Saturday, October 31, 2020

Malfeasance Of Office And Tough Love...

 What is emanating from the mouths of the leftist politicians is nothing short of malfeasance of office in attempting to undermine what is left of our Republic.  I specifically refer to those running on the Democratic ticket for the presidency: Mr. Biden and his co-conspirator in the crime of treason, Mrs. Harris.

The obviously incoherent liar, Joseph Biden -- I don't personally refer to him as "Joe," simply because he is not my buddy -- has misused his office for over 40 years!  By the way, not only is Biden attempting to destroy our beloved country, he has abandoned his Catholic faith for power and position in this life, and to hell with what he will surely face in the next.  Harris is no different, whether Catholic or not...

One of the saddest "attributes" of Mr. Biden is that his entire family appears to have profited from many years of influence peddling to enrich themselves with millions of dollars from shady and outright illegal deals with foreign entities.  And now, his disgraced son, Robert Hunter, it has been revealed, is a sexual pervert, and abuser of underage females, in addition to being a crack-cocaine user.

So, where is the condemnation and, at least, the admonishing by their bishop over the years about a lifestyle that will lead them to eternal perdition?

There hasn't been any.  That too, is malfeasance of office.  But in the case of admonishing the sinner, or the lack thereof, the consequences are much more severe and everlasting if repentance and amending one's life is not accomplished or even attempted.  The overall weakness in the spiritual life, can and does lead to deficiencies in the physical realm as well.  The Biden family, has, for far too long, mocked  the very teachings of Christ and His church as if living among the animals in the jungle, disregarding divinely revealed law, not to mention the Natural Law ingrained in the hearts of every human being that comes into existence.

There is no more obvious and hellacious example of this than by Biden's absolute and determined support for the taking of innocent life in the womb.  His has been on a bloody trail of mayhem and death for most of his years in public office; again, with no condemnation or admonishing from his bishop or parish priest!  

I titled my article: Malfeasance Of Office And Tough Love.  I see no Tough Love from the clergy in this and in many other matters that are spiritually killing the flock in their care.  What a high price will have to be paid, not only by those corrupt politicians, but also by those shepherds that have been tasked with the protection and defending the charges under them! 

I always question why the bishops, especially here in the U.S., fail to correct and admonish grave, public sinners in their diocese and allow them to continue in mortal sin, even receiving Our Lord in the Holy Eucharist, thereby piling on the sin of sacrilege on top of all the other sins listed in the book of one's life -- or death.  I have come up with a possible answer to my own question: most of the bishops are in cahoots with the anti-life Democratic Party, and have, for the most part, lost all supernatural faith, that is, if they ever had it to begin with.  In addition, sadly, many are in league with the sodomites in some way, shape or form, either themselves being homosexuals, or at least being sympathetic to their agenda.  This is pure lunacy!

The "great enabler" of this horrible sin, is coming right out of the Chair of St. Peter, pope Francis, with his incredible, un-Catholic, un-natural statements supporting "civil unions" for the same-sex couples.  What's next; his support for "civil unions" of two males to two females -- in the same "marriage" -- a foursome, or worse?    

As we all know, God will not be mocked!  The price for unrepentant debauched actions -- or failing to correct those actions -- can be eternal damnation, pure and simple.

What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul????

No matter who wins the Oval Office next week, prepare for the possibility of outright persecution of faithful Catholics, and all who claim to be God-fearing, whether in the form of the shutting down of our churches again, or by forced vaccinations -- with vaccines containing ghastly chemicals, as well as some using lines from aborted babies.   

Pray for strength and honor!!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene  DeLalla

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

The Absolute Looney Left...

 Sometimes it is difficult to imagine just how looney the left is.  Now, bear with me, and I'll give you just a few examples of the hypocrisy and outright stupidity of many (most?) of the anti-life Democrats making crazy statements, mostly concerning the new associate justice to the supreme court, Amy Barrett...

Quotes and statements are taken from articles from, but there are any number of publications and on-line sources that will more than confirm the statements that I have listed... 

Statement number one, from none other than New York Sen. Schumer:   “Generations yet unborn” will come to regret Amy Coney Barrett’s elevation to the Supreme Court."'

Let's analyze this radical pro-abortion kook's rant... First, Sen. Schumer hates the pre-born!  Always has; always will.  But!  Was he thinking about the poor babies in the womb that might be spared from certain death by "doctors" tearing apart the little developing girl in the womb?   

That would, of course, be a highly twisted way of thinking for someone who has supported the slaughter of the pre-born for decades.  No, he was lamenting the "fact" that justice Barrett might vote to curtail a "woman's right to choose"!

Schumer is an angry and hateful leftist that despises anyone who is Christ-centered, and hence, life-centered...

Next, let's take a look at that paragon of "Catholic virtue," Nancy Pelosi -- who claims, by the way, that her Catholic "faith" and church teaching is in line with her most radical support for the killing of the pre-born -- she made the following statement regarding the successful confirmation of Amy Barrett to the supreme court: “Well, you know one of the things that is so appalling about this judicial appointment right now is they [the Republicans] want that person [no respect for justice Barrett as a person, regardless of her political affiliation] in there to further undermine our democracy."

I could add a thousand more ridiculous comments that the 80-year-old Pelosi has made over the years, but that would take an entire and lengthy tome!

