Sunday, August 30, 2020

Self-Hating Useful Idiot "Professional" Sport Teams...

The "professional" sport teams in the U.S. have gone off the rails and descended into complete stupidity, using their teams to support the protests against supposed systemic racism and "police brutality."

I have a question for you coaches and owners of these overpaid pre-madonnas: what about protesting the violence, burning, insurrection and anarchy in some of our major cities threatening our law-abiding citizens living in fear for their very lives?


You and your teams have become the useful idiots of the extreme leftists that hate America.  I can only assume that you too hate America and all that it stands for.  If that is the case, then why don't you move yourself and your teams to North Korea, or how about Communist Red China and do your protesting in those hell-holes of humanity where your stupid protest against the state would last about two minutes, then you'd be arrested and never be seen or heard from again...

Put your money where your mouth is.  

You won't, because, in the end, even though you hate the land of your birth, you still know where your bread is buttered with money from dedicated fans who love the various sports, whether football, basketball, baseball, hockey and the like.  It is time, however, that those fans come to the realization that they too are being used by the coaches and owners to make political statements -- that have little or no basis in fact, but that doesn't matter. All that matters is that they take advantage of the freedom of speech in their country to attack the very Founders that sacrificed all to bring forth a new nation out from under a despotic King George III.

Now you fools want to abolish those very freedoms that allow you to protest in the first place.  This nonsense will return to you as a boomerang returns to its thrower, only this boomerang will have much more serious consequences, now and in the future, as the rule of law and order is systematically dismantled right before our eyes, but you don't care.  

I can only hope that the majority of the American populace will finally open their eyes to the fact that they are also being used to undermine our Constitution and the Bill of Rights.  The superrich team owners and their leftist counterparts in the media and elected officials have betrayed their country and press for the establishment of a globalist, one-world-order socialist utopia where all will be enslaved under the thumb of "big brother."

My suggestion: don't watch or attend any professional sporting event that supports the leftist agenda that is diametrically opposed to all that is American.  Hit them where it hurts: in the pocketbook!  The choice is still yours...

Strength and honor...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Friday, August 28, 2020

COMMUNIST: Repeat A Lie Long Enough And Often Enough, And It Will Become The "Truth"...

 Who believes all the lies that we are force-fed by the media -- and those "authorities" that WE elected?  

Apparently, just about everybody that breathes air.

Wear that filthy, ineffective face-mask, and you are one of the "normal" ones; you are part of the obedient ones; you will be counted among the "good guys" that obeys the illicit, un-Constitutional dictates that are plastered on all doors of Walmarts, drug stores, supermarkets, etc...

Keep your face hidden from the general public and your neighbor.  By all means, hide the window to your soul.  What's next?  Wearing goggles to hide your eyes, too?

We hear the numbers of the "surge" in new cases of the Wuhan (COVID-19) coronavirus, and lo and behold, new and more draconian restrictions on our Constitutional rights are immediately put in place by those very same elected representatives -- you know, those who work for us; we don't work for them!

Why have those mayors, governors, county commissioners, and the like, who bought the numbers that, for the most part, are made up out of thin air and believe it as gospel?  It is because of several factors, one being that they have lost their ability to use their God-given common sense and to question and research for themselves to see if the information presented is real or fake.   Also, most of the current generation of Americans have become soft; pampered; lazy, not only mentally lazy, but even more important, spiritually lazy.  If you want a starting point, go back to 1962 when the "supreme court" threw God out of the classroom; it's been all down hill from there...

Some would argue that prayer wasn't stopped in class, only "state sponsored" prayer, because, they say, that is un-Constitutional.  I have a question: where in the First Amendment has the state established a religion?  The phraseology reads: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.. It hasn't, but this warping and twisting of the First Amendment is used time and time again to enshrine the non-existent "separation of church and state"!  

Dare anyone counter this fake interpretation of the First Amendment, and you'll be chastised and mocked as a religious fanatic; a Bible-thumping, gun toting radical, on the fringe of accepted society.

At the same time, dare anyone question or counter the numbers of the current non-existent "pandemic" of the strain of the flu bug, and you too will be labeled a rebel; a non-conformist who will not accept "lawful" authority and their tyrannical mandates to wear the filthy, dirty bacteria breeding face-mask that does absolutely nothing to stop a microscopic virus less than 1 micron in size.  As an example, the N-95 mask is only effective down to 3 microns!  

All that happens is that you breathe in your own dirty air, filthy saliva, bacteria, and not enough oxygen to keep you within the standards set by the governmental agency, OSHA.  That's right, you cannot meet the minimal standards for a healthy oxygen intake to keep your body functioning at optimal levels...

The indoctrination and brainwashing has been enormously successful.  But be aware, it will only get worse!  How?  Forced vaccinations are right down the road and coming for you at "warp speed," the president's words, not mine...  

Will you capitulate and stick out your arm -- and the arms of  your wife and children without a fight to the death?  

Our beloved Republic is decaying from within, just as the once-great Roman Empire slowly disintegrated by immorality, the loss of the sanctity of life, and believe it or not, deficit spending with coins that gradually reduced the silver content of its coins, making them almost worthless.  Just as our paper dollar bills are backed by nothing; no gold, no silver, just the "full faith and credit of the United States"...  You can take that to the bank, right?

