Saturday, May 30, 2020

What If George Floyd Could Comment On The Riots Supposedly Being Done For "Justice"?

I didn't know George Floyd, and I'm not sure exactly what caused his death, but the fact remains that he died by the hands of a bad cop in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

He is not able to speak for himself anymore, so others have taken up that chore, and rightly so...

The problem is that most of those who are speaking up for him, are not those who are really concerned about justice for the deceased, but rather concerned about an agenda that is looking more and more like an excuse to riot and loot the very neighborhoods that Mr. Floyd lived in, and beyond...

Isn't it interesting that a serious crises of injustice, in this case, the killing of a black American -- and let us remember that anyone accused of a crime of any sort, is always to be presumed innocent until proven otherwise -- has not gone to waste!   (If I remember correctly, a prominent Democratic politician --  Eric Holder, perhaps? -- uttered those same or similar words, thereby letting the cat-out-of-the-bag, so to speak, when it came to using a crises to push an agenda and accomplish a goal which otherwise would have been almost impossible to do...)

What has happened all across our land over the last several days -- and nights -- is a horrible display of violence, rioting, firebombing, death and mayhem on the streets of many large American cities.  So much destruction has been filmed and recorded, that the military police and National Guard are being called-up to bolster the police forces of the cities involved.  This is no small decision on the part of the federal government.

All these are indications of what is wrong with our country, preeminently, the loss of the sanctity of life and relegating the God who made us to second- or third-class citizenship, in favor or other forms of creature worship, thereby making man or his causes their god.

Is it really as "simple" as that?

I think it is...

Look at what has happened over the last few months here in the U.S. and abroad... The shutting down of economies world-wide (except China!), in order to stop the spread of a certain strain of the flu that originated in Communist China in the first place, and "exported" to the rest of the world.  At least this is what we were, and are being told to this very day.  And stepping up to the plate, without a whimper, were the Catholic bishops stopping all Masses, and in some cases, the administration of all the crucial sacraments necessary for spiritual health, when our physical health fails...

The secular powers that be, I am sure, were absolutely amazed at just how easy it was to implement their drastic and draconian -- immoral, illicit and unjust -- dictate to shut down the churches, and prevent the faithful from attending Mass.  Not in their wildest dreams could they have pulled that one off, after all, it took years to do the same in the old Soviet Union under Lennon and Stalin!

Of course, there is the pent-up anger and frustration from being locked-down, along with nearly 40,000,000 Americans losing their jobs, unsure of how they will be able to support their families and pay the bills.  Top all this off with those elements who infiltrate any legitimate group demonstrating for justice, with the likes of Antifa and outright Communist and Socialist radicals hell-bent on eradicating America as we know it, and you have a recipe for absolute anarchy and civil unrest.

America is burning, and the "fire departments" will have a tough time extinguishing the flames of injustice and hatred, unless and until there is a major change of heart and soul -- and conversion to God almighty...

Pray for our country...

Viva Cristo Rey!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla 

Friday, May 29, 2020

The CDC Admits: We Goofed Big Time On The Numbers Of Fatalities Due To COVID-19...

The following information has been gleaned from an article on Breitbart, and other news sources...

Data from the U.S. Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggests that the novel coronavirus’s true fatality rate in the United States, … stands at 0.26 percent, about eight to 15 times lower than earlier mortality rate estimates of between two and four percent, … originally prompting the lockdowns.

Ultimately, we might find out that the IFR (infection rate) is even lower because numerous studies and hard counts of confined populations have shown a much higher percentage of asymptomatic cases. Simply adjusting for a 50% asymptomatic rate would drop their fatality rate to 0.2% – exactly the rate of fatality Dr. John Ionnidis of Stanford University projected.

My Comments: We've been snookered!  We have been lied to!  We have been indoctrinated by the false -- and even made up -- "news" from the media -- AND -- information coming out of the mouths of the likes of Dr. Fauci and Birx.  Unfortunately, President Trump has allowed those lies and distortions of what is actually occurring, to dictate policy causing untold misery and suffering to those nearly 40,000,000 Americans thrown out of work...

Is COVID-19 deadly?  Yes.  It has taken the lives of mostly elderly folks with underlying medical conditions.   Is the seasonal flu deadly?  Yes.  It also takes the lives of mostly elderly with underlying medical conditions.  Is old age deadly?  Looked at it in another way... we will all die some day.  But we hope that we live to a ripe old age to see our children's children.  A real blessing from above!