It is time, Mrs. Pelosi, to retire from the House, doing so would do a great service to our country, as well as the new generation of pre-born babies you are so fond of destroying in the womb...

Here's another character: Democrat -- former pro-life! -- Sen. Ed Markey of Massachusetts... This brilliant mind said the following: interpreting the U.S. Constitution as it was originally written and intended (“originalism”) is racist, sexist and homophobic.

Here is the actual quote from "Eddie the ice cream man" truck driver: "But interpreting the constitution in that manner has been used over and over to deny rights to women, to communities of color, and to the LGBTQ individuals, members of our society who had no rights when the Constitution was ratified. Originalism is racist. Originalism is sexist. Originalism is homophobic.”

I know I shouldn't make judgments on the mental veracity of such leftists, but I just can't help it, so I ask this question: what planet are you on, Sen. Markey?  You see, my dear readers, when folks disavow their love of the God Who made them, and turn on, and destroy His gift of life (pre-born children) they are then subject to the whim of the father of lies, Satan.  They seem to be easily swayed to commit evil, and revile anyone who opposes them.

There are literally scores of examples of the looney left, but I think that you get the idea...

If you are undecided about who to vote for next week, I urge you all to exercise your franchise and vote to re-elect President Trump.  This election will decide if we will hold on to the Republic, or turn our lives over to the powers of the anti-Christs and their Marxist allies...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

"Pope" Bergoglio Appoints Twelve (!!) New Cardinals To Pack The College Of Cardinals...

 Think about it...

"Pope" Bergoglio has cemented his ability to have his cardinals select his personal pick to succeed him when he takes his last breath on this earth.  

I guarantee that whoever does succeed Bergoglio, he will not be a traditional, conservative, pro-life and pro-Natural Law candidate who knows that modernism is the synthesis of all heresies: the pre-eminent ape of the Church.  Rather, he will continue the scandals and corruption of the hierarchy for decades to come, unless and until there is divine intervention by the Holy Ghost; no one else has the power to right the ecclesiastical ship of state; no one!

One of the scariest elements of the new "cardinals," is that the overwhelming majority are pro-sodomites, and/or pro-LGBT, known for fostering that radical anti-life agenda, scandalizing and damning uncountable souls during the years in their dioceses, and unless there is a change of heart, such spiritual disaster will continue under their reign as cardinals...

The original number of cardinals was limited to seventy.  This is rooted in the Mosaic tradition of the Old Testament, as well as in the New Covenant with the Incarnation of Christ, Our Lord.  It was so for many years until Pope Paul VI increased that number to 120!!   In addition, Paul VI issued a directive to deprive those cardinals over 80 years-of-age of the ability to vote in picking the new pope.  In essence, those 80+ year-old or older were more likely to represent more traditional church teaching on faith and morals, and not be in-tune with the novel agenda of the modernists.   

"Pope" Bergoglio has now increased that already-bloated number to 128! 

To quote the commander of the Airborne units defending Bastogne (during World War II), when the Germans issued an ultimatum to surrender, or be wiped out, he simply replied: "Nuts!" 

I say "nuts" to the current regime occupying the Vatican; they are a brood of vipers!  They have gone off the deep-end of rational and traditional thinking and have succumbed to the father of lies, Satan.  We must pray for their immortal souls; that is our duty; that is our command from Christ, Himself.  In the meantime, we know how to deal with the enemy from without, the problem is, we will have to continue to deal with the attack on our church from traitors from within -- a much more ubiquitous and sinister calamity!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla



Sunday, October 25, 2020

The Great Feast Of Christ The KING!

 Regardless of what is currently going on in the U.S. and the rest of the world for that matter, Christ is -- always has been and always will be until the end of time -- The King, not only of America, but also of the world and the universe!  Further, it makes no difference what the secular humanists say or do; what matters is what practicing Catholics do: render to God in the form of His Son, Jesus Christ, the worship that is due to the God that made us.  There is no choice here; no wiggle room.

Christ The King does not believe in "separation of church and state," I guarantee you!  Christ The King reigns over all society, regardless of the denials or outright rants of the godless leftists media screaming at you and I, day after day, after day...

Anyone who dares to live up to the responsibility to know, love and serve God in this life, so we can be happy with Him in the next -- through worshiping Him in the holy sacrifice of the Mass -- will be persecuted unto death.  It is happening now, and will get worse if the Demonrats, Biden/Harris take the Oval Office in January 2021...

This is not an exaggeration, but a fact...  

I urge all my Protestant friends to come into the one, holy, Catholic and Apostolic church in order to receive the Holy Eucharist as celebrated in the Catholic Mass.  (The priest brings down the God of all creation when he consecrates the bread and wine transubstantiating those substances into the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ Our Lord!)

You say that you love Christ and claim Him as your Savior in a personal relationship, yet it is we Catholics that have the most personal of all relationships because we take Him into our very bodies when we receive Him in Holy Communion!  Remember what St. John tells us in Chapter Six, verse 53 (King James version): Verily, Verily, I say unto you, except you eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you.

It would be a great idea to read the entire chapter and see how most of Christ's disciples "went back and walked no more with Him," after He revealed this great truth (St. John, Chapter Six verse 66).