Tell a lie often enough, and it will become the "truth"...

Strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


Wednesday, August 26, 2020

The Floor Of Hell Is Paved With The Skulls Of Rotten -- Spiritually DEAD -- Bishops...

This condemnation is often attributed to St. John Chrysostom, but it is more likely that the great St. Athanasius said those words or words similar.  The point that they were trying to get across to their parishioners, is that bishops -- and priests -- have a great calling; a great responsibility to lead their flocks to Christ and the heavenly beatitude, but in many cases, they fail miserably, dragging many souls with them to the eternal hell-fire.  

What we see happening in the church today is a prime example of what has happened to the bishops and priests -- I'm talking, here, mainly of those novus ordo (new order), parallel, false churches that claim to be the real Catholic church, but is only a façade, an empty shell of the Elect, the Remnant...

Over the last several months, the phony "pandemic" of the so-called Wuhan (COVID-19) coronavirus, has shown the true colors of most of the bishops here in the U.S., but also extends, to one degree or another, to the bishops of the world.  At the first illicit, unlawful, un-Constitutional dictate of the civilian "authorities," the bishops capitulated to their demands to shut and lock the doors of Catholic churches across our country.   I personally called the diocese to complain about the churches being shuttered; the response: "The matter is not open for discussion"!  

Did the bishop do any alternative research in an attempt to verify if such a draconian, almost unheard-of lockdown of the churches, was warranted?  Was it necessary to stop the "deadly" coronavirus? 

Did the bishop warn the civil "authorities" that the spiritual health of the souls of his flock was more important than the physical well-being of the body? 

Why have our bishops become so afraid of the potential death of the body (everyone eventually dies from something)?   Have they lost all supernatural faith in their Master, Our Lord, Christ, and the promise that if they "eat the flesh of the Son of Man, and drink His blood" they will obtain eternal life (St. John Chapter Six)?

The bottom line here, is that we have Our Lord's promise that the gates of hell will not prevail against His authentic Catholic Church -- the Elect, the Remnant, regardless of what weak-kneed bishops do or don't do; whether they cower to the medical tyrants, or dictatorial mayors or governors and sell-out their flocks.  

By their fruits you -- and I -- will know them!

There are very few; very few successors of the Apostles that have the guts to stand up and defend their flocks against the attacks of the ravenous wolves, attempting to tear apart the sheep entrusted to them.  

In the end, the wheat will be harvested and gathered up and stored, while the chaff will be thrown into the fire to be burned.  

Remember, obedience to the bishop is something that we Catholics adhere to, except when that obedience becomes detrimental to our Faith, at that point, if we continue to obey,  that obedience becomes a vice, not a virtue...  The Faith comes first, and as the head of my family, I am responsible for the souls entrusted to me, and I will have to answer to Our Lord at my Particular Judgment for making the proper decisions concerning the eternal destiny of my family, if I fail in that gravely important duty, I will have to pay the price...

Do the bishops believe that?

Pray for strength and honor...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla



Thursday, August 20, 2020

Taking Another Look At "9/11"...

How many know that in 1945, a B-25 Mitchell bomber slammed into the 78th to 80th floors of the Empire State Building, killing 14 people including three crewmen and 11 civilians working at their desks, and severely injured about 25 more in the building?

The damage, mostly fire, was considerable between those two floors, but structural integrity remained intact.  In fact, the following Monday, the building was completely open for business and tourists...

The Empire State building was not only the tallest building in the world at that time, it was also the strongest, most well-built skyscraper on earth!

Then, in April of 1973, the seven-building world trade center complex opened for business, including the iconic Twin Towers that were, supposedly, brought down by two jet aircraft on "9/11", 2001.  One of the problems with that theory is, that the designers of the twin towers, had them built to withstand multiple jet hits.  I think that needs repeating: those buildings were designed to withstand multiple jet hits.  This is important on many levels, including the fact that no skyscraper has ever come down from fire, and fire, we are told, is the reason the steel core beams melted and gave way, causing each tower to fall -- in its own footprint!

That is the official narrative that the government wanted the public -- and the families of those nearly 3,000 Americans who died -- to believe.  It just doesn't add up; it didn't then, and it doesn't add up now, nearly 20 years after the successful plot to bring down the towers...

Over the last two decades, many books and articles have been written describing in detail, how those towers actually came down (not by fire), and somehow falling into their own footprint.  The jets that hit the buildings, did damage, for sure, but the jet fuel that ignited into a fireball, quickly burned out, with only residual fire from burning office furniture.  The massive steel core beams, we are told, began to melt because of the office furniture burning.  This is complete nonsense; the temperature required to weaken and melt multiple-inch thick steel beams is over 2,500 degrees Fahrenheit (F)!

 We are also told, that those "passenger" jets somehow evaded NORAD, and the jet fighters that are on alert 24/7/365.  Experienced fighter pilots, as well as airline jet pilots, reject the idea that the maneuvers witnessed by the public and recorded on video, were possible considering the speed and the angle the jets hit the towers. 

As a point from personal experience... I was in the Strategic Air Command in the mid- to late-1960s.  NORAD (jointly run by the U.S. and Canada) were the eyes and ears of SAC.  Any plane or missile, launched in any part of the world, was immediately seen and tracked by NORAD.  When the "attacking aircraft" were first observed, it was quickly reported up the -- civilian -- chain of command.  The rest is history... the alert jet fighters were either not sent to intercept the jets, or diverted elsewhere, away from their targets heading for the Twin Towers.

