Monday, May 31, 2021

The "Recovation" Of The Blessed Virgin Mary, MOTHER Of Christ -- Directed By SATAN!!

 "Now there stood by the cross of Jesus His mother, and His mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Cleopas, and Mary Magdalene.  When Jesus therefore saw His mother, and the disciple whom He loved standing by, He said to His mother, “ Woman, behold your son! ” Then He said to the disciple, “Behold your mother!" (St. John, 19:25-27, King James Version.)

Just before our Lord breathed His last breath, when dying on the Cross, the above words were spoken... (St. John was the only Apostle that did not run away from the Jews or the Romans.)... 

The words of Christ, our Lord, demands that all Catholics -- in fact, ALL Christians of every stripe, must -- must! -- venerate the Mother of Christ (God!).  There is no wiggle room here!

The modernists; the godless have nearly destroyed the veneration due to the Blessed Mother of God! 

Think about this on human, more secular terms... I would presume that all of my readers have love for, and veneration of their earthly mothers.  Right?  If not, get your act together and convert your hearts and minds back to your obligation to take good care of your mothers (and fathers), especially in their old age! 

Such obligation is not a suggestion from me, it is demanded by the tenets of the Natural Law, and the Ten Commandments of God almighty: Honor thy father and thy mother!

Disregard this Commandment, and suffer the consequences at your Particular Judgment... Such is the weight of the obligation to venerate and care for your parents...

How much more do we -- or should we -- have veneration of the Blessed Mother of Christ, our Lord?  If any Protestant truly believes that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, you must acknowledge that He was in His Mother's womb for nine months; fed by the blood coursing through her veins to His body, just as any normal human baby.  This is a biological fact of life... 

Know, that the Blessed Mother of Christ is the most perfect of all God's creation; of all creatures ever to come from the mind of God.

The question of, when did the veneration of the Blessed Mother begin to diminish, and, in some cases, cease completely?  Speaking from experience, I can write that just as the Second Vatican Council was at its end (October, 1965), the sodalities of Our Lady began to dissolve -- as the recovation of some of the most beautiful churches across the globe also began. 


I think not.  

Satan, the father of lies, murder and deceit, does nothing by happenstance, but by design.  That damned, filthy liar was, and still is, behind the modernists' attack on the true Church of Christ and His most Blessed Mother.  However, he, Satan, knows that in the end, his head will be crushed by the heel of the Blessed Virgin Mary!  I wonder how that makes the evil one feel, knowing that a WOMAN will cast him into hell forever??

I can't wait!

Pray that the enemies within the true Church have a conversion of heart, or, if not, then for their complete and total defeat...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Blessed Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us!

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in the battle that is to come!

Gene DeLalla


Sunday, May 30, 2021

The In-Your-Face Sexual Predator, Biden, "President" Of The United States...

Is it really possible that a president of the United States is an active, in-your-face sexual predator?

It is not only possible, it is happening right before our eyes!  

If you believe that someone can inherit a physical, genetic defect from his or her parents, you've guessed right.  But can a son or daughter inherit sexual predation, too?

I don't know if that is possible, yet it seems that a particular parent -- a father -- is demonstrating to the world that he, is, in fact, an active sexual predator, and he is sitting in the Oval Office as I write this.  Could it be that this -- ongoing -- dysfunction was passed down to his drug-slave son, Robert Hunter??

Not only is this miscreant, Biden, mentally impaired, he continues his creepy, filthy, physical assaults on children, adolescents, and married women, right smack on camera for all to see.   

Where are the outcries from the mainstream media?  Where are the calls from the radical feminists and law-enforcement officials to drag this rogue predator into court and eventually behind bars?  I'm afraid that our beloved country is so corrupt -- and dysfunctional itself -- that such justice will most likely never come for Biden and his equally -- or more -- corrupt son, Hunter.

I can assure my readers that if a conservative Republican was seen or caught fondling a married woman, -- or worse, a child -- live, on air, he would be tarred and feathered in a New York minute, brought up on sexual assault charges and removed from office in a heartbeat!

Is there any integrity left at the "department of justice"?  Why can't they take the available evidence -- that is in the public domain -- and prosecute this child abuser?   What are they so afraid of?

I ask that question rhetorically, of course, as I realize that if anyone dared to fulfill the duties of their office, and corral Biden and Hunter, they would end up on the street, or, found dead.  Cause of death: by "suicide"

We must all keep in mind, that this sick, immoral, mentally compromised predator has his finger on the nuclear button!  Remember that, every time you see or hear Biden open his filthy mouth, filled with sexual innuendo...

It is said that we get what we deserve, and that is exactly what is happening.  Our good God will allow our hearts desire, and if we desire to kick Him out of our lives, He will allow evil to fill that massive void.  It has happened before and will happen again, that is, if we don't convert our hearts, minds, and souls and recognize that we can do nothing good or praiseworthy, without our Lord, Jesus...

He has given His creatures the power to co-create with Him, yet we destroy His gift of life by the "legal" killing of the pre-born.  If we, as a society, can justify those heinous sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance, including openly performing homosexual "marriages," then we can expect the JUSTICE of God's wrath to come down on us like an unleashed Sword of Damocles...

Whether we like it or not, Christ has commanded that we pray for our enemies, so we must pray for Biden and his family that they return to a state of sanctifying grace for the good of their immortal souls.  If we fail at this command, we will have disobeyed the second great Commandment to Love thy neighbor...

May God have mercy on our country...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Blessed Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in the battle that is to come..

Gene DeLalla




Friday, May 28, 2021

Have You Been "Ecologically Converted"?


I am not being flippant: I am asking a serious question!

Over the last few years, we have been exposed to some of the most blasphemous nonsense coming from the seat of Catholicism: Rome (the Vatican), in the form of the Pachamama earth-worship cult, still being fostered on a dumbed-down, lackadaisical and poorly catechized Catholic population...

