Saturday, July 31, 2021

Biden: The Pathological Liar!

 Why is he a pathological liar?  

First, there is no doubt that he is a pathological liar.  

Now, here are some tenets of one who is a pathological liar, and might explain the reasons, or some of the reasons why he is such...

Pathological lying is generally caused by a combination of factors, which may include genetic components, dysfunctional or insecure childhood, dyslexia or other type of cerebral dysfunction. Such conditions may host an environment that is likely to emerge, chronic, or pathological lying as an adaptive defense mechanism.

Second, why is being a pathological liar so dangerous in the first place, and why do some people (the lying mainstream media) cover for Biden's continuous, multiple lies almost every time he opens his mouth? 

Let me answer the last part of the question: why do some (in the media) cover for his lies?  It is simply because they (the media) are the biggest liars of all!  

Being a pathological liar is dangerous in and of itself, but being a pathological liar when sitting in the Oval Office, can actually put the security and stability of the nation at dire risk...

At times, Biden can be fairly coherent, but much of the time -- especially when he goes off the teleprompter, and attempts to speak extemporaneously -- he is one lost sheep...

When dealing with the likes of Xi of Communist Red China, or Putin -- who can run circles around Biden, and even with some of our "allies" in the West, how do we know he won't forget or contradict what he said the last time he spoke?  But it can also show a weakness of the U.S. will, and can lead our enemies to think they can take advantage of us on the world stage. Which, by the way, they are doing...

What would happen, for instance, if this character enters into negotiations regarding our nuclear arsenal, and "gives the house away," while our antagonists get what they want and more?  Sure, such a treaty would have to be approved by the senate, but initial confusion can come into play when debating the pros and cons of what Biden agreed to in the first place...  (Actually, this is nothing new, as previous Democrat presidents -- Carter comes to mind -- have, in some cases, literally turned over our nuclear secrets to our enemies!)  Does it become a matter of malfeasance of office in such a case, or can it even be considered high crimes and misdemeanors --or treason -- leading to impeachment in the Congress and conviction in the Senate?


Biden, by necessity, has surrounded himself with other pathological liars; how can he not?  I wonder how those who lie with, and for him, sleep at night.  I'll take a shot at that: if they are virulent supporters of the slaughter of the pre-born -- murder, as well as various conspiracies to bring down the nation -- then lying is a trivial matter, if it concerns them at all, which it probably doesn't...


We know that Biden is an apostate Catholic -- who flouts his apostacy in front of everyone, including complicit priests, bishops, cardinals and popes.  He has no shame, nor does he have any consideration for his immortal soul, and since he doesn't, then he has opened himself up to the legion of demons that have infected (and possessed?) his intellect.  Said in another way, how can he make rational, moral decisions based on a corrupted intellect?  That's impossible.  (You can't get good fruit from an evil tree, and that tree has produced 50 years of evil, rotten and deadly fruit...)


Over the last year-and-a-half, the American populace has suffered, or has let it be suffered, through a faux "pandemic," robbing us of our rights and responsibilities, as well as our absolute obligation to worship God they way He wants to be worshipped, by shuttering the doors of our churches and denying the sacraments to the flocks of the faithful...

Now, just when things were seemingly getting back to some sense of "normalcy," a new lie is being perpetrated against a once-free America, with another so-called strain of the forever-man-made-covid virus...

As I have warned in previous articles, masks forever, mandatory jabs and vaccine "passports" are now quickly being implemented by many corporations as well as at the federal and local governmental levels.

At the present time, we have no moral leaders, just puppets of the globalist/new-world-order oligarchs intent on reducing the population of the earth and enslaving the rest of us...  I wonder, though, if any of the elites will be willing to sacrifice themselves, and be among those who are targeted for extermination, in order to "save the earth"?  I think not...

So, where does all this leave those who fear God and love their neighbor?   Between a rock and a hard place.  But!  We have Someone on our side, through thick and thin: Christ, our Lord and His most Blessed Mother, who, by the way, it is prophesied that She will crush the head of the evil one, Satan.  

What a pleasant thought for us, but not for him!

Pray for our enemies, and pray for strength and honor...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro and Fr. Emil Kapaun, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Fascism Has Come To America -- Wrapped In The Flag!!

