Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The Pharisee And The Publican In The Temple...

He spoke also this parable to certain people who were convinced of their own righteousness, and who despised all others. "Two men went up into the temple to pray; one was a Pharisee, and the other was a tax collector. The Pharisee stood and prayed to himself like this: 'God, I thank you, that I am not like the rest of men, extortioners, unrighteous, adulterers, or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a week. I give tithes of all that I get.' But the tax collector, standing far away, wouldn't even lift up his eyes to heaven, but beat his breast, saying, 'God, be merciful to me, a sinner!' I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other; for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but he who humbles himself will be exalted."
—St. Luke 18:9-14,

What, or who, does this sound like?

You or I, maybe?

Or, is it "the other guy"?  

Are we "judging" others, but not ourselves?

The Publican (tax collector) couldn't even bring himself to lift his eyes in the presence of the Holy of Holies, but begged for forgiveness for his sins.  

The Pharisee praised himself and despised the Publican. Whatever good works that the Pharisee might do, or might have done, mean nothing without charity (St. Paul).  

The humility of the hated Publican is an example of the first step to holiness, for without humility, pride will surely get in the way of our journey to the New Jerusalem, and eternal life...

God knows...

We just celebrated the birth of the Savior, and now, as the New Year approaches, we are filled with ideas of making "resolutions" to make things better in our lives, whether to lose weight, or more seriously, to sin less and love more: our families and our neighbors, that is...

Not an easy task these days, as we are bombarded with negative news almost on a daily basis, but it is important to keep in mind that we are not in control of world events: it is Providence that directs the fate of mankind.  It's just that we have to respond in the proper manner if we are to have any chance to improve spiritually and morally, and finish the race and gain the crown of victory (again, St. Paul).

So, let's see if we can make this resolution: to know, love, and serve God in this life, and be happy with Him in the next.  Love our families and our neighbors, by doing so, we fulfill the two great Commandments upon which is based all the law and the prophets...

Pray for our country...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Monday, December 30, 2019

A Look Back At 2019...

Well now.. what a year 2019 has been!  Soon, very soon, it will be history.

One thing is for certain: the gloves are off; the wolves are no longer hiding under sheep's clothing, both in the secular world and as well, in the ecclesiastical world.

Some events will continue right into the new year of 2020, such as the ongoing attacks against President Trump by the hard Left in the Congress as well as in the Senate.  I guess one could call it impeachment forever!

I believe he will survive these false and damaging attacks -- to him and the country, and get re-elected, that is, if there isn't some type of major false flag that is blamed on Mr. Trump, such as the Communist mayor of New York City, DeBlasio, who accused Trump for inciting "hate" against those Jews that were macheted and seriously wounded just the other day...

Then again, when an attack on a group of Christians takes place, as the recent murder of two church members in Texas, that were stopped, by the way, by armed security (part of the congregation!), with a quick shot and killed the maggot shooter, the media is silent.


Because the potential mass murder was stopped by an armed citizen carrying a concealed weapon.  One of the main targets of weapon confiscation by the Leftists/Socialists is the "assault rifle".  It should also be noted that the much maligned "assault rifle" was used to stop the killer of an attack on another Texas church congregation late in 2017, but the media, of course, ignores that fact.

These are only a few examples of the moral and physical violence directed at those who are God-fearing; those who are Catholic, especially; those who are conservative; those who are pro-life; those who believe that it is a right granted under the Natural Law to have the means to defend oneself and their families, and so on...

In reality, the racist and bigoted, God-hating media are the real culprits of societal breakdown in this country, and, in fact, in most Western nations, or what is left of them.

2019 also was a year of wars and rumors of wars... So, what's new?  When will we ever learn?  It seems as though that history keeps repeating itself, with little indication of any change of direction.  Even Mr. Trump just can't seem to buck the generals and admirals, and bring our troops home from the near 130-plus countries, and use the military to defend our own borders, and stop the flow of illegal aliens and hard-core drugs killing our citizens.