It appears that the command given by our Lord to preach the Gospel to all nations, and to baptize in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, has now been relegated and made subservient to the new priority of "ecological conversion".

Remember some years back, when that evil woman, Hillary Clinton, spewed the lunacy that it takes a village to raise a child?   (The implication is that the parents are not capable, nor do they have an absolute right to rear and educate their precious offspring.)   This insult to the Natural Law has now reared its ugly head once again, only this time, we are being hammered with guilt about how we have mistreated "mother earth," and that we'll soon reap the consequences of our abuse, that is, if we don't "confess" and "repent" of the "ecological sins" we have "committed"! 

If this apostacy wasn't so diabolical, it would truly be laughable...

Is this drivel, this madness, the "new normal" for the new order "Catholic" Church?  Perhaps, but this craziness is absolutely meaningless to those who hold to the authentic teachings of Holy Mother Church and the Traditions handed down by the Apostles and their legitimate successors...  

Sure, we have to be good stewards of God's creation, but to place the creation above the Creator is, without a doubt, idolatry!

So, pope Francis concocted and issued some ridiculous ecological blather right around the same time as the celebration of the most important feast of the Church: Pentecost.  The Holy Ghost, the Paraclete, promised by Christ, came down from Heaven on that momentous day and descended upon the Apostles and the fledgling church, to strengthen and invigorate His disciples to preach the Gospel to all nations...

And, today?  We have a very bizarre form of apostacy sweeping through the ranks of the hierarchy, trickling down to the dwindling faithful sitting in half-empty pews waiting to hear the truths embodied in the Deposit of Faith, but instead, get fed only the lies of the father of lies, Satan...

Pray for strength and honor to face what is coming down the road.  Never lose sight of our Savior!  Never fear!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Blessed Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel pray for us!

Gene DeLalla 


Thursday, May 27, 2021

Is The Last Nail About To Be Pounded Into The Coffin Of The Traditional Latin Mass?

In a previous article, I hinted that the powers that be could be planning to infringe upon the ancient Mass of all times; the Mass that produced countless martyrs and saints down through the centuries.

The Traditional Latin Mass continues to come under attack from a most dubious source: from the very Chair of St. Peter and his unholy cabal of the haters of Tradition; a tradition handed down from Christ and reinforced by the blood of the Apostles and their brave disciples, as they fulfilled the command of our Lord to preach the Gospel to all nations.  That command included the baptizing of those believers in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost... It seems that that command has fallen on deaf ears of the current hierarchy, more concerned with "climate change" and other social issues, rather than on the salvation of souls -- the primary mission of the Church.

Today is May 27, 2021, and, as of a couple of days ago, more distressing news has leaked out about the possible abrogation of the Traditional Latin Mass, or at least a radical transformation of that time-honored, sublime Mass, into something unrecognizable to faithful Catholics.   

The timetable for such a blasphemy could be as early as this July, or shortly thereafter.

We shouldn't be surprised at this diabolical development, as the current pope has clearly stated that he laments the fact that more and more young families are attracted to the TLM. All the while, most novus ordo parishes are seeing dwindling attendance and fewer dollars in the collection plates...

So, what is attracting more and more faithful Catholics to the TLM?  It is not "only" the sublimity of the Mass, but it is also the fact that the law of praying is the law of believing.  

What does that mean?

It means that the precepts, dogmas, and perennial doctrine of the Church on faith and morals are believed and faithfully preached from the pulpit.  It means that the Holy Eucharist is treated reverently and presented to the faithful on the tongue while kneeing at the communion rail.  It also means evangelizing those outside the Church to enter the one Ark of Salvation in order to enter a state of grace in order to be saved.

It means that if the TLM is somehow betrayed by the Judas's in the Vatican, the Elect might have to revert to the catacombs once again, as the early saints and martyrs had to do during the heinous persecution of the godless Roman Emperors.  Only in the present day, it is by a godless hierarchy...

So be it...

We'll have to wait and see what transpires in the coming months... In the meantime, continue to pray for strength and honor, to resist to the face, those enemies within the Church...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Blessed Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, pray defend us in battle! 

Gene DeLalla




Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Christ Or Chaos: Attacks On God, The Family, The Pre-Born And The Authentic Catholic Church...

 If we take a look around us, it would seem that with all that is wrong, or evil and un-natural, it would make one believe that the End Times are quickly approaching; that Christ, our Lord, will shortly come back to set things straight and separate the wheat from the chaff; the sheep from the goats...

We, as faithful Catholics, and others who claim to fear God, have recognized at least several enemies of the virtues of faith, hope and charity.  The goal of these enemies is to cause fear, division, confusion and doubt that God is, and that, even though it seems the world around us is crumbling like a house of cards, He, ultimately, is in control of events and His Elect; the Remnant...

Of course, one of the main targets of the enemy of the human race (the devil) is the family.  Satan hates new life, and the parents who are faithful in their duties to nurture and educate their offspring in the ways of the divinely revealed laws of Christ, His Father, and the Holy Ghost through His authentic Catholic Church -- whose main task is the salvation of souls, not "climate change," or its brother-god, the environment!

Unfortunately, one of the sources of the diabolical scheme to elevate "mother earth" to be equal in importance to God -- the Creator of our Earth -- is emanating from Rome!  With all that has happened over the last two or three years regarding idolatry, and earth-worship, it is difficult to give the benefit of the doubt of what the real intentions are of those who foster this horrendous violation of the First Commandment.

So, who is in-charge of these scandalous acts of blasphemy?  

There seems to be a cabal of leftist ideologues that have infiltrated the hierarchy, hell-bent on transforming the authentic Catholic Church into something unrecognizable; something other than what our Lord intended -- or, should I say, commanded it to be? 

