Friday, November 29, 2019

The Sneaky Deep-Staters At The State Department...

Even though President Trump pulled us out of the lunacy of the Paris climate nonsense, the Deep-Staters are in the process of undermining their president's efforts to bring some measure of sanity back to the functioning of the U.S. government bureaucracy that is the (unnecessary?) State Department, headed by Mr. Pompeo...

As I write this, the girly-men that left their testosterone in the medicine cabinet, are continuing to send representatives to the ongoing talks among the European, socialist maggots hell-bent on stifling the American economy -- by international force of "law" -- while ignoring the real culprits emitting those nasty green-house gases that all those little kiddies are so afraid of.

And just who are those culprits?  China and India.

There is little to no mention of those two countries when it comes to sanctions, or to force them to put scrubbers on their filthy coal-burning plants.  In contrast, the U.S. has the cleanest coal-fired plants in the world!  Yet, it was Killary (that's Hillary) that boasted that she would do her dead-level best to close the coal mines and force those that make a living bringing low-Sulphur coal to the market, to the West Virginia unemployment office!!!

She didn't have a lick of sense, then, and she still doesn't...

Guess just who is sending reps to those meetings?   The heads of some of the biggest oil and gas, as well as utility companies in the world.  Talk about self-hating "capitalists".  Go figure...

This is just another example of the SWAMP that seems to fill back up, just as soon as Mr. Trump starts to drain it, and bring some measure of efficiency and loyalty to those that serve at the president's pleasure.  By the way, with all the ridiculous talk about the president not being able, or shouldn't fire someone that works in his administration, they fail to realize that a president can fire whomever he wants, even for no reason at all.  In point of fact, when William Clinton became president, he immediately fired literally hundreds of employees within the various cabinet offices, including many federal attorneys, with not a peep from the lamestream media, not one.

What I fear most, is that even if Mr. Trump wins in 2020, the virulent hatred of his enemies might just get violent.  In addition, what will happen after he serves-out his second term?  Will a Demonrat get elected to the presidency?  If that happens, you can kiss your rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness good-bye.  I am not exaggerating!

We must pray for our president, and pray for our country, now more than ever!

Gene DeLalla

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Drop Off Your Kids At School, And Your Parental Rights End!!

The title of this article is not an exaggeration!

In a recent court decision (by some deranged "judge") when you drop off your children at school, basically, you have forfeited your parental rights.  This is -- to put it mildly -- a disaster in the making.  Hence, the school then becomes the "parents," and you had better shut up if you don't like the filth of the curriculum that your child is being force-fed.

The question then begs: why would any parent subject their children to this madness?

What is going on here?

Could it be that most -- not all -- parents are ignorant of the brainwashing that goes on every single day; five days a week?

I can't believe that that is the case.

So, I ask again: what is going on here?

Only rarely does one read or hear about a parent or parents complaining or standing up against insane policies or the school's curriculum.  And what happens?  Very little at best; censoring, and even arrest at worst.  It has happened...

Remember, the "judge" said that parental rights end when you drop your child at the school door...

But there are a few organizations that are fighting ultra-liberal schoolboards across the country asserting parental rights and squashing programs designed to inculcate bizarre and destructive anti-American revisionist history.  But even more importantly, shoving down their throats demonic "sex-ed" programs that steal the innocence of their offspring.

But that's not all... It has become known, that underage children are secretly given birth control paraphernalia, and/or, vaccines, without parents' knowledge!! 

In the end, it is the responsibility of the parents for the education of their children, not the schools.  And if parents were to take this to heart, they would make the sacrifice to home-school, and pull their kids out of the indoctrination centers that pass for public "education".  Further, parents have a responsibility to God, the Giver of Life; the One who allowed husband and wife to become parents in the first place.  I cannot imagine the judgment parents will face if they shirk their duties, and allow their children to succumb to the spirit of the age that seems so enticing, yet so destructive...

Pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

If It Walks Like A Duck, And Quacks Like A Duck...

Using our common sense, we know that if it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, you can be almost 99.99 percent sure that it is a duck.

The same goes for a traitor: if he talks like a traitor, and acts like a traitor, then you can be almost 99.99 percent sure that he (or she) is a traitor.

So, if you put the two together, then we can be reasonably sure that we have a duck that is a traitor!

Only kidding...

But I'm not kidding that we have "ducks" in Rome, headquartered in the Vatican, and we have "ducks" in D.C. headquartered in the "swamp".

