Monday, November 30, 2020

Remembering December 7, 1941...

 December is right around the corner and the "day that will live in infamy" is also quickly approaching.

My readers should all know this date from the history books, or had relatives that might have been at Pearl Harbor when the Japanese launched a "sneak attack" on America, Sunday morning, December 7, 1941. Folks were on their way to church; sailors and Marines were in "holiday routine," yet in the process of the raising of the Flag and the military bands were playing the National Anthem; it was 8:00 A.M.... 

Since that infamous day, there have been other "sneak attacks" on America, or, should I say, from within America, by those who's aim is to destroy what the Founding Fathers established: a representative republic designed to have liberty and justice for all..  But we know that there have been, and still are, scallywags intent on making our beloved nation into an image and likeness -- of themselves

The Bible relates how Christ, our Savior, encountered corrupt leaders of His time, filling their pockets with filthy lucre, demanding that those under them live and act a certain way, while, at the same time, lived, just the opposite way.  Christ labeled such men as hypocrites -- one of the reasons for His eventual arrest and crucifixion.  It was obvious that the religious and temporal rulers didn't like being told the truth.  In fact, we know they couldn't even recognize the Truth standing right in front of their eyes!

Why do I bring up biblical history when remembering the attack on Pearl Harbor 79-years ago?  It might help by recounting former president, Eisenhower, and his eye-opening speech, just as he was about to leave office, and the new president, John F. Kennedy, was about to take office.  Eisenhower, the former supreme allied commander in World War II, warned the American people of the threat to our liberties, as well as to our peace and harmony, by the ever-growing and powerful, military industrial complex.  

I understand that there must be a relationship between our military -- let's call it the Pentagon -- and those commercial industries that produce weapons of war to deter, and, if necessary, fight and defeat a perceived enemy.  You can't have one without the other, but Eisenhower's warning referred to those secret entities accruing vast amounts of unaccountable monies from the taxpayers, and using those monies, not for the good of the nation, but for evil purposes.  In effect, creating a false god -- an idolatry! -- of power and control over the foreign policies of our country, and those that make those policies.  It is easy to see where that has led us, down through the years, especially after the Second World War, even to our present day, with un-ending wars and rumors of wars...

President Trump had recognized this sad fact way before he was even considering running for president in 2016.  And now, he is making good his pledge to bring the troops home from at least two war-torn countries; Iraq and Afghanistan, drawing down, in increments, to a point where there will only be about 2,500 troops in each country by the end of January, 2021...

After his announced draw-down, those powerful, deep-staters in the military-industrial complex, went ballistic!  Accusing the president of creating a potential and massive security threat -- to our country!   

How many realize that we have thousands of troops still stationed in Germany?   World War II ended 75 years ago!

How many realize that we have thousands of troops still stationed in South Korea?  The Korean armistice was signed 67 years ago! 

I haven't mentioned the numerous other countries where we have an almost continuous, and ever-growing, military presence, especially in some of the other Middle East nations, as well as on the African Continent.  

Once we get into a quagmire, it is almost impossible, it seems, to dig, or pull ourselves out.  This is not by happenstance, but by careful planning and execution, in my opinion...  

There is always hope, however, and that hope does not lie in one, particular politician or political party to be our "savior," but in the one, true Savior of mankind, Our Lord Jesus Christ.  Without Him we can do nothing, but with Him, we can do everything!  

Pray for President Trump, and pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


Saturday, November 28, 2020

What Will YOU Do, And How Will You Respond If Biden/Harris Hold The White House Hostage??

 As in the Catholic church, we must resist -- to the face! -- this rogue, errant pope Francis, we must also be willing to resist -- to the face! -- a rogue, errant, potential, president Biden, whose hands are dripping with the blood of the pre-born, planning to turn our beloved nation into a third-world hell-hole of socialism, beholding to the likes of the murderous monster dictator, Xi of Communist Red China.  

There is no choice here, but to not accept the results.  We are witnessing a massive election and voter fraud, to such an incredible extent, that has never before been seen in our nation's history.  Will they -- the Demonrats -- get away with it?  We will see, in  the next couple of weeks, when the electors cast their votes in the Electoral College on December 14th.  If all of the challenges of President Trump's legal team fail, we will have a corrupt, compromised Biden, taking the helm of the ship-of-state, that is, until he can no longer put one, single cohesive sentence together.  At that point, the radical anti-Catholic bigot, Harris, will take over.  If that happens, all Catholics -- in fact, all Christians of any stripe -- should get ready for actual persecution and denial of our First Amendment right to practice our religion without coercion or interference from the government.  I should add that our rights do not come from government, but from God almighty as enshrined in the Natural Law.  It is the job of government to safeguard and protect those rights, not infringe or destroy our right to worship God the way He wants us to worship Him!  