 The following article was published, today, July 29, 2021, on and written by Patricia McCarthy...The full title of the article is: Fascism has come to America, wrapped in the flag and claiming to be fully American...

"July 29, 2021 (American Thinker) – Sinclair Lewis’s novel of 1935, It Can't Happen Here, was published amid the rise of fascism in Europe. The book is about the political career of fictional Buzz Windrip, who is elected president in 1936, defeating FDR with a campaign promising a return to traditional values and drastic social and economic reforms (he promises every American $5K). Once elected, he becomes a totalitarian tyrant, complete with his own paramilitary force called the Minute Men!

"Windrip is Lewis's version of an American Hitler and/or Mussolini. But consider the parallels with the current occupant of the Oval Office. Windrip outlaws dissent (consider the Biden administration’s partnership with Big Tech to censor opposing opinions). He, Windrip, imprisons his critics just as Biden has jailed anyone present at the Capitol on January 6. Biden has his own Minute Men, the FBI, as well as a couple of other paramilitary groups in service of his agenda — Antifa and BLM. They are his shock troops, who, like Windrip’s thugs, terrorize his opponents, freedom-loving, independent thinking Americans.

"Like Biden, Buzz Windrip abrogated the rights of civilians and divided the nation into “administrative sectors” to be managed by federal “Corpo” authorities and enforced by his Minute Men. Pelosi is now installing branches of the Capitol Police throughout the country to seek out perceived threats to members of Congress. The similarities to Lewis’s two-dimensional dictator and the Biden regime are chilling. 

"As in the novel, opponents of the Obama/Biden regime have been found guilty until proven innocent of un-committed crimes, from Gen. Michael Flynn to Roger Stone, to anyone who worked for Trump, to the 1/6 protesters, by corrupt judges in kangaroo courts whipped up by a manic, historically ignorant media establishment whose members loathe anyone or anything remotely conservative or constitutional. Viciously opposed to Donald Trump, the mainstream media covered for the massive crimes against the nation that were occurring from the day Trump became the Republican presidential candidate. 

"The left invented the Russia collusion narrative out of thin air. It was pursued as legitimate by the FBI, the DOJ, the CIA, and our despicable journalist class. All of them likely knew it was false from the outset, but they all colluded to damage a president who actually meant to represent the people, not just the ruling elite. The swamp, left and right, was threatened and fought back with the ferocity of a cornered animal. With the 2020 election, they think they've won, but have they?

"This quote from Lewis's book perfectly describes Joe Biden:

The Senator was vulgar, almost illiterate, a public liar easily detected, and in his “ideas” almost idiotic, while his celebrated piety was that of a traveling salesman for church furniture, and his yet more celebrated humor the sly cynicism of a country store. Certainly there was nothing exhilarating in the actual words of his speeches, nor anything convincing in his philosophy. His political platforms were only wings of a windmill.

 "Indeed. Biden cannot utter a coherent sentence. He is the face of a corrupt band of radicals who, along with Obama, vowed to “transform America.” He was fraudulently installed and has little actual personal support. The Trump presidency rendered the left well and truly deranged, without any moral compunction going forward. The man and his supporters had to be destroyed just as Lewis’s Buzz Windrip’s opponents had to be ruined.

"The protagonist in Sinclair’s novel is a journalist, Doremus Jessup, who founds an organization to fight Windrip's destructive policies. He founds a newspaper and publishes accounts of Windrip's abuses. Jessup’s counterparts in our alternative media are the champions of truth, and there are more and more of them every day. Big Tech tries to silence them, but they are proliferating faster than they can censor them. The massive, lifelong corruption of the Biden family is now a known fact. The depravity of Biden’s son Hunter has been revealed. The corruption at the DOJ and FBI is being exposed. It was the FBI that set up the fake kidnapping attempt of Gretchen Whitmer and perhaps even had a hand in orchestrating the event of January 6. The truth will out. 

"The radical Democrat media of today ignore the crimes and abuses of power by leftists, but the Doremus Jessups of 2021 America do not. The truth is out there despite the suppression tactics of this administration, its handmaidens in the media, and Big Tech. Like the villain of the novel, Biden has incarcerated hundreds of nonviolent people who were present at the Capitol on 1/6.  The DOJ calls them “enemies of the state,” their protest an insurrection.