Both entities, are, in reality, traitors.  The first group of "ducks," are those that wear the Roman collar and claim to be, or act like priests, but are traitors to Christ and His Church.  Their actions are simply a façade; a masquerade to fool, if possible, even the Elect.

Their "godfather" is the man in white, the current pope, quite close to a real-live gangster as we saw in the movie by the same name.  Corrupt to the core; he will "take out" those that oppose him.

In the secular world, especially here in the U.S. of A., we have the swamp monsters trying their dead-level-best to take out the one major roadblock that is stifling their demonic agenda: President Trump!

Both are traitors; one to Christ, and one to the country (via the Constitution).  Both are deadly; both have to be fought; both have to be utterly defeated, if not converted.  Our very lives depend on it.  Make no mistake, our very souls depend on it!!

Right now, in the new order "Catholic" Church, they have the buildings, but we have the Faith of our  Fathers...

In the United States of America, they have treasonous acts and Satan on their side, but we have the truth and God on our side.  Whom should we fear??

Both categories of traitors are hell-bent on taking out our country as well as our faith, but in the long run it is they who will be devoured by their own actions, as the boomerang returns to its thrower, and the initial instigators of the French Revolution, themselves, made that last walk to the guillotine.

God will not be mocked!

Pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla


The Real FIRST Thanksgiving...

Well, here we go again... the "holidays" are quickly approaching.  And Thanksgiving is the first "big one," with Christmas following in its footsteps less than a month later.

I wonder, though, just how many Americans -- especially Catholics -- know that the real FIRST Thanksgiving was not celebrated by the Protestant Pilgrims in Massachusetts in 1621?

Want to know the truth??

The first REAL Thanksgiving was celebrated in 1565 in what was to become St. Augustine, Florida by Catholic priests, and attended by Native Americans and Spanish settlers where the holy sacrifice of the Mass was offered!

That was 56 years BEFORE the Pilgrims had their Thanksgiving!!

Believe it!

The next Thanksgiving was celebrated -- again by Catholics -- in 1598 in what was to become Texas!!

This was 23 years BEFORE the Pilgrims set sail from England on the Mayflower!!

Did you know that the Pilgrims were violently anti-Catholic??

Squanto, the beloved hero of Thanksgiving at Plymouth Rock, was a baptized Catholic!!!  Originally enslaved by the English, he was freed by the Franciscans and Baptized into the Catholic Church.  It was he, who orchestrated the -- THIRD -- Thanksgiving with the Pilgrims!!

There are many more interesting facts surrounding the real FIRST & SECOND Thanksgivings, but one of the most important -- and truly Catholic -- facts is that Thanksgiving in Greek is the word: Eucharistia, meaning the Body and Blood of Christ; is the True Thanksgiving Meal!!

Perhaps we Catholics should all go to Mass on Thanksgiving to give thanks for the bounty that our country has been blessed with, and, more importantly, to acknowledge the One Who we receive at Mass: our Lord, Jesus Christ, Savior of the world.  And, yes, He is still in control; don't despair!!

Pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla

Monday, November 25, 2019

Pregnant With A Down Syndrome Baby? Stay Out Of Pennsylvania!!!

Demonrat "Governor" Tom Wolf vetoed a bill that would stop the murder of pre-born babies diagnosed with Down Syndrome, sighting women's "health care" would be in  jeopardy!!!

In fact, it is common practice in America and around the world to abort preborn children specifically because of a Down’s diagnosis. It has been estimated that 67 percent of babies in the United States to receive a Down syndrome diagnosis are aborted, 77% in France, 98% in Denmark, 90% in Great Britain, 65% in Norway, virtually 100% in Iceland, and 95% in Spain.

My Comment: The levels that these child-killing monsters will sink is nothing compared to the levels that they will sink to in hell.

Talk about child abuse; talk about anti-Semitism; talk about racism; talk about hate; talk about child sacrifice to Satan; talk about the religion of death and mayhem; and finally, talk about the loss of the immortal souls of these hideous baby killers...

At this point in time, the devil is in control of the numerous Demonrat (and some Republicrat) politicians that serve at his pleasure!  

Worse than any human sacrifice of the ancient Aztecs and Incas where the heart was ripped out of a living human to satisfy their sick gods to insure their prosperity, etc...

The sinister goal to make the killing of the pre-born accepted and normal has been accomplished; the sinister goal to make homosexuality normal and accepted has been accomplished; the sinister goal to let a baby that survived an abortion attempt, die and thrown into the trash, has been accomplished; the goal of killing the elderly (because they are "useless eaters") has been accomplished; the goal to destroy the family has almost been accomplished, and finally, the goal to eliminate God from our society has almost been accomplished; almost...

