Tuesday, May 31, 2022

It's Really True: They Know They Are Killing The Babies...

  Is Pfizer guilty of genocide? 

Why did Pfizer want their data kept secret from the American public for 75 years??

Read the following article from Dr. Naomi Wolf...

Dear Friends, Sorry to Announce a Genocide (substack.com)

Here are a couple of excerpts from this revealing article...

"The WarRoom/DailyClout Pfizer Documents Research Volunteers, a group of 3000 highly credentialled doctors, RNs, biostatisticians, medical fraud investigators, lab clinicians and research scientists, have been turning out report after report, as you may know, to tell the world what is in the 55,000 internal Pfizer documents which the FDA had asked a court to keep under wraps for 75 years. By court order, these documents were forcibly disclosed."

And this... "In the internal trials, there were over 42,000 adverse events and more than 1200 people died. Four of the people who died, died on the day they were injected."

And this... "But — four of the lactating vaccinated women in the Pfizer documents reported “blue-green” breast milk. I am not making this up. And the nursing baby who died, with an inflamed liver — the case has been buried; has not made headlines."

Please read the entire article, see and judge for yourself the corruption of our federal agencies in cahoots with Big Pharma and the enormous amounts of money that has been and continues to be generated at the cost of death and mayhem of the American population.  A population that has been so brainwashed that they have lost all sense of critical thinking and researching for themselves what the chemicals in the "vaccines" are doing to their bodies, yet the willingly stick out their arms to get the jab...

(The "greatest generation" of the World War Two days would be appalled at the capitulation of their heirs to the globalist elites of the present day, without questioning the motives and intent of the anti-Christs -- to their own detriment and ultimate destruction.)

Pray for discernment and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


Sunday, May 29, 2022

Memorial Day, May 2022...

 (5797) The Meaning of Memorial Day - "Freedom is Never Free" - A Vietnam Veteran's Tribute - YouTube.

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla, Vietnam Veteran, December 1967 -- December 1968...

Deadly "Vaccines" And The Ultimate Game Plan Of The Wicked Globalists...

  More and devastating evidence of the underreporting of adverse reactions -- and deaths -- from the "covid" "vaccines"... 

Watch this video and make up your own minds...

SHOCKING! MILLIONS Died From Vaccine! - The Numbers They DON'T Want You To See! (banned.video)

Now, couple this data with the absolute aim of reducing the world's population by the anti-Christ, new-world-order globalists and you have a witch's brew of brutality and enslavement.  

You must watch the following videos and listen for yourself the diabolical plans for you and me...

BOMBSHELL: Dr. Judy Mikovits Exposes The Plan to Implant Humanity with Cancer Viruses (banned.video)

Along with the above video, you will hear the audience clapping with glee about taking out half of the world's population by -- 2050?  2060?  2100?  

No.  By 2023!  Just around the corner...  Listen for yourself...

Emergency Saturday Broadcast! WAPO Reports Biden Preparing Plans For Martial Law (banned.video)

Folks, we are at war with the powers of darkness and Satan, and his  minions, who hate life -- and Christ!

Hey, "pope" Francis, where are you??  Why aren't you condemning these demons??

Is it because you are a promoter of the new-world-order and population reduction?  

Is that too harsh a question?

Not really.  Why does "pope" Francis appoint the likes of Jeffrey Sachs -- a radical population reduction lunatic -- to Francis' "advisory boards"??

Remember, Bergoglio is a cunning traitor who, once in a while, throws out a "Catholic crumb" from the table of plenty to fool weak-kneed, poorly catechized, novus ordo "Catholics" totally brainwashed by the lies and corruption that emanates from Rome.

If we don't become aware of what these monsters are planning, then we will fall prey to their satanic scheme and die a thousand deaths.

Is martyrdom just around the corner??

Better to Live Free Or Die!  

Pray for strength and honor...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


Saturday, May 28, 2022

Evil Politicians Have Cast Their Lot With The Devil...

 That's a mouthful!  Can I prove it?

Sure: let those who have eyes to see, see, and those who have ears to hear, hear...

That is, unless one has his or her head buried in the sand unable to see or has his or her hands firmly pressing against their ears to shut out the evil of moral and spiritual turpitude that surrounds us -- blind spots, if you will, stemming from rejecting the good God Who redeemed us and made us free under His law...

Take for instance, those pols -- many of them "Catholic"!, especially in the so-called "blue states," that are dominated by their insatiable bloodlust to keep the killing of the pre-born "rare" but "legal," not to mention their unbridled support for the sin of Sodom...

I have to say, however, that it is not just in the "blue states" that this barbarism occurs, but also in what are labeled the "red states" by treasonous republicans-in-name-only (RINOs), who have betrayed their party, the Natural Law -- and, most importantly, God almighty.

The culture of death is so prevalent that movie makers use extreme violence to tantalize their audience with guns, bullets, sex, drugs, and mayhem to fulfill some unattainable sinful desires that appeals to the base instinct of mostly immature minds, not to mention video games containing the same...

Then, when some mentally twisted nutcase decides to shoot-up a school, the Left -- including many Hollywood elites -- attacks the inanimate object (a gun or other easily obtainable weapon) instead of getting to the root cause of why such a murderous attack happened in the first place.  