"But not one of them was armed; none has been charged with insurrection. They are being held without bail while the hundreds of rioters/looters/arsonists of the summer of 2020 are free as birds. This is the stuff of communist China, the Soviet Union, Venezuela, and Castro’s Cuba. Sinclair Lewis, like Orwell and Huxley, knew of what he wrote. Tyrants are with us always, and when they get power, they are lethal. “Tyranny is always better organized than freedom,” — Charles Peguy.

"All of this brings us to the panic porn that is the COVID pandemic and this administration's doubling down on despotism. It has become increasingly clear that the COVID virus was indeed engineered in the lab in Wuhan under the gain-of-function auspices of the monstrous Anthony Fauci, seemingly the most powerful man on the planet. He has long supported gain-of-function research that makes an animal virus transmissible to humans; he had and has the authority to fund such experiments and did, even after the Obama administration banned it.

"Was it released purposefully? Time will tell. Fauci and his pals have long wanted to test their experimental vaccines on humans. But this flu was killing mostly the elderly and/or those suffering from co-morbidities; Fauci and his cohorts likely knew that HCQ and ivermectin could and would both prevent and treat the illness. But those drugs were off-patent; Fauci and his partners in crime would not be able to enrich themselves. Those tried and true therapeutics had to be suppressed, even feared. Doctors could not be allowed to prescribe them. This would be a good time to implement their global reset and make nine new billionaires in Big Pharma. In the words of Hayek, “Emergencies have always been the pretext on which the safeguards of individual liberty have been eroded.”

"The left has adopted, embraced, actually, Orwell’s newspeak of 1984. Leftists have redefined the meaning of the words crime and punishment. Antifa and BLM looters, rioters, and arsonists are not criminals, while, in their world, human beings born white are criminals by virtue of the color of their skin. How obscenely obvious is it that this is the left’s plan to further divide this country, to “otherize” (one of their many absurd euphemisms) those who have had the impertinence to be born white (or choose to be unvaccinated)? We all get it; it’s all about payback for slavery even though nearly 700K American lives were lost fighting to end that evil institution that the Democrats fought so hard to preserve. To this day, the Democrat party is the party of racism, Joe Biden being one of the most egregious exemplars. Watch his attempted humiliation of Clarence Thomas at his confirmation hearings. Biden is a thug, and as obvious a racist as we are likely to ever see in public, then or now. 

"A thinly disguised version of Lewis's novel appeared in 1983 as a television seriesV. This time, the fascist takeover of America was by alien invaders. Earlier scripts based on the book were considered “too cerebral” for American viewers. There were numerous theatrical productions based on the novel. Aldous Huxley, George Orwell, Arthur Koestler (Darkness at Noon), and Sinclair Lewis all wrote their dystopian novels in the 1930s and ‘40s.

"And yet the nation has survived the totalitarian/communist ideologues who have attempted to co-opt our democratic republic for well over a hundred years. We will survive the Biden administration’s wholesale assault on this country as well, even though he has done more damage than any previous tyrant in a very short time.

"Millions of Americans are waking up to the dark and deceptive agenda of the radical left: Critical Race Theory to pit citizens against one another, cancel culture to obliterate the First Amendment and terrorize those with differing opinions from expressing them, and now the attempt to implement state control over our bodies with vaccine mandates.

"The Americans in Lewis’s novel are shocked by what they see unfolding in their America: “Why, America’s the only free nation on earth. Besides! Country’s too big for a revolution. No, no! Couldn't happen here!” Lewis also predicted that “[w]hen fascism comes to the United States it will be wrapped in the American flag and will claim the name of 100 per-cent Americanism.” 

"We are enduring that moment once again. The challenge this time is to wake up the people who have yet to realize that the liberty they take for granted is in grave danger. The patriots who fought for our independence from 1775 to 1783 were a mere third of the colonists. It just may take more of us this time."

End of article...

My Comment... Are we American citizens going to sit back and let these communists steal our country from us, or will we fight to save our Republic??

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Blessed Fr. Miguel Pro and Fr. Emil Kapaun, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in the battle that is to come...