What we are talking about here, is treason, pure and simple!  Yes, it was our own government, not some Arab Muslims from caves in Afghanistan, that took down those towers!  Also, keep in mind that Building 7 was not hit by any aircraft or flying missile, but supposedly came down from fires from burning office furniture.  Sound familiar?

Anyone who has seen Bldg. 7 come down, can easily determine that it was an example of a perfectly timed demolition.  Even the owner of the World Trade Center complex, Larry Silverstein, is on video saying to "pull it;" that term is used by those companies whose careers are to bring down buildings up to and including skyscrapers...

The overall result of "9/11," was not only a loss of our basic freedoms, but also endless wars in the Middle East, especially Afghanistan (and Iraq under other false pretenses).  We know the "statistics" of those wars, in treasure, but most importantly, in human lives, both our military and innocent civilians caught up in the turmoil and mayhem of almost constant wars over the last two decades...

And now, dear reader, we have another of "9/11": the Wuhan (COVID-19) coronavirus that has further eroded our freedom to breathe free, go to church, and enjoy all of our God-given rights guaranteed under the Bill of Rights to the U.S. Constitution.

The Christ-haters will stop at nothing to suppress our rights into oblivion.  But they are still fearful on one core amendment to our Constitution: The most important, Second Amendment.  Our right to keep and bear arms to defend ourselves against a runaway, tyrannical, behemoth central government, as well as unlawful "orders" and "mandates" from petty mayors, governors, and even the president...

Strength and honor...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Hiding Behind The Flag...

Or should I rephrase the title to: misusing the Flag of our nation...

Isn't it interesting seeing the leftist Democrats making speeches, attacking President Trump, and our country, with the Flag prominently displayed behind them?   But all it takes, is to listen to their anti-American drivel constantly denigrating our nation with their bizarre agenda to destroy the middle class; keep America shut-down, making us all completely dependent on the government for money, food and shelter.

Make no mistake, this is the primary aim of these outed Marxists...

The supposed, once, people oriented Democratic Party of the pre-Hubert Humphrey era has morphed into what the old Soviet Union could only dream of: strangling and eventually defeating America from within, without firing a shot, or launching a ballistic nuclear missile...

These anti-American rogues are well-financed, not only by the deep-state globalists here in the U.S., but also from outside the country from the likes of Soros and those with command and control of the new-world-order, using billions of dollars strategically aligned against freedom-loving Americans.

Even if these band of miscreant brothers, get overwhelmingly defeated, come the November presidential election, they will still make inroads in the lesser elections for county administrators, district attorneys, town councils, and the like.  I'm not making a wild prediction here, it has already happened in states such as Virginia, where both houses of the congress flipped from Republican to a majority of Democrats, with heavy outside monies financing their hand-picked, liberal candidates...

If the abuse of our Flag weren't enough, then look at what these American haters say about our veterans... Sure, they say they'll support our active duty and those who served in years past, but what they really want to do is to dramatically reduce defense spending to the point that will make the Obama dismantling of the military look like he went on a spending spree!  Of course, there is always waste and abuse when it comes to spending taxpayer dollars to keep us and our allies safe.  Not only that, but over the last few years, there has come to light a staggering, unaccountable amount of money either lost or hidden from the auditors attempting to dig out and expose the corruption in the various federal agencies, including the Department of Defense (DOD), NSA, the CIA, and others...

Instead of trying to get to the bottom of this ongoing fraudulent mess, these hypocritical creeps talk out of both sides of their mouths, with absolutely no effort to find out the truth to bring justice to those thieves and felons.  Unfortunately, the Republicans are little better and seem to be incapable to righting the wrongs draining the pocketbooks of their constituents...

So, the choice this November is more than clear: if Biden/Harris take the White House, kiss our America goodbye.  If Trump wins the election, he has much to change in his administration, especially to expose and fire those deep-staters that have burrowed themselves so deep into the halls and walls of government, that it seems that we are dealing with a foreign enemy -- on our own soil!

Pray for the defeat of these Marxists, and pray for strength and honor...

Viva Cristo Rey!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


Tuesday, August 18, 2020

The Platform Of The Democrats: Weird, Bizarre, Un-Natural, And Anti-Christ...

What is the main goal of the Democrats and their weird, bizarre, un-natural, and anti-Christ platform?  Simply stated, it is to erase whatever is left of our Republic, the family, and a God-fearing populace, in favor of a demonically inspired Marxists utopia, where the state is "god," and the state is the "family".  Remember H. Clinton, some years back, uttered her infamous: "it takes a village"?  The meaning, of course, is that the state -- including the public indoctrination centers (the schools) -- will take over the responsibility of raising your children, this will reverse the parent's role as the primary educators of their offspring.  This is not an exaggeration.   Several years ago, a judge ruled that when parents drop off their children at the doors of the school, the rights of the parents end, and the teachers and administrators takes over!  

Their platform further eviscerates the sanctity of all human life: from conception to natural death.  But they will never admit that, or say it in that manner.  They will ramble on about healthcare for "the children," a favorite ploy to show how concerned and committed they are to their voting constituents.  While, at the same time, not think twice about their extreme efforts to insure abortion-on-demand for any female, for any reason!  That, according to these miscreants, is "healthcare."     