It also seems that the "progressives" (in the church) have capitulated to the enemies of the Church by ingesting the false idea that the Church must be brought up to conform to the spirit of the age.  Does this sound familiar?  It should, for any student of church history...

If all this sounds too negative, I admit that it is, but the devil must be given his due, as he has pulled-off one heck of an operation to weaken the faith of those marginally Catholic.  Further, such madness of "earth-worship" and other scandals such as adolescent abuse and rampant homosexuality, have caused many considering coming into the Church -- the one Ark of Salvation -- to change their minds.  The main problem with that, is that they are losing the one opportunity to obtain the sanctifying grace necessary to save their souls and be saved.  

As I have written several times in previous articles, Christ -- the pure, perfect Head of the Church -- cannot have a gangrenous, decaying body.  That is a spiritual impossibility!  But that is exactly the lie that Luther and his fellow apostates used as an excuse to bolt from the bosom of Holy Mother Church.  Whether he knowingly or unknowingly, failed to separate the rotten clergy from the Spotless Bride of Christ!  If he did know exactly what he was doing, then his sin was even more damning...  

As President Truman once quipped: The buck stops here -- at my desk!

I will leave it up to my readers to come to their own conclusion on whose desk the present "buck" should be found...

Resist!  And pray for strength and honor!  St. Michael defend us in battle.

Viva Cristo Rey!  Blessed Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Thursday, May 20, 2021

C L I M A T E Lockdowns Coming??

The horror of the recent lockdowns due to the covid virus (the political and medical tyrants told us it was for our own good!) is still fresh in our minds.  And it should be, as that draconian and unnecessary action caused more harm than the so-called virus itself, with isolation leading to deep depression, all the way to the point of despair and eventual suicide that skyrocketed over the last year.  

There's a lot of talk these days about reparations because some of our Founders might have had slaves, or indentured servants working their properties, but I contend that the real "slave owners" are the current-day Demonrat governors Gretchen Whitmer and Gavin Newsome of Michigan and California respectively, keeping their citizens in almost permanent lockdowns, supposedly to slow the spread of the Wuhan coronavirus.  (A phony pandemic cannot be used to suspend our God-given, Constitutionally protected rights, especially freedom of movement, and to worship in our churches.)

This is pure madness, and I suspect there might be some iota of mental illness festering in those two characters!  

Hundreds of thousands of small businesses were destroyed, simply closed, or went into bankruptcy, unable to meet rent or payroll.  Those "mom and pop" establishments were the dream of those entrepreneurs who saved all their lives to make that dream come true, only to see their lives ruined by uncaring, un-Godly bureaucrats under the thumb of the enemy of the human race; the devil and his minions...

If this situation wasn't bad enough, there is now an insidious, covert and stealth initiative being developed using the big media guns to keep the dumbed-down populace from getting a grip on what might be coming down the road: CLIMATE lockdowns!

It seems that the "climate change" loonies are using statistics that showed a "big" drop in emissions when travel, and movement in general, were severely curtailed due to the hoax-virus.  Now, they see a grand opportunity to implement the next phase which is to de-populate the earth.  And that's exactly what this evil is really all about: reduce the number of people inhabiting the earth to less than a billion world-wide!  That would mean killing-off over six billion human beings in order to fulfill the dictates of the father of lies -- and their father, Satan...

Do you think that the chemical-laden "vaccines" being pushed on a brain-washed citizenry might be part of that murderous effort??

If what I have just written seems extreme, just read or listen to these maniacs spew their lies through the mainstream media, warning that the Earth has less than a dozen years before we're all doomed because of "climate change," if we don't radically change the way we live, work and travel...

It's not just those in the secular realm that are pushing this deadly nonsense, it is also coming from -- what I would think, as a Catholic -- an unlikely source: The Pope.  Yes, Bergoglio, too, is a puppet being manipulated by the globalists, and aligns himself with those who foster abortion -- regardless of his throwing faithful Catholics a crumb or two of condemnation regarding this deadly subject -- contraception, depopulation, illegal alien migration across borders of sovereign nations and the (non-existent) climate change!

As proof of Bergoglio's radical stance on "climate change," here is an excerpt from an article posted on, May 20, 2021...

 Biden administration climate czar John Kerry met with Pope Francis in a private audience last weekend, lauding the pontiff as “one of, if not the ... most powerful voices” on “climate change” ideology.

“Well, the pope is one of the great voices of reason and compelling moral authority on the subject of the climate crisis,” Kerry said in an interview with Vatican News after his audience. He added that Francis’s “voice will be a very important voice leading up to and through” the upcoming U.N. climate summit in Glasgow this year, which Kerry said he believes the Pope “intends to attend.”

End of excerpt...

A monstrous scandal if there ever was one!

What can we do as concerned Americans to counter these anti-Christs?  First, pray, but also write or use whatever talents that our Lord has given you and I to resist these maniacs to their faces!  Contact and support our elected representatives who share our beliefs, especially that God will not be mocked, and, that He will have His justice!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Blessed Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Rogue "President" Biden Now -- Officially -- Threatens American Citizens: “Those Who Are Not Vaccinated Will End Up PAYING THE PRICE.”

 The mentally impaired, Biden, is apparently coherent enough -- at times -- to officially threaten American citizens with his latest screed directed at those who do not want to take the untested, filthy, and potentially deadly "vaccine," by saying: "Those who are not vaccinated will end up paying the price!" 

Does this sound like what a "president" of the United States would say to his fellow citizens?

Or, does this sound more like a threat from Xi of Red Communist China?  Or Communist North Korea?  Or from some Jihadist lunatics hell-bent on perpetual war in the tinder-box that is the Middle East?  (I purposely leave out President Putin of Russia, because I think he would realize what would happen if he dared to declare to the American people what Biden did.)