Gene DeLalla

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

How Do We Resist And Repel The Demons?

 Good question...

First, we have to know and recognize our enemy: just who are the demons?  And, are we talking about those demons from the nether world, or are we talking about those humans who do the work of the demons?

The answer to the question is, both.

Secondly, we must know ourselves... if we don't recognize our weaknesses, and don't "work" on them, we will be prone to failure in our fight to reach our ultimate goal: eternal life...

Third, now that we know that humans do the work of the demons, we can resist them in ways that coincide with our state in life, and our talents.  As for myself; I realize that I can't write for beans, but I have to try...  that's the only way I know to call out those who betray their country and their God.  Others, can use different avenues of attack according to their talents... For instance, a pro-life politician can call out those "colleagues" who use their power and influence to push legislation that compromises or destroys the pre-born, and, prevent the use of our federal tax dollars to do so...

There are also pro-life, pro-Natural Law clergy that are loyal to Christ, and call out their errant brothers who wear the Roman collar, but support the un-natural agenda of the sodomites, or are sodomites themselves.

Come to think of it, all the clergy should fall into the former category (pro-life and pro-Natural Law), and not have any in the latter!  But sadly, that is not the case...

The obvious implication of having two categories of clergy, and knowing the difference, is crucial if we are to put our trust in, and believe what they preach from the pulpit...  How on earth can there be clergy who do the work of Satan and his minions, while, at the same time, claiming to serve our Lord??   Again, another obvious answer: they can't do both; it's either a case of serving God, or the Ape of the Church, the devil...    

We know that God -- as well as the demon -- works through people, with rare exceptions, and we are to judge those individuals by their fruits.   So, yes, we can make objective judgments based on truth, and point out the falsehoods espoused by those who do evil, whether in civil society, or in the Church.  And there are plenty in the Church who need to repent of their ways, and return to orthodoxy before they meet their Master at their Particular Judgment...

In the meantime, those clergy, as well as those in society, who do evil and avoid good (just the opposite of what we humans are supposed to do!) are causing great scandal that can, and has, led many souls to perdition.  What an incredible price those who are responsible for doing so will have to pay, especially those who have entire flocks entrusted to them...

Now we can explore the tools and "weapons" we can use for self-sanctification, and the sanctification of our families, while, at the same time, defeat, or at least fend-off those demons who surround and attempt to trick (tempt) us, using our weaknesses to make something -- or someone -- appear appealing or good...

The number one tool is prayer.  And, in conjunction with that, the highest form of prayer, the Traditional Latin Mass of the ages, offering the sacrifice of the Son back to His Father.  (The devil hates the TLM, in fact, he hates the Latin language!)  

For the married: fidelity to one's spouse and the ability to sacrifice for the children.  For the man of the home: exert and exercise his masculinity for the betterment of his family.  For the woman: be the heart of the home.  The devil hates fidelity -- and the family unit -- and those who are faithful to each other and, our Lord -- and His Most Blessed Mother.  And that's the other "secret" weapon to fending-off the demon: veneration of the Mother of Christ, the Blessed Virgin Mary.  But we cannot overlook the "terror of demons," the great spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Joseph!     

The bottom line: we are literally surrounded by demons who try to distract us by using our concupiscence, our weaknesses, to sin against our Lord, thereby jeopardizing our immortal souls.  It is a constant battle for sure, but the rewards are great.  As St. Paul tells us in the Bible, that he persevered to the end, and finished the race, winning the crown of eternal life... That is our goal; anything less, and we will risk losing the beatific vision for all eternity... 

That is not an option.

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro and Fr. Emil Kapaun, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Tightening The Screws On The Un-Vaccinated With Lies, Misinformation -- And THREATS!

 Your informed opinion based on your beliefs as well as research, apparently means nothing to those intent on getting you and I to take the so-called covid "vaccine."

I have been sounding the alarm to my family that mandatory jabs with the experimental "vaccine" is just around the corner, whether we like it or not.  That predication is quickly coming true, with numerous reports and "initiatives" by the federal, as well as state governments, to get everyone vaccinated.  

As a veteran, I get my health care from the Veterans Administration hospitals and clinics.  Yesterday, it was announced that all VA healthcare workers will be required to get the untested, gene-altering covid "vaccine," that is, if they want to keep their jobs.  It is estimated that 70 percent of the nearly 350,000 workers have already received the jab...

