Sunday, July 31, 2022

If There Was Ever Any Doubt Why Sodom And Gomorrah Were Destroyed...

 Warning: the following article contains photographs that might be offensive to any right-thinking follower of our Lord! 

Articles such as this should clear up any doubt... From San Francisco Kink & Fetish Festival to Press On Despite Monkeypox Emergency Declaration (

Right smack in the backyard of the apostate "Catholic," N. Pelosi -- you know, that self-described "devout Catholic"... 

Now why would I mention the apostate Pelosi, and why does that have anything to do with the filthy, pornographic display of homosexuality in San Francisco?  (Saint Francis must be spinning in his grave having a doomed city named after him!)

The answer is "simple": Pelosi's open and aggressive support for the sin that cries to Heaven for vengeance is "legendary"...

So much scandal for the youth of San Francisco too, with "parents" taking their offspring to witness the utter wickedness of these monkeypox-spreaders, prancing around half, or fully naked and gyrating like serpents in the grass...

Think about it: the head of the WHO, the pro-communist, Tedros, "suggested" that because of the outbreak of the so-called monkeypox among those who engage in sodomy, perhaps they should consider refraining from multiple sex partners for the moment (that's a paraphrase of what he actually said!). 

But this miscreant was adamant that entire populations should be locked down, a la "Dr." Fauci, because of a bioweapon they named "covid"...   

See just a little bit of political correctness hypocrisy here???

Can't condemn active homosexuality, that would be "intolerant" and "racist," whatever that means these days, plus, that would be suppressing the "rights" of these possessed lunatics...

So, If There Was Ever Any Doubt Why Sodom And Gomorrah Were Destroyed, it has been completely cleared up!

Pray for the defeat of these demons, and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Meguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


Saturday, July 30, 2022

Bergoglio, The Bishop Of Rome, Takes Part in Pagan Ceremony Invoking Demonic Spirits In Canada...

  You can't make this stuff up!

For at least the second time in his "pontificate," Bergoglio, the Bishop of Rome, has taken part in a monstrous, demonic, pagan ceremony invoking ancient, devilish spirits, this time in Canada.  

And if that weren't bad enough, the current occupant of the Chair of St. Peter, again, is apologizing for the incredible sacrifices of Christ-centered missionaries, priests and nuns who brought the Catholic Faith to the indigenous folk to our neighbors to the north.  

He has also bought into the fake news -- the lie -- of "abused and killed children" found in "mass graves" "discovered" near schools run mostly by Catholic nuns and priests... I repeat, that lie has been debunked long ago, yet instead of promoting the great works of evangelizing the pagans and bringing them to Christ, our Lord, he attacks those who can no longer defend themselves and have gone to their great reward in Heaven...

Please watch this video presented by Dr. Taylor Marshall... I know it is difficult to watch, but the truth shall set you and I free from these apostates...  Also, notice all of the Humpty-Dumpty clones sitting in the first row -- all supposed cardinals in the novus ordo "church" -- apparently not a one had the guts to get up and leave the room as the evil spirits were being conjured up and filled the room with other dumbed-down "Catholics" who haven't got a clue about their precious religion... 

(7009) Pope Francis invoking ‘sacred circle of spirits’ and Western Grandmother - YouTube.

Bergoglio, instead of being the protector and custodian of the Deposit of Faith, he turns the Magisterium upside down and continues to scandalize the Catholic and non-Catholic world alike with his diabolical antics...

At the same time, he participates in un-Catholic, pagan ceremonies and allows blasphemous and sacrilegious novus ordo "masses," he attacks, restricts and bans the Mass of the ages: the Traditional Latin Mass that helped to create thousands of Saints and Martyrs over the last 2,000 years! 


Please pray for the defeat of these apostates, but also pray for their conversion back to orthodoxy, Tradition and the Catholic Faith...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Meguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

Pray too for strength and honor!

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla



Another Young -- 27-Year-Old!! -- Doctor Dies In Canada.. The FIFTH In Two Weeks!!!


How many American doctors are dying, but we don't hear about it, or, if we do, it is immediately denied that the filthy, deadly jab had anything to do with it?  Right, and I have a bridge for sale... 

Cause of death: "cause unknown," or "yet to be determined"... Okay, do an autopsy and report the TRUTH for a change!

Here is the article from and the beautiful Pediatrics Resident at McMaster Children’s Hospital who passed away on the 28th of July...

27-Year-Old Triathlete Doctor in Canada Dies Four Days After She Collapses While Swimming - Fifth GTA Doctor to Die Within 2 Weeks (

See my previous article here: 

Were Three -- Actually, Four! -- Young Doctors Murdered By The "Covid" Booster Shot??

So, what in the hell is going on here???

Nothing to see here folks, just like so many other young people dropping dead on the soccer-field, or on stage or in their sleep, or while they are working out, or...

Now you know that most doctors stuck out their arms just in order to keep their jobs, and now they are paying the price -- and so are thousands of everyday folks, not to mention the millions -- now confirmed -- disabilities and destroyed lives after taking the jab.

And what about airline pilots and their reported experiences?  Haven't heard much about those sky-jockeys who have hundreds of lives in their hands flying 35,000 feet above terra firma... Though more and more pilots are beginning to speak out about their adverse reactions to the jab, but do the airline CEOs care?  Will they call for an investigation of what is really happening and let the chips fall where they may, or will they tell the pilots to keep their mouths shut?? 

Look, this is all by design.  We have the elite globalists shooting their mouths off telling us right to our faces that they want to do away with nearly seven billion people!   These arrogant, condescending demons don't even try to hide it.  And why should they?  They think they are in control, not God.  In fact, these atheists are sworn baby killers and will do anything and everything they can to keep the world-wide slaughter going unabated -- nearly 200,000 pre-born babies are killed every day of the week!!  And with the apostate "Catholics" holding the highest offices in the land, hostage, is it any wonder that these monsters are trying their dead level best to circumvent the recent SCOTUS ruling?

