Wednesday, August 31, 2022

The Absolute Lunacy -- And The Insanity -- Of Twisting Of Catholic Tradition To Fit The Novus Ordo "Church" By Sinister Hierarchical Modernists...

 If there was ever any doubt about who the real enemies of the authentic Catholic Church -- and of Christ! -- are, then this short video from should clear up that doubt.

(239) Francis Seriously Violated The Law For His Own Wicked Plans - YouTube.

Make no mistake, neither I, nor Dr. Stine are "piling on the pope," no, just the opposite, his reporting is simply pointing out the injustice and outrageous acts of the wolves ripping off their phony clothes and exposing the reality of who they really are; enemies of the flock of Christ, with the intent to scatter and devour the sheep...

And that brings up another point... Are the sheep willing to fight for the faith?  Or are the sheep nothing more than "sheeple" unwilling to take a stand against these modernist monsters determined to destroy Tradition and the Traditional Latin Mass of the ages?

What we are dealing with is obedience, or, should I say, false obedience.  We cannot obey those prelates who tell us to take our families and jump off a ten-story building simply because they tell us to.  If we do obey that illicit, illegal and immoral dictate, then we men -- as the head of the family -- will be held accountable at our Particular Judgment for not using our God-given common sense, as well as for the physical -- and spiritual death -- of those entrusted to us... 

These novus ordo hierarchy are out in the open; they don't even attempt to hide their wickedness any longer, but attack and condemn those who hold to the Traditions we have learned either by our word or our epistle (paraphrasing St. Paul).

At the core of these attacks, is the establishment of a new "religion," but of course those bad actors cannot lay out their evil plans all at once for all to see, that would give their hand away.  Then again, it is possible that if that were to happen, would the average Catholic be up-in-arms and fight for truth and justice?  I wonder... 

Here is another video from Dr. Taylor Marshall that shows the depth of corruption and evil that infects the minds, hearts and souls of those masquerading as successors of the Apostles, especially when it comes to life-issues, i.e., abortion -- the killing of the pre-born...

(240) Archbishop ViganĂ² Attacks Pope's Academy of Life for approving a-word - YouTube.

Fellow Catholics, it is incumbent upon us to acknowledge the majority of the novus ordo shepherds are the enemies of the spotless Bride of Christ, the real Catholic Church founded on the Rock of St. Peter.  It is up to the Elect, the Remnant, to fight like hell to preserve our precious faith handed down to us from our martyrs and Saints who shed their blood for Christ's sake -- and ours! 

Pray for the defeat of these miscreants -- and their conversion!

Pray, too, for strength and honor for what is surely coming down the ecclesiastical road...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fe. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla  



Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Apostate Pelosi Strikes Again: "It's Sinful..." NOT To Kill Pre-Born Babies!!

 "Devout Catholic," Nancy Pelosi tells the world that it's sinful NOT to kill pre-born babies!  She completely ignores the teaching -- the fact -- that our bodies are not our own, but are the temples of the Holy Ghost, every real and faithful Catholic knows this...

(Notice too, how those in the video perpetuate the phony face diaper nonsense used to maintain fear and control over the mind-numbed robots in the audience.) 

Here is a short video from showing these wicked, evil females explaining how they must persevere in fighting for the "right" to kill a pre-born baby in the most heinous of ways, including using chemicals to dissolve and eliminate the tiny baby developing in the womb of her mother.  

If you listen closely, you can hear and understand just how cavalier, how callus and cold these females are.  They are obviously in the grip of Satan, the father of lies and murder...

It is stunning that Pelosi continues to use her "faith" as justification for the genocide perpetrated on the most defenseless of our species, the pre-born baby, the gift of life given to us by God Himself...

Pelosi: ‘It’s Sinful…That They Would Be Able to Say to Women What They Think Women Should Be Doing With…Their Bodies’ | CNSNews.

As I have said and written many times: apostate Catholics are the worst and most evil of the enemies of Christ!

I know it is difficult, but we must pray for the conversion of these miscreants, not only for their own sake -- of where they will spend eternity, but also to mitigate the slaughter of our tiny brothers and sisters in the womb...