Yet if we believe that this life is the be all and end all, then we fail to believe what Christ taught -- and commanded us to do: preach and baptize all nations.   He also admonished us to receive the Bread of Life in the Holy Eucharist -- if we refuse to eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink His blood, then we will have no life in us (St. John, Chapter Six; KJV).

Pray for our country...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Remember Radio Free Europe?

If you don't remember Radio Free Europe (RFE), or if you have never heard of it, please do a quick look-up on line to get a handle of why it was created in the first place.

In short, it delivered Western news and even music to those countries where a free press was, or is banned, and to counter the propaganda spoon-fed to their citizens.

Of course, one can only determine if the RFE news was itself real, and not just another slanted version of the same ideologies that had enslaved the peoples of Eastern Europe to begin with, and many other countries in the Middle East and in the old Soviet Union, now Russia.

I know what I just wrote will make the blood boil of some folks, but if we look at what is happening in our country today, and the anti-American propaganda that is spoon-fed to John Q. Public on a daily basis by the likes of CNN, or CBS, or MSNBC, or the New York Times, etc., you can see that the indoctrination has been incredibly successful.

This is true not just in the political and economic realm, but also during the ongoing "pandemic" of the Wuhan coronavirus, also known as COVID-19.

The well-known and widely believed government- and non-governmental agencies (NGOs), continue to use outdated and invalid models to predict the infection and death rates for this new strain of the flu.  As an example, "experts" used those models to say that America would suffer over 2,000,000 deaths from the COVID-19 virus.


The current statistics -- as reported by the mainstream media -- (as of May 28, 2020) is as follows: those infected in the U.S.: 1,735,887.  Active cases: 1,262,159.  Recovered cases: 371,956.  Fatal cases: 101,762.

But!  If you look at the CDC's own website, the statistics tell a different story...

For instance, the number of deaths from the COVID-19 virus is listed as 76,874 (as of May 27th).  Next to this figure is a footnote that reads: Deaths with confirmed or presumed COVID-19.  Most people have died with COVID-19, not from it...

I'm sorry my dear readers, but that leaves the door wide open to distortion of the facts and outright lies.   Lies that can and are being used by the media as well as the more recognized governmental agencies for the purpose to justify the draconian lockdown of many small businesses, as well as the shuttering of our church doors, with intimidation and threats of arrest if the powers that be are not obeyed.

Nearly 40,000,000 Americans have lost their jobs, with many of those jobs permanently lost because far too many small businesses will never reopen...

Does anyone think that such an economic disaster was not planned in the first place by devious, sinister forces?  The shadow government -- some call it the "deep state" -- and media hell-bent on destroying our country with the ultimate goal of instituting an anti-American, socialist "utopia" implementing complete control of every aspect of our lives...

Remember Radio Free Europe?  Perhaps it's time for Radio Free America...

Pray for our country -- and our own sanctification and courage...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

The "Hidden" Death Toll Of The COVID-19 Virus "Pandemic"...

If you don't obey the "authorities" and you refuse to wear a face-mask, are you contributing to the COVID-19 death toll?

If you don't "social distance," are you contributing to the COVID-19 death toll?

If you refuse to stay at home because you just want some fresh air and sunshine, are you contributing to the COVID-19 death toll?

If you reopen your small business, even though you have been told to keep it shut, are you contributing to the COVID-19 death toll?

If you are one of the nearly 40,000,000 --MILLION -- Americans that have lost their jobs and you roam the streets looking for work, are you contributing to the COVID-19 death toll?

If you have the devastating experience of losing a loved-one, and want to attend his/her funeral, and are refused, but you force the issue and attend, are you contributing to the COVID-19 death toll?

If you want to go to church and worship God, and insist that it is your right under the First Amendment, and you demand the church reopen, are you contributing to the COVID-19 death toll?

If you are "obstinate" and refuse to obey the draconian attack on your constitutional rights given to us by almighty God, and enshrined in the Natural Law, are you contributing to the COVID-19 death toll?

In none of the above scenarios are you -- nor I -- contributing to the COVID-19 "pandemic" death toll...

So what is?

The all-out attack on America to implement a radical, socialist agenda that is doomed to failure in the long run, and wreaks havoc in the short run.

As reported by many hospitals around the country, suicide rates are going through the roof...

Suicide: is the "hidden" cause of death rarely if ever mentioned by the media. 