Pray for an end to the scourge of abortion, contraception, euthanasia, infanticide, homosexuality, and the other uncountable, un-natural "lifestyles" and attacks on the family that permeate our society.   

Gene DeLalla

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Your Constitutional Rights No Longer Exist...

Think I'm kidding?  Think I'm exaggerating?  Think you still have due process under the "law"?  Think you are still considered innocent until proven guilty if you are charged with a crime?  Think you still have complete control of the lives of your young children?   Take them to a hospital and refuse some type of treatment and see what happens, especially when it comes to vaccinations.

Think you still have sovereign property rights?   It was the GOOD Pope Leo XIII that extolled the importance of property rights for all free peoples.  But the behemoth central government can -- and does -- confiscate our properties without the due process that I just mentioned.  Recent history is replete with such illegal confiscation of property simply using words printed on paper, regardless of whether those words reflect truth or falsehoods.

Think your life cannot be ruined in a flash once "peace officers" swarm your home with swat teams in the middle of the night for a "process crime"?   I would urge all to see the video of the shameless invasion of the home of Roger Stone and his wife as they lay sleeping.  But the insult didn't end there, the cops were equipped with automatic rifles and had them pointed at Mr. Stone as they took him into custody.

The result?  Stone was convicted of a "process crime" by a biased and bought kangaroo court, stacked with Trump-hating jurors.

Due process?  Evidence was denied; lies were told under oath -- it's called perjury.  As soon as the verdict was announced, there were those who called for his death or life in prison!  Why?  Because he is an ardent supporter of President Trump.  That is how deep the hatred for Mr. Trump -- and for his supporters go.  There will be no end to the constant attacks and calls for Mr. Trump to step down from office.  He won't, and he shouldn't.  He must fight to the end, if necessary.

His rights are being stomped upon; he is being tried in the court of public opinion after the successful brainwashing of far too many Americans who believe what they see and hear on the "6 o'clock news", or NPR, or read in  the New York Times...

It has become painfully clear that the good guy has now become the bad guy, and the bad guy has now become the victim!

Think about that!  If you accuse someone of a dastardly crime perpetrated against you, it makes no difference, it only matters if the criminal can use or abuse the "system" and cry foul, or racism, if that happens, your right to a fair trial is dead on arrival.  The bad guy will gladly and readily perjure himself in the blink of an eye.  Just take a look, or listen, to the lying Demonrats on the "intelligence" committee (Intelligence?  What a misnomer!) attempting to frame Mr. Trump for some non-existent crime.

One last thought: Mark my words, if the Second Amendment is rendered moot by the efforts of the hard Left, then our Constitutional rights will be consigned to the dustbin of history...

Pray for Mr. Stone, and President Trump, and pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla

Friday, November 22, 2019

The Date: November 22, 1963...

The place: Dallas, Texas.  The date: November 22, 1963.  The "event": the assassination of the first Catholic president: John F. Kennedy.

The killer: UNKNOWN.

But wait a minute!  Wasn't it Lee Harvey Oswald?

Perhaps, but not likely.

I know that there are many out there that weren't even born when Kennedy was murdered, but at least they should know from studying American history that this horrible chapter in our history took place. If they aren't taught about this, then that would be another indictment of our deficient system that passes, for what should be, education...

I vividly remember that terrible day... I was a junior in high school... I had gotten out of class for the day, and took the bus back to the area where I lived (the Bronx, N.Y.), but instead of going directly home, I visited my buddy a few blocks away.  We were both coin collectors, and he invited me to check out his pretty extensive and complete collection.  I was quite happy to do so, even though we were competitors of sorts...

As I was glancing at his Mercury dime collection, the phone rang... It was his dad calling from "downtown" -- Manhattan -- and telling his son about the president being shot.  My friend came back into the living room and mentioned that his dad just told a "joke" about Kennedy taking a bullet in Dallas...

We both dismissed this and continued to view his collection of silver coins...

After a while, I left his house and started the short trek to my apartment building...

As I was walking down the sidewalk, a couple of girls from my school were coming in my direction...  As they approached me, they asked if I had heard anything about the president being shot... It was at that point that I realized that this was not just a joke gone bad, but the real thing.

From that point on, the reality of this monstrous act set in, and the country and the world were on tender hooks, seeing and listening to all the gory -- but true -- details of President Kennedy's assassination.   He died right there in the lap of his wife as the motorcade drove past the Dallas school-book depository building...

I have to mention that Kennedy's assassination took place just a couple of very short months after  President Diem of South Vietnam and his brother were assassinated as they were leaving Mass; hustled into a vehicle, and brutally murdered.