This is a warning to all those who claim to be Catholicit is a mortal sin (meaning deadly to the soul; a sin that can condemn one to hell for all eternity) to vote for any of the abortion-loving, homosexual-loving, Marxist-loving, demon-loving Democrats that are challenging President Trump in the upcoming 2020 presidential election.

It is Church teaching that if you are Catholic and you vote for those who perform or promote the slaughter of the pre-born, you are automatically excommunicated from the authentic Catholic Church.  Let that sink in!

The Democrats no longer attempt to hide their agenda; they are emboldened by many factors, including the extreme weakness in the parallel "Catholic" church, which they now consider, their ally; not their enemy...

Whether one admits it or not, the state and the church are "joined at the hip," not separated as some claim the Constitution demands.

Anyone who dares to defy the Ten Commandments, and the Natural Law, and decides to vote for the enemies of Christ, you are a useful idiot; you have drunk the "cool-aid," as the lunatics that drank the poison cool-aid at the Jim Jones massacre, in November 1978.  Over 900 people committed suicide/murder, including nearly 300 minors.

I can assure my readers, that if the Biden/Harris conspirators win the White House, the slaughter will be much greater, and the law-abiding will be the target of their rage and radical transformation of our country.   The outlaw; the gangster; the insurrectionists; the looters; the "black lives matter" types, on the other hand, will be coddled and their violent crimes quickly forgiven.  Kiss the First Amendment goodbye, and if the Second Amendment is eradicated, all other rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights, will be consigned to the dustbin of history. 

Pray for strength and honor, and for the overwhelming defeat of the hard left, anti-life Biden and Harris...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Monday, August 17, 2020

It's The Human "Virus" That Must Be Eliminated!!

We hear from the medical "experts" that we must do all in our power to defeat the Wuhan (COVID-19) virus if we are to return to any sense of normalcy; whether going to church, shopping, or just going for a walk in a park, without wearing an ineffective, bacteria-gathering face-mask.

But what if the real agenda; the real goal is to eliminate or reduce humanity -- as the most dangerous "virus" that threatens the very existence of the earth?

Is this something that emanates from local entities, or is this agenda a much more sinister plan from the globalists, intent on bringing down the 7,000,000.000 (billion) human population that inhabit the earth to a more "manageable" number as low as 500,000,000 (million).  We have read and heard the horror stories that originate from the likes of Gates, Fauci, and the big pharmaceutical companies rushing -- at warp speed -- to produce new, but mostly untested and potentially deadly vaccines.  

How in heaven's name can the world's population be reduced from 7,000,000,000 to 500,000,000?  The only way such a massive, attempted extinction of the human population can take place, is either by a targeted nuclear attack on an unsuspecting citizenry by a rogue military; by poisoning our water and food supply; or, by forced vaccination of every single person on earth, containing destructive altering of our DNA and RNA.  If this takes place, then eventually, through attrition, we humans may resemble some mutant wild animal.  Would this new species have an immortal soul?   

Here is a headline from Johns Hopkins: Mutated Virus Strain Not Seen As More Deadly...

Mutated virus strain?  Not seen as more deadly -- than what?  

Are we going to be forcibly injected with untried vaccines that may contain some weird strain of a mutated virus? 

Events are truly accelerating -- to use President Trump's very words: at "warp speed," but not only when it comes to vaccines, but also when it comes to our loss of our freedoms and liberties, under constant attack from those Godless leftist and Marxist Communists that control many of our educational institutions, media and government agencies.

Senator Joseph McCarthy was right: the infiltration of the Communists into our government that took place back in the 1930's, 40's and 50.s, has only gotten worse, especially during the eight years of the anti-American, Muslim, Barack Obama.  And now his second in command, the sexual predator, Biden, has recruited another treasonous running mate in the form of the baby-killing Harris.  Who, by the way, will probably take over the reins of the ship of state when the dementia-plagued Biden can no longer remember his own name, or what state he's in, providing, of course, they defeat Trump... A true nightmare!

The demons unleashed by Satan are currently having a field day in our country, and around the world.  But there is always hope knowing that the demon knows, that in the end, he will be defeated by the most Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of Christ Our Lord, crushing his filthy, slimy head!

Strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Mr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Sunday, August 16, 2020


So, you think it couldn't happen to you?

Think again...

Do you know your rights, especially those enumerated in the Bill of Rights to the U.S. Constitution?

If you don't, I strongly suggest all my readers get very familiar with them, pronto!

But the sad and terrifying thing, is that even if you do know your rights, that is no guarantee that your rights will be read, or enumerated, to you, as required by law, when you get arrested -- for being a criminal?  No, for being freedom-loving Americans trying to uncover the filth that permeates our governmental agencies.   

Yes, for the "crime" of being a freedom-loving American, and for nothing else, except we want to express ourselves, digging for the truth, when surrounded, as we are, by lies and misinformation coming from the "press" and our own government.

It is very possible that storm troopers will swarm like killer bees around your home or workplace, dragging you right out of bed, or away from your work-desk with their weapons drawn, ready to take you out of this world, regardless of your guilt -- or innocence.  

It could go something like this: "You are under arrest."  

"Why, what did I do?"