Pray for our country...

Viva Cristo Rey!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Over 40 People Shot, 10 Killed, In Gun-Controlled And Locked-Down Chicago...

You read it right...  In this sick society of fascists, power-control freaks, war-zone Chicago suffered more than 40 people shot, and 10 killed over the Memorial Day weekend!

Keep in mind that the "windy city" has some of the most draconian (restrictive) gun-control laws on the books.  But the Democratic mayor and governor seem to forget one, major fact: the outlaw  doesn't obey the law, only the law-abiding do.  

So in reality, the outlaw has many friends in the congress and state senate, only his friends wear three-piece suits or dresses, not orange jump suits -- as many of them should be wearing.   Their goal is to pass as many anti-Second Amendment laws as possible to stifle the good guy, but give even more ammunition to the bad guy...

Talk about absolute stupidity!

Remember, the bad guy can buy any weapon he wants -- if he has the money -- on the black market. 

After all, cash is king...

Instead of being able to celebrate a national holiday with family and friends, folks have to be more concerned about being randomly shot while at a cookout or barbecue...

This crime-ridden atmosphere is due in major part to the failure of the current mayor, Lori Lightfoot, the first openly, lesbian black mayor to rule the city with an iron fist, like some petty despot straight out of "1984"...

I know that people get what they deserve, but the situation in Chicago is beyond ridiculous -- and deadly for the citizens of a once-great metropolis...

I urge all Chicago residents to vote that mendacious female out of office before it's too late... Come to think of it, the 40 people that were shot might recover, but for the 10 people killed it is too late...  God have mercy on their souls...

Pray for our country...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

What -- Or Who -- Is Behind The Current Scourge Strangling Our Country -- And The World?

By their fruits will you know them...

Isn't that the truth?  And that truth will, indeed, set you -- and I -- free.

So what truth is it that we have to face in order to make any sense of what is -- and has -- happened to our beloved country over the last several months?

I'll list some of the obvious truths that some people simply do not want to face because it is too painful to do so.   And so their decision is to maintain the status quo rather than to question and perhaps make waves...

Some would call that decision, fear.

But there is also another element that may have contributed to the decision not to question, whether intended or not: repeating a lie long enough and often enough so the populace comes to believe it as truth.

The alchemy of repeating a lie over and over again, magically transforming it into truth, has been attributed to Joseph Goebbels, Hitler's propaganda minister.  (Actually, some variation of that has been said by others down through history in order to use it to influence or control the minds and hearts of their citizens, mostly for sinister purposes.)

Truth number one: our country -- the entire world -- has a new god, and rejected the God Who made us, relegating Him to second-class citizenship in our minds -- and our hearts.

The "new" god?  Ourselves, through pride, arrogance and greed.

Needless to say, this one, main truth is the main factor in rejecting all other truths...

Our Lord tells us in the Bible, that those who are of God, hear My voice; those who do not hear My voice, are not of God (His Father).

Truth number two: for all practical purposes, we, as a society, have accepted the heinous act of abortion -- the killing of the pre-born -- the so-called "right to choose" as "settled law."

You have a right to question my assertion, yet the fact is, is that the Supreme Court ruled it a legal right in the 1973 Roe v Wade decision.

The result?

Truth number three: over 60,000,000 American children slaughtered in the womb, or chemically dissolved for the sake of the convenience of the "mother" -- and "father" too?

With the rejection of God almighty, and the loss of the sanctity of life, the door was flung wide open for the demon to make major inroads into our hearts and minds, including those of our elected representatives.

I admit that not all Americans are guilty of this massive and deadly sin that cries to Heaven for vengeance.  Just think, if we had the guts to march down Pennsylvania Avenue the day after Roe v Wade, by the thousands -- civilians of all stripes, lay faithful and clergy alike, demanding to be arrested and go on hunger strikes, there might be many of those 60,000,000 or more Americans alive today!

Truth number four: in the current conspiracy of the man-made -- and mutated -- COVID-19 virus, we sheepishly capitulated to the illegal shutdown orders in direct violation of our First Amendment rights enshrined in the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution...

Truth number five: nearly 40,000,000 Americans have lost their only means of providing for their families because of the shutdown of many small -- "non-essential" -- businesses, while allowing the Walmarts, and liquor stores to remain open.   Not to mention our churches have been deemed by far too many governors, as being "non-essential"!  