Our "intelligence agencies" are out of control, and should be completely re-organized or disbanded for the good of the country, and our rights.  Right now, almost all of us are being spied upon, with little knowledge of who and why our personal information is being collected.  Remember "1984"?

2019 was also a disaster for the Catholic Church world-wide, under the horrible tutelage of pope Bergoglio, but he no longer makes any excuses or explanations for his Marxist Communist background; he no longer attempts to hide his disdain for Catholic teaching and the authentic Magisterium; he has unhinged malice toward anything traditional; he wants to transform the Church into some type of one-world-religion, hell-bent on making it into a homogenized, milquetoast, egalitarian entity with little moral or spiritual influence.

To be blunt: he is a traitor to his Master and Lord.  I pray the he will convert back to the Catholic faith post-haste, as he is now in his 80's, and may not be long for this world.

As 2019 quickly passes into the dustbin of history, it seems that the devil -- Satan -- is in control, but that is only on the surface.  We know Who is really in control, but as I have said many times, we get what we deserve.  When we are un-faithful to God, He will certainly allow us to use our free-will to our own detriment; He will send the operation of error to believe that what is evil is good, and what is wrong is right.  And, as the Bible relates to us, there will come a time (it's here!) when the good will be martyred, and those who kill them, will think they are doing God's work, e.g., destroying the tiny lives of the pre-born, and now the born!

But the pendulum is beginning to swing in the direction of the God-fearing... More and more young families are now attending the Traditional Latin Mass in the Catholic Church, in spite of the notorious pronouncements emanating from the mouth of the pope.  More are standing up for God in the social arena as well... More folks are beginning to nullify the unconstitutional "laws" being passed by the radical socialists legislatures across the country, e.g., in the commonwealth of Virginia...

Violence is always the last resort to protect ourselves and our families, and no God-fearing, conservative should initiate such against our enemies, but it is always wise to be prepared for what might be coming down the road in short order...

Let us attempt to make 2020 a more God-pleasing year to stave-off the justifiable wrath of the Lord.

Pray for our country..

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Damned Washington Post...

The Washington Post, you know, that left-wing rag that I wouldn't use to line the bottom of a bird cage -- it would be insulting to the poor bird, and probably cause PTSD from which, it would never recover!

Well, that piece of bias dung, has now pronounced that Gov. Ralph Northam of Virginia, has now come "back from the political dead," after the guv's black face "scandal", all the while ignoring this powerful baby killer and his insatiable thirst for blood of the pre-born -- and now the born!!

Remember he advocated infanticide in an on-air interview?

Yes, I remember the interview, and the reaction of the woman interviewer after this maniac described how a baby that survived an abortion, should be kept comfortable, then the "mother" and her "doctors" could decide whether or not to end the life of the poor thing.

That's after the baby is born alive!

That is called -- and is -- infanticide!

Getting back to the reaction of the female interviewer...  I don't know if that woman was or is "pro-choice," but her body language said it all.  I could readily see a look of shock and surprise on her face; she simply didn't expect the governor of a state to advocate the killing of a born baby,

So here you have it: the Washington Post is so tone-deaf to the murder of pre-born -- and now born! -- babies, that it excuses that Gov. Northam is an ardent supporter of both. But it is certainly no surprise to see their stupid and deadly support for the once-embattled governor, being a radical supporter of abortion themselves,..

Now remember too, that it is Gov. Northam that has gladly supported and will shortly sign draconian anti-Second Amendment legislation that will threaten the very foundations of liberty and freedom of his own citizens through certain types of weapons bans, registry, and eventual confiscation.  This tactic has been used down through the last century-and-a-half -- nearly worldwide -- to enslave a citizenry, and force them to bend to the will of a dictatorial, tyrannical, central government.

And this in Virginia???   Remember Patrick Henry: give me liberty or give me death!