My Protestant friends: you are not "walking with Him," why???

Don't be fooled, my friends, by the numerous scandals plaguing the (parallel "catholic") church.  Seek out a traditional Catholic parish with a priest that values tradition and celebrates only the traditional Latin Mass and Sacraments.  In this way, you can truly share with us, that most intimate of all personal relationships through the true Body of Christ, the Catholic Church...

God bless all my readers on this great feast day of Christ The King!!!

Strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Pray For The Conversion Of Pope Bergoglio To The Authentic Catholic Faith!

 Have you heard the news about the latest massive scandal hitting the parallel "Catholic" Church?  

In regards to homosexuals, it seems that pope Bergoglio has endorsed "civil unions" -- if you don't realize what that means, it simply refers to these homosexuals living together being recognized as "family," as if that could ever be possible.

I have seen and heard the new-order lackeys attempting to explain away, or spin what Bergoglio said in an attempt to bolster their failed leader.

This is pathetic!  But not surprising...

After five-and-half decades of the infiltration and takeover of the Body of Christ (the Church) by the modernists "coming out," if you will, just before, during and after the council from hell: the Second Vatican Council, concocted by "Saint" Pope John XXIII, the novus ordo was born.

What has happened, over those decades, is that the new-church is recognized and referred to as the Catholic Church, in reality, however, the true Catholic Church has been driven underground, just as the true church in Communist China has been driven underground.

If you need any more proof of this, just look at the inter-religious meeting at Assisi in 1986 promoted by "Saint" John Paul II... Look also at the most recent debacles perpetrated by Bergoglio, such as the 2018 agreement between the Vatican and the Communist Red Chinese government, recognizing the Communist "bishops" as being in communion with Rome!  That one action alone sold out the real Catholic bishops and the faithful.  Churches and chapels have either been destroyed or desecrated by having the photos or icons of Communist dictator Xi plastered all over the building, while at the same time, removing crucifixes and icons of the saints...

By the way, who was Bergoglio's envoy to Communist China to carry out that foul agreement?  None other than the homosexual predator, disgraced, "Cardinal" McCarrick.

Shortly after, this treason, the First Commandment was roundly violated to the nth degree, by idol worship, by placing the so-called Pachamama goddess in St. Peter's basilica with the complete approval of "pope" Bergoglio.

Add to these treasonous acts, in 2019, was the infamous Abu Dhabi agreement...  

From an article in Breitbart news, regarding Abu Dhabi: Father Weinandy said... "Regardless, no one, not even a pontiff, can undo or override the Will of God the Father concerning Jesus his Son,” he concludes.

“In his love the Father has given the world Jesus his Son, and ‘there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved’ (Acts 4:12),” he said."'

No, Bergoglio, the Muslims do not worship the true God of us Christians...

All you have done since the beginning of your ascent to the throne of St. Peter, is to scandalize and confuse even more, if that is humanly possible, an already milquetoast laity, who, for the most part, no longer believe in the Real Presence of Our Lord in the Holy Eucharist.  

I ask all my readers to pray for the conversion of Bergoglio to the Catholic faith that he may save his immortal soul...

Pray, too, for strength and honor for what is coming down the road for all faithful Catholics...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


Thursday, October 22, 2020

Saturday: College Football -- And Abortions!

 While we enjoy our favorite college football teams banging heads and scoring touchdowns, munch on chips and drink a few brews, the abortion "industry" ramps-up its killing machine.  That's right, it seems that one of our weekend days we use to wind down from the work-week, is overflowing with the blood of the pre-born; in "doctors" offices, hospitals, and, of course, "planned parenthood" death mills...

Killing of the innocent is one of the crimes that cries to Heaven for vengeance.  Here are some statistics from an article in the Daily Caller, the Guttmacher Institute (the research arm of "planned parenthood"), and the CDC...

The Abortion “industry,” that is, the killing of pre-born girls and boys, is still thriving.  The money earned goes into the hands of corrupt “doctors” (have they forgotten their hippocratic oath to first do no harm?) and can be traced back to the enablbers of this continuing slaughter, their brothers in crime: “catholic” politicians; their hands dripping with blood money…

The following information/statistics are from an article from the daily caller, the guttmacher institute (a research arm of planned parenthood), and the CDC


 ·      Based on available state-level data, approximately 876,000 abortions took place in the United States in 2018.

·     According to the Guttmacher Institute, an estimated 862,320 abortions took place in the United States in 2017—down from 926,240 in 2014. Guttmacher's selected annual abortion estimates for the last 20+ years are listed below: 

















BREAKING: Planned Parenthood’s 2018 annual report shows the abortion chain:

– Committed 40% of the nation’s abortions
– Killed 345,672 children
Received $616.8 MILLION in tax dollars!

The Planned Parenthood Federation of America performed 345,672 abortions during the 2018 fiscal year, the organization’s annual report shows.

Planned Parenthood’s 2018-2019 annual report shows that the organization performed 12,915 more abortions during the 2018 fiscal year than the organization did between 2017-2018. The nation’s largest abortion provider performed 345,672 abortions between Oct. 1, 2017, and Sept. 30, 2018, as opposed to the 332,757 abortions Planned Parenthood performed during the 2017 fiscal year.