Truth number six: the government has no authority to "allow" us to practice our religion, nor prevent us from practicing our religion, or allowing us to go outside and breathe fresh air and get some much-needed sunshine, or preventing the same...

These restrictions or "privileges" are also direct violations of our First Amendment rights...

Truth number seven: we have allowed the behemoth, multi-tentacled central government to stomp on our constitutional rights by sacrificing freedom for what some call "safety," or "security."  Allow that, and we deserve nor have neither...

I urge all to re-read the Declaration of Independence, and understand what might have to be done in very short order...

Pray for our country...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Monday, May 25, 2020

Are You Sick And Tired?

Are you sick and tired of being lied to by politicians and medical "experts"?

Are you sick and tired of an unanswerable, non-governmental agency (the FED) pumping trillions of dollars into a planned, failing economy?  (This will surely lead to a massive crash in the world's reserve currency, knowing that this fiat money will cause an unimagined hellish scenario far worse than the 39,000,000 Americans currently out of work because of a strain of the flu bug.)

Are you sick and tired of the leftist media pounding into our collective heads every single day that deaths from the COVID-19 virus will pass 100,000 deaths in the U.S., knowing full-well that they lie, lie, and lie some more to scare the heck out of a gullible populace?  Are you frustrated that anyone can believe what they hear on CNN or read in the bird-cage liner, the New York Times?

Are you sick and tired of the manipulation and bloated numbers plastered on the CDC's own website regarding the coronavirus, failing to read the fine print that tells a different story, if only people will take the time to do a little reading?

Are you sick and tired of illegal orders from some bureaucrat, power-hungry control-freak telling you to stay home, or keep out of public parks, or maintain "social distancing" when you shop?

Are you sick and tired of being forced to wear a face mask that quickly gets contaminated with your own germs, saliva, and bacteria, breathing in your own filth to the detriment, not the benefit of your health?

Are you sick and tired of not being able to get to church; to Mass, because of weak-kneed bishops kowtowing to authoritarian governors or mayors that repeatedly violate our constitutional rights to peaceably assemble; to practice our religion?  Yet liquor and Walmart stores are wide open to purchase booze or dry goods?

Are you sick and tired of the real possibility that by next year we will be subject to forced vaccinations?

Are you sick and tired of seeing and hearing badge-heavy cops threatening or arresting freedom-loving Americans simply because they want to get some fresh air and sunshine; visit family and friends?

Are you sick and tired of not being able to visit a loved-one critically ill in the hospital, leaving them alone and scared, or being prevented from having a funeral for those who have passed?

Are you sick and tired of America being systematically transformed into Amerika?

Are you sick and tired of not standing up for the rights paid for with the blood of patriots (veterans)?

Are you sick and tired -- of being sick and tired?

If you are sick and tired of putting all your trust, hopes and dreams in men, then your priorities are very misplaced...

Get well and invigorated, and turn to Our Lord who sacrificed Himself for all of us.  Come into His church and receive Him in the Holy Eucharist -- the Bread of Life -- to have life in you!  (St. John, Chapter Six; KJV.)

Pray for our country -- And President Trump...

Viva Cristo Rey!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Memorial Day: What It Means To Me...

Is Memorial Day just another holiday; another day off from work?  If you still have a job, that is.  Maybe enjoying a barbecue with family and friends -- even in this bizarre time of phony "social distancing."

For some, I'm sure that's the case, for me, however, it's another story altogether...

I know we are still in springtime; but this coming December, it will be 53 years since I served my tour of duty in Vietnam, yet it hardly seems possible that over a half-century has passed by...

My military specialty: Air Force Security Police NCO (non-commissioned officer) in-charge of various observation posts and machine-gun bunkers, tasked with the defense of the base perimeter to stifle and defeat any attempt of the Viet Cong or North Vietnamese Army from penetrating the base.

Other duties included providing security for the supply guys on convoys from the base to the main depots for shipment to other bases.  I was also the machine-gunner on the escort Jeep as we took the South Vietnamese nationals back home after completing work on the base for the day.

Our base had the most F-100 fighter jet squadrons in all of South Vietnam, providing support for ground troops, as well as playing a major part in breaking the 77-day siege by the many North Vietnamese divisions that had surrounded the Marine base at Khe Sanh.

I have vivid memories of some of the more dicey skirmishes and attacks on or near the perimeter...