And for you New Hampshireites; the Live Free Or Die state, the New Hampshire house and senate are now Demonrat controlled, with only Gov. Sununu to hold back the dam of liberal gun control and eventual confiscation legislation...  But when Sununu leaves office, be prepared, because those very same Leftists maggots will do all in their power to subvert your right to keep and bear arms.

And filthy abortion supporting rags such as the Washington Post will happily write editorials supporting the next Demonrat governor of New Hampshire, with the phony "get the guns off the streets" campaign, all the while ignoring the proven fact that the bad guys can get any weapon they want for the right price.  That's because outlaws don't obey the laws, only the law-abiding do.  But if push comes to shove, any "law" that violates the right of self-defense under the Natural Law and the Constitution, that "law" is automatically null and void -- and must not be obeyed.

So keep your eyes on the state of Virginia, especially around January 20, 2020.  What is happening in that state could very well become a template for additional states down the road.  I would also suggest to read the relatively short Declaration of Independence; it is, to say the least, eye-opening, and shows what should and must be done if a government becomes the ape of its citizens...

Pray for our country, and pray for President Trump...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us!!

Gene DeLalla

Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Virtue Of Hope And Its Enemies: Despair And Presumption...

If Christ didn't rise from the dead, then our faith is in vain (St. Paul)...

I wouldn't blame anyone one bit if they have begun to despair after all these years seeing and hearing of all the apostasies, heresies, scandals and the like, emanating from the Catholic Church -- the human element, that is.  And that distinction is absolutely necessary if one is to avoid the spiritual trap of thinking that the Church -- founded by Christ Himself, has become corrupt.

This can never happen, as the perfect Head, cannot have a gangrenous, dying, and corrupt Body.

But after years of revelations of sexual abuse, and now with pope Francis holding the reigns of power over the last six or seven years, those scandals have almost become eclipsed by his apostasy and heresies deviating from the Deposit of Faith, causing even more confusion and scandals.

And two of those heresies have been revealed by Francis: that he does not believe that Our Lord was Divine, or that He rose from the dead, and conquered death itself!  These statements, if true, places Francis outside the Church and a formal heretic to boot...  So far, there has been no denial of these reports.

If that does not cause one to despair, I don't know what would.

In fact, a well-known and very influential "conservative" talk-show host -- Sean Hannity -- has recently announced that he is leaving the Church.  I'm really not surprised by his move, as he professed to be a Catholic, but was always in favor of contraception.  Of course we know that error is in direct contradiction of Church teaching, and places oneself in a state of mortal sin -- objectively speaking, of course.

(Mortal sin?  When was the last time that was preached from the pulpit in any new-order parish?)

But this gent is not alone... Over the past several decades, especially since about 1965 or so, millions -- that's MILLIONS -- of Catholics have left the Church.  This has happened for more than just a few reasons, chief among them, is the poor catechesis since the end of Vatican II.  The children of Vat. II have now become the parents of another generation very poorly educated in their precious Faith.  If you don't know or "use" the faith, it will surely atrophy, weaken, and eventually die...

That "breath of fresh air" has turned into the smoke of Satan (Pope Paul VI)...

In effect, these folks have despaired.

And, as we know, despair is one of the major sins against the virtue of Hope; the other being presumption...

If we go in the opposite direction of despair, one can easily slip into that other sin against hope, presumption.  This can absolutely be as deadly as despair, because it presumes on God's mercy, instead of looking at that mercy in light of His justice.  The two go hand-in-hand and cannot be separated.  Unfortunately, far too many of my Protestant brethren have fallen into the trap of presumption, mainly by claiming that they are "saved" because they have "accepted Christ" as their Savior, or that they have a "personal relationship" with Christ.  Pardon me for my ignorance, but I'm not quite sure how that works...