Were those sinister forces also responsible for Kennedy's murder?   I don't know, but it seems that history has surely repeated itself here...

The United States and the world, for that matter, would never be the same again.

I'm afraid that the "good ol' days" were long gone.  They departed right after the Second World War, and continued downhill from there.   And now, the taking of the life of our president...

I don't know all the details of his murder, and who was responsible for taking him out.  There have been many theories as to the who, what, where, when, how, and why, but I do know that the "official" story just doesn't add up.

The fact remains, however, that his death sent our country into a tailspin that it hasn't recovered from, and probably never will.  Things are very different now; our national innocence is long gone; we continue to question our beliefs -- who can we trust to tell us the truth??  This is very evident today, as we see our current president being attacked up one side and down the other, simply because he is "different"; he is challenging the status quo -- and not a good status quo at that.  With all the malice and talk of removing him from office -- some calling for violence, if necessary -- will he make it through his first term?

Remember this day, and pray for John F. Kennedy, and pray too, for President Trump and our country.

Gene DeLalla

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Mob...

Some people call it the Mafia; some call it the Outfit; some simply call it the Mob, but no matter what you label it, the tactics they use are deadly, literally, to anyone that attempts to buck the system.

In the early days, the Mafia was created, if you will, in southern Italy -- Sicily to be exact.  Eventually, it was transported to the U.S. in the early days of the last century, actually, the 19th Century.

And believe it or not, the early Mob took root in the deep South -- the very deep South, all the way down in Louisiana; New Orleans to be more exact...

New York was the focal point for the immigrants coming over from the "old country" of Italy, but also many other countries of Europe desiring to escape the desperate living conditions of their native lands, searching for a new way of life and opportunities, especially for their children.

But Europe was not the only area of the world to export their peoples.  Asia, too, had many searching for a better life, including, but not limited to, China.

New communities were formed such as "Little Italy" in Manhattan, along with many "little" Irelands, Polands, Chinatowns, etc.

With the influx of the various nationalities, the bad guys come along with the good.  Weakened human nature affects us all, and the immigrants were no different in that respect.

Gangs formed, not only in New York and Louisiana, but also in Chicago, Philadelphia and other major cities of the U.S. of A.

At first, it seemed that the Italians had a monopoly on corruption and mayhem, with the early mob called the Black Hand, morphing into the Mafia.  Of course, many faithful Italians were God-fearing, Church loving Catholics with a strong tradition of faith and love of neighbor...

Most of us are familiar with the movie The Godfather.  Even though it was a creation of Hollywood, some of the tactics seen in the movie are actually used to threaten those that cross the mob.

But there are other mobs running loose, not only in our own, beloved country, but also right smack in the middle of Italy, this time, in what is left of the Catholic Church!

In politics, we see the out-of-control mob trying to tear down our Republic, including removing from office -- at all costs!!! -- the President of the United States: Donald Trump.

In church matters, we see corruption and filth all around, concentrated in the new-order "Catholic" Church.   That mob is part and parcel of the modernist revolution that started many years before the disaster that was the Second Vatican Council...

Now, in Rome, we have the head of the mob sitting in the Chair of St. Peter, a character by the name of Bergoglio, doing his best to complete the destruction of the Catholic faith by sewing the seeds of scandal and idolatry.  He has transported his sick ideology from South America and polluted what is left of authentic Church teaching with his unbelievable "tolerance" of the homosexuals in the "clergy," also known as the Lavender Mafia.

And any good and faithful clergy -- whatever is left of them -- that attempt to buck the system, are targeted and threatened to the point of fearing for their lives, with some going into hiding.

I am totally convinced that the tactics that the criminal Mafia bosses use, are being used by the criminal hierarchy occupying the churches.

Most of the bishops, not only in this country, but also in most of the world, are political animals who care little for where they will spend eternity, all for power and position in this world.  Some -- many -- are tainted with the filth of homosexuality or are at least sympathetic to the un-natural acts associated with that "lifestyle".  Some go so far as saying that such is willed by God Himself -- blasphemy!!! 

The Church is, at present, undergoing a vast and very trying chastisement to weed out the chaff from the wheat.  As gold is purified in intense heat to purge it of impurities, so too are we being purged for our spiritual sloth...

When will we wake up????

Pray, not only for our country, but pray, too, for the REAL Catholic Church, outside of which, there  is absolutely no salvation for any human creature.  Bet on it!  

Gene DeLallla 

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

If I Denied Christ's Divinity, And Denied His Resurrection, Would I Be A Formal Heretic?