In addition, yesterday, I received a mailing from the VA that "encourages" all veterans -- to play "Russian Roulette" -- with a "vaccine" that has caused at least half-a-million adverse reactions, up to and including death.  Some of this information was obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, known by the acronym, FOIA...  It is becoming more apparent with each passing day, that the powers that be do not want such information revealed to the public, and that public includes you and me.

Keep in mind, that the majority of the "vaccines" have been developed with cell-lines from dead, aborted babies.

(The crime of abortion continues unabated, with their precious, tiny bodies being sold to the highest bidder for "research" -- and profit...)

You would think that 100 percent of the Catholic hierarchy would stand firm, arm-in-arm, in denouncing the use of cell-lines from those poor babies.  But no!  That is not the case at all...  

Several bishops, archbishops, cardinals and even pope Bergoglio, are saying that it is a moral obligation for all Catholics to take that filthy "vaccine" into our bodies!

Can you believe it??

As an example, that bastion of the Catholic faith in the war-ravaged City of Chicago, "cardinal" Blaze Cupich, a known supporter of the homosexual cabal within -- and without the Church -- and who directly contradicts church teachings on faith and morals, recently admonished all Catholics that it is a moral obligation to get the jab.  

The same was uttered by pope Bergoglio some time back... 

Do you see an evil pattern here?  The same words and phrases being used, right out of the same Marxist "playbook"... 

Others in the hierarchy have capitulated to the spirit of the age, read: globalist agenda to destroy the human population -- and the Church along with it -- the last barrier to their demonic, globalist agenda of world domination and eventual slavery...

If mandatory vaccinations -- and vaccine passports? -- make their way to your neighborhood, what will you do?  How will you react as a practicing Catholic?   Even non-Catholics will face a conundrum; a choice, to serve (obey) God or man...

There are two forms of martyrdom: white and red.  White, can mean the loss of our freedoms to move, and purchase goods and services, our jobs, etc., because we choose not to violate our bodies with a potential deadly "vaccine," and red, where we actually shed our blood as did the early Catholic/Christians for the faith of Christ.   

The prospects of either are not pleasant, but the attack on our God-given rights can and will backfire on the very ones attempting to deprive us of our ability to live, work and raise our families...  Whether they know it or not, if we do suffer death by the shedding of our blood for our faith and principals -- based on that faith -- that is a "sure ticket" to the beatific vision of our Lord and the heavenly court where we will see those early martyrs who gave their all for the one, true, church that Christ founded 2,000 years ago...

Not such a bad deal after all...

Events are beginning to move very quickly now, very quickly...

So, I say, bring it on!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro and Fr. Emil Kapaun, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in the battle to come...

Gene DeLalla

Sunday, July 25, 2021

"Republican" -- TRAITOR -- Senator McConnell Is Threatening Another Massive Lockdown If We All Don't Get The Filthy, Deadly Covid-19 "Vaccine"...

 This brute just announced that we will be subject to another massive lockdown, leading, no doubt, to more people dying from suicide, deep depression, isolation and drug abuse, that is, if we all don't stick out our arms and take the deadly jab of the so-called "vaccine."  

But!  The hypocrite, McConnell, is not telling you the obvious: the border is wide open to any and all illegal aliens with who knows what diseases (TB is on the rise -- from infected aliens), including the "dreaded" covid-19 virus... To be blunt, the invasion of the illegal aliens at the border, is nothing less than a tsunami, planned and carried out by the globalist miscreants in the White House, led by the fraudulent, Biden and his cabal of anti-Christs... 

Not only that, but these criminal aliens are getting our federal tax dollars, as well as transportation, housing, welfare payments (debit cards) and the like, as soon as they cross the border into the U.S.  

So, the question begs: if we are going to be threatened or forced to get an experimental "vaccine" -- developed on the backs of dead, aborted babies -- are the illegals going to be forced to get the jab??

We know what the ultimate goal of these anti-American, anti-freedom terrorists are: population control and population reduction, as well as absolute control of every aspect of our lives.