Let's see if I get this right: if I claim that I have accepted Christ, and/or have a personal relationship with Him, then I'm saved?  Wow!  That was easy!  I guess that also means that my faith in Christ saves me too, so I don't have to do anything else. Forget about works!  I've got it made!

Without writing a book here, I'll simply show my Protestant friends that it is we Catholics that have the most intimate and personal relationship with Christ, and we do because we have the Holy Eucharist.  You don't.  And, as St. John reports in Chapter Six, without the Eucharist, you have no life in you.  

I don't know about you, but that prospect is pretty scary... Our Lord is telling us that if we don't eat His flesh and drink His blood, we will not have any (eternal) life in us.   Crackers and grape juice isn't going to do it...

In conclusion, we must not despair over what is going on in the Church these days, because if we do, and leave Her, Satan wins.  We all have to fight within the Church and stand up to the apostates and heretics, and let them know that we will not abandon our Church; we will not abandon Christ.

Pray for our Church and pray for our country...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us!

Gene DeLalla

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Is There A Conspiracy Between The "Catholic" Diocese Of Manchester, New Hampshire And The Vatican, I.E., Pope Francis?

The title -- and the question of this article -- begs to be answered.

In 1997, my family and I "found" the St. Benedict Center in Richmond, NH, that is, after a young couple came to our home in Troy, NH to enroll us in a long-distance phone carrier.  As Providence would have it, the young couple told us of a traditional Latin Mass just 20 minutes away from where we were living.  The rest is, as they say, history!

I hadn't been to, or heard, a Latin Mass for 29 years!  The last time I attended that sublime Mass for all time, was in Vietnam, back in December of 1967 to December 1968!  In fact, my buddy and I not only set up the altar for our Chaplin, but also assisted at the Mass itself.  What an honor and privilege to serve Our Lord at His banquet!

We faithfully attended Mass at the Center for 22 years.  But we also participated in the extraordinary events held at the Center: conferences, Third Order meetings, prayer events, visiting Catholic politicians hoping to receive our votes, visiting guest speakers, and the like.  What a great experience!  It has led to a deepening of our faith, and helped us to explain to others what it means to be Catholic, that is, to preach and spread the Word as Christ commanded His followers to do...

There were many good and holy priests that ministered to us at the Center, especially the "last" priest: Fr. John Earl... A truly faithful servant of Our Lord.

But all hasn't been peaches and cream, not in the least... It seems that there was always friction between the ordinary of the Diocese of Manchester, and the Center.  Not because of some un-Catholic goings on at the Center; just the opposite...

It seems that for some reason, the dogmas of the Church were playthings to be used to squeeze the Center into compromising what the Church has always and everywhere believed and taught.  The good Brothers and Sisters -- whom we admire more than words can express! -- were easy targets for those who consider political, social, and ecclesiastical correctness more important than what we are supposed to -- required to -- believe if we want to get to Heaven...

The last straw came in early 2019, when the Diocese decided to impose "draconian sanctions" on the Center and the faithful followers of Christ, for simply upholding the Deposit of Faith and traditional Catholic beliefs...

The timing for such bizarre sanctions seems to me to coincide with what is going on in Rome -- the Vatican -- and emanating from the very Chair of St. Peter: Pope Francis.  I feel that the Diocese feels very emboldened by the radical denial of the very command of Christ to preach and Baptize all nations.  Not to mention the heresies that seem to spew forth from the very mouth of Francis, especially watering down the very core dogma of the Church: that outside the Church, there is no salvation for any human creature.  In addition, Francis has practically condemned any attempt to bring to non-Catholics, the true faith.

But for what reason would he do that????

I would ask Bishop Libasci why the malice and hate directed toward a religious organization that is guilty of nothing but standing fast to what the Church teaches.   And further, why is the "Rev." Georges de Laire allowed to spread lies and innuendos about the Center and the faithful Catholics who attended Mass there, and now can no longer?