I wonder who in their right minds thought that the overturning of Roe v Wade would end the racist genocide of baby sacrifice to Moloch?

And now, it is up to the individual state legislatures to decide who lives and who dies in the womb???   Really???

The Natural Law be damned, not to mention the Ten Commandments personally handed to Moses by God Almighty on Mount Sinai, it's as if they -- and God -- don't exist to these slaves of the father of lies, Satan... 

The murder of the pre-born and the planned annihilation of the majority of the earth's population through a gene-altering "vaccine" is demonically inspired and carried out by the most egregious enemies of Christ: apostate "Catholics"... 


And pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


Friday, July 29, 2022

Were Three -- Actually, Four! -- Young Doctors Murdered By The "Covid" Booster Shot??

 Read this article and see for yourself the absolute denial by the hospital that the jab had anything to do with these devastating deaths, and the complete lunacy of pushing for still another booster shot of the "covid" "vaccine" into the arms of mind-numbed, brainwashed folks who cannot think for themselves -- to their peril!!

THREE DOCTORS From the Same Hospital "Die Suddenly" in the Same Week After Hospital Mandates Fourth COVID Shot (

But that's not all!  

A fourth young, (athletic) doctor also died "unexpectedly"... See here: "The Gateway Pundit previously reported that Dr. Paul Hannam, the Chief of Emergency Medicine and Program Medical Director at North York General Hospital (NYGH), died unexpectedly on July 16 while out for a run, according to his colleagues."

Folks, what we're dealing with is pure evil oozing like puss from Big Pharma and their propaganda campaign in cahoots with the same evil medical "authorities" (such as Fauci and his minions) as well as the rogue, anti-Christ apostate "Catholics" currently occupying the Oval Office, holding America hostage.

We must resist -- at all costs! -- these intellectually possessed, poor souls who have sold their souls as well as their faith, their ability to reason, and, by extension, their free will -- purposely choosing evil over good and darkness over the light of Christ.  In so doing, they serve the father of lies, Satan.  It's really that "simple"! 

Please say a prayer for the souls of these young doctors and their families...

Pray for the defeat of these miscreants and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Who Are The REAL Domestic Terrorists? Why, None Other Than Your "Friendly" FBI, That's Who!

  If you think what I just wrote is more than a "stretch," I will provide some of the volumes of evidence that is staring us right in the face.  

If the swat team attacks of innocent American citizens weren't bad enough -- and there are many examples of this available in the public domain -- then consider the rogue hierarchy of the FBI and the directives from the so-called "Department of Justice" headed by the ultra-corrupt, Merrick Garland -- to investigate law-abiding Americans!

This vindictive criminal -- appointed by the other ultra-corrupt, Biden and his crime family -- and his henchmen, are hell-bent on depriving Americans of due process guaranteed in our Constitution by intimidation and lying and -- the planting of evidence??  While, at the same time, ignoring the real criminals roaming America plotting real domestic terrorism on our infrastructure, and, most importantly, on our families.  

Think that's another "stretch," not so.  One of the stated goals of the real terrorist organization known as Black Lives Matter (BLM) is to dismantle and destroy the family unit -- the building block of any society.  

The BLM monsters have gotten away with bloody murder -- literally!  While, at the same time, parents at school board meetings are classified as domestic terrorists?? 

Please read this article from Information Liberation posted on Whistleblowers: FBI Agents Are Being ‘Encouraged And Incentivized’ to Reclassify Cases As Domestic Extremism (

The second phase of this treason is the Marxist cabal known as the Biden Mafia crime syndicate.  

Anyone who has heard of Robert "Hunter" Biden, the "president's" son, knows from the "laptop from hell," that this character is as bad as bad can be, at least on this side of hell... 

Drugs, perverted sex, prostitutes, shady financial dealings with Communist Red China, the corrupt Ukraine, etc... 

Am I slandering this miscreant?  Not at all, because it is important to point out that his criminal activities are being covered up, not only by the mainstream media, running cover for this wild lunatic, but also -- here we go again! -- by the corrupt FBI.   

See this short video from Scrambles To Protect Biden Crime Family (

These are the anti-Christs that patriotic, God-fearing Americans have to deal with in our once-free country.  Instead of being protected and represented by our elected officials, we are systematically having our constitutional rights being attacked and undermined by those haters of freedom and lovers of Marxist slavery.

These are truly the times that try men's souls...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


Wednesday, July 27, 2022

The "Evil," "Wicked," "Anti-Christ" Catholic Church: Were The Protestants Right?

 The Protestants "must" be right -- in their minds -- or at least since 2013 when Bergoglio, the former Archbishop from Argentina, was "elected" to the Chair of St. Peter, began apologizing up one side and down the other for the "crimes" of the Spotless Bride of Christ -- the Catholic Church...

And that's the key: the Spotless Bride of Christ!  Bergoglio can't seem to recognize the difference between wicked men in the church and their crimes, and the Church herself.

Or can he??

Sadly -- and here is the "conspiracy": he knows exactly what he is doing, and that is, to makeover the church into an image and likeness of man, devoid of the supernatural grace of God Almighty.  In fact, Bergoglio is an aggressive enabler of the modernists, communists and active homosexuals that have infiltrated the novus ordo church... 

Tough talk, but Bergoglio's words and actions speak for themselves...

This is the same "mistake" that the arch heretic, Luther, made back in the early 1500s, accusing the Catholic Church of numerous -- sometimes made up -- abuses of money, sex, power as well as lording it over the peons, if you will... 

Now why would I put the word mistake is air quotes?  

Simple: Luther made no mistake, he knew exactly what he was doing -- rebelling against the Catholic Church, hence, he was rebelling against Christ, his Lord.

But why?

I'm only a Catholic layman; I am not a canon lawyer nor a scholar of Church history, but what I do know -- and the world knows -- is that Luther could not handle his inclination to sin, his proven lusts.  And when someone can't "handle" his sin, he will accuse others of what he does.  In other words, he will project his weaknesses on to someone else or some other entity in order to justify the end regardless of the means used!