Pray too, for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

Sunday, August 28, 2022

The Hypocrisy Of "It's All About The Children"... The Biden "Administration" Is Allowing Sex Trafficking At The Southern Border -- And ORGAN HARVESTING OF CHILDREN!!!

  How many times have you heard or read the corrupt Nancy Pelosi -- the apostate "Catholic" -- babble on about "the children, it's all about the children"?  

Well, if it was, then why aren't you concerned about what is going on at the southern border, you miserable hypocrite?  

And what is going on at the southern border?  

If you said that an invasion of our country is going on, you would be correct, there is no doubt about that, it is all by design to weaken our already weakened, compromised security of our once-sovereign nation.

But if was "only" an invasion, there would be ways of taking care of that mess under a new -- and legitimate -- administration.  But it is much more than an invasion: there is human smuggling and trafficking by the drug cartel lunatics who are literally making hundreds of millions of dollars by smuggling the deadly drug, fentanyl, across the border.  Sure, our Border Patrol agents are quite good at intercepting this life-stealing drug, but a great deal gets by them and is then used by the drug lords in this country to mix fentanyl with other drugs leading to the tens of thousands of overdose deaths, especially of young folks at all socioeconomic levels... 

Last year alone, there were over 100,000 overdose deaths among our younger population... (This figure is on the "conservative" side.)

But it doesn't stop there...

New information has come to light by a smuggler whistleblower, that the so-called "unaccompanied children" are being bought and sold, like chattel, not only for sex enslavement, but also to harvest their organs!

You read that right: organ harvesting of children.  

Please watch the following, short video exposing the Biden "administration" for dereliction of duty in protecting these vulnerable children.  And, if they don't care about this barbaric practice taking place, then they are complicit in this bombshell information garnered by an investigative reporter and the disguised informant... 

In other words, the Biden "administration" is guilty of crimes against humanity and should be brought to justice and thrown in prison for the rest of their natural lives, including Biden, and his lackeys in the Oval Office, as well as the apostate "Catholic," Becerra, of the Dept. of Health and Human Services, and Mayorkas (another apostate "Catholic), the head of the so-called Dept. of Homeland Security... 

Of course, we, God-fearing, pro-life patriots know that they should already be serving time for their ultra-aggressive attacks and slaughter of the pre-born, all under the phony mantra of "reproductive rights" of females, intent on killing their pre-born babies...

I urge those miscreants to put politics aside and do what you say in your speeches: "It's all about the children"... Okay, so prove it you hypocrites!

(172) Central American trafficker describes what happens to children at the hands of cartels - YouTube.

Watching and listening to this video may be hard to take, but it is important to know what is going on at the southern border under the regime of the incoherent, demented Biden and his cabal of Marxists...

Pray for the defeat of these demonic maniacs and for their conversion...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

Saturday, August 27, 2022

My Uncle, Vincent DeLalla, World War II Veteran, RIP... Is He In Purgatory??

  Let me start off by reporting that my dear Uncle, Vincent (Vince) DeLalla, did not die recently, in fact he passed away back in the 1980s...

As I always do, I include all my deceased aunts, uncles, grandmothers, grandfathers and cousins in our Rosary and also in my more private prayers -- I am among the last of the nephews...

But why am I now reporting that my Uncle Vince passed away, when he died several decades ago?

Well, the other night, I had a dream... In this dream, my Uncle Vince and I greeted each other, I can't remember what we said to each other if anything.  The funny thing is, is that he was exactly how I saw him in a photo when he was much younger and in his Army uniform (he served in the European theater of the war) with his neat and trimmed mustache...

I don't know why he came into my dream.  Also interesting is that we shook hands.  I don't remember too much after that, but I told my wife (Kathy) that this could be an indication or a "plea" from my uncle to pray for him -- he just may be in Purgatory, of course I don't know for sure, but nevertheless, we will have a Mass said for him, pronto...

I have heard and read stories of folks who have passed away and appeared to those still on earth, begging for prayers and Masses to be said for them to release them from the fires of Purgatory.  More interesting, or should I say, more importantly, after the prayers and especially the Masses were said for the deceased, some of those re-appeared, letting those who prayed, know that they were released from Purgatory and entering the Beatific Vision of our Lord and the Holy Trinity!