What is happening is akin to what is happening to President Trump and the continued attacks by the hard Left radicals hell-bent on removing him from office...

In conclusion, the actions of the Diocese of Manchester -- and bolstered by their modernists friends, that, for all practical purposes, have taken over the "Vatican" and the papacy itself -- have conspired to squash any semblance of traditional Catholicism left in the world, and that includes the tiny State of New Hampshire.  All the while, seeing nearly empty pews attended by the few elderly still alive, while ignoring the surge in attendance at the traditional Latin Mass springing up all across the country; attended by young and growing families who believe that one has to be Catholic in order to be saved, that truth you can take to the bank!!

Pray for an end to this persecution of the St. Benedict Center, and pray for the conversion of pope Francis back to the Catholic Faith..

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Monday, December 23, 2019


The corporal work of mercy of feeding the hungry, can, in some cases, actually save that person from physical death.

The spiritual work of mercy of admonishing the sinner, can, in some cases -- if they take that admonishment to heart and realize the wrong he or she has done -- can save that person from spiritual death.

The two works of mercy might also go hand-in-hand in certain situations...

But the point here, is that admonishing the sinner can lead to conversion of heart and eventual salvation...

I can hear it now: Judge not lest ye be judged... So reads Scripture.  This oft quoted verse of the Bible, is usually quoted by those who wrest the Scriptures to their own destruction (St. Peter)...

The idea that you, or I, cannot judge someone is complete nonsense, and is easily shown by example.  For the present, however, I will simply explain what God-given common sense tells us: that we judge a person by their words and actions, and sometimes, by their inactions.   We leave the judgment of heart and soul to God alone; that's His job, if you will.

If this is wrong, then God, Himself made a mistake when He incorporated all the elements that make up our grey-matter, and how it functions.

In this day of political and social correctness, the judgment of someone's actions almost immediately conjures up the stupidity of epithets being hurled at the one doing the judging, such as bigot, racist, "judgmental," and the like...

The poison of political and social correctness is being bolstered and strengthened by the very words -- of all people, and the leader of the Catholic world -- Pope Francis, when he uttered the now-infamous: "who am I do judge" (pertaining to homosexuals and other abominations).

 The evil that men do... and I can guarantee that saying something as radical as "who am I to judge," is nothing short of supporting that evil, as well as confusing an already confused "faithful," that is, if they still believe in what the authentic Magisterium teaches.  I have my doubts.  It has become painfully apparent that recent research has shown that few Catholics still believe in the Real Presence of our Lord, Jesus Christ, even after the consecration of bread and wine, into His own Body and Blood!

This is a stunning victory for Satan, the father of lies -- which includes political and social correctness!

What is the remedy for such un-natural, soul-killing sentimentalism?

1) Adhere to what the Church has always and everywhere taught and believed through the two-thousand years since Christ founded His Church.  2) Strengthen our souls with the Bread of Life -- the Holy Eucharist, without which, there is no life in us (St. John, Chapt. Six). 3) Pray!

Pray, too, for our country.

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us!!

Gene DeLalla

Saturday, December 21, 2019

$1.4 TRILLION Dollar Budget STILL Funds "Planned Parenthood"!!!

This from Breitbart News; by Dr. Susan Berry...