·        In 2017, the highest percentage of pregnancies were aborted in the District of Columbia (37%), New Jersey (32%), and New York (31%). The lowest percentage of pregnancies were aborted in Idaho (5%), South Dakota (4%), and Wyoming (2%). (AGI abortion data + CDC birth data). 

·        Black women were more than 3.5 times more likely to have an abortion in 2016 than white women (CDC).

·        The abortion rate of non-metropolitan women is about half that of women who live in metropolitan counties (NAF).

·        The abortion rate of women with Medicaid coverage is three times as high as that of other women (NAF).

·        In 2014, 30% of aborting women identified themselves as Protestant and 24% identified themselves as Catholic (AGI).

·        In 2017, abortions were performed in 1,587 different facilities, a 5% decline from 2014. (AGI).

In 2014, 4% of U.S. abortions occurred in hospitals; 1% occurred in physician's offices. The other 95% occurred in freestanding abortion clinics—without any established doctor-patient relationship (AGI).


·        In 2015, two women were reported to have died as a result of complications from induced abortion. Between 1973-2015, a reported 439 women died due to complications from legal abortion (CDC).


When will this slaughter end??  Will God almighty release His wrath on us poor, weak-willed creatures afraid to take the steps necessary to stop the killing of the gift of His children?

If Biden/Harris take the Oval Office in January, 2021, the abortion "industry" will have an incredible blood-thirsty ally, which, I'm sure, will keep the federal monies flowing into the coffers of the merchants of death!

Please vote for President Trump that he may continue to defund, as much as humanly possible, those who destroy life and limb.  Put ideology aside and vote for life over death!  That is the very least we can do...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!   Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


Wednesday, October 21, 2020


 It's really very simple: read Title 18, U.S.C., Section 242...

That's it!  

Get it on-line; print it out and keep it handy; in your house and in your car. 

If someone chastises you for not wearing -- an ineffective -- face-mask, read them the "riot act," that is, Title 18, U.S.C., Section 242. 

I'm sure they'll look at you as if you're from Mars, but that's the sad state of the sheeple these days... Persist, and eventually you'll win out over the tyrants that want to keep your face covered for no good reason except to keep the fear-mongering going for the rest of our lives...

Sure, President Trump must win the election over the Marxist Biden/Harris goons, but we must hold Mr. Trump accountable if and when the Wuhan coronavirus vaccine comes online.  If he, or anyone, declares that the vaccination will be mandatory, that is the time to stand up, resist, and fight for our vey lives.  Because, if we don't, we will be enslaved, and that includes our children and grandchildren!  

Does that prospect scare you?  

It should.  This is no joke.  The globalists want to make us less human, plain and simple...

The 2020 presidential election is just around the corner.  If you think that there is no real choice or difference between President Trump and the Marxist team of Biden/Harris, think again.  At the very least, all Catholics are obliged NOT to vote for those who are, and have been, for the slaughter of the pre-born, all other issues pale in comparison!  A Catholic who votes for the demons running on the Democratic ticket are automatically ex-communicated!  How many times must I write this??

The question really is: those who claim to be Catholic can -- and will -- face the wrath of God almighty if they don't repent of the mortal sin of supporting the killing of the innocent baby girl developing in the womb of her "mother."  

Pray for strength and honor!!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Oh No! Did Amy Coney Barrett Say That She Would Set Aside Her Catholic Beliefs When Sitting On The Supreme Court??

 Sadly, I have to report that the title of my article is not an exaggeration because that is what she answered when asked by Sen. Graham at her confirmation hearings...

The following is a quote from Mrs. Barrett in answering Sen. Graham: "I can. I have done that in my time on the Seventh Circuit"... "If I stay on the Seventh Circuit, I'll continue to do that. If I'm confirmed to the Supreme Court, I will do that still."

If confirmed to the supreme court, she will set aside her Catholic beliefs! 

Let that sink in!

My dear fellow readers, I am appalled at this admission.  It is, for all practical purposes, the condemned error of Americanism.  Yes, condemned by Pope Leo XIII when he wrote his encyclical, directed, for the most part, to Cardinal Gibbons of Baltimore.

The same capitulation to Americanism took place when John Kennedy was running for the presidency back in 1960... 

Candidate Kennedy gave a speech before an assembly of Protestant ministers and pastors, and plainly stated that he would not allow his Catholic faith, or any directives from the Vatican (Rome) to influence his policy-making decisions.  

Let that sink in, too!

Remember what Our Lord tells us in the Bible: be hot or cold, but if you are lukewarm, I will spit you out like vomit...

It is important to point out, that if the motives of Mrs. Barrett, and former President Kennedy were to keep their faith from influencing decision-making, apparently, they were successful.  And that "success" will continue if Amy Coney Barrett is affirmed to sit on the highest court in the land for a lifetime appointment.

Isn't this the un-Constitutional error of "separation of church and state"?  As Catholics, we have to know and understand there is no such thing as separation of church and state, not in our country, nor in any other country in the world.  In fact, that error has been condemned by many popes from the mid-nineteenth century, all the way up to Pope Pius XII.    

As an example of the non-existent "separation of church and state," just look at what happened when our country; our economy and our churches were shut down because of the phony "pandemic."   The hierarchy of the Catholic Church in this country accepted 100s of millions of dollars from the federal government in aid in order to keep the church buildings out of the hands of the bankers, as well as keeping the schools afloat, even if students were not allowed to attend class because of the presumed threat of getting sick...