Do I believe in such things -- in miracles! -- yes, of course. 

I ask for anyone reading this missive to say a prayer or two for my Uncle Vince, World War II veteran and patriot...

Pray too, for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

Friday, August 26, 2022

Another Day That Will Live In Infamy: Charlotte, NC "Family Friendly" Pride Event...

  If you want to witness what the sins of the parents looks like, then read the following article from


Charlotte, NC "Family Friendly" Pride Event Features Toddlers Riding on Stripper Poles With Mostly-Nude Women [VIDEO] (

You don't have to play the videos, in fact, I suggest you don't!

It is beyond belief that such filth is allowed in the public square.  It reminds me of the last days of the Roman Empire when homosexuality and other forms of immorality were rampant and where public office was up to the highest bidder, not to mention the mercenary nature of the bought-and-paid-for emperors whose only loyalty was to filthy lucre and not the well-being of the citizens of the disintegrating empire...

I can't help but wondering why the poor children seen in those disgusting videos are not taken from their "parents" by Child Protective Services and placed in decent, loving homes where they can be protected from the vice and scandal that is featured in this article.  (The same holds true for the parents who allow their offspring to be indoctrinated in the diabolical public school system, rather than homeschool.)

In addition, it is painfully obvious that the true nature of these so-called "pride events" becomes clear: to destroy traditional morality and the family unit -- the building block of any society.

Those alphabet soup crazies know exactly what they are doing and why, their agenda is "out" in the open, they are emboldened by weak laws -- and the denial of the Natural Law and the complementarity of the two sexes as designed by God Himself for the propagation of the human race.  Male homosexuals and female lesbians can only cause heartache and disease, they can't create babies and children, only steal them from lunatic agencies that allow such demonic adoption practices.

I am reminded of our Lord telling His listeners that if anyone scandalizes any of these little ones, it would be better for him to have a millstone tied around his neck and cast into the sea!  

I ask the elected Charlotte officials: have you read what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah?   

Shame on Charlotte, North Carolina!  

Pray for the conversion of these possessed idiots and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


Thursday, August 25, 2022

"Catholic" Organizations Composed Of Dissident Heterodox "Priests" Are Leading A Three-Pronged Attack On The Church From Within...

 I have said this before, and I'll say it again: the worst enemies of Christ and His Church are apostate Catholics who have swallowed the lies from the father of lies, Satan...

Eat of the apple and you will be like God... This from St. Thomas Acquinas' Summa: "But as regards the species of pride, the woman sinned more grievously, for three reasons. First, because she was more puffed up than the man. For the woman believed in the serpent's persuasive words, namely that God had forbidden them to eat of the tree, lest they should become like to Him; so that in wishing to attain to God's likeness by eating of the forbidden fruit, her pride rose to the height of desiring to obtain something against God's will. On the other hand, the man did not believe this to be true; wherefore he did not wish to attain to God's likeness against God's will: but his pride consisted in wishing to attain thereto by his own power. Secondly, the woman not only herself sinned, but suggested sin to the man; wherefore she sinned against both God and her neighbor. Thirdly, the man's sin was diminished by the fact that, as Augustine says (Gen. ad lit. xi, 42), "he consented to the sin out of a certain friendly good-will, on account of which a man sometimes will offend God rather than make an enemy of his friend. That he ought not to have done so is shown by the just issue of the Divine sentence."  (My emphasis.)

Read the entire discussion at: SUMMA THEOLOGIAE: The first man's sin (Secunda Secundae Partis, Q. 163) (

And now, we have this from

Priests Secretly Working To Destroy The Faith Exposed

See the video here: (104) Huge: Priests Secretly Working To Destroy The Faith Exposed - YouTube.

I have a question: When a male puts on the Roman collar, does that make him a priest of Christ?  Or is there more to it than how one dresses?  

Of course, there is more, much more...

I ask, why are supposed priests in "good standing" in the Church, attacking Church teaching on such crucial matters as the killing of the pre-born, the sin of the sodomites and the "ordination" of females to the priesthood???  

All of the above are condemned as grievous mortal sins that can lead to ex-communication from the Church, especially abortion and female "ordination".