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) blasted the $1.4 trillion spending bill that passed the House and Senate this week and was signed into law by President Donald Trump on Friday.
The 2,313-page piece of legislation spends $1.4 trillion and will fund the government until September 30, 2020, through most of what is anticipated to be a combative election season.
The spending bill the Senate is voting on tomorrow is lobbyist boondoggle that belongs in an
The senator said the spending deal benefits the “lobbyists who are bankrupting this country,” and told CBS 11 it represents “lobbyists’ Christmas present.”
“While you were with your family, shopping for Christmas, the lobbyists were spending and spending,” Cruz said in his video message.
“Nobody’s read it,” Cruz said as he puffed on a cigar. “There isn’t a person alive who has read this piece of garbage.”
Cruz called out some of the items in the bill that were included without debate and a separate vote. He noted, for example, the spending deal “extends the Export-Import Bank for seven years.”
The bank, which provides loans to promote the foreign purchases of U.S. goods, is “one of the greatest corporate boondoggles – corporate welfare,” the senator asserted.
The massive spending bill also raises the tobacco purchasing age to 21.
Cruz ridiculed this provision, citing that soldiers can be drafted at age 18, but “God help you if you want to have a smoke.”
The senator pointed out the spending bill also “funds government research on gun control.”
The senator pointed out the spending bill also “funds government research on gun control.”
“Can’t you wait for the report from the Centers for Disease Control … bogus studies that are going to be used to take away your constitutional rights,” Cruz stated.
The senator added that the spending bill:
– continues tax breaks for “so-called” renewable energy
– fails to stop sanctuary cities
– fails to defund Planned Parenthood and fails to end Obamacare
While a pro-abortion rights amendment proposed by New Hampshire Democrat Jeanne Shaheen – one that would have undermined Trump’s pro-life policies overseas – was not included in the final spending package, America’s largest abortion business, Planned Parenthood, remains funded by taxpayers.
Pro-life organization Live Action observed that, since the spending deal fails to end Obamacare, its sex education program, known as PREP, will still receive $75 million, and $3 million of the PREP funding will go to Planned Parenthood.
Live Action added:
Additionally, Planned Parenthood will continue to receive millions more through [Medicaid] reimbursements and discretionary funds. In their 2017 Annual Report, Planned Parenthood indicated that 34% of their revenue came from “Government Health Services Reimbursements & Grants.”
Congressional spending packages for FY2020 don’t include any provisions to further curb the millions of taxpayer dollars going to America’s abortion giant.
“This pile of trash belongs in an ashtray,” Cruz said in his video message.
On Thursday, the senator released a statement after voting against the bill.
“With a $23 trillion national debt, this 2,313-page spending package that Congressional leaders unveiled just days ago represents everything Americans hate about Washington,” Cruz said, adding:
Though there are several good provisions included in the final bills that I was proud to fight for, including a well-deserved pay raise for our men and women in uniform and additional support for our Armed Forces and veterans, this $1.4 trillion spending monstrosity plunges our nation even further into debt – haphazardly spending taxpayer dollars on the priorities of lobbyists and Democrats at the expense of the priorities of the American people, from funding Planned Parenthood, sanctuary cities, and Obamacare, to raising the tobacco purchasing age to 21.
“This ridiculous, rushed, end-of-year spending process, year after year, is an example of government of the lobbyists, by the lobbyists, and for the lobbyists,” he said.
My Comment:
Even with President Trump at the helm of the "ship of state," there is still much work to be done to defund the baby killers at Murder, Inc., a.k.a.: "planned parenthood"...  

Pray for our country, and pray for end of the "legal" murder of pre-born babies...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Friday, December 20, 2019

Is Pope Francis The Titular Head Of The New World Order?

Who would ever think that such a question might be asked?

Yet, it seems the answer is abundantly clear: yes, Francis is the titular head of the New World Order.

Titular, because he is only one of many puppets, useful idiots, being manipulated with strings of the real leaders and founders of the abomination envisioned by the United Nations and their minions, which include multi-billionaire elites.

The names are legion, e.g., Gates, Buffet, Musk, et al...

They pour their money and influence into such organizations hell-bent on homogenizing all the peoples of the earth into one, big socialist utopia, with "big brother" in complete charge of our lives.   But it doesn't stop there... Uncountable monies are used to elect other useful idiots to local and state offices in attempt to negate the losses of federal offices -- including the presidency!

Right now, with Mr. Trump in office, their efforts have been temporarily put on hold, but make no mistake, the moles and traitors are still burrowing deeply into the various cabinet offices as well as those entrusted to defend our country, i.e., the Pentagon, and the associated military industrial complex that President Eisenhower admonished and warned us about.