And since the Protestant Revolution -- not "Reformation" -- tens, if not hundreds of millions of souls have been deceived into hating that "evil," "wicked," "anti-Christ" Catholic Church.  Either not entering Her, or leaving Her for "greener pastures"... 

As we know, the "greener pastures" are rarely greener in any sense of the word, just deception, confusion and the threat to our final heavenly destiny...

But Bergoglio caters to those outside the one, true Church of Jesus Christ, with mushy, compromised "doctrine" made up on the spot so as not to offend our "separated brethren"... In fact, his new "doctrines" directly contradicts the perennial teachings of the Church.  So, on that one subject alone he, Bergoglio, has failed to uphold his sacred task of being the custodian and guardian of the Deposit of Faith, (Scripture and Tradition) and not an innovator -- which he has proven over and over again -- that he is!

As I write this missive, Bergoglio, the Bishop of Rome -- he no longer refers to himself as the Vicar of Christ -- is in Canada (under the iron fist of the tyrant, apostate Catholic, Trudeau) begging for forgiveness for the "abuses" and "crimes" of the brave and courageous Catholic missionaries and teachers, bringing the Faith to the indigenous peoples of our northern neighbor... 

Interesting, or, should I say, disgusting that Bergoglio would attack the well-earned reputations of those who are dead and cannot defend themselves against the slanders of a supposed pope of the Catholic Church.  

Justice?  We don't need no stinkin' justice!

Please watch this lengthy video from The Remnant...

The Remnant Newspaper - RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS: Francis in Canada and the Rest of the Story

And judge for yourself: is Bergoglio the real successor of St. Peter???  Or???

Pray for strength and honor -- and for discernment!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


Tuesday, July 26, 2022

The Lunacy Of The Hard Left...

  These folks really do live in a parallel universe!

Take for instance, the leftist mayor of New York City, (a former police officer!), Eric Adams.

As the invasion of our country continues unrestrained with illegal aliens flowing across our southern border -- like a tsunami -- Adams, whose city is losing residents at an "alarming" rate, said this to his constituents: Get ‘On Board’ with Illegal Immigration ‘Influx’ in Schools, Hospitals, Neighborhoods...

Here is an article from that will confirm -- from the mayor's own big mouth -- his utter disregard for the nearly eight million, overtaxed residents of New York: New York Democrat Eric Adams: Get ‘On Board’ with Illegal Immigration ‘Influx’ in Schools, Hospitals, Neighborhoods (

I ask: where is the rule of law?  Why doesn't Adams complain about the lack of enforcement of existing immigration laws?  Instead, he'll do anything not to criticize the Biden "administration," and support the invasion of illegals into our once-sovereign nation...

So, instead of fighting like hell to protect his citizens from further increase in taxes and additional drains on stressed resources, he said this: "We’re here, we’re receiving them and everyone is going to have to be on board. And we can’t have the historical “I believe people should be housed but just don’t house them on my block.” Everyone’s block is going to be impacted by this. And so we have to add our advocacy with our ability to help our neighbors. We need everyone on board with this. [Emphasis added]

As I said last week, our schools are going to be impacted, our healthcare system is going to be impacted, our infrastructure is going to be impacted… we’re going to need all New Yorkers to be with us on this." [Emphasis added]

Frankly, this lunatic doesn't have one iota of God-given common sense left in his warped brain.  He can no longer recognize what true charity is; he can no longer recognize true justice!  But I'm not surprised because this ultra-liberal character is all for the slaughter of the pre-born, just like the governor of New York, Hochul, a radical pro-death looney, apostate "Catholic"... Like two peas in a deadly pod!

Pray for strength and honor and for the defeat of these anti-Christs...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

Monday, July 25, 2022

The "Covid" "Vaccine" De-Population Plot In Cahoots With The FDA -- The Truth Is Revealed!

  Every patriot in the U.S. should read -- no, make that must read! -- this ultra-revealing article.  If it is not read, then history will keep repeating itself until the ends of the elites will be fulfilled...

The Covid Vaccine Plot - LewRockwell

The goal of de-population lunatics of the likes of Gates, WEF, the UN, et al, is no longer hidden, it is out in the open.  It is, and continues to be, announced even in the mainstream media, but instead of saying outright "we must get rid of seven billion people if the earth is to survive," they say instead: "you have to get injected with the "covid" "vaccine" to be "safe."  Or, "we have to reduce CO2 emissions before the earth burns up."  Or, "because of global warming, the seas are rising, and New York City will be under water in ..... years."  You fill in the blanks.  (Wasn't it back in the 70s or 80s "scientists" were warning us about the coming of a new ICE age?)

The main -- deadly -- vehicle to achieve their diabolical goal is the "covid" "vaccine."

After reading the above article, and the brainwashed populace continue to stick out their arms so they can be "protected" from any "variants" of "covid" -- or, now "monkeypox" -- then they are part of the problem, refusing to think for themselves and do even the slightest research to see the folly of mind-numbed obedience to tyrannical state or federal medical "authorities."  

Wake up America!  


Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

Sunday, July 24, 2022

"Vaccines," A Cure For -- SIN????

  Conversion?  Amend one's life?  Confess?  Return to, or come to Christ?  Embrace a life of grace?  

Homosexual: Just stick another needle in my arm and that'll take care of my sin.  Oh, I mean my disease!  Did I just say disease?  Oh, I didn't mean disease... I mean.. I really don't know what I mean...

You see, I have this mad, uncontrollable lust -- I mean desire -- to "know" another man-friend of mine...  I just can't help it... 

Look, I know I have something going on and, in my body, but just give me that damn vaccine so I can meet my boyfriend tonight so we can have some fun...

If my bodybuilder lover-boy "gets something" from me, I'll just tell him to get the vaccine too.  It's no big deal... 

And don't you dare judge me, you heterosexual, straight dude, married to a real woman with your four kids!  And don't you dare preach to me about your God or Jesus or that I might end up in hell if I don't change my ways!  