Isn't it interesting that "separation of church and state" is scrupulously adhered to during "normal times," but when the chips are down, and the almighty dollar is involved, the condemned error of separation of church and state is out the window.

It is important to realize that when an entity accepts federal monies, that entity, be it church or school or corporation, then becomes beholding to the government, and must accept directives, for better or worse, or else funding is cut off...  That is a recipe for disaster as we can see those Catholic bishops, for the most part, maintaining complete silence on such life-threatening "issues" such as abortion, contraception, un-natural sex-ed classes, or allowing "Catholic" politicians such as Biden, Pelosi to continue their deadly attack on pre-born life without consequence -- that is, without being publicly ex-communicated.  

Wake up, Mrs. Barrett, don't abandoned Our Lord; be brave; be a martyr if necessary!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


Monday, October 19, 2020

The Diabolical Abandonment Of True Humanitarianism...

Those political and social tyrants who continue to deprive relatives and friends from visiting their loved ones in hospitals, nursing homes and hospices, are wolves in sheep's clothing.  The denial of visitation boggles the mind and can only be part of the loss of the sanctity of life!!  If the slaughter of the pre-born can continue unabated, then every other inhuman action is on the table, including the following request for prayers that I received in my e-mail...

 "...prayers for my mother, Elizabeth, who is very ill. The doctor recommends hospice at this point. She has pneumonia, cancer and is down to 85 pounds at last check, barely eating or drinking. She is 94 years old. It is also very sad because we cannot visit her in the nursing home. They are in lockdown again and would only let us visit her 1/2 hour once a week outside since July when they were not quarantined.”

My dear readers... there is an elephant in the room that few seem to notice...  How did we get to this dehumanizing point?  How on earth did we, here in the United States of America, -- my fatherland that I fought for --  ever sink to this despicable level of ungodliness?

The so-called Wuhan "pandemic" has caused so much unwarranted pain and suffering, not from that particular strain of the flu bug, but from the attack on our Constitutional rights.  Keep in mind that our natural rights are instilled in us, and granted to us, by God Almighty!  It is the duty of the government to guaranty those rights, not to infringe or destroy them.

In the Bible, Our Lord responds to the lawyer of the Pharisees who questioned Him on how to attain eternal life... Christ told him that he must follow and obey the two great Commandments: to love God and to love his neighbor.

At the very least, many seem to have forgotten the latter Commandment, and, in so doing, disregard or ignore the former... You can't have one without the other!

We walk around with ridiculous, ineffective face-masks that not only hides the windows to our humanity, but also illustrates our sheepish obedience to unlawful, un-Constitutional mandates, without question!

Our manhood and womanhood, it seems to me, has been hidden; we are afraid of living our lives the way our good God intended: to know, love, and serve God in this life and be happy with Him in the next.  The formula has been laid out for us in simple terms, yet the admonishment to obey God, rather than men, has been cast aside out of fear of chastisement from our peers as we attempt to go about our daily business...

Remember too, the parable of the Good Samaritan?  Several people passed by a wounded man lying by the side of the road... No one stopped to help the poor fellow, except a Samaritan!  (It should be noted that Samaritans were despised by the locals, yet the man showed true compassion and love of his injured neighbor; attended to his wounds,  and paid for his lodging until he recuperated.)

We must curry the favor of God and attend and visit the sick and dying, regardless of the consequences from the civil "authorities"...  We must be that Good Samaritan and obey God rather than men...

Pray for strength and honor!!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla




Saturday, October 17, 2020

The Lies About The Wuhan Coronavirus (COVID) = Fear And Control Of The Gullible Populace...

 Are you still dutifully wearing your face-mask because of some illicit, illegal, un-constitutional dictate from some mayor, or county or governor of your state?

It is time to realize -- if you already don't -- that wearing a face-mask is not, and has never been about controlling the spread of the so-called COVID-19 flu bug, because it can't.  A basic search will show the fact that even the "more effective," N-95 mask can only filter out down to .3 microns.  The Wuhan coronavirus is less than .1 micron in size!  

In addition, the recent "surge in cases" means absolutely nothing!  What does, or should matter, are the number of hospitalizations, and or, deaths from that particular strain of the flu.  If you catch a cold, for instance, you'll test "positive" -- maybe -- so what, take care of your cold.  As an aside, there is no vaccine for the common cold that has been around since Adam and Eve were thrown out of the Garden...  

The CDC recently admitted that about 6 percent of deaths are attributed solely to Wuhan!

Further, if you check out the CDC's own website, you will see that under the "all deaths involving covid" column, you will see footnote no. 1.  Simply scroll down and read the following: "Deaths with confirmed or presumed COVID-19..."

Here is the dictionary definition of the word presumed: suppose that something is the case on the basis of probability.

That  is not science!

Think of the following example... Space Shuttle engineers tell the astronaut, about to be shot up into space at thousands of miles an hour, that they presume that the troubled O-ring is now corrected, but they haven't had the time to test it to make sure it will hold when the massive rocket lifts off the pad.  

Let me repeat that: they presume that the troubled O-ring is now corrected...