If only it ended there, but it doesn't!

One only has to look at the so-called "intelligence" agencies and their admitted plot to destroy President Trump and remove him from office at all costs.  If that were to happen, the first "Civil War," in comparison, would look like a child's sandbox with toy soldiers.  In other words, it will get very, very ugly and downright bloody.

The Pelosi, Biden, Obama types are some of those useful idiots because they think they will be part of any successful overthrow of our duly elected officials and our traditional American institutions, but in reality, they will be the first to be lined up at the guillotine, just as happened in the deadly French Revolution...

Sadly -- very sadly -- the leader of the over one-billion (1,000,000,000) Catholics, Pope Francis, is one of those useful idiots playing right into the hands of the globalists, if he is not one of them himself.  Yet recent events and statements seem to prove that he is intimately involved in the anti-Christ movement to transform, not only traditional cultures of sovereign nations, but also -- and especially -- the Deposit of Faith (Scripture and Tradition), and the authentic Magisterium of Holy Mother Church...

His attacks on Tradition and the dogmas and doctrines, always and everywhere believed and taught, make him an enemy of the faithful attempting to live out their lives in Christ.  Most terrifying, is his denial of the divinity of Christ, as well as His Resurrection!  So far, these reports have not been denied.  Crazy!

These diabolical plans implemented so far have been unbelievably successful, which would indicate to me that Satan -- the Father of Lies -- is the ultimate force behind their efforts.  It has become painfully apparent that those working for the demon have turned over their immortal souls for power and influence in this life, regardless of the consequences they will face in the next.  But the piper must and will be paid some day!!

What to do?

Never stop praying for Justice, and for the rights granted us by God (not by government); stay strong by receiving, worthily, the Holy Eucharist (the Bread of Heaven) without which, one cannot have life in their souls (St. John, Chapter Six)…  And beg St. Michael the Archangel to defend us in the present and future battles..

Viva Cristo Rey!   Fr. Miguel Pro, please pray for us!

Gene DeLalla

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Here's Some "Hate Speech": MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

Has it really come to that in our country: to say "Merry Christmas" in the public sphere is "hate speech"?  Maybe, but this writer will always say Merry Christmas, and I don't care who, what, when, where, or why it might offend!

As a recent example, Supreme Court Justice Gorsuch was interviewed on a Fox news program, and committed the "crime" of saying "Merry Christmas"...

As expected, the radical Christ haters went ballistic!

Imagine, saying or writing Merry Christmas has now become verboten... How sad, but not surprising...

As I have written previously, the reason for the season is to acknowledge the coming into the world of our Savior.  He didn't have to do this, but He did out of sheer love of His created creatures.

The reason?

To rescue all mankind -- and yes, feminists, that includes you! -- from the gate closing; soul killing, Original Sin, that has infected all humans that have come, and continue to come, into the world.

As we know, we are told in Scripture and Tradition (that's Tradition with a capital "T"), that the little Baby was born 2,000 years ago in the cold of winter, to parents specifically chosen by God from all eternity, to deliver our souls from the grip of the demon, Satan.

Sure, I realize that not all mankind takes advantage of His sacrifice on the Cross, but those who do -- and suffer for it -- will reap the rewards of being with the Holy Trinity, and see for themselves; LOVE incarnate in His glorified Body!

But why wouldn't all mankind take advantage of the graces so generously provided at such an incredible cost?  The short answer is that, not only do we have a weakened human nature, the very reason for the Cross in the first place, but also because many don't want to change, as sin and evil are very powerful tools used by the devil to lure people away -- and keep them away! -- from the Lord...

So, what can we do to fight off the whiles of the evil spirits roaming about the world ready to devour and ruin any immortal soul not girded for battle?   Put on the armor of God; the breastplate of grace -- as no one will be tempted above his ability to resist with the help of that very same grace (St. Paul)...