(The ultimate goal of the anti-Second Amendment bullies is to eradicate our right to defend ourselves against a tyrannical, behemoth, overreaching monstrosity that is the central government -- or rogues intent on shooting the innocent.  This is right out of the Marxist playbook: disarm, control and enslave.)

Most of the lunatic shooters over the years, are either psychologically disturbed, on some type of psychotropic drug, or suffered physical or mental abuse during their crucial formative years, some abuse coming from their own parents...

Even when such heinous incidents occur, the hard Left continues in their quest to defund the police or refuse to see the wisdom in having teachers armed while in school.  Again, this is the mentality of keeping law abiding citizens un-armed and at the mercy of the lunatics, especially those children under the charge of well-meaning, dedicated teachers.

Right after the recent shooting in Texas, the radical Demonrats -- and some deep state establishment RINOs -- joined forces to immediately sponsor more stringent "gun control" legislation, as if that works.

It doesn't and never will...

To repeat: the aim here is to disarm, control and enslave American citizens to the point of complete capitulation to those wicked treasonous politicians playing right into the hands of the enemies of human freedom -- and Christ!

One of the major reasons for the mayhem and death we see, is the weakness of what passes for the Catholic Church.  Specifically, the novus ordo, parallel "church" that continues to water down, ignore or outright reject the authentic Deposit of Faith entrusted to those bishops as successors of the Apostles for a few, dirty, pieces of silver, as did the "bishop", Judas... 

Be on guard!  And pray for the defeat of these traitors -- and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene De Lalla



Thursday, May 26, 2022

"...His Clandestine Deal With The Devil, The Chinese Communists."

  On May 24, 2022, I wrote: "Church Unity"? What A Diabolical Joke!

We -- faithful Catholics -- cannot, ever, have "unity" with evil!

We cannot claim to love God, and, at the same time, serve the father of lies, Satan -- for the sake of so-called "unity".  That is a spiritual impossibility.

Yet, there are continued calls for "church unity," but unity with what?  And how is this "unity" to be accomplished without betraying our Lord and His holy Church??

We hear cries, like: "for the sake of the church," or "we must be obedient to the bishop," or "we must recognize that the new mass is just as valid as the TLM"... Or ...ad nauseam.

Sorry, it is either or, but not both.

One of the major apes of the Church is the scourge -- the heresy -- of modernism, and this modernism can lead to Marxism and those evil fruits are being played out right before our eyes, not only in Red Communist China, but also right here in the U.S. of A...

It is called treason.

The current regime occupying the Oval Office are treasonous rats!  But what is even worse -- if that's possible -- are the traitors that occupy the seats of power in the Vatican, all the way up to and including the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio.

Too harsh a statement?  Not at all.  How much proof do we need?  Ever since 2013, when Pope Benedict "resigned," there has been an in-your-face revolution headed by the newly installed "pope," Francis...

But if you do need more and damning proof, here it is...

Here is an article from The Remnant:  The Remnant Newspaper - The Poisoned Fruits of a Poisonous Deal*.  Written by Elizabeth Yore...

Here are a couple of excerpts from the article... They are disturbing to say the least... "No voice of freedom is more beloved or respected than the 90 year old emeritus Hong Kong Cardinal Joseph Zen and no one more feared by the CCP. On May 11, 2022, Beijing focused its furious crackdown on the frail, but mighty Prince of the Catholic Church and arrested Zen on trumped up charges of “colluding with foreign forces.”

And this from Archbishop Vigano... “The poisoned fruits of the Sino-Vatican Agreement are now apparent. The Bergoglian church prefers to remain silent about the persecution of Catholics who belong to the clandestine Church after having handed them over to retaliations at the hands of the patriotic sect and the Chinese Communist Party.”

“In exchange, Beijing rewards the Holy See for its services with substantial annual funding: the mercenaries allow themselves to be bought with thirty pieces of silver that are dripping with the blood of the martyrs of the Church of silence.”

End of excerpts...

Has the consecration of Russia actually happened??  As we take giant steps to a potential nuclear exchange with the Russian Bear, I think that something was seriously lacking in the supposed consecration.  I also contend that it is not only Russia that is spreading her errors, but also any nation that rebels against God, the Natural Law, especially denying the right of the pre-born to breathe air by the barbaric act of abortion as well as the sin of Sodom... 

We must continue to pray for the defeat of the diabolical agendas of the communists as well as those evil hierarchy attempting to stamp out Tradition, especially the Traditional Latin Mass of the ages...

And pray too for discernment -- and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

The Lopsided Slaughter Of Black Babies Continues: The Horrible Statistics...

  Very soon, the Supreme Court will officially release their decision -- their vote -- on the Roe v Wade fraud that led to the mass genocide of over 60,000,000 American babies since 1973...

Aside from the upcoming decision, it may be of interest -- it should be of interest! -- to note the most recent statistics (2019) from the CDC concerning those poor babies murdered in -- and sometimes out of the womb of their "mothers" -- infanticide, now "legal" in the state of Colorado!