It's my body and my choice to live the way I want to live!  So, bug off!  And if you try to admonish me, I'll press charges of harassment against you!  Go to hell!  

Me: Why are you so angry?  Look, I'm just trying to fulfill the two great Commandments to love God and neighbor, that's all...

And by the way, those are Commandments, not suggestions! 

I mean, look, what you are doing goes against all that is natural in nature; against all how God designed us men and women to be complimentary to each other; to marry and bring children into the world; to raise our children to be good and charitable citizens...  

The only reason I'm telling you this, is because I love you -- and don't get the idea of twisting what I just said!  When I say, "I love you," it means that I have charity for you; that I want to see you gain Heaven, not hell... And I'm sorry if that sounds like I'm preaching to you, ok, maybe I am, but I want you to have a chance of being saved, not damned.  But it's up to you... I cannot choose for you.  You have free will to decide one way or the other... Even God doesn't interfere with the free will He built into us as His creations.  So, in other words, we can willfully accept Him or reject Him!

Your "lifestyle" choice is destructive and potentially deadly -- to you and your partner(s)... This monkeypox is some bad stuff, but it is also a fact that it has its origins in the homosexual "community" and transmitted by close, intimate contact between males...

I would urge you to read this article from  It may shed some light on what you are facing.  And by the way, that "vaccine" is experimental -- and so are those who receive it! -- that's admitted in the article...

WHO Admits Everyone Who Receives a MonkeyPox Vaccine is Part of a "Clinical Trial" to Collect Data on its Effectiveness (VIDEO) (

Finally, you might be offended by the article I recently penned, but it just may wake you up and help you to "smell the roses."  If that sounds a little harsh, so be it.  Maybe that's what you need: someone to tell it like it is before it's too late!  

And, yes, I am admonishing you...

The Newest Filthy, Un-natural Scourge -- Monkeypox -- Originated And Is Spreading Among The Homosexual Male Population. Surprised? I'm Not...

I urge you to pray -- for strength -- and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

Saturday, July 23, 2022

The Newest Filthy, Un-natural Scourge -- Monkeypox -- Originated And Is Spreading Among The Homosexual Male Population. Surprised? I'm Not...

  When will they ever learn???

Have you ever heard of deathbed conversions?  

They do happen... 

In reality, though, those who live "by the sword, die by the sword." 

That just doesn't refer to those who live by violence, it also refers to killing the life of grace in the soul.  

Remember, our Lord tells us in the Bible not to fear him who can kill the body, but rather fear him who can kill the body and the soul and cast them into hell... 

So, those who live a horrendously sinful life, will most likely die in their sins.  This "concept" is not new; and it makes common sense to come to that conclusion...


Over the last couple of years, we have lived through a man-made, planned "pandemic" hell usually referred to as "covid"... In fact, it has become part of the lexicon of most Americans, and most of the world's population.  Even (uninformed) "conservative" "Catholic" talking heads have swallowed the bait, hook, line and sinker! 

Most got the jab; most wore, and some continue to wear, the ineffective face diaper... (I admit, I have to wear a face diaper when I use the VA medical system for my treatments and monitoring for any potential return of the spindle cell sarcoma cancer attributed to Agent Orange from my tour of duty in Vietnam -- it'll be 55 years ago this coming December.) 

The face diaper does nothing but maintain an aura of fear -- and control: the main reason for the "mandates"...

How many realize that even the "N-95" face diaper can only filter down to three microns, while the so-called "virus" is less than one micron in size and does nothing to prevent the "germ" from spreading.

That is, if you think that it is a "virus" or a "germ" in the first place.

If one were to honestly do the research, you will see that the overwhelming majority of those who get "covid," get it -- or something -- because of their environment, both external, and, more importantly, their internal environment. 

In other words, the terrain in which they live and breathe -- and the food they eat -- can be the cause of someone getting the common cold, not to mention more serious ailments.   And part of that environment -- terrain -- are the electrical frequencies that we are surrounded and bombarded with on a daily basis, 24/7, 365 days a year. 

Need proof?  Do you have "Wi-Fi" at home?  Have a remote control for your TV?  Drive a newer car?  Then you -- and I -- are subject to the constant effects of electrical frequency pollution in addition to those power lines you see strung along the street... The list goes on and on and on...

But I digress...

The title of my article says it all: The Newest Filthy, Un-natural Scourge -- Monkeypox -- Originated And Is Spreading Among The Homosexual Male Population.  Surprised?  I'm Not.

New information has surfaced that the monkeypox phenomenon is primarily caused and spread by the filthy, un-natural activities of the homosexuals unable -- or unwilling? -- to control their lust for the same sex.  A complete upheaval of the way God designed the sexes to be complimentary as man and woman to multiply, fill the earth and subdue it...

Interestingly, or sadly, those who know they have something wrong with them, disease wise, either don't tell their "partners," or don't care what they spread just so long as they can fulfill their disgusting desires... If anything, they are uncharitable toward their "partner" and care little for their well-being.  Of course, what I just wrote is the understatement of the century!

So, the statistics show nearly 98 percent of those who have or spread monkeypox are homosexual males!  Ninety-eight percent!

Now think about this... Aside from the fact that this is another heinous example of the sin that cries to Heaven for vengeance, the so-called monkeypox is making its appearance as the November mid-term elections are quickly approaching.  

Coincidence?  I think not... 

Let us put two and two together and see if we come up with four...

The apostate "Catholic," Biden, and his Marxist crew of baby-killers, are sinking faster than the Titanic... They know that they will lose the House and Senate, so the only way they can maintain control is through voter fraud and that is the main reason for a new "pandemic" to keep voters stuck in their homes and vote by mail or even online!  

In addition, the evil powers such as the WHO, WEF, the UN, et al, know that folks around the world are waking up to their wicked schemes and are beginning to fight back as is evidenced by the huge demonstrations erupting around the globe.  