If the O-ring fails, the shuttle might be blown to smithereens! 

What astronaut in his or her right mind would step foot into the shuttle on the assumption that the O-ring is just fine and dandy?

What authority, whether at the local, state or federal level,, can tell you or me, that wearing an ineffective face-mask is absolutely necessary in order to stop the spread of the coronavirus?  Or worse, that an untested vaccine is safe and sound and will also stop the spread of the flu bug, absolutely?

This is not a game to be played like Russian roulette.  This is a deadly serious business; I'm not talking about a life-threatening disease, I'm talking about the "disease" of fear-mongering and the ultimate control of every aspect of our lives through the use of mandated stay-at-home orders, face-mask wearing, or far worse.

The current numbers being touted by the leftist media shows over 200,000 deaths from the Wuhan virus, in reality that number is less than 10-12 thousand!  The numbers continue to be manipulated to keep us in a constant state of worry and fear.  

Don't buy it!  

Stop wearing that idiotic face-mask!

Resist the tyrants! 

Remember what Ben Franklin exclaimed at the very birth of our Republic: if you sacrifice your liberties for "security"{or "safety") you deserve neither!   

Strength and honor!!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


Thursday, October 15, 2020

Is Silence Golden, Or Deadly?


In the case of the leftist mainstream media, the silence, when it comes to reporting facts, seems to be the "golden rule" in secular matters, when it comes to spiritual matters, that silence can be, and usually is, deadly to souls.   

In fact, the inability -- or is it by design? -- of the Catholic bishops to properly guide their flocks in these troubled times, speaks loud and clear about their complicity with the Democratic party and their far-left agenda...

Witness the great -- and true Saint -- Pope Pius X and his encyclical, Pascendi, against modernism, declaring it to be the syntheses of all heresies.   Think of how much more devastation modernism has wrought since the reign of Pius X condemned that devilish scourge over 100 years ago!

It is not too far-fetched to condemn the current cadre of bishops as the syntheses of the heresies plaguing Holy Mother Church.  This was made manifest in the non-dogmatic Second Vatican Council, proposed by Pope John XXIII.  His idea and hope for "fresh air" entering the "stuffy," "archaic" church quickly devolved into letting "the smoke of Satan" enter through the windows, and into the very Holy of Holies...

The Deposit of Faith -- sacred Scripture and Tradition -- has been ruthlessly attacked, either by direct assault, or by compromising -- in some cases -- the very words of Our dear Lord.  St. John the Evangelist warns those who would tamper with the Word, that their fate would be sealed for all eternity.  This is exactly what happened with Martin Luther, who, through out six books of the Old Testament and attempted to change words in St. Paul's epistles, as well as castigating the epistle of St. James as "an epistle of straw".  Why?  Because Luther -- a former Catholic priest (an Augustinian friar) didn't like the words of Our Lord Himself: that our works will follow us!  Nor did he like that fact that St. James tells us that our faith is dead without works; rather, faith and works go hand-in-hand.  

This attempted destruction of the Scriptures has led to the crises we have in the church today; it has formed, through miserable catechesis, "cafeteria Catholics" who pick and choose what to believe or not believe.  The most devastating is their denial of the Real Presence in the Holy Eucharist, as very recent surveys show.  

The blame for this spiritual disaster rest wholly on the shoulders of the milquetoast, compromised bishops, leading to the abandonment of their flocks, leaving them vulnerable to the attacks of ravenous wolves, not only from without the church, but even more sinister, from within the ranks of the clergy...

And what are the consequences of such "leaders"?  One of the most egregious examples is the destruction of nearly 61,000,000 (MILLION!) pre-born American girls and boys through the heinous, painful procedure of abortion.  The gentleman running for the presidency this November, Joseph (Joe) Biden, claims to be a "devout Catholic," yet he is full-speed ahead supporting those evil individuals that pay for, or support that slaughter...

This character does not hide his disdain for those who support life in the womb, nor his support for the radical and deadly organization known as "planned parenthood."  Why hasn't his bishop publicly ex-communicated him from the Catholic Church???

The weakness of these bishops stinks to high heaven, and I blame them directly for the sacrileges committed every time one of these "catholics" walks up to receive Our Lord in holy communion.  Where is the admonishment of the bishops warning him or her of the mortal danger to their immortal souls?

Are we witnessing the authentic Catholic Church, or a sad imitation; those masquerading as priests and bishops, in reality are atheists and sodomites.  Scandal after scandal shakes the church to her knees, yet most in the new-order church go along to get along, regardless of the consequences to their souls and those of their families and neighbors...

If Biden takes control of the Oval Office this January, 2021, be prepared for outright persecution of God-fearing, pro-life authentic Catholics -- who refuse to deny their Savior -- to the point of blood martyrdom...

It is easy to despair with the attacks on our church -- and on our manhood and womanhood!   But we have cause for hope in the Person of Our Lord, Jesus Christ.  We are being purified as gold-ore is refined to reveal the pure, precious metal extracted from deep within the earth...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us..

Gene DeLalla

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

It's Not Just A Question That You MUST Be A Catholic In Order To Be Saved...

 That is a question that has already been pre-ordained and dogmatically defined by Christ through His church: The Catholic Church.