Are those heterodox priests who are pushing this spiritually deadly nonsense really in good standing in the Church or not?  

Does it take a theologian to figure this out???   I don't think so...

We faithful Catholics -- and that includes good and holy priests -- are being attacked from within, the worst of all enemies. Sadly, we are getting little help from those who are supposed to be our shepherds failing in their job to guide the flock to Christ. 

We see this in the fact that the traditional Latin Mass communities have no bishop assigned to them to ordain or confirm but must rely on the good will of the local ordinary.  And because of the enormous pressure emanating from Rome to restrict and ban the TLM and the former Ecclesia Dei communities, this has become a dangerous and untenable situation that can only lead to dwindling numbers of priest in the long run... 

This is not by happenstance, but by design!  

Pray for the Elect and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

Monday, August 22, 2022

Without Knowing It, The Anti-American Demonrats Are A Catalyst For Secession!

 See this article: NYT Op-Ed: Throw out the ‘Broken Constitution’ and ‘Reclaim America’

(NYT Op-Ed: Throw out the 'Broken Constitution' and 'Reclaim America' (

As usual, the anarchist/Marxist/insurrectionists use the tired, old mantra that the Constitution is "racist," "sexist," and written by “a tiny group of white slave-owning men,” and must be consigned to the dustbin of history -- by force, if necessary, as we have seen those same bad actors burn and loot over the past two years by those "bastions of patriotism," Black Lives Matter (BLM) as well as the Antifa gangsters... 

Okay, let's follow what should logically happen next...

Why not secede from the "union," and write your own constitution?  

Here are a couple of excerpts from the article...

“One way to get to this more democratic world is to pack the Union with new states,” the authors write. “Doing so would allow Americans to then use the formal amendment process to alter the basic rules of [politics] and break the false deadlock that the Constitution imposes through the Electoral College and Senate on the country, in which substantial majorities are foiled on issue after issue.”

My comment: Pack the union with new states??  

Beside Puerto Rico and D.C., where are the new states coming from?   Can or should the U.S. illegally annex new territories and force them to become states?   Maybe American Samoa?  How about dividing Alaska into a whole bunch of mini-states, or how about making the Aleutian Islands into a state or two??   Maybe divide California into several concentration camps -- I mean states, sorry... 

And this: "In March, MSNBC panelist and The Nation‘s justice correspondent Elie Mystal called the Constitution “trash” written by the “captains of the slaving industry.”

 "He also said the Founding Fathers were “racist, misogynist jerkfaces” and spoke of the importance of critiquing the origins of the Constitution, which he described as “not great” and often “working purposefully towards those not great outcomes.”

"In 2020, University of Texas at Austin Constitutional Law Professor Richard Albert argued that the United States should revise the Constitution to remove “racist” and “gendered” language."

My comment: see for yourself, the real enemies of the country are the lunatics teaching -- or, should I say, brainwashing -- in the universities heavily influenced by Communist Red China, with bought and paid for "professors" to spew their Marxist drivel and corrupt the thinking of the future leaders of our nation, heaven forbid!

So, I say again: If you folks hate the Constitution so much, why not secede from the "union," and write your own constitution?  But of course, the Left would never think of seceding... 

But I do know what the "Red States" should do, secede and form a more perfect Union with severely curtailed federal powers, leaving more powers to the states as originally defined in our Constitution... It seems to me that the leftist cabal is indirectly fostering the idea of secession, or am I wrong? 

(Note that there are already 19 states that have signed on to hold a convention of states, the magic number for that to happen is 34... Pray!)

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

Sunday, August 21, 2022

SUDDEN ADULT DEATH SYNDROME (SADS)... Many Young People Are Dropping Dead For -- "Unkown Causes"??

 SADS is now the leading cause of death, overtaking cancer, diabetes, and stroke -- combined!

So now the leading cause of death is "unknown causes" in Alberta, Canada?  If this is true, and it is, then is it also the leading cause of death in the U.S. with a population 30 times that of Canada?? 

I'm not kidding that was not a typo, so let me repeat: the leading cause of death in Alberta, Canada is now "unknown causes".

I have a question: what doctor or medical examiner or mortician worth his salt, would write on a death certificate: cause of death, unknown?  

