Friday, December 20, 2019

Is Pope Francis The Titular Head Of The New World Order?

Who would ever think that such a question might be asked?

Yet, it seems the answer is abundantly clear: yes, Francis is the titular head of the New World Order.

Titular, because he is only one of many puppets, useful idiots, being manipulated with strings of the real leaders and founders of the abomination envisioned by the United Nations and their minions, which include multi-billionaire elites.

The names are legion, e.g., Gates, Buffet, Musk, et al...

They pour their money and influence into such organizations hell-bent on homogenizing all the peoples of the earth into one, big socialist utopia, with "big brother" in complete charge of our lives.   But it doesn't stop there... Uncountable monies are used to elect other useful idiots to local and state offices in attempt to negate the losses of federal offices -- including the presidency!

Right now, with Mr. Trump in office, their efforts have been temporarily put on hold, but make no mistake, the moles and traitors are still burrowing deeply into the various cabinet offices as well as those entrusted to defend our country, i.e., the Pentagon, and the associated military industrial complex that President Eisenhower admonished and warned us about.

If only it ended there, but it doesn't!

One only has to look at the so-called "intelligence" agencies and their admitted plot to destroy President Trump and remove him from office at all costs.  If that were to happen, the first "Civil War," in comparison, would look like a child's sandbox with toy soldiers.  In other words, it will get very, very ugly and downright bloody.

The Pelosi, Biden, Obama types are some of those useful idiots because they think they will be part of any successful overthrow of our duly elected officials and our traditional American institutions, but in reality, they will be the first to be lined up at the guillotine, just as happened in the deadly French Revolution...

Sadly -- very sadly -- the leader of the over one-billion (1,000,000,000) Catholics, Pope Francis, is one of those useful idiots playing right into the hands of the globalists, if he is not one of them himself.  Yet recent events and statements seem to prove that he is intimately involved in the anti-Christ movement to transform, not only traditional cultures of sovereign nations, but also -- and especially -- the Deposit of Faith (Scripture and Tradition), and the authentic Magisterium of Holy Mother Church...

His attacks on Tradition and the dogmas and doctrines, always and everywhere believed and taught, make him an enemy of the faithful attempting to live out their lives in Christ.  Most terrifying, is his denial of the divinity of Christ, as well as His Resurrection!  So far, these reports have not been denied.  Crazy!

These diabolical plans implemented so far have been unbelievably successful, which would indicate to me that Satan -- the Father of Lies -- is the ultimate force behind their efforts.  It has become painfully apparent that those working for the demon have turned over their immortal souls for power and influence in this life, regardless of the consequences they will face in the next.  But the piper must and will be paid some day!!

What to do?

Never stop praying for Justice, and for the rights granted us by God (not by government); stay strong by receiving, worthily, the Holy Eucharist (the Bread of Heaven) without which, one cannot have life in their souls (St. John, Chapter Six)…  And beg St. Michael the Archangel to defend us in the present and future battles..

Viva Cristo Rey!   Fr. Miguel Pro, please pray for us!

Gene DeLalla

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