If it is not completely apparent by now, let me say it for my readers: We are dealing with a domestic enemy sitting in the Oval Office officially threatening those Americans who do not want to get a "vaccine" that was developed, and, in some cases, produced with the cell-lines from the bodies of dead, aborted babies...

This miscreant sounds more like a thug, cornering a victim in a darkened ally, telling him to hand over his money or end up paying the price!

Is it any wonder that gun sales have gone through the roof since January, purchased mostly by first-time buyers?  

When someone joins the military services, or is elected to office, or becomes a police officer, he or she takes an oath of office... Here are some of the words of that oath "... to defend and protect the Constitution of the United States, from all enemies, both foreign and domestic... so help me God"!

So, let me ask you a question, "president" Biden: Are you an American, or are you a bought- and-paid-for puppet of the billionaires and Communists?

Who do you think you are threatening Americans -- that includes hundreds-of-thousands of VETERANS -- who will fight to the death to protect our freedoms?  We did it once, and we'll do it again, if necessary.  And it seems that battle is right around the corner... So bring it on, "president" Biden!

Every day I pray for strength and honor, and ask my readers to do the same.  It seems the day to prove ourselves worthy of those who have gone before us, is quickly approaching...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Blessed Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Monday, May 17, 2021

Our Freedoms Are In Dire Jeopardy, But Not Our FREE WILL...

 No one; I repeat, no one, can take away our free will!

It has become very apparent, to me, at least, that over the past year or more, our God-given, constitutionally guaranteed natural rights have come under heavy fire from an enemy intent on imposing their devilish agenda on the citizens of the U.S., as well as on most of the world.  

The reason, or should I say, excuse?  A strain of the flu bug developed in a Red Chinese Communist lab in the city of Wuhan.  I said developed.  Translation: man-made, and with plenty of help of those under the direct control of the father of lies, Satan.  As each day goes by, the evidence becomes clearer that some "Americans" have become traitors to their own country, as well as traitors to their faith, that is, if they ever really had faith...

I could name names here, but I really don't have to.  They are in the "news" every day of the week, propagandizing their lies through a lying media that has brainwashed the American populace through fear and intimidation regarding a virus that has a 99 percent recovery rate for nearly all age groups!

It is obvious that these people have used their free will for diabolical purposes, conspiring to concoct a witch's brew of fear, as well as untested, filthy and deadly "vaccines" to trick people into capitulating to their demands to get vaccinated or face severe restrictions of movement and isolation...

It is so sad to see parents walking hand-in-hand with their little children; covered with face-diapers.   Because of a lack of common sense, and the failure to do due diligence to research and dig up the facts, they blindly follow the illicit mandates from the medical and political tyrants without question...

These "mandates" are a brutal form of control, outright slavery -- and child abuse!  

With extreme progressives in charge of the White House and the Congress, the country's economic, physical and mental health has taken a dramatic nose-dive since January 21, 2021.  Sure, the constraints on movement and our other freedoms started back in the early months of 2020 under President Trump -- surrounded on all sides with incompetent and treasonous advisers -- overall, things have gotten much worse under the current "administration". 

Let's be blunt: the current "leaders" of our country are not God-fearing; they are not Christian in any way; they are imposters!

I would go one step further: since 1973, when the killing of the pre-born became "legal," evil filled the void left wide-open when the sanctity of human life became cheapened and quickly collapsed...

We are seeing the bad will of those running our country: that bad will affects the decision-making and use of their free wills, culminating in the evil, anti-family policies and agendas that we see being implemented almost on a daily basis...

What to do?

In reality, regardless of what is done to us who fear and love God, our free wills can never be overcome!   Yes, our lives can be ended through various heinous means, but "they" can never touch our souls.  The anti-Christs may try to deceive, if possible, the Elect; and the Remnant.  That is why we must pray for the grace of final perseverance; finish the race and win the crown of life... 

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Not Recognizing The Elephant In The Room...

 Ye shall know them by their fruits...(St. Matthew 7;16 and 20; King James Version.)

One of the most egregious, heinous and barbaric acts that one human can do to another: the crime of abortion -- the premeditated killing of the pre-born -- a sin that cries to Heaven for vengeance, is being fostered, supported and encouraged by apostate Catholics!

As a prime example of this monstrous act and those that perpetrate or support it, is a character by the name of Xavier Becerra, the new HHS secretary.

In recent testimony before senators and congressmen, the "Catholic" Becerra, repeatedly denied that there is a federal law on the books that specifically prohibits what is termed: Partial birth abortion.  This miscreant continually lied when asked if he would follow the law, and instead of acknowledging that there is such a law, and that as HHS secretary, he would follow the law, he pretended that the term, "partial birth abortion" didn't exist in law!

However, in 2003, the Congress passed the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act, with the Supreme Court upholding the Act...

In fact, the law is found in 18 USC (U.S. Code) section 1531, which prohibits the barbaric act of killing the baby just as she is coming out of the body of her "mother."

Incredibly, Becerra, during his confirmation hearing, used his own mother as a prop when Sen. Steve Daines (R-MT) asked him, is there “just one restriction that relates to abortion that you might support?”

Becerra dodged the question by making a reference to his “Catholic” background that included a mention that his mother “blessed” him before he attended his confirmation hearing and that she “prays the rosary every day” and “said a prayer and included me in that prayer.”


I am completely befuddled that this conspirator of the killing of the pre-born was confirmed as the HHS Secretary after refusing to answer specific questions related to his duty to follow a federal law that has been on the books for nearly 20 years!

Our nation cannot be blessed, but most certainly can be damned, if we do not stop the slaughter of the tiny babies struggling to be born, by those politically powerful and influential.  Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because they were infested with homosexuals, defying the Natural Law, and, by extension, the laws of God as codified in the Ten Commandments.