They know they are losing their iron-fisted control and they don't like it one bit!  So, what better way to keep the fear mongering going than by creating another scare, another "pandemic" to get even more people injected with a filthy, debilitating and deadly "vaccine"?  This way they can kill two birds with one stone: fraudulent elections to keep the status quo and population reduction -- to less than one billion people!  Using simple math, that would mean that nearly seven billion people would have to be eliminated from planet earth, read: murdered... 

Further, we are getting very little help from the religious leaders of the various world religions... In fact, most of those "leaders" are all for a new-world-order, one-world-order "religion" that would replace our good God with some bastardized, man-made religion with Satan as its head and master... 

We get what we deserve, don't we?

Pray for the defeat of these evil scoundrels and for their conversion!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla



Friday, July 22, 2022

This Hard-Hitting Video Interview May Be Difficult To Hear, But The Truth Shall Set You Free!

 If we are to be soldiers of Christ -- as our Confirmation makes us -- then we have to be bearers of the truth, and that truth will set us --and the world -- free!

We know what happened to our Lord because He didn't compromise the truth; He would not appease the hierarchy of His day: the Pharisees, Scribes -- the Sanhedrin.  Instead, He knew He had to fulfill what the Prophets foretold would happen to the Messias: For dogs have compassed me: the assembly of the wicked have enclosed me: they pierced my hands and my feet.  I may tell all my bones: they look and stare upon me.  They part my garments among them, and cast lots upon my vesture. (Psalms, 22:16-18, King James Version.  Note: in the Catholic Bible, it is Psalm 21:17-19, Douay Rheims Version.)  

That's exactly what happened at our Lord's crucifixion...

 These days, truth is hard to come by; it is compromised for the sake of not offending those outside the one Fold, in order to go along to get along.  But this is not soldiering for Christ, it is treason!  We see what this massive treason, this apostacy, from the faith by the majority of the novus ordo hierarchy has wrought: confusion and scandal among the faithful attempting to live a holy life and attain the Beatific vision of the Holy and Blessed Trinity...

Please watch and listen to the interview from

 (6835) Church chaos: Latin Mass attacks ramp up as Pope participates in Indigenous ritual - YouTube.

In addition, here is Archbishop Vigano's comment on the ongoing crises of the attempt to cancel the Mass of the ages by a hierarchy that have sold their souls to Zeitgeist -- the spirit of Satan...

 (6835) Vigano: Francis And Cupich Serve Satan - YouTube.

It's time to take off the gloves and fight like hell for our very souls!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emill Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

Thursday, July 21, 2022

The Mental, Spiritual And Physical Sickness Knows No Bounds When It Comes To Apostate "Catholics"...

  See here: 47 Republicans Vote to Enshrine Homosexual Marriage in Federal Law | CNSNews.

And wouldn't you know?  This is from the "devout Catholic" N. Pelosi...

“I rise today in strong support for the Respect for Marriage Act, bipartisan and bicameral legislation to enshrine into law a fundamental freedom, the right to marry whomever you choose,” Speaker Nancy Pelosi said in a House floor speech.

“As radical justices and rightwing politicians continue their assault on our basic rights, Democrats believe that the government has no place between you and the person you love,” she said.

End of the disgusting excerpts... 

My question: why stop at "whomever you choose"?  Why not whatever you choose

Catholic faith?  What Catholic faith?  It's a mystery to me how this apostate continues to get away with her demented, scandalous actions!

Oh, how silly of me... She gets away with it because the novus ordo hierarchy allow her to get away with it.  Sure, Archbishop Cordileone has forbidden her from receiving the Holy Eucharist, and how has that worked out?? 

If the hierarchy doesn't stand together, then the errant, public mortal sinner gets away with murder -- literally!  

How can there be "solidarity" among the hierarchy to teach and enforce Catholic doctrine on human sexuality and life, when the current occupant of the Chair of St. Peter is the main catalyst for the scandal in the first place??

Remember, it was Bergoglio that called for the recognition of "civil unions" among the homosexuals -- you know, the sin that cries to Heaven for vengeance; the sins that condemned Sodom and Gomorrah to ashes!   

Remember, it was Bergoglio that has a forked tongue as is evidenced by his condemning abortion as murder -- like a hitman taking out a human life, but then turns around and encourages Pelosi and Biden to keep receiving Holy Communion, knowing -- without a doubt! -- that both support and push for the continuing slaughter of the pre-born!  This, in addition to appointing the likes of the pro-abortion, population control freak, Jeffrey Sachs, to Vatican advisory boards???

Bergoglio never talks about admonishing the sinner; never talks about conversion, never!  In other words, the obvious conclusion is that he lacks real Christian charity, because if he really did care for his flock, then he would admonish the sinner!

Remember, it is Bergoglio that attacks faithful Catholics who attend the Traditional Latin Mass of the ages and is attempting to stomp it out completely.  (You know, those faithful Catholics who do follow the real Magisterium and Church teaching on human sexuality and life!)   


The deceit and scandal of the current anti-Christ papacy is mindboggling, causing the spiritual death of so many Catholics, with hundreds of thousands -- if not millions? -- leaving the Church for greener pastures, only to find out that the "greener pastures" are spiritually withered and burnt.

Pray for the defeat of these miscreants -- and for their conversion!  We can do no less...

Pray, too, for strength and honor for what is surely coming down the road, both in the secular and ecclesiastical realms...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Demonrats Block Republican Resolution Condemning Violence At Churches And Pregnancy Centers!


Why would the Democratic Party block a resolution condemning violence at churches and pregnancy centers?

The obvious answer is that the Demonrat Party are lunatics, devoid of the tenets of the Natural Law; their tiny minds are filled with hate and prejudice against anything good -- the opposite of charity, specifically, God's command to love they neighbor, that's why.

And why would anyone be surprised?  These are the same anti-Christs that are finding other ways to circumvent the recent overturning of Roe v Wade, sending back to the state legislatures, the "issue" of if and when someone can kill a pre-born human.