Does that mean that an autopsy was performed, and they were still unable to determine a cause of death?  Or did the families of the deceased not want an autopsy performed??  Were all the pertinent tests done in order to sniff out the cause of the young person suddenly dying?  Were these poor souls recently injected with the "covid" "vaccine"?   In many cases, it was documented that they were.

And still the connection isn't made between getting the "vaccine" and sudden death?? 

Is it the blind leading the blind, or is SADS known but ignored by the medical establishment, including big pharma, in order to keep the filthy lucre pouring into the coffers of the stockholders, in other words, is the bottom line more important than the life of those injected with the "covid" "vaccine"? 

Apparently, it is...

Here are some statistics regarding SADS... From March 2021 to March 2022, 769 athletes have either dropped dead on the playing field or died shortly after collapsing from heart attacks due to the formation of blood clots in the arteries that cut off the supply of blood to the heart.   

See my article here: 

Massive Wave Of Canadian Doctors Have Died. And Are More Dying? Are American Doctors Also Dying En Masse -- And, If So, Is This Being Hidden By The Complicit Media??

Since the posting of my article, there are stories almost every day of the week chronicling very young people dropping dead, including a 12-year-old, a 16-year-old, not to mention many -- many! -- other athletes in prime condition, in their early- to mid-twenties dying suddenly, devastating the family members they left behind... 

And still not one single call for an investigation on the part of the so-called Department of Health and Human Services???

Oh, maybe it's because the head of that department, Xavier Becerra, is a radical pro-death, apostate "Catholic" doing the bidding of the apostate, baby killer-in-charge, Biden?  

Is it also possible that these miscreants are using the "covid" "vaccine" to de-populate America and the world at large in order to fulfil the goal of the maniacs of the U.N., the WEF, CFR, et al, and perpetuate a massive genocide to reduce the inhabitants of the earth down to less than one-half-billion, from seven-and-a-half billion??

Isn't it "interesting" that it is always the apostate "Catholics" who turn out to be the greatest enemies of life -- and of Christ!

I can only hope and pray that those who died suddenly were in a state of grace when they went to their Particular Judgment...  

It is apparent to me, that the father of lies, Satan, is in absolute control of the intellects of those who have sold their souls to the demon for power and position on this earth, while ignoring their fate in the next, that is, if they even believe that they will have to account for their actions or inactions in this life...


Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 


Thursday, August 18, 2022

The "Planet Of The Apes" 2.0?

 The maniacs in the [in]human[e] de-population conspiracy are now in-your-face proclaiming what their intentions really are, no holds barred, period.

And what is their intention?  

To reduce the worldwide population back to the approximate year, 1500 A.D.!  

That would equate to about 500,000,000, in other words, in order to get to that "impossible" number, there would have to be some type of program to exterminate we humans by some cataclysm -- a nuclear world war comes to mind -- or how about a massive inoculation with a "vaccine" to combat a low-level, flu-like respiratory ailment, weaponized -- and propagandized -- to scare people half-to-death telling the mind-numbed zombies that if they don't get the jab, and wear a face diaper, they will all get sick and die.

Sound familiar?

As we now know, those who have been double, triple and quadruple vaxxed, are the ones getting sick -- and dying by the thousands, with many young people -- including young doctors -- dropping dead after getting the "covid" "vaccine"...  

Think about it: this diabolical scenario would mean that over 7,000,000,000 -- that's BILLION! people would be murdered in order to get to that "manageable" number so the elites could control and enslave those who are left.

But the question begs: who will decide who lives and who dies???

Please read -- and watch the short clip embedded in the article: from Jon Rappoport...  Jane Goodall: reset world population at 461 million (

These nuts are serious.  We have to be too.

Pray for strength and honor, and for the absolute defeat of these children of Satan...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Bergoglio's So-Called "Teachings" Or His Opinions?

 Let me say right from the start: a pope's infallibility is a charism that must meet strict conditions.  In other words, there is a misconception among some of the novus ordo Catholic population that every word the pope utters, or everything he writes, whether in a motu proprio or encyclical, is binding on the conscience of all Catholics.  That is false!  But that "belief" has caused -- literal -- moral and spiritual weakness and even death!