Our Republic, or what's left of it, will suffer the same fate if hearts and minds don't convert and stop this massive child-sacrifice to the god of convenience and "choice," (but not for the baby)!  We, as a nation, will get what we deserve... 

Pray for the conversion of Becerra back to the Catholic faith...

Pray too, for our nation and for strength and honor...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla 


Wednesday, May 12, 2021

The Idea Of Mercy Without JUSTICE Is Irrational -- And Diabolical...

 Judge: "You have been found guilty of armed robbery; you will be sentenced to 10-20 years in the state penitentiary."

Convicted felon: "Please judge, have mercy on me!"

Judge: "You put lives in jeopardy; you stole money from the bank; this is the second time you have come before me; if you ever come before me again, I'll lock you up and throw away the key!  I will grant you this: You may be considered for parole after serving not less than nine years providing you are a "model" prisoner.  That is my mercy for you!"

Judge: "Next case..."

The bank robber's actions demanded justice.  The mercy is that he may be eligible for parole after serving not less than nine years in prison.

Those who cry mercy! mercy! without the accompanying justice, are espousing an irrationality that has infected, not only society at large, but also -- or maybe, because of? -- the clergy of the Catholic Church and other denominations as well, by taking God's mercy and placing it above God's Justice.  The emphasis on mercy -- without justice -- twists right order, and gives to those who commit crimes against humanity, such as the killing of the pre-born, the false hope that they will not have to face an accounting for their murderous actions.  After all, they say, God is all merciful; He wouldn't condemn anyone to hell "just" for killing a baby, regardless of the stage of development that couldn't survive outside her mother's womb... 

We have many examples of these false Catholics, especially those in the political world: Biden, Pelosi, Durbin, Kerry, Leahy, and numerous others who no longer have any supernatural faith left in their souls, but has been replaced with a corrupted intellect that directly influences the use of their free wills to chose evil over good; wrong over right... Mostly, these miscreants no longer believe in a jealous God that demands to be worshiped with their whole minds, hearts and souls, that is, if they ever did.  It is easy to "fake it" for public consumption -- to their own detriment, of course...

The hierarchy have now put together a "commission" to begin the ex-communication of Mafia members in Italy and elsewhere because they commit murder and mayhem and have since its founding in the 1800s, in Sicily.  This despicable crime organization had migrated to America in the early 1900s, and became known as the "Black Hand" in New York City.  It morphed into an American form of the Mafia and continues to this very day.

What befuddles me is that those who kill in the Mafia are now threatened with ex-communication, while those politicians, who claim to be Catholic, and who are virulent supporters of abortion or legislation that supports abortion, have little chance of being publicly ex-communicated.  It seems that the silence of the bishops, plus their lack of actions in combating the scourge of abortion, makes them, in my mind, complicit with the culture of death.  The claim that, "the Holy Eucharist would be weaponized," is complete nonsense.  Yet giving the Holy Eucharist to pro-abortion politicians, compounds their mortal sins, with another mortal sin of sacrilege.  What is really at stake here is the lack of charity by failing to admonish the sinner of his or her crime in the conspiracy of the murder of the pre-born.  

So now, we have the triple whammy of "mercy" without justice; the lack of charity in admonishing the sinner, and finally, the silence of the bishops failing to combat the horrendous crime of murdering the pre-born...

I dread to think of the sentence these people will face at their Particular Judgment... May God have mercy on their souls!

Pray for strength and honor -- and for JUSTICE!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


Tuesday, May 11, 2021

The Demon "Dr." Fauci...

The following is an excerpt from an article in by Dorothy Cummings McLean, May 10, 2021...

Fauci to Vatican health conference: Priests are key to convincing religious people take coronavirus shots.

Fauci’s ‘moral compass is on par with Dr. Josef Mengele’

"Considering the fact that Fauci 'oversaw an agency that took the scalps of murdered children and grafted them onto mice,' Fauci’s 'moral compass is on par with Dr. Josef Mengele,”' commented Michael Hichborn, President of the Lepanto Institute.

“For the last eight years, Faithful Catholics have watched in horror as the Vatican lauded abortionists, gave a platform to population control enthusiasts, perverted Catholic teaching, edited our Blessed Lord, and even enthroned a pagan idol, so Anthony Fauci’s presence at this conference is, sadly, not a surprise,” Hichborn told LifeSiteNews. “Fauci’s policies led to the shut down of ALL public Masses throughout the United States during the holiest time of the year, so asking him to give his ‘guidance’ to Catholic clergy is a sign that the Vatican has lost all sense of supernatural faith.”

My comment: Eerily similar to Margaret Sanger's attempt to wipe out the black race from American Soil, Fauci said the following: 

“You've got to match the messenger with the audience. And I think if you do that, you're going to overcome a lot of the hesitancy. When you go into the trenches and you have someone who's a deeply religious person who will listen to their clergy, that's different than me with a suit, going into an area, telling people to do something.”

My comment: the intent of Fauci -- an apostate "Catholic" and radical pro-abortion advocate -- wants clergy to persuade their flock to get the "vaccines".  Sadly, we have far too many priests, bishops and cardinals advocating that the Catholic faithful get the filthy, deadly shot developed with aborted baby parts.  The loss of supernatural faith of these clerics is plain for all to see, I hope! and must not be obeyed!

Hichborn noted that if Fauci had “scoffed at the notion of global climate change, or took a strong stand against socialism, or if he loved the Traditional Latin Mass, he’d be considered a pariah in Vatican circles. The Vatican is completely upside down, like the Simonists in Dante’s eighth circle of Hell.

“In 1939, Margaret Sanger wrote to Dr. Clarence Gamble suggesting that they convince ‘negro doctors’ and ‘negro ministers’ to promote contraception among the black population. Mimicking Sanger’s approach, Fauci now wants to use Catholic priests to convince faithful Catholics to take an unproven shot that has over 30,000 reported deaths and over 100,000 serious adverse reactions attached to it..."