Let me repeat this important question: If I Denied Christ's Divinity, And Denied His Resurrection, Would I Be A Formal Heretic?

Of course...

It has been revealed that one of "pope" Bergoglio's confidants -- a 95 year-old atheist (why God allowed this enemy of the Cross to live so long, I haven't got the slightest idea, except, perhaps, to convert?) -- has reported in previous interviews with the "pope," that he does not believe that Christ was Divine, and further -- and this is the "icing on  the cake" -- he (Bergoglio) does not believe in the bodily Resurrection of his Master and Lord!

So far, he, Bergoglio, has not denied those reports.  The Vatican made some vague clarification that we should not take everything that the atheist, Scalfari, wrote, literally.  But as far as I have read, he has not actually denied these two foundational pillars of the Christian (Catholic) faith.

St. Paul tells us that if Christ did not rise from the dead, then we have no basis for our faith; in effect, no hope for our salvation, period.

All the blasphemies and heresies coming out of Rome, simply give fodder to those who believe that the Chair of Peter is vacant, and has been vacant for … how long??

What a mess the new-order "Catholic" Church is in.  I wouldn't care one bit if its demise occurred tomorrow, but the problem is, is that the world at-large, thinks that those phonies represent the real Catholic Church -- the one that our Lord said the gates of hell would never prevail against her.

So, here we are; a pope that doesn't believe that our Lord is divine, and that He didn't rise from  the dead; conquered death, and opened the gates of Heaven for all of us.  Hmmm... then I guess he doesn't believe that those gates have been opened??  Are still jammed-shut?

It was also reported that Bergoglio thinks that those souls that are damned, just disappear; annihilated in effect, but don't go to "hell" -- if he even believes that hell exists...

What should faithful Catholics do in the face of these apostasies?   First of all, take care of your own  soul, and the souls of those entrusted to you (family, etc.); pray for proper discernment; love thy neighbor; spread the Word in a way that reflects your abilities and talents; attend the Traditional Latin Mass regularly; pray the Rosary frequently, and implore the Blessed Mother for succor and comfort in a world gone crazy, and most of all, never give an inch; never despair!!

And pray unceasingly for the true Catholic Church, and pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla

Monday, November 18, 2019

The Trained Seals; The Useful Idiots Of The Kangaroo Court That Convicted Roger Stone And David Daleiden....

(See The American Tragedy Of The Roger Stone Conviction...)

The elites that gain complete control of every aspect of our lives, and turn our justice system into a tool for persecution of true patriots, will finally realize that when total control does come, will be the first to exit the stage and not voluntarily either (I refer you to read up on the French Revolution, and see what happened to those initial instigators of that horror, who themselves, went on to pay a visit to the guillotine).

As more sickening details come to light regarding the sham trial of Mr. Stone, it has become quite clear that Lady Justice has really turned a blind eye to whom those that count on her to have a fair trial by a jury of their peers, no longer exists in our beloved country.

True due process -- as guaranteed by the Sixth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution -- was suppressed by the "judge" that oversaw the kangaroo show-trial, and convicted by a biased bunch of lackeys of the deep-state.

This should send a message to all freedom-loving Americans to be on their guard, and watch and wait to see what comes next.  Be vigilant, because if we are not, then we will become victims of these demonically possessed traitors to our country.

There is even more evidence to support the fact of kangaroo show-trials: witness the recent conviction of David Daleiden and his undercover videos that exposed the filth and horror of the selling of aborted baby parts for profit, and that diabolical enterprise known as "planned parenthood" -- a.k.a., Murder, Inc.   

The compromised "judge" and his wife, are intimately involved with those baby killers and fully support their organization.   

Fairness?  Impartiality?  Justice?  

Forget it!

These two recent kangaroo court sham-trials, are attacks on true whistleblowers, and is another message to keep our mouths shut or face the consequences of the God-haters, and devil lovers.  


Forget it!

Remember the account in the Bible: Pilate didn't recognize the Truth (Christ) Who was standing right before his eyes.  If he could not recognize THAT Truth, then how on earth will corrupt, and fallen "judges" recognize truth in their present-day courtrooms?  Add to that, their malice and bias, and you have a recipe for disaster of our God-given rights guaranteed by the Natural Law...

Houston; we have a problem...

Pray unceasingly for our country...

Gene DeLalla


Saturday, November 16, 2019

The American Tragedy Of The Roger Stone Conviction...