The article I will imbed is from cnsnews.com and written by Terence P. Jeffrey: Abortion Disproportionately Targets Black Babies; CDC: 74% of Abortions in Mississippi Were Performed on Black Mothers.

Here is the link: Abortion Disproportionately Targets Black Babies; CDC: 74% of Abortions in Mississippi Were Performed on Black Mothers | CNSNews.

If you notice, in all cases, in all states, except California, Maryland and New Hampshire, that did not report their abortion data for 2019 -- the percentage of black women having abortions is way above the percent of blacks to the general population...

In fact, the overall population of black Americans is about 13-14 percent of the entire U.S. population, but! the percent of black babies killed in abortion is around 33-34 percent!  This does not include the state of California!  (It should be noted that California, with about 39,000,000 population, does not report the babies they killed to the CDC, if they did, then the percentage of black babies killed in the womb would obviously be much higher!) 

I believe that one of the reasons for this horrendous statistic is the lack of a two-parent household.  The "single mother" phenomenon and its horrible consequences are apparent to all, or should be.  

If it were "just" the abortion of black babies, that would be bad enough, but there is another form of mayhem being perpetrated against our black brothers and sisters: black on black crime...

Look no further than the city of Chicago, run by the lesbian Marxist, Lightfoot... So far this year, there have been 1,147 people shot; 212 killed, with 235 total homicides under her disastrous watch.  Yet, this miscreant is still mayor!?  Unbelievable!

And who are the culprits who wholeheartedly support the slaughter of pre-born black American babies?  Well, none other than black "civil rights leaders" and black politicians! 

Pure demonic lunacy!

Pray for these poor souls, and pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


Tuesday, May 24, 2022

"Church Unity"? What A Diabolical Joke!

 I often hear cries for "church unity" from those who castigate and deride those who attend the former Elesia Dei, Traditional Latin Mass communities and the most beautiful thing this side of Heaven, worshiping our good God in the most sublime way known to man, as opposed to the mostly banal novelty of the novus ordo "mass" concocted by the Freemason, "archbishop" Bugnini...

The attacks come from the most modern of the modernists, including those hierarchs all the way from Rome trickling down to our own shores, presided over by such miscreants as "Cardinal" Cupich of the war zone of Chicago, to the "bravo" "Cardinal" of New York, Dolan, and most every other bishop and cardinal in between...

The "unity" they espouse can simply be translated thusly: get rid of the TLM as well as traditional orders of priests, nuns, brothers and their magnificent contemplative orders that pray for us, and the world at large, to beg God for forgiveness of our grievous sins committed against the Holy and most Blessed Trinity.

What we are witnessing is the very successful infiltration of modernists and communists into Holy Mother Church.  This is not something new, far from it... Over 100 years ago, 115 years to be exact, Pope -- real -- SAINT Pius X warned us -- and condemned -- modernism as the synthesis of all heresies!  

Things have gotten so bad in the novus ordo "church," that when a bishop -- archbishop, in this case -- condemns those "Catholic" politicians because of their radical support for the slaughtering of the pre-born, and -- finally! -- publicly announces that N. Pelosi can no longer be given the Holy Eucharist, another bishop, in this case a "cardinal," by the name of Wilton Gregory of D.C., says he will continue to allow Pelosi (and other "Catholic" pols) to receive holy Communion!

See the article from thegatewapundit.com... (Beware of some potentially offensive ads)...  Leftist DC Archbishop Gregory Stands with Pelosi and Her Abortion to Birth Policies - Will Not Order Priests to Refuse Her Communion (thegatewaypundit.com)

Why is that?

And what are the consequences of such disregard for the Body and Blood of the Lord?

To answer the first question, we have to take a look at Gregory and see his track record of outright liberalism (liberalism is a sin in itself!) espousing many leftist causes, as well as his support for those who participate in the sin that cries to Heaven for vengeance: the sin of Sodom.

To answer the second question, the Bible -- and authentic Church teaching -- is very clear... 

I would urge any of my non-Catholic friends to read and heed the words of our Lord concerning the Holy Eucharist in St. John, Chapter Six.  Also, it may be news to some that St. Paul warns us in 1 Corinthians, Chapter 11, verses 23 to 34, paying special attention to verses 27 and 29, (King James Version), corroborating the fact of the Eucharist in St. John, Chapter Six.

In other words, those who think that the explanation of the Eucharist in St. John is some type of a metaphor, you are very much mistaken...

How do we know this??

From what happens after the many disciples of the Lord "walked no more with Him."  (St. John, Chapter Six, verse 66, King James Version.)

Did our Lord call them back?  Did He say, "I really didn't mean you have to eat My flesh and drink My blood in order to have life in you"?

No.  He meant what He said!  And He didn't call the disciples back, in essence, leaving them to their own devices -- and their own fate...

The point here is that if the Holy Eucharist is received unworthily, that person condemns himself/herself by committing the grave sin of sacrilege...  This, added on to the sin of murder -- by supporting the killing of the pre-born -- is quite enough to send someone to hell for all eternity, that is, if they don't repent of their sins and make a firm purpose of amendment not to commit that particular sin ever again...