End of excerpt...

Additional comment: the father of lies, Satan, is having a field day right now, and seems to be in control of whatever or whoever makes up the "Vatican" and its diabolical, anti-life, anti-Christ policies and programs.  One of the trademarks of the devil, is to scandalize and deceive, if possible, even the Elect; the Remnant.  We faithful Catholics, on the other hand, have a powerful intercessor on our side: The Blessed Mother of our Lord!  Satan knows that in the end, his miserable, rotten head will be crushed by the heel of Our Lady!  What a fate!  

Pray for strength and honor, and pray for our country!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Monday, May 10, 2021

Fathers And Their Little Daughters Wearing Face-Diapers...

 Sometimes, when my wife goes into one of the local supermarkets, I'll sit in the car observing people as they walk from their cars to the market, or as they come out of the market to bring their purchased goods to their cars...

In this age of fear and trepidation regarding the overblown, nonsensical, non-pandemic of the so-called covid virus, it is interesting -- or should I say, sad? -- to see fathers leading their little daughters by the hand from their vehicles to the store and back again, both wearing face-diapers.  

This is sickening at the very least! 

Here is why such stupidity also borders on child-abuse: the minds of these little, impressionable girls (and boys), must think that something is wrong when they can no longer see their friend's faces or not completely understand what they are saying because of the diaper covering their mouths and noses.  In addition, such a scandalous scenario must, by its very nature, instill a fear of their little buddies, not being allowed to hug them or even be near them -- social distancing, you know! -- thinking that they could become sick and die, because of a flu-type bug that has an almost 99 percent recovery rate for nearly all age brackets!

What is really the saddest element in this whole -- false -- narrative?  The almost non-existent manhood of these fathers!  Where is their bravery?  They should be willing to defend and sacrifice for their little girls to counter the lunacy that permeates the society that surrounds them.  But no, they blindly follow the dictates of the government and medical "authorities," demanding that they wear face-diapers and stay six-feet away from everyone else, without even questioning, or doing their own research that is available to easily destroy the lies being broadcast day after day by the likes of the pro-abortion, apostate Catholic, "Dr." Fauci, or other life- and family-haters.

I wonder what reason those fathers give their little girls as to why they have to wear a face-diaper?  What possible explanation would suffice to make their little minds understand the (false) reasons for adhering to such un-lawful, freedom-robbing dictates from smaller minds than theirs?

Mother's Day was just celebrated to recognize the dignity and beauty of motherhood...

What part do the mothers of these little girls (and boys) play in this atmosphere of surrendering our freedoms for some sense of so-called physical health and security?  From my observation, sitting in my car, in the parking lot, I can tell you that I can see these moms holding the hands of their little girls and boys, all wearing face-diapers -- just like the fathers do...

So very sad...

Pray for strength and honor to resist the tyrants!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Blessed Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla 


Saturday, May 8, 2021

R.I.P., Dana Taylor, Vietnam Veteran...

The following was received from a prayer list that is run by our friend in New Hampshire... 

"...informed me Dana Taylor, our well-known and liked, former Selectman [Richmond, NH], passed away after a long illness.  Dana suffered from wounds received during combat in the Viet Nam War.  Please pray for the repose of his soul.  Dana died shortly after 3:00 p.m. today.  Kindly pray at least one Hail Mary for this good man and for his family."

I should note at the outset of my missive, that whoever is wounded for bravery during combat, is awarded the Purple Heart, (first instituted during the Revolutionary War by General George Washington).

Here is some interesting information about the original purpose of the award of the Purple Heart from the Encyclopedia Britannica...

"Purple Heart, the first U.S. military decoration, instituted by General George Washington in 1782 and awarded for bravery in action. The records show that only three men received it during the American Revolution, all of them noncommissioned officers. Two of these coveted badges still exist. The original medal, sewn onto the coat, was simply a purple heart-shaped piece of cloth edged with silver braid. Although this was the medal of honor of the Revolution, it seems to have been forgotten for about 150 years. The 200th anniversary of Washington’s birth marked the revival of the award (February 22, 1932)."

As you can see, the Purple Heart was presented to those for bravery in action, and today, it is presented to those who have been wounded in action.  I contend that being wounded in action, obviously means that the G.I. who was wounded, was also brave!

Having said that, most who have been wounded in action, would deny that they are brave or heroes, but were only doing what had to be done.  In other words, they did their job... To their brothers-in-arms, however, who were saved by the actions of their wounded brother, he was brave; he was a hero -- to them, at least!

From my own recollection of Dana, I remember his shaggy hair and beard; his severe limp from the wounds to his leg.  On one occasion, after Sunday Mass, at the St. Joseph hall, packed as usual for brunch, Dana and his wife, Mary, came through the door into the hall.   At that point every one cheered and gave him a standing ovation!!  I could see his countenance light-up!   His disfigured leg and the pain it caused him, disappeared, at least momentarily... 

Dana always stood up and supported the St. Benedict Center when doing his selectman duties, as there was much antagonism from some of the other selectmen toward the Center, and the practicing Catholics who formed the little, tight-nit community in the beautiful woods of rural New Hampshire... 

The Bible tells us in 1 Peter 4;8: "And above all things have fervent charity among yourselves: for charity shall cover the multitude of sins." (King James Version.)

Dana showed much charity toward those at the Center in the face of heavy criticism from his fellow selectmen; he did his job, as all heroes do...

Rest In Peace, my brother...

Pray for strength and honor, and please say a prayer for Dana Taylor...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Friday, May 7, 2021

Absolute Madness In The Military Under The Biden "Administration": Normalizing Of Homosexuality And Transgenderism...