For Catholics, never give up!   Never think that the Church has become corrupt!  It can never happen!  For Christ the Perfect Head, could never be connected to a corrupt Body!  Realize that it is the human element of the clergy and laity that are corrupt!   And pray for strength to fight within the Church!  If a Catholic leaves the Church, that plays right into the hands of Satan, and he's won!

For a non-Catholic, come into the Church of Christ -- the Catholic Church; be baptized, so you can receive the Holy Eucharist, without which, you will not have life in you (St. John, Chap. Six)...

And for all: pray, not only for your souls and the souls of your family, but also for our country!!

Viva Cristo Rey!!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us!!

Gene DeLalla


Wednesday, December 18, 2019

What Forces Propel Abortionists And Their Supporters?

This is NOT the $64,000 question!

In fact, one doesn't even have to look below the surface; the superficial, to see the answers to this "dilemma".

But what would make my question even more bizarre and downright scary, is that the answers are that many, if not most, "Catholic" politicians are in favor of, and even support those who take the lives of innocent, pre-born babies.

How can this be?

I contend that those "Catholic" pols -- and much of the lay "faithful" as well -- have lost their precious faith, that is, if they ever had it to nurture in the first place.  This can be seen in what is going on in the new-order church since Vatican II up to the present...

Without the faith, it is impossible to please God (St. Paul)...

And so, if one is devoid of the faith (good), then evil can very easily fill that void.  In the case of our elected representatives, that evil comes in many forms, such as money; false compassion; "tolerance"; malice and hate.

It is their contention that if we do nothing to reduce the population, then the planet is doomed, so money continues to pour in from wealthy elites to stifle and even reverse the command from God almighty to multiply and subdue the earth, through the evils of abortion and other means of population control.

Sadly, one of those organizations: Murder, Inc., a.k.a.; "planned parenthood", has received -- and continues to receive -- federal monies to the tune of half-a-billion dollars each year ($500,000,000) of our taxes, even though Mr. Trump has attempted to cut just a smidgeon: $60,000,000, from getting into the hands of the baby killers.  And even that was challenged, and might have been restored by an amendment to a spending bill...

If that is the case, and it is, then where are the pro-life leaders, especially those of the clergy?  Sure, we hear of books, articles, speeches, rallies, marches and the like, highlighting the horrors of killing pre-born babies, but where were those church leaders and others back in 1973 when the "supreme court" sealed the fate of the pre-born in the Roe v Wade decision??

What if they -- and us -- stood up, face-to-face with the devil himself, Satan, and marched down Pennsylvania Avenue to the Capital, and demanded that deadly decision be nullified or reversed, refuse to leave, be arrested and go on a hunger strike (remember those?).  How long do you think that "law of the land" would have lasted??

It has become obvious that those who support the abortionists, have given themselves over to the demon for power and position in this life, with little thought to where they will spend eternity in the next.   I think the reason for that is that they don't believe in the afterlife, and judgment for our deeds, good or evil.

We are currently living in a period of massive social and religious upheaval involving, not only terminating pregnancies through abortion, but also the consequences of the cheapening of life in general, with pornography, homosexuality, infanticide, "transgenderism", and the like.  And part of that cheapening is the brainwashing of our youth in the public school system through a distorted view of American history, as well as the filth that is labeled: sex education, and in conjunction with that, the lessening of parental rights!

Now that we have some of the answers to some of the questions, what is the solution to those answers?

As I have written many times: Christ or Chaos!

Pray for our country...

Viva Cristo Rey!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us!

Gene DeLalla

Devastating Implications Of Heretical "Cardinals" Voting In The Next Conclave! (The Sedevacantists Will Have A Field Day, Proving They Are "Right"!)

 Think about the horrific implications of heretics voting for the next pope! What are some of those implications? How about the fact that a ...