There is something else going on here that has to be considered: Pelosi, and any other Catholic politician, or doctor, or nurse, or "mother," or "father" of the pre-born that kills or supports the killing of the pre-born, are automatically ex-communicated from the Catholic Church!  

If that doesn't scare the offending sinner, and apparently it hasn't, then the bishop must publicly ex-communicate that obstinate individual for his or her own good, sending a wake-up call for the good of their soul!

So, where is the "church unity" here?

I don't see it...

So far, there have been several other bishops supporting the action of Archbishop Cordileone -- but not enough!  Every truly Catholic bishop must come to his defense and ultimately, to the defense of the Holy Eucharist, that is, if they really believe in the Real Presence of our Lord in the Eucharist...

Pray for a total return to Tradition and complete and total demise of the novus ordo, and pray for strength and honor for Archbishop Cordileone -- and for ourselves...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

Sunday, May 22, 2022

Another Conspiracy Theory? Or Another Conspiracy?

 Get ready!  

If you think that "covid" is over, and things are getting back to "normal," think again...

Monkey see, monkey do...

This time, the monkeys -- and apes -- of mankind, are at it again, using monkeys to scare us to death, impose new face diaper and lockdown mandates -- and forcing "vaccines" -- to be injected into the arms of formerly free Americans.

This is all premeditated; all by design to bring us -- you and me -- down for the final count, and takeover of every aspect of our lives as well as opening up our country for a communist takeover...

Does that sound outrageous?  Does this sound like I'm wearing my tin-foil-hat?   Does this sound like this will never happen in the land of the free and the home of the brave??

Okay, fine, but look what we gave up over the last two years!

Look what we submitted to without firing a single shot: our freedom to move; our freedom to go bare-faced; our freedom to go to church; our -- FREEDOM, period!

And now the globalist anti-Christs are implementing their latest plan to control us using tree-swinging monkeys from Africa...

It's called "monkeypox"...

If you think that this is not planned, you are dead wrong!

Watch the following video and listen with your own ears to these diabolical maniacs -- they are in your face!  They don't even try to hide their filthy, deadly agenda...

From infowars.com... and before anyone dismisses Infowars being run by a bunch of wackos, I ask: who are the real wackos?  The rotten globalists and their minions in the White House as well as in the Tradition-hating Vatican...  As the novus ordo "church" goes, so goes society... 

Learn How Bill Gates Knew About the Monkeypox Outbreak and the Next Global Lockdown (banned.video)

Pray for strength and honor for what is coming down the road...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla



Friday, May 20, 2022

These Poor Souls Are Living In A Parallel Universe Where Evil Is Good And Good Is Evil...

  I will post the links to prove my point, from cnsnews.com...

Pelosi: ‘I Say This as a Practicing, Devout Catholic…This is Not Just About Terminating a Pregnancy’ | CNSNews

Archbishop Cordileone of San Francisco Bans Speaker Nancy Pelosi From Communion | CNSNews

Pelosi on Possibility Court Overturns Roe: ‘It's Really Scary--And I Say That as a Practicing Catholic’ | CNSNews

Pelosi Recalls Obamacare: ‘Thank God for the Nuns, the Catholic Nuns, Who Supported the Legislation’ | CNSNews

Pelosi: ‘Each Generation Inherits a Sacred Obligation to Care for The Glory of God’s Creation’ | CNSNews

A Holy Week Message from President Biden: ‘When It Comes to Abortion…the President Believes in Codifying Roe’ | CNSNews

President Biden: ‘We Pray For…the Basic Dignity and Respect For All of God’s Children’ | CNSNews

President Biden Tells Members of Congress: ‘I Pray That We Follow What Jesus Taught Us’ | CNSNews

Nancy Pelosi: 'We Must Not Rest Until We Finally Achieve…Justice for All Our Children’ | CNSNews

Pelosi on President Biden: ‘His Irish Heritage in His Case Was Accompanied by Deep Catholic Faith’ | CNSNews

I could post many more, but is it necessary??

These people are truly twisted...

Pray for them and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

So, If You Think That The Sexual Abuse Of Our Youngsters By "Catholic Priests" Is Bad And Widespread, And It Is, Check Out The Sexual Exploitation And Abuse By "Teachers" In The Public School System...

  Justice... One of the virtues that is demanded by God Almighty when we deal with our fellow humans -- and Him!  And He will render to us true justice at our Particular Judgment for our works, whether good or evil.  

Those "Catholic priests" who have betrayed their young charges -- and their Master, will, no doubt, face the most severe of all punishments when they leave this earth, that is, if they don't truly repent and convert their darkened hearts and again enter into a state of sanctifying grace...

But the long trail of sexual abuse and exploitation could not have been so rampant and "successful" over the decades if not aided and abetted by corrupt shepherds failing to do their job.  In many cases, they shipped these rotten "priests" to other dioceses after complaints from the laity, but that did nothing to stop the attacks on our youth...

It has been revealed that, in many cases, the bishops themselves have fallen into the sin of Sodom and abuse. 

Even though it is painful to rehash this horrendous episode of disgusting acts by those who wear the Roman collar, it is nonetheless necessary to compare, if you will, what has happened -- and continues to happen to those youngsters who attend the public schools.