"It is a sealed indictment; you'll be told at your arraignment..."

"But what did I do?"

At this point, you are taken hand-cuffed, and forcefully taken to jail, embarrassed in front of your neighbors or co-workers.  They give you little or no information; it will seem that the charges are from another world, and you think: "this cannot be happening, not here in America!"  You know; the country that you wore the uniform for, if you did, and put your life in jeopardy in order to protect those treasured rights; dedicated to leading a moral life as a good citizen.   This scenario is not only possible, it has happened!   And continues to happen as I write this missive...

Yesterday, for example, Millie Weaver -- a contractor for Info Wars for the last eight years, was snatched from her house, along with her husband, leaving their two, frightened children behind...

What was their crime?   

They uncovered, produced and published a bombshell video that has been taken down -- even before it officially went public.  It included a tangled web of PSYOPs and political maneuvering, especially within the deep-state intelligence agencies, that undermines our Constitution, the Natural Law, and by extension, the divinely revealed laws of God.  

Make no mistake, those who mock our Constitution -- and most importantly, our good God, are ruining what is left of our Republic, hell-bent on weakening the rule of law, and replace it with some bizarre version of a leftist utopia with the ultimate goal of absolute control over the populace.

 What is the current status of Millie and her husband?  I will attempt to find out and report back a.s.a.p....

One more thing... does anyone think that the current upheaval in the streets of America are unrelated to the deep-state and their corrupt financiers???   Check out "" for more revealing information...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Friday, August 14, 2020

Why Are The Democrats In Collusion With The Rioting, Killer Mobs?

Because they are traitors to our country, that's why.

I can end my article right here and now, without any further comment, but unfortunately, far too many Americans just can't seem to get their minds around that fact, to deplore the insurrection outright.

Do those who sit on the wall think that there is some measure of social redeeming value in the various "movements" now sweeping the nation?  

Initially, that may have been true, but over the last few months, it has become more than apparent that those "movements" are nothing more than a rebellion against the rule of law, order and the commonweal of society.  And the tactics that have been used, and continue to be used to power the engine of the "movements" have proven to be deadly to friend and foe alike.

The anarchists accuse the law-abiding of what they, themselves do!  This is a tactic right out of the Marxist playbook used by the likes of Stalin, Marx, and Mao.  It is very effective in silencing those conservative, God-fearing citizens, causing them to become defensive, rather than going on the offense, taking the fight to those attempting to eradicate and destroy our traditions, including our families and organized religion.

As I have written many times, that unless we exercise our rights given to us by God, and supposedly guaranteed by government -- under the Bill of Rights to the U.S. Constitution, we will surely lose those rights.  We can see a massive attack of those rights at present -- coming from, of all places -- the courts!

We will have much more to worry about, if a Biden-Harris administration were to take control of the White House in January of 2021, with the freedom of every American at high risk.  

This is not just about the Republicans versus the Democrats.  It is much more than that.  It is about some semblance of freedom and our right to fight for it, backed up by our treasured Second Amendment, versus the stated goal of turning our country into another -- failed -- socialist experiment of fear-mongering and control by the likes of the godless state.  

Remember, that without God, we can do noting as individuals, and as a nation, we will be doomed to fear and enslavement to the prince of this world.

Strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

The Number One Killer Of Black Americans...

Are the police the number one killer of black Americans?


Is extreme poverty the number one killer of black Americans?


Is extreme discrimination the number one killer of black Americans?


Is diabetes the number one killer of black Americans?


Is heart disease the number one killer of black Americans?


Is sickle cell anemia the number one killer of black Americans?


Is gang violence the number one killer of black Americans?


Is WAR the number one killer of black Americans?

No, that is, not war as we understand war to be: fighting an enemy that is threatening our country, or fighting to free others from enslavement and tyranny.

What is the number one killer of black Americans?

"Planned Parenthood" is the number one killer of black Americans.

This was the planned (no pun intended) agenda of the eugenicist and founder of Murder, Inc., a.k.a. "planned parenthood," Margaret Sanger

So, this attack on black Americans is the real war being waged against our black brothers and sisters, especially the most vulnerable of the black race: the pre-born baby.

Our black American neighbors comprise about 13 to 14 percent of the U.S. population, but suffer an outrageous percentage of all aborted babies: between 34 and 40 percent!

Now you know the rest of the story...

To coincide with this mass slaughter, this genocide, Biden just picked the far-left, pro-death Kamala Harris as his running mate in the upcoming 2020 presidential election, the most pro-death combination in the history of U.S. politics!

Pray for a decisive defeat of these anti-life monsters...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Mr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Phony Saints And Real Demons...

The "great reset" of America -- and the world, is right around the corner.

So, to those who think that the current "crises" of a strain of the flu bug must be completely obliterated if we are to get back to any sense of normalcy, I urge you to think again!   There will never be a time when "normalcy" will return; it can't, because if it did, then the phony narrative pounded into the heads of the populace will be shown to be a complete failure.  This is something that the hard left can never admit...

We have been, and continue to be lied to on a daily basis, not only from the "news" media, but also from those "conservatives," both in politics, the establishment medical community, and -- most distressing -- the "Catholic" hierarchy.  

We are bombarded with manipulated numbers to continue to instill fear, control, and to restrict our guaranteed constitutional rights given to us, not by government, but by God almighty.