Let us remember the Natural Law and Declaration of Independence here, guaranteeing the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  

No one can have liberty or pursue happiness if they are slaughtered in -- or out -- of the womb!

And why is it that the most brutal attacks on the pre-born come, not from atheists or devil worshipers -- although some demonic cults love to use aborted babies in their satanic rituals -- but by apostate "Catholics," the worst of all the enemies of charity, life -- and Christ!

Witness the insane rejection of a resolution that common sense tells us would and should be enacted, to help quell the recent and ongoing attacks on churches and pregnancy centers across the country after Roe, by the violent extremists known as "Jane's Revenge" and other hard-core Leftist, pro-death groups.

See the article here from House Dems Block Resolution Condemning Violence at Churches (

And who is one that led the rejection of the resolution?  Why, none other than that self-described "devout Catholic," N. Pelosi... 

I'm not surprised, are you?

After all, it is she and her "boss," Biden, that are calling for ways to make sure that the killing of the pre-born will continue unabated in the most bizarre of ways, including, but not limited to, an abortion mill floating around in the Gulf of Mexico!  

I'm not making that up!  

Or, for instance, setting up abortion tents on federal lands, specifically, in national parks! 

It is apparent to me, that when someone sells their immortal soul to Satan, the intellect is so corrupted that it prevents that person from making rational decisions based on God-given common sense.  In other words, the use of the free will chooses evil over good; darkness over light... The adage of "let your conscience be your guide," is corrupted and separated from the (Natural) law engraved on every human that comes into the world (St. Paul).  

This is known as the operation of error that God allows to enter into those who reject Him and His Commandments...

It's really rather simple, isn't it...

Pray for strength and honor -- and for the conversion of the apostate Catholics that they confess and return to a state of grace before they leave this earth...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


Monday, July 18, 2022

Godless Cowardice -- And INACTION -- Of The Uvalde, Texas Police!

  Whoa, wait a minute!  How can I accuse the Uvalde police of cowardice -- I wasn't there?  I wasn't on the scene of the massacre.  So how can I judge those police of being cowards and not breaching the door and stop the killing of the children? 

My accusations are completely objective, not subjective, you say!

If I were there, then I might -- might -- have a leg to stand on, of accusing the police of cowardice, you say!


Well, towards the end of this article, if I haven't proven my point, then I will award $100 bucks to anyone that can refute that my accusation of cowardice is appropriate.

Now I will explain why I accuse those police of being cowards and not living up to their vocation of serving and protecting the lives of the citizens who pay their salaries...

As many may know, I was in Vietnam from late 1967 to late 1968, that included the massive and brutal (January) 1968 Tet Offensive.

I was either assigned to machine-gun bunkers, observation towers, or as a machine gunner on an escort Jeep, or providing security for supply convoys.   But most of my duties consisted of securing the perimeter of the air base -- as a machine gunner in a bunker, or in an observation tower...

I can tell you from personal experience, that not all sections of the perimeter were well lighted, in fact, some didn't have any lights at all. The point is, is that in those unlighted sections, I couldn't see 10 feet in front of me.  Add to this, when the Monsoon rains made their appearance, it was downright scary as it would have been very easy for the Viet Cong (V.C.) to sneak up unnoticed through the concertina wire and mine fields.  (We had Claymore mines that we could set off if the enemy made an attempt to penetrate the perimeter during a ground assault.  That is, if we could see them in time!  The Claymores were explosive charges filled with "buckshot" that could shred a body or cut a bad guy in two.) 

Regardless of the circumstances, we had to remain on our post ready to engage the enemy...

Most of the other sections of the perimeter were well-lighted, except for that part of the perimeter on the beach that faced the South China Sea.  Those bunkers and observation towers had to deal with their own set of problems in addition to the potential of enemy infiltration via sampan vessels (the local fishermen used the same sampans -- little boats -- to fish during the overnight hours... They were required to have lanterns or other forms of lighting so we, and other allied forces, would be able to keep track of their movements.)   The main concern for those police on the beach gun bunkers were the raging cyclonic storms coming in from the South China Sea.   At times, the horrendous waves crashing on shore seemed to be aimed at the base, wooden support beams of the towers (OBs).  To me, there were times when I thought my tower -- and me -- would be washed out into the shark infested waters in this "Atlantic City of the South China Sea," dying, without firing a shot, or anyone hearing me crying out for help!

Regardless of the circumstances, we had to remain on our post ready to engage the enemy...

Or take, for instance, while on a special assignment to provide overnight security to engineers drilling water wells out in the "boondocks" many miles from the relative security of the air base, the undermanned perimeter defenders -- me and a handful of other cops -- were notified of an entire North Vietnamese regiment (several hundred men strong) heading right for us from the foothills of nearby Nha Trang Mountain...

To say that we were outmanned and outgunned, would be the understatement of the century!

As I said, we were undermanned for such an enemy force... A few M-60 machine guns, rifles, grenades, etc... My black bunker mate brother and I strengthened our dirt bunker with some corrugated circular metal scraps I scrounged from the engineers.  It might have been effective against small arms or light machine gun fire, but not the "heavy" stuff...

We were on pins and needles throughout the night; we didn't know what was going to happen.  As time dragged on, one of our supervisors pulled up in a Jeep -- in the pitch blackness -- we almost blew him away!


Regardless of the circumstances, we had to remain on our post ready to engage the enemy...

If we had decided to "run," not only would that have been cowardice, but it would also have been desertion.  That would have left the security of the perimeter vulnerable to enemy attack; we would have failed to fulfill our duties as Air Force Security Police; we would have been court-martialed and sent to the brig, disgraced, and deserving of dishonorable discharges.  The stigma of our actions would have stayed with us for the rest of our lives...


Regardless of the circumstances, we did remain on our post ready to engage the enemy...

Those men (and women) who are in law enforcement, must run to the sound of the shooting and at least try to neutralize the threat to the innocent.  That was not done in Uvalde.  The police, for some unknown reason, waited for over an hour before ending the carnage.  But it was too late for 19 children and two teachers! 