A pope is a human being; he is entitled to his opinion just as you and I can state our opinions on various subject matter and those opinions can sometimes oppose what is an actual truth or fact.  In other words, we -- or the pope -- can be wrong.

In a rather silly example, the pope can make an announcement to the world that the far side of the moon is made of green cheese.

Does that mean that we Catholics have to believe and take as binding that nonsensical statement -- that opinion?

Of course not.

Is the pope a scientist, a doctor?  

No, he is neither.  I can list a hundred other professions that the pope has little or no knowledge whatsoever...

But what the pope is absolutely supposed to be is the guardian and custodian of the Deposit of Faith: Scripture and (sacred) Tradition, and not an innovator.  He is supposed to teach and instruct what that Deposit holds, not express his opinions about that sacred Deposit!

Sadly, we have seen way too much innovation by the enemies of the church from those modernist clerics that have, over the years, infiltrated Holy Mother Church, along with those specifically recruited to bring down the Church from within including communists, perverts and other deranged anti-Christ wolves in sheep's clothing...

And over the last two years, we have seen far too many in the hierarchy and those "authorities" in civil society calling for and insisting that we stick out our arms and get the filthy, debilitating and deadly jab to "combat" "covid"... 

Those calls, incredibly, have come from none other than the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio.  In fact, he has indicated that it is a moral responsibility to get "vaccinated"!  

And now -- even though the "covid" hoax has been downgraded even by the CDC and prominent "doctors" (first do no harm!), the call to get the jab continues, with Bergoglio saying that it is "an act of love"!

I'm not kidding!

Here is an article from that lays it all out... 

Vatican renews Pope’s push for COVID vaccination as an ‘act of love’ in new video - LifeSite (

What planet is he living on???

With more and more revelations of young people dropping dead after receiving the "vaccine," and more and more doctors dying suddenly, you would think that common sense would be to call for a halt to the genocidal "vaccine," but that would be too much to ask -- or demand.

(See my article here: Massive Wave Of Canadian Doctors Have Died. And Are More Dying? Are American Doctors Also Dying En Masse -- And, If So, Is This Being Hidden By The Complicit Media??)

But why?

The answer is rather "simple": it has been the stated goal of the population control maniacs to reduce the earth's inhabitants to less than one billion, in fact, some have indicated that number should be 500,000,000 or less!  

So, according to Bergoglio, getting the deadly jab is "an act of love," conveniently disregarding the fact that the majority of the so-called vaccines have been developed from poor aborted babies, not to mention that those supposedly dying from "covid" are dying because of the "vaccines" or other causes, but thrown into the "covid" column!   This is not my opinion... Just check out the CDC's own website and see footnote number one: Deaths with confirmed or presumed COVID-19, coded to ICD–10 code U07.1.  

Further, here is the breakdown of that code: When COVID-19 is reported as a cause of death – or when it is listed as a “probable” or “presumed” cause — the death is coded as U07.1. This can include cases with or without laboratory confirmation.

So that's following the "science"?  

What we are dealing with is a -- successful -- massive conspiracy to kill off millions of humans to fulfil the globalist elites and their diabolical plan for world domination, serving their master, the father of lies, Satan...

I have come to the conclusion that the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio, is one of those demonic lunatics out to destroy the population as well as attacking the last vestiges of authentic Catholicity: the Traditional Latin Mass and those former Ecclesia Dei communities who provide succor, strength and spiritual stability in a world gone mad with the diabolical entities that have taken hold of the intellects of those who are supposed to guide us to the Beatific Vision of Christ, our Lord...

Resist!  And pray for the conversion of Bergoglio back to the Catholic Faith...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey! Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla  

Monday, August 15, 2022

That "Damned" R O S A R Y!

  Didn't you know that the holy Rosary -- the Rosary that pays homage to our Lady and Her Glorious Son, is an object used by "white supremacists," "extremists" and "radicals"? 

Didn't you know that?   What's wrong with you out there in the hinterlands?  

Can't you think for yourself?   Are you freaking brainwashed by anti-Christ Rome???

Those superfluous "vain repetitions"!  The Protestants were right!!

Throw those "rotten" beads away!  Get them off your person, pronto!