In one instance, my buddy and I were assigned to a machine-gun bunker on the south side of the base... It was quiet; dead quiet, until about 1:30 a.m...  Suddenly, we heard mortar rounds leaving the tube just on the other side of the perimeter wire behind the village huts... I immediately radioed defense control that we were under mortar attack!  Even though the enemy mortar crew was close, very close, we couldn't see them as they were hiding behind those very same huts... I instructed my bunker-mate to watch the perimeter wire to the left, and I would watch the right, as we fully expected a ground attack to follow the mortar rounds.  The mortar attack was over in a couple of minutes, and the ground attack never happened... The only other enemies we had to fight that night were the numerous "dive-bomber" mosquitoes and some very large rats enjoying the buffet of trash that was prevalent around some of the bunkers...

One attack occurred right after dark-thirty, just outside the perimeter wire, near the main observation post facing the valley to our south... A major force of VC was caught out in the open and paid the price... The Army base, two short miles to our south, sent two gunship-choppers to rocket and strafe the bad guys... Tracer rounds from heavy machine guns and M-60s from our bunkers and the gunships raked the VC non-stop...  The enemy fought back with tracer rounds flying over the base perimeter in a desperate attempt to stop the death reigning down on their position... The rockets' red glare being fired from the gunships was like a July 4th fireworks display, but this was no holiday celebration, but a deadly display of a fallen mankind...

When the choppers fired all their rockets, they headed back to base to re-arm, and in no time, they were right back in the fray, strafing the bad guys with more death from above...

The air base commander requested "Spooky" -- also known as Puff The Magic Dragon -- gunship to make a flyover and finish the annihilation of the VC ground force once and for all...

The next thing I knew, a huge 500,000 candle-power flare was dropped from Spooky, lighting up the field of fire where the enemy had been trapped...

Then began a sound that I will never forget: two of Spooky's 3,000-6,000 round-per-minute Gatling guns opened up!  Streaks of solid red filled the night sky, destroying whomever was left on the ground, fighting for their very lives, but to no avail... In less than two minutes, Spooky had expended nearly 24,000 rounds of 7.62 NATO rounds, covering every square-foot of ground, leaving no chance of anyone surviving the onslaught...

The gruesome cleanup began as the sun rose and the stifling heat began to build. The scene was one of pure death and mayhem... All the VC were KIA (killed in action); there were no GIs KIA or WIA (wounded in action)...

If anyone is interested in reading about additional "incidents," you can order my small book from Amazon: The Battle For Oscar Six...

I dedicated that book and many of my other stories to the one-hundred-eleven U.S. Air Force Security Police who were KIA during the protracted Vietnam War...

Memorial Day: remembering those who sacrificed for others...

Pray for our country...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla 

Friday, May 22, 2020

It Is Our DUTY To Exercise Our God-Given Rights...

It is our duty to exercise our God-given rights and the duty of the government is to protect our rights, not curtail them because of a novel strain of the flu bug, yet it has failed miserably in performing those duties.  Instead, it has used its moral authority to enforce immoral orders, immoral dictates, keeping Americans under threat of arrest and fines simply for exercising those rights enshrined in the Natural Law and the Bill of Rights.

The duly elected president of our country, Mr. Trump, has a duty to see to it that our rights are protected with the force of law, not using the force of law to usurp its power to restrict our ability to freely and peaceably assemble, and to go to church and worship our good God.

It is imperative to point out -- if it has to be pointed out -- that churches have been singled-out by power-hungry, control-freak governors and mayors under the guise of "safety" of their citizens in combatting the COVID-19 virus.  All the while allowing -- is it their business to allow or not to allow in the first place? -- hundreds of people to shop at the big box stores, or to shop unhindered at liquor stores.  It also falls on the shoulders of the clergy to stand up for their Master; Christ Our Lord, and not kowtow to the so-called "masters of the universe"...

The importance of the First Amendment to the Bill of Rights, cannot be over emphasized but it will be consigned to the dustbin of history if we don't insist and make it our duty to exercise those precious rights.

With Memorial Day weekend coming up, it is time to remember those brave soldiers, Marines, airmen, sailors, and Coast Guardsmen who made the ultimate sacrifice to ensure and protect our rights, and the rights of the peoples of the European, Asian and African continents.

We cannot let those sacrifices be forgotten, because if we do, then we will be just as guilty as the enemies of freedom who want to enslave and control every aspect of our lives.

In the end, we get what we deserve...

The time for making sure our country remains free from globalist domination is quickly running out.

Pray earnestly for our country..