It is also a question of how we live our lives on a natural level -- upholding the Natural Law, including the Ten Commandments.  Further -- if it indeed needed explanation -- it is how we treat our neighbors, fulfilling the second great Commandment to love our neighbor as ourselves for the love of God...

Whether one agrees with President Trump's nominee to fill the vacancy on the supreme court -- Amy Coney Barrett -- the fact remains that under severe, heavy-handed questioning by the leftist Democrats on the senate judiciary committee, she has been, and continues to be slandered and maligned.  In addition, she has had her Catholic faith questioned and derided for the last two days without letup.   

In a despicable display of bigotry, radical leftist, Democrat Senator Hirono, from Hawaii, attacked Barrett's character and her morality, by asking her if she was ever a sexual predator!  Think about it: all these miscreant Democrats have, is to insult a practicing Catholic mother of seven, including a special needs child.

But it didn't stop there...

Another Democrat Senator from Connecticut; the phony "Vietnam Veteran," "Dick" Blumenthal, mischaracterized Mrs. Barrett's discourse on aspects of the right of Americans to keep and bear arms.  This lying, stolen valor, sad excuse for a senator knows no shame!  As it is with 99 percent of these Demonrats, once they attack the most vulnerable of our species, the pre-born, and completely destroy the sanctity of life, is it any wonder why they slander decent folk with outright filthy lies and bear false witness against their fellow human beings?   They have lost any sense of the shame of sin and lack basic humanitarianism toward their fellows.  Corruption and disgrace -- and lack of grace in the soul -- says it all concerning these anti-Christs!

I could say that never before have I seen and heard such an onslaught of lies and defamation against a decent, God-fearing woman, wife and mother, who didn't have to subject herself -- and her family -- to these rabid servants of the father of lies, Satan... But alas, I would be telling a fib!  It was a very short three years ago, 2017 to be exact, when the very same Mrs. Barrett had her dignity and Catholic faith attacked when she was appearing before the same judiciary committee members after being nominated by President Trump for an appellate court position.

In a sense, what we are witnessing is a good thing, because it shows the American populace just what scum sits in judgment of us!  Never forget that these elected officials work for us, not the other way around!  If there ever was a time to vote these low-life's out of office it is now!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla  

The Devil And Miss Jones (1941 Comedy Starring Jean Arthur)...

 Here is the basic plot of the 1941 movie, The Devil And Miss Jones: (from Wikipedia) "Cantankerous tycoon John P. Merrick (Charles Coburn) goes undercover as a shoe clerk at "Neely's", one of his New York department stores, to identify agitators trying to form a union, after seeing a newspaper picture of his employees hanging him in effigy."

Of course, there really wasn't any devil in the movie, nor in any of the characters, unlike today, the devil, from my observation, is in humans who have abandoned the God who created them.  

I am not claiming that many human beings are physically possessed by the demon, but they can be, and are, heavily influenced by a warped intellect.   And, as the eyes are said to be the windows of the soul, the intellect is the "window" to the will.  If that is the case, and I believe it is, such an individual can no longer separate good from evil, or right actions from wrong actions. 

We see this in today's shenanigans emanating from our elected officials.  This is especially true when politicians propose or pass legislation that is diametrically opposed to the Natural Law, and, by extension, the Ten Commandments. 

Just think, for example, some of the most horrendous and bizarre legislation passed by twisted minds (influenced by distorted intellects) in the Congress and the Senate of the United States, eventually led to a decision by the supreme court that has caused an on-going slaughter of the pre-born since 1973.  It is now estimated that close to 61,000,000 (MILLIION!) American girls and boys have been taken out of this world even before they had a chance to breathe air and exercise their rights granted to them by God almighty!

We know that Satan and his minions are hell-bent on attacking the family unit, and fidelity of husband and wife in a sacramental marriage blessed by God through His church.  We can also come to the conclusion that he, the demon, has inserted himself in the intellects of many politicians, even those claiming to be Catholic.  We know this to be true because they continually expound on their version of what the Church has always and everywhere taught and believed for 2,000 years, regarding the sanctity of human life from birth to natural death, going to extremes to justify the killing of the pre-born under the guise of "choice" or "reproductive rights." 

What we see happening will only get worse before the pendulum begins to swing in the direction of what a God-fearing nation can and should be.  And make no mistake, it will get much worse -- for the pre-born -- if the Biden/Harris ticket take the Oval Office in November.

President Trump is not perfect, not by a long shot, but he has proven to be the most pro-life president to ever occupy the White House in the history of our Republic, all this in the face of a massive -- and continuing -- attempt to undermine his presidency by a treasonous, very deep-state.  

On November 3rd, we Americans will have to choose whether to keep our representative democracy, or suffer the end of our rights -- including our right to worship God! -- under an atheistic, Socialist/Marxist regime of Biden/Harris.  This is not an exaggeration, but a brutal fact...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us!

Gene DeLalla

Saturday, October 10, 2020

First Do No Harm...

 In the Hippocratic oath, there is this: First Do No Harm.  In simple terms, it is the doctor's oath to his patient that he will look after his client and do the best he can for him, using his knowledge and available medicines and other tools, to keep him healthy without harming him.

There is a presumption here that all doctors are moral and follow the Natural Law, and the Commandments of God in their esteemed vocation of helping others...

This, however, is not always the case.