It turns out that the sexual abuse of students is far worse -- if that's possible! -- than the reality of the abuse by "priests"!   

If we go back to Dr. Charol Shakeshaft, the researcher of a little-remembered 2004 study prepared for the U.S. Department of Education, states: “the physical sexual abuse of students in schools is likely more than 100 times the abuse by priests.

(My emphasis...)

Here is the entire article from lifesitenews.com...

Forgotten Study: Abuse in School 100 Times Worse than by Priests - LifeSite (lifesitenews.com)

But now, there is more damning evidence just released from an investigation and analysis by Fox News Digital of the sick abuse and exploitation of students by their "teachers"... 


AT LEAST 135 Teachers, Aides Have Been Arrested and Charged With Child Sex Crimes IN 2022 ALONE (thegatewaypundit.com)

I for one, cannot fathom the evil of these abusers and their lack of conscience... But what is apparent to me, is that this is the result of the rejection of God, not only on an individual basis, but also in secular society in general, from the removing of prayer in the public schools, to the introduction of bizarre and scandalous, and explicit, sexual instruction as well as the so-called Critical Race Theory (C.R.T) being taught to impressionable children.   These are only two of the many sick and disgusting tenets of the extreme Left used to capture the hearts and minds of our young...

I also cannot believe why the parents of these children don't pull them out of these indoctrination centers and homeschool?   It is essential to save their minds -- and, most importantly, their souls!

Again, let us pray for justice and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla



Thursday, May 19, 2022

Can MEN Get Pregnant -- And Have ABORTIONS? (Diabolical Disorientation Of The Left.)

 I did not come up with the title of my article to make a joke.  On the contrary, this bizarre, anti-Natural Law craziness, is actually believed by some on the Left!  

In fact, in recent congressional testimony, a female by the name of Aimee Arrambide, executive director of pro-abortion non-profit AVOWwas grilled by Republican North Carolina Rep. Dan Bishop, who asked her how she would define a woman.

“I believe that everyone can identify for themselves,” Arrambide responded, prompting Bishop to further ask “Do you believe then that men can become pregnant and have abortions?”

“Yes,” Arrambide answered.  (My emphasis.)

See the short video below from Infowars...

Video: Democratic Witness At Judiciary Committee Abortion Hearing Says Men Can Get Pregnant And Have Abortions (infowars.com)

Not only are these Demonrats anti-life, they are unhinged to such a point of making incredible and downright stupid statements... 

As you watch the second video, notice the male over the right shoulder of the female nodding his head in agreement!  Another brainwashed -- braindead -- robot completely devoid of testosterone -- and God-given common sense! 

Here is that video showing a female "Doctor" responding to the congressman's question... 

 video... https://twitter.com/i/status/1526985642051264513

We must pray for our country, and for these demonically possessed poor souls...

... And for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

Monday, May 16, 2022

Biden's Apostate "Catholic" Cabinet...

 That is, of course, if one recognizes the "presidency" and "cabinet" as legitimate in the first place...

For the time being, those are the demons that occupy the powerful seats of government in the U.S.  

Make no mistake, they are demons!  Their intellects are obviously possessed by the dark, evil powers from below...

To prove the point that I have made many times, that apostate "Catholics" are the worst enemies of the Natural Law, the Ten Commandments, and, most importantly, Christ, Our Lord.

Here is proof... But do you really need the proof??

Please read the following article from cnsnews.com, written by Bill Donohue... Biden's Pro-Abortion Catholic Cabinet | CNSNews.

Here are a couple of excerpts from this damning article...

"The Secretary of Health and Human Services, Xavier Becerra, is one of the most extreme defenders of abortion-on-demand. He is loved by NARAL, the abortion giant, and has previously earned a zero rating from National Right to Life. He has no qualms about supporting partial-birth abortion, and his passion for abortion is so strong that it inspired him to attempt to close down crisis pregnancy centers in California when he was the state's Attorney General. He is most known for seeking to punish the Little Sisters of the Poor by relentlessly seeking to force them to pay for abortion-inducing services in their healthcare plans."

"Jennifer Granholm is Secretary of Energy. When she was governor of Michigan, she twice vetoed a partial-birth abortion ban and worked with other pro-abortion politicians to loosen abortion restrictions."

And this...  "Gina Raimondo is Secretary of Commerce. When she was governor of Rhode Island, she championed a law that would allow partial-birth abortions. She also signed a bill that codified abortion protections."

(There's the state of Rhode Island again... Remember, that Rhode Island has the largest "Catholic" population in the nation!)

If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it can be assumed that it is a duck!  

What we faithful Catholics are dealing with in the current Marxist, anti-Christ regime are those apostate "Catholics" trying their dead-level best to fulfill the diabolical agenda of the new-world-order, population-control freaks to create a new world religion made in the image and likeness of man (in reality, it is in the image and likeness of the father of lies, Satan). 

We faithful Catholics get little help from the establishment, novus ordo hierarchy, instead they, for the most part, have the blood of innocents on their hands, if not directly, at least by being in agreement with the Demonrat politicians by not ex-communicating those radical, pro-death pols in their dioceses, as well as those lay folk who support the killing of the pre-born...