There have been many tragedies in our American system of "justice," but the conviction of Roger Stone on "all counts," amounts to a disgrace beyond belief!  I bet the Founding Fathers are -- again -- spinning in their graves.


Because an innocent man was convicted?

Yes, but also because that innocent man was railroaded by a tyrannical judge that denied certain evidence held by Stone's attorneys, as well as imposing a gag order on Stone.  In addition, the "jury" contained handpicked lackeys of the CIA and Obama-lover supporters, in a show-trial, kangaroo court, that's why.

This is an American disgrace; a sinister misuse of our jurisprudence.

If we didn't know before, we certainly know now that there is a parallel system of justice; a double standard: one for the elites, and one for us.

Keep in mind, that Stone's trial was a backdoor way to further impugn President Trump, and add additional doubt concerning his innocence, as can now be seen by that other show-trial -- and that's what it is, a show-trial -- in the House impeachment proceedings aimed at removing Trump from office...

One more thing, if this conviction is allowed to remain in place, and Roger Stone is sent to prison, then beware: you and I could very well be next.  I am NOT exaggerating.  Our right to speak our minds, as well as to defend ourselves, will be in dire jeopardy.  Mark my words...

President Trump must absolutely pardon Mr. Stone, as well as General Flynn.  Both have already suffered enough from the enmies of the Republic.

I ask all of good faith to pray, not only for Mr. Stone, but also for President Trump, and our beloved country...

Gene DeLalla

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Have We Become Numb To Secular And Ecclesiastical Corruption?

Have we, in fact, become numb to secular and ecclesiastical corruption??

Apparently so...

Look at what is happening in American politics, as well as in society in general.  Look too, to what is happening in the "Catholic" Church, and see if there is a link to the filthy corruption in our beloved land, as well as the corruption in MY beloved Church of Christ.

Of course there is a link!!!

As the Church goes, so goes society; a very true saying.

This has been proven over the years, in fact, over the centuries from the time just after the founding of the nascent church from the time of Our Lord.  Can I back up my statement?  I can...

Take a quick look at one of the original bishops that sat with Our Lord at the Last Supper: Judas Iscariot.  And when Our Lord was taken prisoner, His first choice to head the Church, Peter, denied his Master not one, but three times!

But God would not be mocked, and the blood of the martyrs became the seed of the Church because of the Divine command to preach and baptize ALL nations.  That divine command was in the process of being accomplished until Julian the Apostate abandoned the Catholic Faith and reignited the persecution of the early Catholics of the Fourth Century, only to be defeated in 363 A.D.  Just before he died, he uttered: “Thou hast conquered O Galilean!"

But true evangelization would continue, and continue to our day...

I say true evangelization, not the false ecumenism that was hatched at the demonic Second Vatican Council...

Unfortunately, the real Catholic faith began to be weakened way before Vat. II, in fact we'll have to go back to the Protestant Revolt (not "reformation"), and see that apostasy from the faith took place, en masse, when Henry VIII (former defender of the Faith!!), decided to become the head of the church in England (formerly known as Our Lady's Dowry).  It didn't take much, just about 100,000 Pounds, and a threat to have their necks stretched on the rack...

Fast forward to the founding or our country, and the new brand, so to speak, of Catholicism; new that is, because it had no resemblance to the Faith of our Fathers; the faith that made saints and martyrs.

It became known as Americanism; a heresy officially condemned by Pope Leo XIII... Basically, it is the watering down of Church teaching -- its core doctrines -- in order not to make waves; to go along to get along.  We see the results of that watering down of doctrine today, and the havoc it has produced among the shepherds whose duty it is to guide the flock to their heavenly beatitude, instead we have those very same shepherds leading many souls over the cliff to spiritual death.

I contend that it is that weakness that allowed the diabolical decision  of the Supreme Court of 1973 (Roe v Wade) to stand.  The results are horrific: nearly 62,000,000 (MILLION!) pre-born babies massacred in the womb of their "mothers".   

But as devastating as that is, it was only the beginning of the madness that has infected secular society, from the homosexual, "transgender," and LGBT lunacy, to so-called "drag queens" indoctrinating little children in libraries, with complicit "parents" only too willing to show that they are "tolerant" and want to enshrine "diversity" into their young charges!

What a high and eternal price they will have to pay on Judgment Day!!!!!!!!!!

The corruption in our society, and what now passes fort the "Catholic" Church, continues unabated, with the official stamp of approval of a renegade pope, Bergoglio.  His actions are exacerbating an already scandalous papacy extolling the virtues of idolatry and paganism, lightly coated with "mercy" and "inclusiveness."  

