous scandal of the new rite of the "mass", as well as homosexuality and idolatry now being propagated as "normal," is the last straw!

Those that foster these mortal sins are not Catholic, period!

They may wear the Roman collar, but they are phonies; a great façade; a parallel universe, if you will...  They are the devil's advocates, but in the sense of working for the demon to undermine traditional Catholicism, and the dogmas and doctrines of the authentic Church.  As proof of this, most new-order "Catholics" no longer believe in the Real Presence!!!

I have to give credit where credit is due: Luther's dream of a non-sacrificial "mass" has been attained.

The enemies of the Catholic Church have been positively identified: not only from without, but much more sadly, those from within.

Does that sound extreme?

Perhaps, but just listen to these miscreants talk on any subject regarding the faith, and see and hear for yourself: their father is no longer God -- that is, if He ever was, but the father of lies: Satan!

We have to pray for our enemies, but we also have to recognize those enemies when they remain hardened of heart, and I believe that is now the case under Francis.  If so, then it is time to get tough; really tough, and get ready, to defend to the death, our precious Faith, our country, and our families from the onslaught of these bastards.

Don't fall for the false compassion and "tolerance" of these monsters!  If you do, they have won the battle before you even get started to fight!

Faithful Catholics may indeed end up in the catacombs once again, so be it, but we'll be in good --  no, make that great company: those that make up the Church Triumphant!

Viva Cristo Rey!!!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us!!!

Gene DeLalla

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