I contend that many of the schismatic, heretical, culture of death hierarchy should be ex-communicated also to send a holy message that if they don't change and be converted, they will end up losing their immortal souls... 

Pray for strength and honor and for these poor, possessed souls...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

Sunday, May 15, 2022

Lunatic Shoots And Kills Numerous, Innocent Citizens In Supermarket In Buffalo, N.Y...

 Was this another drug-induced, MK-ULTRA false flag, phycological operation carried out by enlisting a punk, 18-year-old hater of life, and influenced by who, exactly?

Were actual drugs used to create another "Manchurian Candidate," or was the constant culture of death plastered across social media another form of drug that can easily corrupt an immature, Godless mind, coupled with the idea that one race is better than another and the "useless eaters" must be eliminated?   

Sounds a lot like the ideology that led up to the "final solution" of Hitler to create a superior race of Aryans, and kill those inferior Jews! 

As soon as this murder-spree went down, the liberal, anti-Second Amendment, Marxist media along with their useful idiots in political seats of power, went on the rampage themselves, only this time, it was to call for more -- more! -- ineffective gun control across the country.

From the female, apostate "Catholic" Gov. of New York, Hochul, to the radical racist mayor of N.Y.C., Eric Adams -- who claims that it is a female's right to abort -- kill, that is -- her tiny baby girl as she is about to be born into the world.  

What does the extremist mayor of New York and his diatribe on "abortion rights," have to do with the shooting in upstate New York?


His hypocrisy is normal for the abnormal, demonic Demonrats... Clamoring for the right to kill a developing baby, then, when an someone goes on a killing spree, they wonder why, or blame an inanimate object and call for even more "gun control," read: kill the Second Amendment and consign our right to keep and bear arms to the dustbin of history.

If that agenda ever comes to fruition, rest assured that our country will then be wide open to a "Red Dawn" from the likes of communist Red China, North Korea, or any other authoritarian, anti-Christ regime dead-set on enslaving all freedom-loving Americans and destroying our Republic...

I have a question: will the wimpish, RINO "Republicans" cower in fear if they attempt to report the other side of the story of that punk madman-killer, or agree with those Demonrats that more stringent gun control must be implemented at the federal level?

Your guess is as good as mine...

I have another question: in a state such as New York, it is almost impossible to carry a concealed weapon due to the radical, Leftist politicians who have put up so many roadblocks to get that treasured permit, that all but one of those shoppers killed in the market were unarmed... 

There was an armed guard -- Aaron Salter, a retired Buffalo police officer -- who shot the bad guy, but the bullet did not penetrate the bullet-proof vest, so the maniac was able to shoot and kill the guard!

None of the other citizens were armed, so they didn't even have a chance to fight for their lives and the lives of others...  

Is the visceral hate speech that emanates from the current regime occupying the Whtie House helping to embolden these lunatics?  I say yes.  It is we God-fearing, freedom-loving, pro-life folks as well as veterans who have been labeled as "white supremacists," "homegrown terrorists," the real "threats to our democracy," as the bad guys, while there are lenient sentences handed out to the real criminals, or no enforcement at all, especially in the "blue states".   

One prime example is that war zone known as Chicago, where mayor Lightfoot, already has, as of this date, over 1,000 people shot, and 220 homicides... Yet this poor excuse for a mayor -- is still mayor!!

Where is the outrage?  There is none, and yet 99 percent of those shot and killed in Chicago are black Americans, as was the case in the shooting in Buffalo...

It is the same black pols that are radical supporters of aborting their own race of pre-born babies!


Another form of deadly hypocrisy!

I urge all to pray for the repose of the souls of those killed in Buffalo, and beg for mercy for their eternal destiny, we can do no less...

Pray too, for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla




Friday, May 13, 2022

"A Game Of Chicken Between Nuclear Powers Is Insane"...

  I have said it before, and I'll say it again: if we continue to poke the Russian Bear with a very sharp stick, he will strike back in his own defense, especially if he is backed into a corner with nowhere to go but straight at the one (nation(s)) blocking his escape route.

The lunatic Demonrats, along with their establishment, very deep state RINO buddies in the House and in the Senate, are calling for regime change in Russia, read: getting rid of President Putin, and replacing him with... who or what, exactly??  Another CIA stooge??

Good luck with that.  But remember, there is the Russian, nuclear-armed military that NATO (the U.S.) will have to overcome if such stupidity is actually attempted.  Again, good luck with that...

We are, in effect, already at war, via proxy, with Russia through our continued and increased support of Ukraine with arms and ammo to the tune of... how much exactly?   But if the current bill passes in the Senate, another $40,000,000,000 -- that's BILLION! -- in fiat currency will be sent to the corrupt Ukraine, ending up in whose hands?  It's anyone's guess.  But rest assured that there will be suitcases of cash going into the hands of the pols and those in the military-industrial-complex both here and abroad.

So, we send our hard-earned taxpayer monies to another foreign, corrupt country to secure their borders, all the while leaving our southern border a porous sieve allowing hundreds of thousands of illegal, military-age males and unaccompanied youngsters to enter our once-sovereign country -- all unvetted, I might add! -- with not one more cent for our border wall.