Viva Cristo Rey!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Thursday, May 21, 2020

The REAL Statistics Of The COVID-19 "Pandemic"...

The following data is gleaned from the NVSS -- the National Vital Statistics System under the CDC...

The "magic" manipulation of the COVID-19 deaths as reported on -- The CDC's own website, indicate that as of May 20, 2020, the number of deaths from the coronavirus: 71,339; however, the media reports 94,965!

It should be noted that the CDC has a footnote under the 71,339 figure.  Here is what that footnote reads: Deaths with confirmed or presumed COVID-19.

Another interesting figure includes all deaths in the U.S. from the period 2/1/2020, through 5/20/2020, as 907,069.

But more pertinent, are the deaths listed from pneumonia, influenza, OR COVID-19.  There is also a footnote that reads: Deaths with confirmed or presumed COVID-19, pneumonia, or influenza.

What is going on here?

Do these "scientists" know what they're talking about?  Or is there a more sinister agenda here than just ignorance?

I say that the CDC and the NVSS are not ignorant, but skilled in the art of number manipulation and fear-mongering, all supported by those who would control the American populace at all costs.

Our freedoms be damned!

Why has President Trump bought into this disastrous, apocalyptic end to our once-flourishing economy, throwing 38,600,000 Americans out of work.   (These latest figures come from the Department of Labor...)

Notice that recently, Trump's daily briefings are being held in the Rose Garden, in the bright sunshine and fresh air.   Notice too, that he is surrounded by Dr. Fauci on one side, and Dr. Birx on the other side -- both wearing face-masks

Is that a "fashion statement," or is it all part of the masquerade, a show, to keep gullible Americans frightened and panicked.  I say it's the latter...

The worst, however, is yet to come, with the president telling us that by the end of the year, there will be 300,000,000 doses of vaccine available to "distribute" to the American public, using the military to do so!

Last week, he said that the vaccine will only be given to those who want it.  


Don't count on that "exemption."  

We, as a country, are in deep, deep trouble, but also keep in mind that we have the Second Amendment to protect our guaranteed Constitutional rights from being trampled upon any further...

Please pray for our country...

Viva Cristo Rey!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us..

Gene DeLalla

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

"Warp Speed" Development Of A Vaccine, Or Warped Minds?

Regardless of whether or not President Trump gets his way, and a vaccine is eventually developed at "warp speed," the psychological battle has already been won by those who wish to win absolute control of America.

The illogical, yet very successful attempt at influencing the American populace has created "warped minds," as is evident by the face-mask-wearing hysteria and the daily COVID-19 briefings totally controlled by the medical "experts" such as the corrupt Dr. A. Fauci, and his co-conspirator in fraud, Dr. Birx.

I am sickened by the complete capitulation of this fear-mongering and near destruction of the economy that has been accepted and fostered by the president.  He has betrayed his constituents and, if he doesn't fire those deep-state "experts" and return to some measure of sanity, he will not get my vote.

You say: "big deal.  You are only one vote."

Yeah, I'm just one vote...

Keep in mind, that the 36,000,000 + Americans that have lost their jobs because of the lunacy of closing down the doors of many small businesses, can add up to 36 MILLIOIN anti-Trump votes.

There is another angle to the draconian restrictions put in place by the totalitarian dictates of Christ-hating Democrat governors, and that is keeping the doors shut and locked of churches considered "non-essential."

Forbidding those who are truly God-fearing who know that their existence depends on the very essential grace that pours forth from the Hands of the Almighty!

I applaud the heroic actions of Protestant pastors and ministers who daily defy the anti-constitutional orders of most governors and mayors to keep their churches shut-down.  Many have been threatened with arrest -- or have been arrested.

Knowing Who's orders they truly must obey in order to have life, and have it fully, I ask: why aren't the Catholic bishops following the example of these Protestant pastors, and push back against the attempt to officially, and finally kick God completely out of the public sphere?

When all this nonsense first started, I called the diocese to complain about the church doors being locked and chained.  The response: "this is not open for discussion."  That came from the office of the bishop.

Semper Fi?  (Always faithful?)

I ask: to whom?

The government?

Or to Christ?

I am a former military man, who took the oath of office not once, but twice, and swore to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States from all enemies, both foreign and domestic.  Doctors take the Hippocratic oath to first do no harm.  And Catholic bishops swear to protect the flock.