All the coup attempts and tricks to undermine President Trump have failed, up to now, that is...

Unfortunately, Mr. Trump has been given very bad council; he has succumbed to the false statistics of "Dr.s" Fauci and Birx, without, apparently, attempting to extrapolate information from other sources that, in  many instances, contradict what has been fed to him on a daily basis.  

The result?

A nearly destroyed economy with over 40,000,000 (MILLION) Americans thrown out of work, with many thousands of small businesses unable to reopen due to bankruptcy.  But it didn't stop there...the fear-mongering lunatics have imposed -- and continue to impose -- illegal, unconstitutional orders and mandates forcing freedom-loving Americans to wear ineffective, filthy, dirty face-masks.  In addition, in many sectors of the country, tyrannical, leftist Democrat governors and mayors, have for months, forbade the faithful from attending church services.  This could not have been accomplished without the complicit, pro-Democrat "Catholic" hierarchy in the U.S.   These bishops are cowards and traitors to their Master, Jesus Christ, and will have a very high price to pay for dragging hundreds of thousands of immortal souls down to hell with them...

There's more!

As we know, over the last few months, anarchy and rebellion has overtaken several major cities in the U.S., with killing, burning and looting -- which is still going on as I write this article!  Note too, that nearly every one of those cities are "governed" by leftist, Democrat mayors, unwilling or unable to enforce the rule of law and restore peace and order in the streets, condemning hundreds of thousands of law-abiding citizens to live in fear of their very lives.  And they have justified fear, as the numbers of murders and wounded citizens continue to rise unabated, especially in the cities of Chicago, and Portland, but also in New York and Baltimore.

Don't think for a second that the death of George Floyd was the reason for the social mayhem that has overtaken the country.  No, it was simply a catalyst for "plan B," since "plan A": the impeachment of the president didn't work out for the deep state.  And now, "plan C" has already been implemented: outright threats from the leftist/Marxists in the Congress and the Senate, as well as in the Pentagon, to forcibly remove Mr. Trump from office -- even if he wins the 2020 election by a landslide!  These treasonous miscreants aren't even hiding their plans; they are emboldened by a false sense of security, thinking that the majority of Americans are willing to live in slavery under the all-seeing eye of "big brother." 

I have to admit, they may not be too far from wrong, as more than just a handful of Americans seem to think that outright Socialism isn't all that bad an idea.  If that is the case, then the indoctrination of the masses has been wildly successful... 

But there seems to be something blowing in the wind; a new realization that our freedoms are not free, and will die a quick death if we don't exercise our rights to the fullest extent that the Constitution allows.  There are new pockets of resistance to the tyrants-in-charge, civilly disobeying their phony mandates to keep your face covered at all costs; stay home; and don't go to church for "fear" of spreading the flu bug.  Many Christians have had enough, and are risking fines and jail-time simply because they want to go to church. 

I urge all of my readers to look up on-line, Title 18, U.S.C., Section 242 -- Under Color Of Any Law... it is a short read, but the information destroys the unwarranted, illegal orders and mandates that have been immorally imposed helter-skelter on the citizenry of the U.S. 

Is this still America, or has it become Amerika?

The decision and choice are up to us...

Strength and honor...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Mr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla




Monday, August 10, 2020

Chicago's Continuing War Zone Statistics...

 Over the last three weekends, the "windy city" of Chicago, continues to blow the stench of death and mayhem throughout several neighborhoods, inhabited mainly by a minority population.  But they are the law-abiding folks that are attempting to live out their lives, to raise their children in peace.  It is the outlaw, the "gangsta," and the drug lords fighting for territorial control of their filthy, deadly business. 

It seems that just about every major city that is governed by leftist, Democrat mayors and their failed appeasement and politically correct policies, are causing untold physical and mental devastation and actual loss of life in once-great cities.

Over this past weekend, another 35 people -- at least -- were shot as of late Sunday night/early Monday morning, leaving another four dead to add to the already unbelievable toll of misery that keeps growing under the "leadership" of openly lesbian mayor, Lori Lightfoot.   

It seems that this tyrant is more concerned with keeping people off beaches and limiting the number of people that can attend church services.  Complicit in this despicable, unlawful order, is the "cardinal archbishop," radical, homosexual friendly, Cupich, who was seen wearing a face-mask INSIDE the sparsely attended new-order mass.   In addition, Lightfoot continues to force many businesses to stay closed or restricted in the number of people allowed on the premises, further eroding their now-fragile economy, all the while the city of Chicago continues to descend into ever more chaos...

In fact, over the last three weekends, 128 people were shot and wounded, along with 16 fatalities. This number includes teenagers ranging in ages from 14 to 17 years old.  Not to mention some of the tiniest of the innocents slaughtered by stray bullets fired helter-skelter by those drive-by animals attempting to enact revenge for infringing on "their" territory or drug deals gone bad... 

These horrible statistics are far worse than the past three weekends in the war-torn country of Afghanistan!

In addition to the wounded and dead, just a day or two ago, there was an organized attack of looters that rampaged through "the magnificent  mile" in downtown Chicago, breaking windows and knocking down doors to grab their unlawful booty.  (Portland, Oregon is not far behind, with burning and looting continuing unabated; but try to find those reports on the mainstream media, you can't...)