Not only do we have to defend ourselves against the Demonrats, and their diabolical agenda, and now, the rotten RINOs, like McConnell, are finally showing their hand.  In a sense, this is a good thing because we know who our enemies are; they are out in the open for all who have eyes to see, see, and ears to hear, hear... There is no more guessing; no more excuses to attempt to explain away their demonic actions...

Get ready, my dear readers, the battle is just over the horizon!  St. Michael the Archangel, come down from Heaven and defend us in battle!!!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Blessed Fr. Miguel Pro and Fr. Emil Kapaun, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Democrats: The Super-Spreaders Of MISINFORMATION And Outright Lies...

  I just checked one of the websites I scan, almost on a daily basis, to get some measure of truthful information, as opposed to the mainstream "news" outlets, as well as those "newspapers" that I wouldn't use to line the bottom of my bird cage -- that would be an insult to my little parakeet...

Lo and behold, what do I see?  At least four Democrat senators calling for suppression of "misinformation" or "disinformation" on various forms of social media; regarding what?  You guessed it: the "vaccines" being used to fight the Wuhan coronavirus, better known as covid-19.  We can't have that, now can we...   They are encouraging the White House to enable measures that would directly attack our First Amendment right to freedom of speech...

Please let that sink in, and once it does, get really, really scared...

The calls to limit free speech, is being cloaked in "concern" for those folks who may be susceptible to various viruses, such as the common cold or flu.  But in today's "woke" world, those common viruses miraculously morph into covid-19, that is, if you're tested with the now-debunked PCR test: the new religion of the medical and civil elitist "authorities".  They tell us, if you don't get vaccinated, get ready to meet your Maker, or at least you'll become a "super-spreader" responsible for infecting and killing your neighbor.

This treasonous move by these and others of the hard left, will only get more intense with each passing day.  In fact, there are now more and more calls for mandatory vaccinations as well as vaccine "passports."   As you would expect, the majority of those calls are coming from the Demonrats and their partners in crime: the mainstream media.  However, it is not only the Demonrats, but also some RINO's (Republicans in name only) that have become so brainwashed, they have now jumped on the covid-19-vaccine- passport-bandwagon, with our enemies, to squash our God-given rights to make our own medical decisions without interference from the bloated, behemoth monstrosity that has become the federal, centralized government.

Most American patriots would agree that we are at a watershed, as far as our Constitutional rights are concerned, with each passing day seeing those precious rights eroded and infringed upon to the point of near-extinction, in some cases...

No one should be surprised seeing these developments unfolding right before our eyes.  These are the same people who are in favor of snuffing-out the life of tiny babies in the womb for the blood-money that pours into their campaign coffers by the murderers known as "planned parenthood" and their ilk.  

Here's the kicker: many of those killers are "Catholics"!  That's right, the same group of demonic monsters who sacrilegiously receive the Holy Eucharist on Sunday, then, on Monday, go right back to support legislation to makes sure that our federal tax dollars continue to flow into the abortion mills and make millionaires on the backs of dead babies...

Just the other day, that bastion of the Catholic Faith, speaker of the house, N. Pelosi -- a self-professed "devout Catholic" -- bragged about how she and her husband had five children in six years, but continues to twist the Catholic religion, as well as the Bible, to justify the tearing apart of our little brothers and sisters for bloody, filthy lucre's sake, under the guise of "women's healthcare," or "choice" -- the baby, on the other hand, has no choice but to suffer excruciating pain and death.  The Frankenstein's then take the aborted baby apart and sell his little parts to the highest bidder (this is in direct violation of federal law, yet it continues to this day -- even after undercover videos proved this to be the case!). 

In conclusion... if the demonic are willing, and more than able, to slaughter pre-born babies and sell their body parts on the black market, then shutting down or First Amendment rights is nothing in comparison...

These brutal monsters will stop at nothing to ensure a continued flow of aborted baby body-parts, as well as destroy our God-given rights (our Natural rights do not come from government).  They also continue to foster the un-natural phenomenon of "tansgenderism" and homosexual "marriage" and excoriate anyone who dares to stand up to the lies of that rot.  Of course, the idea here is to keep the populace in fear and submission to illicit mandates, and, eventually, force filthy, deadly "vaccines" on a brainwashed public; the list is almost endless... Make no mistake, what is left of our Republic will be destroyed from within, unless we peaceably fight back with the truth...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro and Fr. Emil Kapaun, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla




Friday, July 23, 2021

Three Presidents Reject Covid Vaccines; Three Presidents Die!!!