Our politicians take notice of the weakness, and find no shame in receiving the Holy Eucharist, at least those that label themselves Catholic, while at the same time, are hell-bent on making sure that a woman can kill her developing baby, all worshipping on the altar of choice (but no choice for the pre-born baby!).  

As the Church goes, so goes society...

Pray for a quick and complete demise of the new-order "Catholic" Church, and for the consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  If this is not done, then the devil will continue to have his way until the Second Coming...

Pray, especially, for President Trump that he may convert to the true Catholic faith, and defeat those foreign and domestic enemies that, literally, want to destroy our homeland.

Gene DeLalla

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

A Message To All Veterans...

A soldier trains to be proficient in his field of expertise so that, if necessary, he can take out and defeat an enemy.  But a true patriot does not wish for war, but rather hopes that his skills will never be used on the field of battle.  A true patriot does not relish the idea of killing another human being, or destroying someone else's country.  Quite the opposite...

Yesterday, Monday, November 11, 2019, we celebrated Veteran's Day here in the U.S. of A., and rightly so.  It is a reminder of who is tasked with the duty to protect and defend his fatherland; the land of his birth, or the land that he loved so much, that he wanted -- and did -- become a citizen of his adopted country: the Untied States of America.  It also commemorates those men that have gone before us; many making the ultimate sacrifice to secure or protect the freedoms that we enjoy today, or the freedoms of those unable to defend against an overpowering, tyrannical enemy force.

Any soldier (and I include all branches of the military when I use the word: soldier -- no offense to the Marines, Navy, Air Force, or Coast Guard!!) that longs for conflict or outright war is a nutcase; he is not a patriot.

Any soldier that has been in combat, or has seen his G.I. brothers KIA or WIA or become MIA or a POW, knows that war is hell on earth, not to mention those people that suffer the most in war: the civilian populace; the innocent non-combatants; the "collateral damage" of the near-total destruction of homes and infrastructure.

Children become orphans, or mothers and fathers lose the product of their married love; fear, hunger and despair rule.   Far too many lives are completely ruined, with little hope of recuperating any sense of normalcy.  The list is so endless, that it can fill a book...

What it comes right down to it, war is the result of grievous sins against the God Who made us.  Most of the world has rejected its Creator, replacing Him with the father of lies, Satan.  The big lie of Satan is that he can make us our own little god, with no need for our Father, who art in Heaven...  But in the long run, the price for this massive apostacy will have to be paid in more wars and rumors of wars,

The "liberty" to sin is not freedom, but pure slavery...

God will not be mocked: believe it!

A true soldier prays for peace; not war.

I ask all patriots to pray for peace, and pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla

Monday, November 11, 2019

A Veteran's Day Tribute...

November 11, 2019, and my Veteran's Day Tribute to ALL Veteran's both living and dead...

Please think before you speak to a veteran on Veteran's Day.   THINK!

First, it is NOT appropriate to say to a veteran: "Happy Veteran's Day".

Many veterans have been in combat, or at least have been in a war in some way supporting those in combat.

"Happy Veteran's Day"?  There is nothing "happy" about war; there is nothing "happy" about seeing your buddies wounded in action (WIA), or killed in action (KIA).  The repercussions of death and mayhem are disastrous, both for the "good guys" and the enemy alike!  In addition, the "collateral damage" of the wounding and killing of innocent, non-combatant civilians is one of the true evils of war.

War should be the last of all alternatives to right a perceived wrong; the last alternative to defend one's homeland, or that of others who are unable to defend themselves.

Wars and rumors of wars are the consequence, the chastisement, for grievous sins against God due to our fallen -- and weakened -- human nature.

You might be able to sympathize with a veteran, but if you haven't worn the uniform, that's all you can do.  You simply cannot empathize; you cannot!

In Vietnam, -- "my war" -- I saw enough, almost on a daily basis, to fight my primary enemy: FEAR.

If one can face fear, and stand fast, that's called courage, though most veterans would not consider themselves courageous.  We simply did our jobs.  In essence, we did not fight for a cause; that was secondary.  The fact is, my brothers and I fought for each other.

So, I ask again: think before you greet a veteran on Veteran's Day.  Maybe a simple: Thank you for your service?

I thank you all for remembering our vets on this special day that commemorates the sacrifices of those who paid the ultimate price for our freedoms, as well as for the freedoms of others.

Pray for all veterans, both living and dead; pray for our country, and pray, too, for peace...

Gene DeLalla

Sunday, November 10, 2019

My Tribute To The One-Hundred-Eleven...