This is all by design, folks, all by design...

Please read the following article from cnsnews.com, written by Michael Chapman... Rep. Gaetz: 'We Are Sleepwalking into a War,' 'Regime Change in Russia' is the Goal | CNSNews.

I am repeating the title of the article on purpose to scare those who are "asleep at the wheel," thinking that such a conflagration could never happen to us -- and, by extension, to the world.

I believe that Rep. Gaetz hits the nail on the head, but who will listen???

Rep. Gaetz: 'We Are Sleepwalking into a War,' 'Regime Change in Russia' is the Goal.

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us...

Pray, too, for strength and honor for what might be coming down the road in very short order...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 


Thursday, May 12, 2022

The Demonic, Sick, America-Hating, Apostate "Catholic" "President" Biden...

  If anyone thinks I take some type of morbid pleasure in calling out the current occupant of the Oval Office, then you don't know me.  Having said that, I will always call a spade a spade, not only for the sake of the country, but even more importantly, for the sake of the truth.  For without truth, there can be no lasting peace, harmony, real equity and surely no justice!

What really disturbs me is that the stories and articles in the broadcast and print media care little for pointing out the hate that is so apparent in the incoherent, ranting, Biden, even when it is so obvious...

That could only make one come to the conclusion that that same media is in cahoots in pressing forward with an agenda that will, for all practical purposes, destroy our Republic at the expense, I might add, of the pre-born!  And that's what it all comes down to: abortion on-demand, all the way up to and including birth.

That is the "sacrament" of the "religion" of death, on the "altar" of "choice" with the "pastor," Satan, at the helm, in control of the intellects of his useful idiots...

The communists, atheists, and apostate Catholics are all the same peas in the same pod.  With apostate Catholics the worst of the group of traitors to our country -- and to God Almighty and His one, true Church.

But the sickness that has infected Biden all these years stems from his hate for truth and his thirst for the blood of the pre-born to curry political favor along with his disordered, perverted love for the father of lies...

Of course, the demonic, sick, America-hating, apostate Catholic "president" Biden, continues to receive support and encouragement from other well-known enemies of our country -- and Christ...

Take for instance, the current occupant of the Chair of St. Peter, the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio, and his hate for anything Traditional, especially, the Traditional Latin Mass and those faithful Catholics who attend the most beautiful thing this side of Heaven!

But why the continued and heinous attacks on Tradition and the perennial teachings of Holy Mother Church?  Because, as the Bible speaks to us: "And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient..."   (King James Version; St. Paul to the Romans, Chapt. 1:28...)

Isn't that what we're dealing with: a reprobate, and sick mind(s)?

We should continue to pray for the conversion of such sick folk, but, at the same time, recognize our enemies for what they are: anti-Christs...

Pray for strength and honor, and for the restoration of Tradition and the total abolishment of the novus ordo, fake religion that it is...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla




Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Want To See And Hear Evil? Here It Is...

  Many folks don't believe in God; others who do believe in God call Him a "higher power," and we -- who believe -- know that "higher power" is God Almighty!

Many folks don't think that evil exist either.  Makes sense.  If they don't believe in God, then why in the "hell" should they believe in evil or the devil??  (The devil being the personification of evil.)

Well, for all those who don't believe in God or evil, here are a couple of videos that should change the mind of the atheists and agnostics...

The first video concentrates on the depopulation of the earth to a billion people or less.  The second video will show evil in action at Catholic churches this past Mother's Day weekend...

(If one thinks that those who have been warning about the depopulation crowd are nutjob, conspiracy, tin-foil-hat wearers, then you will hear right from the mouth of one of these demons...)  

WATCH: Club Of Rome Announces Intention To Decrease World Population To One Billion (banned.video)

The second video will show the fury, hate and evil of those whose hearts and souls are consumed with the diabolical thirst for the blood of our tiny innocent brothers and sisters in the womb.  

Warning!  There are scenes and language that are disturbing to normal, God-fearing people...

Tucker Carlson: Pro-abortion violence motivated by 'displacing God' and 'undermining Christianity' - LifeSite (lifesitenews.com)

You will also hear that the so-called "justice department," and the Biden regime, are not concerned about the destruction and desecration of Catholic churches and those crises pregnancy centers whose charity seeks to help young, pregnant women.  

Ironic, isn't it, how some females howl and scream hate at those who want to help women and support life?!

By the way, wasn't it "pope" Bergoglio that welcomed Biden at the Vatican and told the apostate that he is a good Catholic and to keep receiving the Holy Eucharist??? 

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla



Tuesday, May 10, 2022

You've Heard About The Upcoming Food Shortages Because Of The Conflict Between Russia And Ukraine, Right? But Have You Heard About The Massive Food RECALLS Over The Last Couple Of Months????

  I'm sure that you have heard about all the arson, explosions and destruction of various food processing plants around the country -- including two small plane crashes into said facilities?   (Oh, by the way, one of the pilots was a beautiful 30-year-old woman, whose plane crashed into the roof of one of the plants.  Is it possible that the her plane was taken over by some remote control system?   Similar to the jet airliners that hit the Twin Towers?   Don't mind me, I'm just wearing my tin-foil-hat this morning).