  If anyone thinks I'm making this up, think again...

(I received permission to reprint this entire article by Dr. Chuck Baldwin... see the link at the end of the article).

“In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way,” said President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Therefore, when three different presidents from three different countries all die under mysterious circumstances within months of each other—with one of those deaths being an audacious assassination—it truly stretches the limits of denial to suggest the deaths were NOT planned.

The only real question is, “Why?”

Tim Brown covers the story:

Either you believe there is an actual conspiracy or you believe that this is nothing more than a coincidence, which flies in the face of . . . logic.  Three presidents from three countries died under mysterious circumstances, and within months of each other, after they refused the experimental COVID injections for their people.

The governments we are talking about who refused the World Health Organization’s death jab are Burundi, Tanzania and most recently Haiti.

Here are these men.

In Burundi it was President Pierre Nkurunziza.

In Tanzania, it was President John Magufuli.

In Haiti, it was President Jovenel Moïse.

All three of those Presidents are now DEAD.

Did you get that? Here it is again, “Three presidents from three countries died under mysterious circumstances, and within months of each other, after they refused the experimental COVID injections for their people.”

Brown follows up:

I knew there was something under the surface and that includes possible US involvement in President Jovenel Moïse’s assassination.  In fact, I had at the forefront of my mind that it was over the issue of these non-vaccines being sold as “vaccines.” Now, the evidence is becoming increasingly clear that this man was about to blow the whistle on these poisonous injections

If you remember, the suspected assassins had ties with the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA).  They were trained by the US.

Brown then quotes JD Rucker:

Haiti is the only nation in the western hemisphere that does not have Covid-19 injections available to the people. Considering the extreme poverty, cramped conditions, horrible healthcare infrastructure, and a population that is extremely vaccine hesitant, one might think the nation would be a cesspool of Covid-19 cases. It is not. In fact, scientists had been studying the people in the nation to determine why they seem to be so resistant before being recalled for unknown reasons.

To put it into perspective, let’s compare Haiti to New Jersey. They have a similar population density with Haiti having 11.5 million people across 10,714 square miles and New Jersey having 9.2 million people across 8,721 square miles. Haiti has had 19,295 Covid-19 cases. New Jersey has had 1,026,286. Some of this can be attributed to Haiti’s poor medical infrastructure reducing the amount of Covid tests, but lack of tests cannot account for dramatically lower deaths. They’ve had 482 compared to New Jersey’s 26,509 Covid deaths.

Let’s break down those numbers. Despite similar population density, higher total population, and worse healthcare available, Haiti has had 1.8% of the Covid cases that New Jersey has had. Put another way, the citizens of New Jersey with a high vaccination rate are 53-times more likely to contract Covid-19 than Haitians who do not have access to a vaccine.

Moïse knew this. It’s one of the reasons he rejected free vaccines in May and June. But you won’t hear about that. Not anymore. The official storyline about Haiti’s vaccine hesitancy has suddenly changed following Moïse’s assassination. Now, the health officials in the country are claiming they didn’t reject ALL vaccines, just the AstraZeneca vaccines because of the higher risks they supposedly have. Of course, this narrative didn’t materialize until AFTER Moïse was murdered.

With Moïse out of the way, the doors are opening wide for the nation that doesn’t need nor want the vaccines to suddenly have them available. As if on cue, the Biden regime has offered to send millions of vaccines to the nation very soon.

Never in history has there been such pressure, manipulation, coercion, threats, bribes and now perhaps political assassinations all with the intent of forcing people to take a shot. 

Folks, take off the blinders!

Employers are telling employees they will be fired if they don’t get the shot. They are being told they won’t be hired if they don’t get the shot. People are being told that they cannot attend certain public events if they don’t get the shot. Television commercials are filled with celebrities cajoling people to get the shot. Insurance companies are filling up people’s answering machines with appeals to get the shot. States, municipalities and corporations are offering people financial incentives to get the shot. Anthony (Heil Hitler) Fauci is predicting two distinct Americas: one for those with the shot and one for those without the shot. Joe Biden is saying that soon government bureaucrats will be going door-to-door “encouraging” people to take the shot.