Here is a section of the what the newly consecrated bishop swears:

WE place, O Lord, on the head of this Thy Prelate and Combatant, the helmet of defense and salvation, that, having his forehead adorned, and his head guarded, by the power of both Testaments, he may appear terrible to the adversaries of the truth, and stand forward as a valiant champion against them, through the abundant grace bestowed on him by Thee...

Pray for courage and fortitude to face what is coming down the road in very short order...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Attorney General Barr Has Just Made A Complete Joke Of The Department Of Justice...

Is Lady Justice blindfolded, or blindsided?

Yesterday, May 18, 2020, the United States Attorney General, William Barr, announced to the nation that there is no prospect of criminal indictments of Obama administration officials who took part in the massive fake news, but real coup attempt, to remove President Trump from office.

The evidence is overwhelming that those in the deep-state spied on then-candidate Trump, and continued to do so even after he entered the Oval Office in January of 2017.

In addition, information presented to the FISA court was based on a completely made-up "dossier" -- a pack of lies -- to discredit the president and take him down.  It was used successfully to take down some of those in the immediate orbit of the president.   Other fabrications were used to entrap Trump's associates including Gen. Flynn, and confidant Roger Stone.

We know the miscreants such as former FBI Director, Comey, as well as CIA conspirators Clapper and Brennan -- all traitors, who lied to Congress, read: committed perjury, yet are they to walk free and continue amassing a fortune from publishing books on how they skirted justice?

If there was any doubt that there exists a "swamp," a "deep-state," that doubt should no longer exist in anyone's mind.  Of course, it stands to reason that John Q. Public will swallow what Barr said as gospel...  Ignorance, however, is not bliss...

There is more at work here than just a miscarriage of justice, there is pure, unadulterated evil, including many obvious violations of the Ten Commandments.  

There is something that many people are forgetting about facing justice for their actions or inactions: we will all face the Just Judge at our Particular Judgment when we draw our last breathe on this earth.

We can only hope and pray that those totalitarians, including the "swamp," the "deep-state" and any and all traitors to our country, and, even more importantly, traitors to our good God, will have their sins shown and enumerated as they await for their eternal fate.

To those who have been given much, much will be expected in return...

Pray for our country...

Viva Cristo Rey!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Monday, May 18, 2020

Are The "9/11" "Attacks" And The Current "Pandemic" Related?

We all know what happened on "9/11."

Or do we?

Our senses told us that two 110-story buildings were hit by planes and were turned into powder as they fell into their own footprint.  Yet demolition experts have determined that planes alone could not have cut the massive steel core beams.  Nor could fire have compromised the steel to such a degree that the floors below, where the planes hit, gave way to allow the towers to collapse at near free-fall speed.

Then, a few hours later, another skyscraper; a 47-story building also crumbled into its own footprint,  however, it was not hit by a plane, but came down because of fires?

Yes, with our own eyes and ears, we saw and heard the horrible scenes that unfolded that day, including the loss of almost 2,500 American lives, not to mention those who died in the following years from ailments contracted from the contaminated dust of the destroyed buildings...

Is what we witnessed that day in 2001, another "Pearl Harbor"?

Is what we are currently witnessing in our country far worse than the "9/11" "attacks"?

Remember what occurred before "9/11": legislation had already been drafted in anticipation of such an event, and war games involving such an attack on buildings were in the works.  Was this a coincidence, or was it planned?

Just five years later, in 2006, the Military Commissions Act was signed by then-president George W. Bush.

One of the ominous elements of that legislation was a suspension of habeas corpus for any alien determined to be an "unlawful enemy combatant engaged in hostilities or having supported hostilities against the United States."  In time, the suspension of habeas corpus was used as a political tool to silence or incarcerate those on the right, such as the "Tea Party," or others who question any "official"  government narrative, relegating objective truth to the dustbin of history.

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(To be clear, Habeas corpus is a recourse in law challenging the reasons or conditions of a person's confinement under color of law.)

Fortunately, the Supreme Court determined that the suspension of habeas corpus was an unconstitutional infringement on that most important right.

Are the vaccines and the extreme agendas of the globalists a reaction to the current COVID-19 virus, or was it planned ahead of time?

The Left always use science to prove their point, and counter those on the Right, except when that very same science is contradicted by objective reality!  For instance, the actual numbers of those poor folks that have succumbed to the COVID-19 virus is far less than published.  In fact, those data are almost always combined with other causes of death, lessening even further the actual number of deaths due to the coronavirus.