In my Veteran's Day Tribute, I carelessly failed to mention a major part of that tribute: The One-Hundred-Eleven Air Force Security Police brethren that were killed in action (KIA) during the Vietnam War.  Many were KIA or WIA (wounded in action) during the 1968 Tet Offensive.

All were posthumously awarded the Purple Heart, along with many Silver- and Bronze-Stars with "V" for valor, while defending the perimeter of their respective air bases throughout the South.

How could I have "forgotten"?  

The answer is quite simple: I really didn't forget, because I always remember those One-Hundred-Eleven in my prayers, as well as dedicating all my books to them and their families.

There are some who think that the Air Force did little if any combat operations during the war, but nothing could be further from the truth.  There were, in fact, special operations Air Force personnel that slipped behind enemy lines in order to coordinate air and ground attacks for the Army and Marines, as well as rescue downed American pilots.

But those in the know, knew that the Military Assistance Command, Vietnam -- Studies and Observations Group (MACV-SOG), was a top secret, joint unconventional warfare task force created on 24 January 1964 by the Joint Chiefs of Staff.  Air Force personnel were an integral part of that operation... 

Many of the boots-on-the-ground owe their very lives to the sacrifices of those special personnel.  In addition, the Marines at Khe Sanh were literally saved by Air Force C-130s that took mortar and rockets to their aircraft as they attempted to land at that besieged base, bringing in ammunition and extracting the wounded, not to mention B-52s as well as fighter bombers that annihilated many North Vietnamese regular army and Viet Cong divisions.

Sure, the Air Force Security Police had a different function as I stated earlier, but their contribution to the war effort, in many instances, went above and beyond the call of duty.

My hat is off to those extraordinary brothers who gave all to save others.... May God allow them to rest in peace.

Pray too, for our country...

Gene DeLalla   

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Child Burning/Eating Pagan Idol, Moloch, Set Up Near Colosseum In Rome...

ROME, November 6, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – A reconstruction of a pagan idol who demanded child sacrifice was stationed at the entrance of Rome’s Colosseum as part of a secular historical exhibition.

The presence of the idol raised particular concern among Catholics, as it was erected nine days before the Amazon Synod and the subsequent scandal over the veneration of the Pachamama idol at the Vatican.

The statue of Moloch, worshipped by both the Canaanites and the Phoenicians, is part of an exhibit dedicated to Ancient Rome’s once-great rival, the city of Carthage. The large-scale exhibition, titled Carthago: The immortal myth, runs until March 29, 2020.
The statue of Moloch was erected nine days prior to the opening of the Amazon Synod, which was plagued with controversy from the beginning after a ceremony in the Vatican Gardens involving the pagan goddess “Pachamama” was held in the presence of Pope Francis and top-ranking prelates.
Alexandra Clark saw a connection between the idol of Moloch and the Pachamama images that featured so prominently at the recently concluded Amazonian Synod. 
The image of Moloch is modeled on a representation of the child-devouring demon found in the 1914 Italian silent film Cabiria. In the film the idol of Moloch, set up in a Punic temple, has a giant bronze furnace in his chest, into which hundreds of children are thrown. Cabiria, the heroine of the film, is threatened with this fiery fate. 
The film’s depiction of the idol has a historical basis. Three ancient Greek historians all attest that it was customary in Carthage to burn children alive as offerings to the deity, whom they called Baal and Cronus or Saturn, the Roman god who, according to myth, ate his own children lest they supplant him. Moloch is also mentioned several times in the Book of Leviticus.
MY COMMENT: See for yourself...  The "Eternal City," Rome, has now become a cesspool of sexual deviance; sacrilege; child murder, e.g., "planned parenthood"; apostasy; heresy, and scandal.  

Why would the successor of St. Peter allow this monstrosity to be set up at the entrance to the Colosseum where Christians (that's Catholics!) were thrown to the wild animals and devoured, as others cheered, with the blood of the martyrs that became the seed of the nascent Church of Christ???
The answer has become painfully clear: "pope" Francis is part of the movement to establish a one-world-religion of secular humanism, period.  
I ask again: Is The Pope Catholic?   Apparently not.  We must pray for his conversion to the Catholic Faith, and that he repents -- publicly -- for the sins of apostasy, heresy and scandal.  But I wouldn't hold my breath...
Pray too for our country...
Gene DeLalla

Devastating Implications Of Heretical "Cardinals" Voting In The Next Conclave! (The Sedevacantists Will Have A Field Day, Proving They Are "Right"!)

 Think about the horrific implications of heretics voting for the next pope! What are some of those implications? How about the fact that a ...