So what that soldiers -- and that included me -- had those little Rosary beads hidden in a pouch, deep down in my pocket in Vietnam!

Yeah, it's time to wake up and consign those Rosary beads to the dustbin of history, for your own sake!  Don't be fooled, don't believe in "fairy tales" or "superstitions"!

Brainwashed idiot!

Need proof of all that I just wrote?  Need confirmation of the need to discard those beads?

(Just a touch of sarcasm, if that needed to be said...) 

Well, here it is... Oh, by the way, both the interviewer and guest commentator are -- get ready -- Catholics who carry their Rosary beads with them!!

(7307) Liberal media outlet claims the Rosary is extremist symbol - YouTube.

(Unfortunately, the incessant attacks aren't only coming from the lunatic, God-hating Left, they are also coming from within the walls of the novus ordo church itself.  You see, they hate Tradition -- that's with a capital "T" -- and want to destroy the Mass of the ages and force the man-made concoction known as the new "mass" on all that remains of the faithful for the sake of "unity," don't you know.)  

We are in a spiritual battle, if we give up, we will end up in hell!

Remember, only the "violent" will take Heaven!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


Thursday, August 11, 2022

Children Of Satan...

 I love children.  I'm a father, a grandfather, and, yes, even a (step) great-grandfather.  

Some time ago, I told my son, James, that I would die for our little grandson, Max, because I have nothing to lose, and everything to gain (Heaven... there is no greater love for a man to give up his life for another). 

Of course, the same holds true for our "new" little grandson, Nicholas, now one-year-old...

The idea of sacrifice, and that includes loving our neighbor, can be difficult for some, but having charity for our neighbor is an essential part of the two-fold command that our Lord gave us: to love God and neighbor. 

Part of being a husband, father, grandfather -- and a good neighbor -- is to be willing to listen, understand and act, charitably, if that action is to admonish someone that has gone off the beaten path and lead that person, if possible, back to the flock of Christ.

Let's face it, when it comes to spiritual matters, probably the most important aspect of our lives, what we do or say, or don't do or don't say, can have a direct effect on where we will be spending eternity!

It can be tough to admonish those close to us, especially family members, because that can lead to a divided family as our Lord predicted could very well happen when we follow Him.

All that I have just written is, in my opinion, God-given common sense, it is following the Natural Law -- and should lead us to the divinely revealed law of God.

With all the craziness going on in the world, whether in the secular -- and especially -- in the ecclesiastical realm, it is confusing, scandalous, and downright threatening to our way of life: our values and traditions, our rights and responsibilities under God's law and under the Constitution, enshrined in the Bill of Rights...

When I look at what is happening with those in charge of our federal government and look at what is happening in what passes for the Catholic Church hierarchy, it is truly disheartening to see that, for the most part, we are on our own.  

But it is even more than that... It seems that not only are we on our own, but we are battling those very entities that are supposed to protect and defend our rights guaranteed under our founding document, the Constitution.  

It gets worse... We, patriotic Americans, are now the enemy, this, according to various decrees emanating from the very same agencies that are supposed to investigate the real enemies that threaten our nation from without -- as well as from within.

But why???

Because God-fearing, patriotic Americans are a threat to the complete takeover of our once-sovereign nation by the radical, anti-Christ, Marxist, globalists hell-bent on establishing a new-world, one-world order devoid of God and justice, and to subvert the initial cry that led to the founding of our nation: Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness!  

These madmen long ago discarded the Natural Law in favor of the un-natural in the form of the slaughter or the pre-born and the other grievous sin that cries to Heaven for vengeance: the sin of Sodom.  They have, for all practical purposes, given themselves over to the father of lies, Satan.  They are, in effect, Children of Satan...

Sadly, however, we practicing Catholics are getting no help from the novus ordo hierarchy, just the opposite is true.  Instead of the leadership of the church that is supposed to defend the Deposit of Faith -- Scripture and Sacred Tradition, all we are getting are attacks on those who adhere to the real Faith and the real Mass of the ages.  