A cursory reading of the CDC's own website (use the NVSS daily mortality tables) will show that it is presumed  that many have died from COVID-19, when in reality, it lists many other underlying factors that cause the numbers to be grossly exaggerated...

What we are witnessing, almost on a daily basis, are the unconstitutional restrictions imposed by edicts from leftist governors and medical "experts," stifling our economy and destroying our ability to earn a living for ourselves, and our families...

The stories are legion, seeing with our own eyes, as innocent Americans are attempting to exercise their First Amendment right to peaceably assemble, to go to church, or meet with family or friends.  We see arrogant, badge-heavy cops dragging handcuffed men and women, practically throwing them into vans, or even beaten for not obeying unlawful orders.

Their crime?

They wanted to get some fresh air and sunshine, or protesting the continuing shut-down of small businesses.   Nearly every single right that is guaranteed in the Bill of Rights are being violated on a daily basis.

How much longer will the American patriot allow this godless agenda to continue?  More and more of us need to say; enough is enough.  Is it too late for the American society to completely recuperate?

Both the "9/11" attacks, and the current "pandemic" of the COVID-19 virus have trampled and suppressed our God-given rights almost overnight -- without firing a single shot!

There is only one recourse, and it's not to any one political party or politician: we must beg for mercy from God; repent, and make a firm purpose of amendment to convert our minds and hearts to do good and avoid evil...

Pray for our country...

Viva Cristo Rey!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Unseen Victims Of The Draconian Shut-Down Of The Economy...

We now know the real pain and anguish that the stay-at-home orders have created; the shut-down of many small businesses.  This has caused over 30,000,000 Americans to lose their only means of providing for their families.

As bad as this is, there is unprecedented damage done to the economy.   Another segment of society that remains off the radar screen, yet suffers just the same, are those who are starving to death in third-world nations.  These are the very same nations we have been able to feed through the generosity of the American populace, and the ability of our farmers to produce enormous abundance of food-crops.

But no more...

In our country, food banks are finding it difficult to be resupplied with essential products, causing more anguish and uncertainty...

There are estimates that as many as 150,000,000 additional deaths due to starvation are becoming a reality.  Where is the outcry?  Where is the concern from the likes of such entities as the U.N., including the World Food Program (WFP), the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), and the International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD)?  A more important question: how will these agencies replace the food that is no longer available for distribution, if not from the U.S.?  

This disaster-in-the-making fits right in with the agenda of the population control Luciferians determined to wipe out the majority of the human race, starting with the destruction of the family unit...

We see and read of the inability of many farmers to sell their produce and dairy products to their usual markets here, and abroad, forcing them to pour milk down the drain, or plow under their crops for lack of customers.

In many areas, the supply chain is breaking or is already dead, causing shortages of meat and other necessities, as can be seen in partially empty shelves in our local supermarkets and department stores.  Even Walmart, Costco, Sam's Club, and other big box-stores are not exempt from the specter of possible rationing of certain products.

As the country begins to reopen, we can hope that farmers will again be able to sell their products, instead of wasting the bounty that God has given us...

But many small farmers have gone out of business, not to mention far too many mom-and-pop small businesses that employ or create most of the jobs in our country.  It is estimated that almost 40 percent of those very same small businesses will keep their doors shut forever.

What will they do for employment?   How will they feed their families, or clothe their children?   How will they be able to pay their mortgages, or make car payments?  

eople are forced into a corner when they are desperate; they just might strike back when there seems to be no other avenue open to them, except a periodic government check.  In the long run, this dehumanizes the family unit, causing despair, or worse.

When will these trials and tribulations for our country end?  Or, will they ever end?  Who do we turn to for solace and consolation?  President Trump?  It seems he has fallen under the spell of the "medical experts" and the one-world-order globalists, and is intent on producing a COVID-19 vaccine at "warp speed."  

Do we look toward a certain politician or political party -- as our savior?

The God-fearing know the answer: there is only one Savior, and unless and until we, as a nation, turn to Him, we will continue to be frustrated and demoralized in trying to find solutions to our economic, as well as our spiritual needs and desires...

Pray for our country -- and our president...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Devastating Implications Of Heretical "Cardinals" Voting In The Next Conclave! (The Sedevacantists Will Have A Field Day, Proving They Are "Right"!)

 Think about the horrific implications of heretics voting for the next pope! What are some of those implications? How about the fact that a ...