See my previous article here: Accidents? Coincidences? Or, Planned -- Covert -- Devastation Of Food Processing Facilities???

I'm digressing just a bit...

Well, here is some more info to ponder, but I must warn you that if you believe what is in the video below, you will be accused of wearing that tin-foil-hat too...


All coincidences?  Or is this all by design?  You make up your own mind...

The demons are on the loose!  

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


Monday, May 9, 2022

Isn't It True That Words Mean Things? If They Do, Then YOU And I Are The REAL Instigators Of Violence Over The Abortion "Issue"!!!!

  I'm not kidding!  YOU and I are the real threats to peace and security in America, just ask the "justice department", especially over the abortion "issue"!!!!

I have come to the conclusion that some folks are living in a parallel universe where two + two equals five or whatever you want it to equal.  Translation: pathological liars will lie right to your face -- and get away with it by convincing the dumbed-down American populace -- who have been brainwashed by watching the mainstream, Marxist media -- that the lie is, in reality, the truth -- and that the real truth is a lie!!

Take for instance, the days leading up to yesterday, Sunday, Mother's Day, where the ultra-leftist, Marxist media warned the American people to be on the lookout for -- YOU and I!   That's right, you and I would be the cause of violent protests against the death mills, known as "clinics" or "hospitals," and the "rights" of the baby killers would be denied and their access to those very same "clinics" to slaughter their pre-born babies in the womb, supposedly, the saftest place on earth for the tiny developing baby girl or boy, would have to do battle with -- US, you and I!

Notice that I am repeating myself here: US, you and I...  That's because it is you and I that are the real bad guys in the struggle to allow our pre-born brothers and sisters to breathe air and not be torn apart, limb from limb, or chemically dissolved in the womb of their "mothers"... 

Remember too, that it was you and I that threatened and carried out some of those threats against the Catholic churches with vandalism and disruptions of Masses across the country -- on Mother's Day!  

(It was good to see that even in L.A. the parishioners "escorted" the crazy protestors out of the cathedral when they attempted to interrupt Mass!)

These pathological liars are also prevalent in the government, especially when it comes to the useful idiots in the current regime occupying the White House and the secretaries of the various cabinet offices.  Take for instance, Alejandro Mayorkas, the head of the Department of Homeland Security... 

In recent days, this liar; this traitor, was grilled by various senators about the state of our porous, southern border and the hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens that have entered and continue to enter, our country without being vetted one iota.  Not only that, but he was also questioned about the radical Leftist that has been hired to head the "Disinformation Governance Board," Nina Jankowicz... 

The lunatic, Jankowicz, has a track record of being anti-American, and very anti-First Amendment...

The point is, is that Mayorkas couldn't answer simple, direct questions, about the humanitarian disaster at the border, nor about the appointment of Jankowicz...

To get a handle on these and other obfuscations of responsibility, and the twisting of words, please watch the following video...(5434) YOU GOTTA SEE THIS FOR YOURSELF! - YouTube.

But above all, get it through your think heads that YOU and I are the real bad guys!  

(Isn't it interesting how the radical subversives always accuse US of what they do???) 

And pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla



Anti-Abortion, Or Pro-Life? Even The "Conservative" Media Gets It Wrong -- On Purpose???

  The late Johnny Carson emceed a TV game show: Who Do You Trust, from 1957-1962

"In the quiz portion, Carson would tell the male contestant the category of the upcoming question; the man would then have to decide whether to answer the question himself or "trust" the woman to do so." (My emphasis.)

Who (whom) do you trust to tell you the truth?  The mainstream Marxist media?  Or the "conservative" alternate media?

I certainly don't trust the Marxist commies, and it is getting to the point that I don't trust much of the "conservative" media either!

As a prime example, read this headline from an article from breitbart.com: Report: Madison Anti-Abortion Headquarters Set on Fire, Vandalized, Graffitied.

(Here is the link to the entire story: Report: Madison Anti-Abortion Headquarters Set on Fire, Vandalized (breitbart.com)

Notice: "anti-abortion", rather than pro-life?   

Could it be that the writer of the article is a "closet" pro-abortion-sympathizer nutjob?  


And it riles me to see this slap in the face of true pro-life organizations being characterized as folks against something, such as God-given, Constitutional rights, instead of acknowledging they (we) are revealing the horrendous destruction of innocent, defenseless pre-born babies by those demonic culture-of-death satan worshipers...

This is not the only "conservative" media (breitbart.com) where I see this "mistake" almost on a daily basis.

So, can you and I trust even the so-called "conservative," alternate media?   

One only has to read most secular, mainstream media and see the intent and design here: to paint us pro-life, God-fearing people as some violent, radical threat to peace and security -- and even terrorists, as the current "administration" and the "department of justice" has characterized decent American parents who object to the indoctrination of their children in the bizarre and morally depraved public school system, while ignoring the beam in their own eyes!

Pray for discernment and pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

Restoring Altar Rails (For Kneeling) In The Archdiocese Of New York? Hell NO, Say The Modernists!!

 These haters of Tradition are truly despicable!  This is one more horrible example of the modernists and their almost complete control of t...