We see these Children of Satan seemingly running roughshod over the authentic Church that our Lord founded on the rock of St. Peter. It can easily make one wonder if the gates of hell have prevailed?  But they haven't and they will never prevail, that is, if you take the very words of our Lord to heart -- and soul.  The thing is, Satan knows that in the end he will fail and will be doomed for all eternity in the fiery abyss of hell.  That is one place I have no desire to "visit"!

When we received the sacrament of Confirmation, that made us Soldiers of Christ, ready to do battle with the forces of evil, whether that evil comes in a three-piece suit, wearing a Roman collar, or a black-hearted demon with horns -- they're all the same -- that sacrament should give us fortitude and courage to deal with these monster's intent on destroying our souls and casting us into hell.  

At this point in time, we must continue to pray for strength and honor to defeat these arch-criminals!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Massive Wave Of Canadian Doctors Have Died. And Are More Dying? Are American Doctors Also Dying En Masse -- And, If So, Is This Being Hidden By The Complicit Media??

 The families of these deceased doctors should be screaming from the housetops to investigate and demand answers as to why their loved ones died untimely deaths, seemingly, way before their time -- and before their assignments on earth were completed...

But are they?  I truly hope so.  Then again, it is entirely possible that they are so brainwashed into accepting the standard line that the "vaccines" are safe and efficient and had nothing to do with the deaths of their loved ones.  

I truly hope I am wrong here...

The number of deaths of Canadian doctors is much worse than I thought!  See my two recent articles here:   

Were Three -- Actually, Four! -- Young Doctors Murdered By The "Covid" Booster Shot??

This horrifying news apparently is not convincing the mind-numbed robots in the medical hierarchy that the jabs are debilitating -- and deadly.  For the most part they are, in fact, denying any correlation between the deaths of these young, vibrant, brilliant doctors and the fact they recently got the "vaccine," in some cases, days before they died.   

Here is an excerpt from Mr. Kirsch's article... 

"The vaccine kills people in subtle ways that are NOT being investigated by medical examiners. They are deliberately looking the other way.

Two of the most popular methods used by the vaccine to kill people are accelerating a cancer (which may have started from an earlier dose) and by causing a sudden death which, if the person is driving or swimming, appears to be a car accident or drowning.

Nearly all the medical examiners all look the other way when assessing a vaccine-caused death.

For example, I know a technician who works for a medical examiner who is seeing all these odd “blood clots,” but he says the pathologists “won’t listen or investigate”!'"

And this...

"But when normally healthy people all of a sudden die like this in rapid succession, you are being totally disingenuous if you rule out the vaccine as the likely instigator of the death.

What the fact checkers fail to point out is that in many cases, the diseases often first started after the first vaccine shot, and then got worse with progressive shots. Somehow, they always miss that point that the vaccine accelerated the death. The fact that all these doctors died in close proximity to the shots is just too coincidental."

My comment: It seems to me that those maniacs who want to reduce the earth's population to less than one billion people, will stop at nothing to achieve their diabolical goal.  We have seen this attempt to eradicate certain peoples from the earth, e.g., Hitler's holocaust fostered on the Jews in World War Two (it should be mentioned that it was not only Jews that were murdered in the concentration camps, but there were also about 1,000,000 Catholics as well as other denominations, Gypsies and others who suffered through inhumane experimentation and death in the most heinous of ways.  Of course, the great SAINT Maximilian Kolbe comes to mind volunteering to take the place of a young family man scheduled to be killed by injecting him with poison). 

But today, the globalists anti-Christs use more subtle ways of accomplishing their demonic goals, such as the propaganda that getting the filthy, deadly jab is doing your civic duty to protect yourself -- and others!  This nonsense is even coming from the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio, telling Catholics that they have a "moral obligation" to get "vaccinated"!  Yeah, right...

Civic duty?   Or is it successful brainwashing believing that lie, as is evidenced by the number of Americans who refuse to think for themselves or question what they are being told to do and willingly stick out their arms -- and the arms of their little children -- to get the "vaccine". 

Absolutely incredible!  

And what about the number of American doctors perishing from the jab???  

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

Devastating Implications Of Heretical "Cardinals" Voting In The Next Conclave! (The Sedevacantists Will Have A Field Day, Proving They Are "Right"!)

 Think about the horrific implications of heretics voting for the next pope! What are some of those implications? How about the fact that a ...