 Read the full article here: US military goes full speed ahead toward max LGBT inclusion with ‘diversity’ panels, all-gay helicopter crew | News | LifeSite (

I will simply make a comment, coming from a patriot who served in two branches of the military, including a tour of duty in Vietnam -- December 1967, to December 1968...

I am totally disgusted and would never advise anyone to join the military until God-given common sense and adherence to the Natural Law returns to the hearts and minds of men and women.

If you think that it is easy for me to make that comment, you are sadly mistaken.  On the contrary, it pains me to do so.  I love my country.  But I can no longer support the policies of a rogue federal government being run -- question: just who is in charge at the White House?? -- by an incoherent, culture of death, apostate "Catholic", Biden and his cabal of anti-life, anti-Christ, leftist extremists hell-bent on destroying what is left of the Republic.

It is apparent that the mentally-challenged Biden, has lost all sense of right and wrong; what is good and what is evil... His biggest hurdle: overcoming those God-fearing, family-oriented men and women, fathers and mothers, who know the core building block of society is the family unit.  

To be blunt: Biden's chief ally is the evil one himself, Satan!

It will take more than exclaiming "that God is in control," to defeat these miscreants and return to the tenets of the Natural Law, and, by extension, the divinely revealed laws of God almighty.  It will take resistance and action -- if necessary -- to fight for the rights and true liberties that have been given to us by our Creator.  Liberties in the best sense, under the law of God, not the "liberties" espoused by those who equate liberty (freedom) with license!

In the end, we get what we deserve, as Sodom and Gomorrah got their just deserts, only what our "legal system" in this country has allowed -- especially the killing of the pre-born -- merits a far worse sentence: justice, that is conveniently overlooked when emphasizing the mercy of God! 

Please pray for strength and honor; for our country and our families...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Blessed Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


Thursday, May 6, 2021

What Are The Demonrats So Afraid Of?

 Ever since the fraudulent, stolen election by the Demonrats in a massive conspiracy that successfully installed the puppet, Biden, in the White House, there have been real patriots calling for a forensic audit of the votes and voting machines used, especially in the "swing states" that President Trump actually won, but had votes "flipped" to the Biden camp.

Right now, as I write this missive, there is an ongoing attempt to audit those very same votes and voting machines in Maricopa County, Arizona.  (Maricopa County encompasses the highly populated megalopolis of Phoenix and the surrounding suburbs.)

I said attempt to audit the votes and voting machines...

The Arizona state senate and the voting public have every right to find out if there was voter fraud that eventually gave the state to the Demonrats, but those very same Demonrats have thrown roadblock after roadblock in an attempt to stifle and stop the audit.  This, even though a judge has ruled that the Maricopa County supervisors must allow the audit and access to the routers used to transmit information (across the Internet) on the night of November 3, 2020.  

Those supervisors should be charged with contempt of court, and threatened with arrest and fines!

We have now heard that the so-called Department of Justice, (a real oxymoron!) under Biden, has entered the fray, or is attempting to enter into a matter of the state where the DOJ has no business or authority to stop the audit...

If the vote count on November 3rd, was legitimate, why are the Demonrat M.C. Supervisors so afraid of a forensic audit?  

Here's why...

If a true and honest, bipartisan audit is done, and the vote and voting machines show multiple irregularities, this could lead to a finding that President Trump actually won the state.  If that happens, then other states considering audits may insist on doing them to determine if their states had irregularities too.   In other words, there could very well be a domino effect, with state after state demanding an audit to make sure the reported vote count of November 3rd was, in fact, accurate, and to ensure voter integrity for all future elections...

Audits might very well happen in Georgia, Michigan and Pennsylvania, and potentially in some of the other "swing states".   

We all know that President Trump was ahead by huge numbers in those three states on the night of Nov. 3rd, only to wake up the next morning to see a massive vote-flip in favor of the incoherent, Biden.  In essence, we have a false, fraudulent "president" holding the White House hostage for potentially up to four years.  We'll see...

In the meantime, pray for strength and honor, and never capitulate to the anti-life, Christ-hating Demonrats and their bizarre and deadly agenda...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


Wednesday, May 5, 2021

The Killer Drug, Fentanyl -- 50 Times More Potent Than Heroin -- Is Flooding Across The Southern Border!!

 The title of my article bears repeating: The Killer Drug, Fentanyl -- 50 Times More Potent Than Heroin -- Is Flooding Across The Southern Border!!

The incompetent, incoherent Biden "administration" has allowed the influx of over 5,500 pounds to reach the southern border because of the madness of his open border policy... That amount has been seized since the beginning of the fiscal year 2021, while in all of 2020, about 4,700 pounds were confiscated by the DEA and Border Patrol.

Opioid deaths in the United States totaled more than 87,000 in 2020 and have already risen 60 percent in the fiscal year of 2021.

Eighty-seven-thousand opioid deaths!

If 87,000 people died in car accidents each year (there were 38,800 deaths from car crashes in 2019), do you think there would be an intense and focused investigation to find the cause of such mayhem?   Why isn't the DOJ, the FBI, the DEA, and other agencies pouring resources and manpower into solving this horrific problem?  

One answer: a house divided against itself cannot stand.  And that is what we are seeing with the weak-kneed Biden and his cabal of ultra-liberal, anti-life, anti-Christs surrounding the puppet occupying the Oval Office.   How can this miscreant pretend to care about Americans, when he and his "advisors" are determined to inject over 500,000 illegal aliens this year alone, into the U.S.?  (That figure may be way understated!)   Some of these aliens are felons and gangsters with ties to gangs already on American soil.  This does not take into consideration the sickening reality of human trafficking and selling vulnerable females into the sex-slave "industry".  

Question: just what is fentanyl?