Just imagine if one of the mayors of these war-torn cities was a Republican!  Their lack of control of the mobs would be plastered across the media day after day, 24/7!  So, what we have here is another example of a complicit, lying, hypocritical media attempting to downplay or completely cover-up the failed leftist polices that simply don't work; never have, and never will... All with the intention of throwing our once-free nation into the sinkhole of Godless socialism...

There seems to be little to celebrate in our country these days, but it is important not to despair -- one of the grace-robbing sins against the great virtue of Hope.  But the pendulum may be starting to swing back in the direction of common sense and the Natural Law, as more and more brave folks -- especially  those who head churches -- are defying the unlawful dictates and orders by the civil and medical "authorities," and opening their doors to public services!  In fact, many are Protestant pastors, leading the way to buck the system.  But where are the Catholic bishops?   Only a few have come together to force the governor of one state to relax his unlawful shut-down mandate of the churches in his state, only one!

 We cannot depend on any one politician or political party to cure all our social ills.  There is only One that we must turn to, to beg for mercy and assistance in converting the hearts and minds of our enemies: Christ Our Lord...

Pray for our country...

Viva Cristo Rey!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla




Friday, August 7, 2020

We Are Seeing The Results Of Godlessness: Anarchy, Communism, Mental Illness, And More...

If a person (or group) rejects God, can that lead to anarchy -- rebellion in the soul -- manifested in outward actions, Communism, the operation of error, and, perhaps, mental illness?

What is it that we have witnessed over the last several months in our country?  Insurrection, looting, burning, killing of innocents.  This makes no sense, especially when the outlaws are not corralled and sent before a judge to pay for their actionable deeds.  In many cases, those who have been given charge over us -- our elected officials -- have failed in their duties to enforce the rule of law, undercutting the efforts of their police.

This is malfeasance of office, but even worse, they are guilty of treason to the Constitution they swore to uphold when they took their oath of office... 

And those responsible for not stopping the lawlessness in the first place, proves my point; without the rule of law, there is pure anarchy -- a tactic of the Communists.  There is no guesswork here, as the founders of the so-called "black lives matter" agitators, are avowed Marxists who want to destroy the family unit, and, ultimately organized religion. as well as America itself... 

We have seen, almost on a daily basis, the evil fruits of their agenda to eradicate any vestige of tradition and history, and insert their own version of a false egalitarianism -- false, because, in reality, there will still be an elite caste system with John Q. Public on the lowest rung of the socialist ladder...

Objective reality and truth is out the window, in favor of "feelings," something right out of the 1960's, and has now reared its ugly head, again!

This is insanity!

One thing is for sure, if we are to survive as a law-abiding, God-fearing society, we cannot, under any circumstances, strive for peace through appeasement.  It hasn't worked in the past, and it won't work now, nor in the future.  

If we claim to be soldiers of Christ, then there is no compromise with evil!

What we are witnessing in our beloved country today, is not the beginning of a radical takeover of our treasured institutions, but is it the successful end of their diabolical implementation of their well-planned agenda?

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


Thursday, August 6, 2020

Putting "Lipstick On A Pig"...

It doesn't change a thing...

There is no magical alchemy involved here; what you see and hear, is what you get.

Why is it that so many Americans succumb to the lies -- and fear-mongering -- that they read and hear on a daily basis, emanating from the media? 

Because the real pandemic is, and has been, Original Sin, not a strain of the flu bug!   

That sin weakens our intellects and subjects our minds and bodies to the temptations of concupiscence.

What has that to do with the radicals' attempt to overthrow our American traditions and our way of life?


With the absence of good, evil will quickly fill the void and the current void is being filled with Communist insurrectionists burning, looting, and threatening the law-abiding nearly on a daily basis!  

I find it amazing that so many of the younger generation are the main components of the radical left that have been tearing some of our major cities apart over the last several months.  

This is a scary situation.  It leads to a very slanted and biased view of what America has been, and really is all about.

Let us call a spade a spade...

Is there real concern about "social justice," or police brutality?  Maybe.  It could be that some got involved in these bizarre movements, initially, out of genuine concern for the ills plaguing society.  On the other hand, one would have to have his head in the sand not to notice the real message being sent to peace-loving, law-abiding Americans by the likes of Antifa, and the so-called "black lives matter" Marxist/Communists, hell-bent on destroying what is left of our Republic.  The message of the radicals?  We Are The New Amerika!  And there is no place in our socialist utopia for those pro-life, freedom-loving, God-fearing Americans!

The miscreants in the medical establishment have used the Wuhan (COVID-19) coronavirus as a façade, to practically destroy the livelihoods of nearly 40,000,000 (MILLION!!) Americans and their ability to provide for their families.

It is very sad to see that our president has succumbed to the falsified numbers of cases and deaths from the current "pandemic" that are plastered across the liberal media outlets day after day, convincing John Q. Public that this is the worst thing the world has ever experienced.  

When will it end?

That's anybody's guess, but it seems likely that it could get to the point of defending ourselves and our families according to our Second Amendment right enumerated in the Bill of Rights to the U.S. Constitution...

Make no mistake, it takes guts for the "good guys" to take action, whether in the form of legislation, or putting everything on the line for the commonweal of society...

Unfortunately, there is extreme weakness on the part of those who label themselves "conservative," whether in politics, or in the ecclesiastical realm, capitulating to fear and intimidation.  So, in effect, we are on our own.