That did not have to happen, period.   

Remember, there is no greater love than for a man to lay down his life for his friend, neighbor or even a stranger...  

So, if you think that I haven't made my point, and the Uvalde police are not guilty of cowardice, then comment on your reason why.  If you convince me, I'll send you $100 bucks...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


Saturday, July 16, 2022

A Small Child Who Likes To Kill Babies!

  Is there a small child who likes to kill babies, completely violating the Natural Law and God-given common sense??  It's called murder!

Is there a small child who is an abortionist??

Is there a small child who is a mass shooter -- targeting little children??

Is there a "Frankenstein"-zombielike-small-child embedded with artificial intelligence (A.I) running loose??

Is there a small child forcing -- or brainwashing -- his elders to get a deadly injection to fight the "covid" "virus"??

Is there a small child who loves to sniff the hair and whisper dirty things into the ears of other small, female children or young girls??

Is there a small child who just loves to take off his cloths and jump into a pool, naked, embarrassing female Secret Service agents assigned to protect him?? 

Is there a small child who is so incompetent that he might lead us into a nuclear war with the Russian Bear??

Is there a small child strangling our ability to explore and drill for oil and gas while making us more dependent on OPEC+ begging them to produce more oil??   Doesn't make sense, does it? 

Is there a small child who doesn't care that gas prices are skyrocketing, straining the wallets of the average Joe just to fill up his tank, pay his bills and support his family with inflation (officially) running at 9.1 percent (closer to 15-20 percent!)?? 

Is there a small child supporting and championing the bizarre movement of males who want to become females and females who want to become males, completely violating the Natural Law and God-given common sense?? 

Is there a small child who can barely put a coherent sentence together and yells at reporters who try to get a straight answer to easy, softball questions??

Is there a small child who claims to be a "devout Catholic" and encouraged to keep receiving the Holy Eucharist at Mass -- encouraged by the other small child sitting in the Chair of St. Peter?? 

I could ask another million or so questions about a particular small child... But in order not to bore my readers, I would simply ask you to watch this video by Tucker Carlson from the and judge for yourself to see just who -- or what -- our nation is dealing with... Pray!

Biden Was Fed Pills to Function During Campaign, Supervised by Dr. Jill; Before Dosing Biden Was 'Like a Small Child': Tucker Carlson Source (

And pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

Friday, July 15, 2022

Want To See The Face Of Pure Evil...

 Here it is...

Michigan Gov Gretchen Whitmer Signs Order to Promote Killing More Babies in Abortions -

Here is the beginning of the article...

"Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer signed a second pro-abortion executive order to promote the killing of unborn babies in abortions in her state.  (My emphasis.)

Her order is similar to those issued by other pro-abortion Democrat governors in Colorado, Pennsylvania, Maine, North Carolina, Nevada, Rhode Island and Washington state since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade on June 24."

Please read the entire article and see the moral turpitude that has infected our beloved country for far too many decades, espousing the sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance...

This evil and wicked governor Whitmer is the same mass, baby killing murderer, that kept the citizens of Michigan locked down in their homes, destroyed thousands of "mom and pop" businesses during the man-made "pandemic", has been rebuked by the Michigan Supreme Court but still this tyrant remains in office!

What is it that the likes of Whitmer, and Lightfoot, of the war zone Chicago, have on their handlers that they still wield such unrestrained authoritarian power over the citizens of their cities and states?     

The American populace, especially those patriots that live under the heavy fist of these Marxists, must resist any further infringement of their right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, keeping in mind that another planned "pandemic" is on the way just in time for the November elections!  You can take that to the bank... 

Please pray for the defeat of these monsters, and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Democrats Are The Party Of The Damned -- Absolutely And Positively!!

  Am I rash judging all Democrats?  No, I am simply writing about what they themselves say and do.  And, if we are to be defenders of the truth, then we must call out these maniacs for what they are.  

Let's face it, our country is in the depths of moral turpitude.  Sure, the killer decision of Roe v Wade has been overturned, but that is but one of many horrific examples of how low my beloved country as sunk.

Let me be clear: it is not the landmass of the United States of America that is evil and wicked -- the soil, trees and air -- but those who make up the ruling class that have rejected our God and have sold their souls to Satan and his minions...

The father of lies has so brainwashed some Democrats to the extent that they can't even define what a woman is!  Or, still more insane, that men can get pregnant, or that "transgenders" can get pregnant, that is, if you can figure out what or who you are looking at: is that a male or a female????  A male putting on a dress and some lipstick doesn't a female make!  Same for some lunatic female claiming to be a male, make that female -- a male!

Some of these miscreants go much further down the road of stupidity -- and damnation -- by mutilating their bodies, by adding or subtracting certain sexual organs to reverse -- to deny -- what they were when they were born.

Of course, all this leads to the most bizarre and even deadly -- to the soul as well as the body -- sexual choices, many leading to disease and death.  The mainstream, Marxist media never cover this aspect of the sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance, never.

What else has this moral turpitude led to?  

Human sexual enslavement and human trafficking -- especially of minors!  Read: children!

President Trump was not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but he was the most pro-life president in the history of the Republic, bar none.  In addition, during his administration, and under his direction, law enforcement accomplished multiple sting operations freeing hundreds if not thousands of minors, again, read: children, from the captivity of those diabolical human traffickers who racked in millions from their "clients"... 

I would be willing to bet that if we saw a list of names of those who paid for the procurement of minors to satisfy their sexual lust, we would be shocked!  Remember, we are talking about those who have lots of money to burn, including politicians -- of both stripes!  

I want to give my readers an example of just how low and demonic the Democrats have sunk -- as if we already didn't know!

Please read the following article from

House Judiciary Committee Dems Vote Unanimously to Block Measure That Would Have Increased Penalties For Child Sex Traffickers (

Now, I could give one reason that the Demonrats rejected this bill: because it was proposed by a Republican and sponsored by a Republican and they can't have that!  But there is another, more sinister reason: they are the party of the damned, with many of the Demonrats being apostate Catholics, the worst enemies of Christ!