From the DEA website... Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid that is 80-100 times stronger than morphine. Pharmaceutical fentanyl was developed for pain management treatment of cancer patients, applied in a patch on the skin. Because of its powerful opioid properties, Fentanyl is also diverted for abuse. Fentanyl is added to heroin to increase its potency, or be disguised as highly potent heroin. Many users believe that they are purchasing heroin and actually don’t know that they are purchasing fentanyl – which often results in overdose deaths.

It’s manufactured in Mexico clandestinely, with chemicals that come from China,” noted Kyle Williamson, El Paso DEA Special Agent-in-Charge.

It produces Intense, short-term high temporary feelings of euphoria, slowed respiration and reduced blood pressure, nausea, fainting, seizures and death...

Question: who is dying from drugs contaminated with fentanyl in the U.S.?  

Those in the age group of 35-44 years of age... Incredibly, there are those in their teens that have experimented with and succumbed to this powerful and deadly concoction!

During the Trump administration, there was a measure of success in preventing the surge of deadly drugs from entering our country.  What is lesser known, is that President Trump was the impetus behind many successful sting operations that freed many captive young girls and women from a life of captivity and slavery right here in the U.S.  Of course, the mainstream media rarely, if ever, mentioned or reported this to their brainwashed audience...

Now, Biden's incompetence gets a pass from that same leftist media, but that's to be expected...

I ask all of good will to pray for our country, now more than ever and for strength and honor...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Monday, May 3, 2021

Modernism: Devoid Of True Charity!

 "...And, behold, a certain lawyer stood up, and tempted him, saying, Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?  He said unto him, what is written in the law? How readest thou?  And he answering said, thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbor as thyself.  And he said unto him, thou hast answered right: this do, and thou shalt live."  (St. Luke, 10:25-28, King James Version.) 

To be clear, when Christ tells us to love thy neighbor, He is telling us that we must wish the best for our neighbor; pray for our neighbor; show charity toward our neighbor.  By wishing the best for our neighbor; by being charitable to our neighbor, we are, in fact, loving our neighbor.  And, to treat our neighbor the way we want to be treated...

Modernists pretend to love their neighbor.  They exhibit a false compassion; a false charity, but in reality, they do not love their neighbor!

Actions speak much louder than words, and the false compassion of the modernists simply reflect their hypocrisy; they try to "buy" allegiance from their neighbor; that is not charity.  They can bribe, cajole, or threaten their neighbor, but show little real concern for their well-being, or, by extension, for the commonweal of the city, town, state or nation that they have been elected to represent...  In this instance, we are talking about politicians; and modernists, as well, infiltrating and infecting the clergy.  This can easily be seen by the capitulation to Caesar, and his illicit dictates, during the so-called "pandemic" of the Wuhan coronavirus, known as covid-19... 

The "concern" of the hierarchy for the "health and safety" of their flocks was made manifest by the shutting and locking of church doors for months on end, denying even the last rites of the Church -- Extreme Unction -- to those near death, with many dying without those special graces, nor with family or loved ones present, leaving the poor soul to die alone.

This is charity??

This disgrace is the opposite of charity!  These clerics refused to stand up to the medical tyrants, and instead emboldened them with their lukewarm response, if they responded at all.  They agreed with the misinformation that was, and continues to be, circulated by the mainstream media.  And anyone who dares to report the real science, and statistics, are quickly labeled as conspiracy nuts, or anti-vaxxers...

During the initial shut-down of our church in Kansas City, I called the diocese and left a message expressing my disapproval of the lock-down of the churches.  The only response I received was a terse message left on my phone recorder: "This is not open for discussion!"

It is said that the Catholic Church alone received in excess of $3,000,000,000 -- BILLION! -- dollars from the godless federal government to keep the churches locked!  

Instead of looking out for their flocks, the modernist-controlled hierarchy discarded true charity for phony "charity," using the excuse of trying to stop the spread of the hoax-virus, that has an over 99 percent recovery rate, for almost all age groups...

The modernists mimic the Pharisees of our Lord's time, in that they put on airs and tell the people under their charge to do as they direct concerning the law, but in reality, they live not according to the law.  Simply stated, they used a double-standard in the application of the law, and that is exactly what we see happening today, both in civil and ecclesiastical society...  

The most insidious of the modernists are those in the hierarchy of what passes for the Catholic Church these days, when they water-down Church teachings, especially the defined dogmas that are a part of the Deposit of Faith.  One of the most egregious examples comes from a "bishop" by the name of Barron.  This character believes -- and teaches -- that most of mankind will have a good chance of being saved!  

One of the problems of such a nonsensical speculation is that it directly contradicts Scripture -- including the very words of our Lord, Himself!  Furthermore, because of the reach of this very popular "bishop" on the various social media platforms, his errors and heresies are a massive scandal that causes confusion and doubt among the faithful, as well as those considering coming into the Church! 

Not teaching truth, is the opposite of true charity and contradicts the command of Christ to preach -- the truth! -- and baptize all peoples.   Giving false hopes to those outside the Church is damnable, not only for those who are told that "you're fine where you are," and in  some weird, unexplained way, you are an "anonymous Christian."

In essence, Barron is playing Russian Roulette with the souls of those who listen and follow his errors; his madness...

Pope Saint Pius X condemned modernism as the synthesis of all heresies!  That was over 100 years ago!  How much worse -- and widespread -- are the heresies of today, being swallowed by the ignorant and poorly catechized, leading to the very real possibility of being damned for all eternity.  What a horrendous account the modernists will have to face at their Particular Judgment for the loss of "just" one soul!

Pray for strength and honor -- and for discernment!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Blessed Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


Devastating Implications Of Heretical "Cardinals" Voting In The Next Conclave! (The Sedevacantists Will Have A Field Day, Proving They Are "Right"!)

 Think about the horrific implications of heretics voting for the next pope! What are some of those implications? How about the fact that a ...