Or are we?

If we think that is the case, then we have forgotten that Christ is in-charge of our lives, not a politician nor rioter.

Pray for our country, and for strength and honor...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


Wednesday, August 5, 2020

The Crosses We (Should) Bear...

Years ago, when I frequently donated blood for various causes, there was a slogan inside some of the facilities that read: Be A Quiet Hero, Give Blood, or words to that effect...

Some, I'm sure, did it for vainglory, but most would not brag about their donations, and kept their kindness and sacrifice for those in need, below the radar screen.

The very first time I donated blood was in 1966 while in the Air Force.  The call went out base-wide for blood donors to help replace the blood and plasma that was used for the child of one of the Airmen stationed at our "tiny" Strategic Air Command base in the northeast corner of the state of Arkansas...

After working the overnight shift, providing perimeter security (protecting the alert B-52 bombers and KC-135 refueling tankers), nearly the entire flight (equivalent to an Army company) boarded an Air Force bus, and headed down to Memphis, Tennessee.  Our final destination was the St. Jude Children's Research hospital, founded by the actor, Danny Thomas, where the Airman's son was being treated, for what I believe, was some type of rare cancer.

A few of my fellow G.I.s dozed-off during the 70-mile trip to Memphis...  In fact, we didn't have enough time to change out of our duty uniforms, which included our fatigues, combat boots, and B-15 insulated jackets, minus only our Air Police badges...

The long trip culminated when we arrived at St. Jude's, tired and hungry, but glad to be able to help out our brother's son... To our happy surprise, we were treated to a great dinner of southern fried chicken and all the fixings... 

After the blood donation, we were given a tour of the incredible facility, treating mostly very young children with various diseases, especially rare forms of cancer.   

Even though this event took place 54 years ago, I, and most of my brother G.I.s, were quite impressed with the space-age-type-machines and associated equipment to treat the little patients.  And what was most impressive, as we were taken through the halls and treatments areas, was seeing up close and personal, these little troopers fighting for their very lives.   Some of these youngsters were barely ten years old, and many younger...

I wonder how many of these children knew what was really going on, or how and why they should be handling their individual dilemmas.   Did they think of their suffering as a Cross that had to be carried to the end of their successful treatment of their disease, or carried to the end of their young lives?   I don't know what they were thinking, but their parents knew exactly what was going on, and shouldered the burden of carrying Crosses for themselves -- and their child...

Such parents, and others who bear their Crosses, are the real heroes in this life...

Do we have the courage and guts to bear our Crosses and follow Our Lord on that narrow road that leads to life-eternal?  

Pray for strength and honor -- and His grace!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla



Sunday, August 2, 2020

Face-Masks Required At Price Chopper Market?

Yesterday, my wife bought a few things at the supermarket chain, Price Chopper in Liberty, Missouri...

There is a sign at the front entrance telling any perspective shopper that they must wear a face-mask.  My wife walked in without a face-mask; no one stopped or questioned her, either at the entrance to the store, nor while inside the store...

I decided to stay in the parking lot and observe those shoppers coming and going...  Every customer that came out of the store had a face-mask, as well as those about to enter the store who put on their useless face-mask.  

The day was bright, sunny, with a slight breeze.  In other words, a beautiful day in western Missouri...

What I did notice, though, is that when the customers exited the store, and headed back to their vehicles, most still had on their masks while putting their groceries in their cars or pick-up trucks.  In fact, most didn't take off the masks until they got behind the wheel to head home.  

Interestingly, the Price Chopper employees that collected the shopping carts outside, in the parking lot, did not wear a face-mask

I have also seen some completely indoctrinated adult drivers wearing a face-mask while driving down the street in their vehicles!   

A recent survey claims that 9 out of 10 Americans wear a face-mask outside of their homes!  I find that hard to believe, but after watching all those mind-numbed robots entering and leaving Price Chopper, perhaps that survey is more accurate than I first thought. 

What really angers me, is that most of those "freedom-loving" Americans, accept at face value what they are told to do without researching; without questioning to find out if the (unlawful) mandates from the civil and medical "authorities" is factual or not.

That is scary!

What's next on the agenda of the fear-mongering, deep-state globalists?   Face-masks forever; "social distancing" forever; forced vaccinations for every man, woman, and child in America?   If that is the case, then we can change the spelling of our beloved nation from America, to Amerika, indicating complete government control of the populace, under the guise of "keeping us safe" from every germ under the sun...

One last thing that must be repeated: the paper or cloth face-mask -- even the "more effective" N-95, which can only filter down to 3 microns -- cannot stop the microscopic, COVID-19 virus, less than 1 micron in size!   In essence, all face-masks that you see folks wearing, are completely worthless.  In fact, when using a face-mask, you are breathing in your own germs, bacteria, dirt and saliva, and sending that filth down into your lungs.  

Remember the prophetic words of Ben Franklin: those who willingly sacrifice their liberties for security  (safety) -- deserve neither!

Resist the stupidity!

Strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla



Devastating Implications Of Heretical "Cardinals" Voting In The Next Conclave! (The Sedevacantists Will Have A Field Day, Proving They Are "Right"!)

 Think about the horrific implications of heretics voting for the next pope! What are some of those implications? How about the fact that a ...