We know the main culprits: Biden, Pelosi, Becerra, Durbin, etc... In fact, about eight of Biden's cabinet heads are "Catholics"!  All are pro-abort; all are pro-homosexual; all are pro-alphabet soup people; you get the idea... 

We have to pray for the conversion of these deviants, if we don't, then we fail the command of our Lord to love our enemies.  Further, if we don't forgive them then we won't be forgiven and that is the worst fate of all! 

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 




Tuesday, July 12, 2022

The Blind Leading The Blind: Supporters Of "Pope" Francis And Those Who Rightfully Counter Bergoglio's Contradictions, Ambiguities And Outright Support For The Culture Of Death...

  Why is it that the post-Vat. II, modernist Catholics cannot see the forest for the trees?   Their blind support for the evil and wicked agenda that emanates from Rome is beyond comprehension! 

Let those who have eyes to see, see, and those who have ears to hear, hear...

I am always amazed at the selectivity of data of Bergoglio's supporters like to use to hammer those faithful Catholics who call out the truth, instead of succumbing to the spirit of the age, i.e., the culture of death, compromise and appeasement so prevalent in the novus ordo "church"...

And, no, the culture of death is not limited to abortion -- the willful killing of the pre-born, or rampant homosexuality, etc. -- it also concerns the death of the soul when priests, bishops, cardinals and popes refuse to admonish a dastardly, grave sinner and call him to repent of his evil habits.

When you add two and two, you generally get four as the answer...

But in the novus ordo world, it's not "nice" to tell a "Catholic" politician that they are jeopardizing their immortal soul if he or she doesn't stop their support for abortion or homosexual "marriage," or forcing nations to the brink of war... Another endless list...

You see, it's all about feelings... And, dare we criticize the pope!  Who do we faithful, traditional Catholics think we are?  Are we better than the pope?  Do we know all the ins and outs of what goes on behind the closed doors of the Vatican City state?  

I don't, do you?

But!  And here is where the above phrase comes in: let those who have eyes to see, see, and those who have ears to hear, hear!

Our Lord God gave us the senses that make up our bodies and minds.  If we are going to use those senses to judge -- yes judge -- another's actions and words, and the consequences of those actions and words, then we have to be true to those senses.  If we are not true to those senses, then we can very easily fall prey to what we see going on in the world, especially what goes on in what passes for the Catholic Church, at least the church that that very same world sees as the Catholic Church... 

But those senses can deceive us -- even what we see with our eyes when we read the Bible.  St. Peter tells us that the unlearned -- the poorly catechized -- can wrest the Scriptures to their own destruction! 

How true!  

Yet, I see and hear this almost on a daily basis by those proclaiming to be just regular Catholic guys and gals, in reality, they have become so enamored, so smitten by the bishop of Rome, Bergoglio, that anyone who claims that the pope is part of the problem plaguing the novus ordo church, that any criticism of the current occupant of the Chair of St. Peter, are something less than Catholic, or schismatic -- or even Protestant!  While, at the same time ignoring the evidence, the proof of his concurrence, or at least his confusing ambiguities, regarding the culture of death.

So be it...

Please see below some of the videos that confirm the twisted, forked-tongued Bergoglio... I can post a million videos to prove this, but here are just a couple...   Judge for yourself...

 (6660) Vigano: Satan's Minions In The Church & The World Will Be Defeated - YouTube.

(6663) LIVE REACTION: Pope Francis comments on Biden Receiving holy communion - YouTube.

(6660) Why did Francis canonize Paul VI and John Paul II? - YouTube.

(6660) Pope Francis: Nancy Pelosi may receive Communion - Latest Interview - YouTube.

Pope Francis: Biden’s support for abortion is a matter for his ‘conscience’ and ‘pastor’ - LifeSite (

Bergoglio's incessant attacks on the Traditional Latin Mass and those faithful Catholics who attend the most beautiful thing this side of Heaven, not to mention those former Ecclesia Dei communities that provide the Mass of the ages: The TLM that produced uncountable Saints and Martyrs over the last 2,000 years!  

Why is he doing this??

Is it to position the Vatican to be part of the new world order, one world religion built on the image and likeness of man, rejecting the Perfect Founder, our Lord, substituting the true faith with an empty shell that looks and sounds "catholic," but will do nothing to lead the flock to Heaven.  Rather, it will -- and has led -- millions of Catholics over the cliff to physical -- and spiritual death forever.... 

Pray to remain true to the truth and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla



Monday, July 11, 2022

Live Free Or Die! Another Example Of A Free People Standing Up To Tyranny...

  How much more proof do we need to see that far too many governments have become the enemy of a free people?  

This phenomenon had become more prevalent over the last few months since the planned food and fuel shortages and supply chain disruptions that has led to near-empty shelves in some supermarkets and grocery stores.  Not to mention the destruction of over 100 food processing plants as well as the slaughter of over 10 million chickens and other poultry.  (The actual number could be as high as 20 million!  This does not take into account the "mysterious" deaths of tens of thousands of beef cattle!  And, no, it's not due to "climate change".)

Add to this witch's brew the illegal prohibition of drilling for oil and gas within our country, as well as offshore and the killing of the XL pipeline... This is only part of the attempt of the illicit Biden "administration" to tighten the stranglehold of these Marxists to bring a once free nation to its knees, and place us under the control of treasonous rats determined to starve and exterminate vast populations of patriotic Americans...

See this short video of Dutch farmers standing up to their tyrannical government!  Can it -- or should it happen here???

Dutch Farmers Ignite Worldwide Anti-Globalist Uprising (

Please pray, pray, pray for strength and honor to stand up and defeat these communist traitors!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

Devastating Implications Of Heretical "Cardinals" Voting In The Next Conclave! (The Sedevacantists Will Have A Field Day, Proving They Are "Right"!)

 Think about the horrific implications of heretics voting for the next pope! What are some of those implications? How about the fact that a ...