And you can bet that the real reason for the government’s door-to-door canvassing is for the purpose of data collection: to put people in a government database of “haves” and “have nots,” which will be the precursor for all sorts of draconian action against the “have nots.” 

So much for medical privacy. 

All of this effort and expense, all of this bribery and coercion, all of this manipulation and intimidation, all of this pressure and force to protect against a virus that has a 99% survival rate.

And now there appears to be a distinct probability that three presidents have been murdered because they each rejected the distribution of the Covid vaccines in their respective countries.

Anyone who believes that the Covid narrative—including taking the shot—is all about people’s safety is dumber than a box of rocks. The central government in Washington, D.C., doesn’t care a hoot in Hell whether you and I live or die.

To the elites in government, people are but serfs to till the land and pay the taxes. They are mere subjects whose votes can be easily purchased with bread and circuses—and food stamps and free cell phones and free school lunches and free rent and free insurance and free housing, ad nauseam.

Amazingly, almost everyone is ignoring the fact that more Americans have died from the Covid vaccines in the first FIVE MONTHS of this year than from all the vaccines during the past TEN YEARS.

Almost everyone is ignoring the fact that a court in Lisbon, Portugal, has determined that only 0.9% of “verified cases” actually died of Covid, numbering 152, not the 17,000 claimed. And people also ignore the fact that fraudulent claims regarding Covid deaths such as the ones in Portugal are universal and are taking place where they live. 

Almost everyone is ignoring the fact that the European Union has reported that through June 19, 2021, there have been 1.5 million vaccine injuries and over 15,000 deaths.

Reports such as these are endless, and almost everyone totally ignores them.

I’ll say it straight out: The Covid vaccinations are not designed to protect us; they are designed to enslave us.

I’ll go even further: The entire phony Covid narrative was hatched in the pits of Hell. The Covid vaccines are the tip of the spear in the antichrist, Babylonish, beastly governmental system that is now emerging.

People who are sheepishly surrendering to the Covid Empire are not only putting the shackles of slavery around their necks and endangering their lives, they are potentially damning their eternal souls.

Let me again remind readers that I have a series of 5 messages on 1 DVD entitled The Rise Of The Beast: Coronavirus And Antichrist.

I have also produced a DVD message that supplements the above series of messages called The Babylon Of Revelation 18

I urge readers to watch these messages.

If evangelical Christians were not so deceived by the false doctrines of Scofield futurism and Israel-based dispensational prophecy propaganda, they would have rejected the phony Covid narrative from day number one, and this demonic antichrist system would have been dead in the water before it even started. But the false Rapture theory taught by John Darby and Cyrus Scofield brilliantly and cunningly set up the Church for this devilish deception.

This is Apollyon’s perfect storm.

This satanic system has already snuffed out the lives of untold numbers of innocent people—including three presidents.

If you think the vaccines are designed to end a “pandemic,” you are totally mistaken. They are designed to START a pandemic—a pandemic of universal government control over every jot and tittle of our lives.

Here is the cold, hard truth: Anyone—Republican or Democrat—who promotes the Covid vaccines is a tool of antichrist. This is the satanic assault of our lifetimes.

Martin Luther may have said it best:

If I profess, with the loudest voice and the clearest exposition, every portion of the truth of God except precisely that little point which the world and the devil are at that moment attacking, I am not confessing Christ, however boldly I may be professing Christ. Where the battle rages the loyalty of the soldier is proved; and to be steady on all the battlefield besides is mere flight and disgrace if he flinches at that one point.

The Covid vaccines are that point of the battlefield through which the world and the devil are now attacking. Any pastor, any church, any “Christian,” any “conservative” who is not faithful to resist THIS attack has disgraced the Christian faith, fled from Biblical truth and assisted the power of antichrist.

And all of this is the direct result of the damnable doctrines of Christian Zionism. We can now probably add the presidents of Burundi, Tanzania and Haiti to its list of victims.

© Chuck Baldwin... see this link: Columns > Three Presidents Reject Covid Vaccines; Three Presidents Die (

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