It is common knowledge that far too many doctors exercise their noble trade to take life instead of attempting to preserve that precious gift.  This has become self-evident since the 1973 supreme court decision that ruled killing babies in the womb was "legal."  

And now, we see doctors -- "medical experts" -- telling us that the only way to eliminate the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) is by injecting into our bodies a brand new, for the most part, untested vaccine.  I say untested because animal trials have been skipped in order to get the new chemical concoction into the hands of those who will administer the vaccine, quickly, or, as President Trump described: "at warp speed."  This is not good, and quite frankly, is cause for alarm!

Our otherwise decent, God-fearing president, has fallen into the trap of believing the heavily skewed and manipulated numbers regarding the deaths due to the Wuhan virus "pandemic," fed to him by those very same "experts".   In fact, we now know that those deaths attributed to the virus, are extremely few, and the recovery rate is over 99 percent!  But the leftist media refuses to acknowledge the CDC's own admission to these data.  As I have written many times, there is the infamous footnote No.1 under deaths due to Covid, it reads: Deaths with confirmed or presumed COVID-19.

We have been hoodwinked to the point of believing that if we don't wear an -- ineffective -- face-mask we're all going to get sick and die a horrible death.  The fact of the matter is, is that we are, in fact, all, eventually, going to die, but not from the Wuhan coronavirus, unless our immune systems are terribly compromised.

Fear and control are two very powerful elements in our lives that can and do control our movements as well as our outlook on life in general, and more specifically, how we treat our neighbors.  You would think that those elected officials would want the best for their constituents, but alas, as we have seen, that is not the case in many instances; e.g., closing down a city or even an entire state over a certain strain of the flu bug.  By the way, the H1N1 (swine flu bug) infected 60,800,000 (MILLION!) Americans, but economy wasn't shut down, nor was anyone forced to wear a face-mask.  

If you look at it in another way, that is the difference between having an establishment president, Obama, during a severe flu outbreak back in 2009, and having an outsider in the Oval Office in the person of Mr. Trump, in 2020...

"First do no harm" should not only apply to doctors, but also to those charged with representing us in government at the local, as well as at the federal level.  To this very day (it has been over six months now) there are several Democratically controlled states that are still shut down.  The governors, mayors and health "authorities" are allowing the big box stores to remain open, but are taking draconian measures to keep those Christians from worshipping our good God, by arresting and fining those brave pastors -- and some priests -- for holding Sunday services!   

Is it too late to resist?  Perhaps not yet, but if the demonic, incoherent, lying Biden/Harris ticket take the White House in November, resistance may take on a more immediate and physical form... 

Pray for strength and honor for what might be coming down the road in short order...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us!

Gene DeLalla

Friday, October 9, 2020

Is It Trump/Pence Vs Biden/Harris, Or Is It Christ Vs Satan?

 Let's cut through all the media hype and coverups, and tell it like it is: we are facing a presidential election that pits President Trump/VP Pence against Biden/Harris, or, to put it in other more realistic terms, will we be choosing Christ over Satan, the ape of the Church, or Satan over Christ?

Am I implying that a sinful, some say a morally deficient man, President Trump, is equivalent, in some way to Our Lord, Christ?  No, but what will happen if the Biden/Harris demons win the White House, you and I will witness that closest thing to the father of liesSatan, rule our Republic for at least the next four years.

(I find it interesting, however, that we have a Protestant president, in the person of Mr. Trump, who is more Catholic than most of those bishops who are supposed to be our shepherds, guiding their flocks to the heavenly beatitude, but in reality, are mostly wolves in sheep's clothing, closely aligned with the Democrat party, read: the party of death!)

One of the problems with such a horrendous scenario is that it won't be Biden running the show, it will be Harris!  We know this because Biden is incoherent most of the time and simply cannot survive the rigors of being the leader of the most powerful nation on the face of the earth for the next year, let alone for four years.  

What is beyond scary, is that both the "Catholic" Biden, and the atheist Harris, are both the enemies of the human race, and will continue to fulfill the agenda of Satan: killing the gift of life of God almighty through the heinous procedure known as abortion.  And that is why there is all the tumult in the U.S. Congress and Senate. 

 The creatures that are our elected officials, on the Left, that is, are determined to keep the religion of abortion on the altar of choice, "legal," at all costs, even to the loss of the immortal souls of those who support and foster legislation to continue the slaughter...  


Because they simply do not believe they will have to answer to anyone when they leave this earth.  To them, there is no Particular Judgment; there is no one they will be held accountable to, for the blood-lust of baby killing to the tune of over 60,000,000 (MILLION!) since the disastrous 1973 (Roe v Wade) decision of the supreme court.

Is it Trump/Pence Vs Biden/Harris, or is it Christ Vs Satan?

The answer to that question is clear.  Further, anyone who claims to be Catholic and votes for the demonic Biden/Harris ticket, is committing a mortal sin.  More drastically still, that person is automatically ex-communicated from the Catholic Church.  

Pray for strength and honor!!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Devastating Implications Of Heretical "Cardinals" Voting In The Next Conclave! (The Sedevacantists Will Have A Field Day, Proving They Are "Right"!)

 Think about the horrific implications of heretics voting for the next pope! What are some of those implications? How about the fact that a ...