The tyrant, Xi, of Red China, recently complained that Americans have too many guns!  Did you get that?   Why would he think and say that?  He knows that a disarmed citizenry cannot stand up to the regime, hell-bent on enslaving its people, that's why.  I don't think he realizes the number of veterans still living and loving their fatherland, as well as the millions of hunters throughout our great land.  There just might be an actual "Red Dawn" in the not-too-distant future, and, maybe, a new generation of "Wolverines" fighting to take back the land of the free and the home of the brave.  Communist dictators and leftist politicians hate the fact that we Americans have the Second Amendment -- the right to keep and bear arms.  That fact upsets and frustrates their plans to make us completely subservient to their every illicit, un-natural whim.  There are already plans in the works to register -- and confiscate -- our weapons!!  That will not happen!  

The so-called "devout Catholic" Biden, and the self-described same, Pelosi, are emboldened by Bergoglio, holding the Chair of St. Peter hostage, as a Biden administration will hold the White House hostage for a possible four-year-term of office; that horrible thought just might become a reality...

Even if President Trump is not successful in winning the Oval Office for a second term, there is no need to completely despair, as we have Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and His most Blessed Mother to sustain us in times of tribulation and persecution!  That is a winning combination that cannot be defeated!

 Pray for strength and honor and pray for President Trump!!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

How Many People Die From Medical Errors In The U.S. Each Year?

 From comes the following harrowing statistics.  Keeping in mind, that the "statistics" are people, not just numbers!! 

Top Health Statistics

  •  Medical billing errors cost Americans $210,000,000,000 annually.
  • Roughly 12,000,000 Americans are misdiagnosed each year.
  • Medical errors cause an estimated 250,000 deaths in the United States annually.
  •  As many as 80 percent of medical bills contain at least one error.
  • A little more than 4,000 surgical errors occur each year.
  • It’s estimated that 7,000 to 9,000 patients die every year from medication errors.

As you can see from our top stats, medical errors are abundant in the American health care system.  What qualifies as a medical error, and how can you know if you or a loved one has been the victim of one?

What Is a “Medical Error”?

According to the book Medical Error, it is defined as a “preventable adverse effect of medical care, whether or not it is evident or harmful to the patient.” (Emphasis added.)

As a patient, you may not even know a medical error has taken place, and even if you do know about it, the medical error may not negatively affect you in any way.  However, many medical errors are quite serious, and can even result in death.

According to data provided by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, one in seven patients on Medicare in a hospital setting is the victim of a medical error.

A Johns Hopkins study released in 2016 estimated that roughly 250,000 people die ANNUALLY because of medical errors.  That would make medical errors the third leading cause of death in the United States, behind only heart disease and cancer.

My comment:  How many people have died, supposedly, from the current "pandemic" of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19)?  According to the CDC, about 6-7 percent of those people infected with the virus have died from March 2020 to the current date of November 24, 2020.  That comes out to about 14,000-15,000, regardless of what the mainstream media propaganda machine spews out daily all over TV and the Internet trying to scare the hell out of a gullible American populace...

Even one death is to be mourned, so how about the 250,000 folks that die from medical errors?  Where is the outcry and investigations and the remedies to curtail these horrific numbers?  Why aren't doctors and pharmaceutical conglomerates put on notice that they will be investigated and brought to justice?  Is it because they feel immune or above answering for their malpractice and malfeasance?

We are currently experiencing another widespread draconian lockdown just in time for the upcoming holiday season.  We've been told that we should be isolated this Thanksgiving and not share our joys with our family and friends.  The next -- and much more important -- celebration of Christmas and the birth of our Savior, seems to be in the crosshairs of the Christ-hating, new-world-order globalists!    We cannot and will not let that happen!  If we do let that happen, then we have no one to blame but ourselves and our milquetoast response to tyrannical governors and mayors, with little or no help coming from weak-kneed Catholic bishops.  They are have the disgusting habit of capitulating to the secular-humanist powers that are in control of almost every aspect of our lives!

Pray for JUSTICE!  And pray for strength and honor!!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Monday, November 23, 2020

Media Silence On The Ongoing Slaughter In Chicago...

 It seems we are literally surrounded by the covid-19 "pandemic" making us all sick and dying by the thousands, or so it seems.  We are told that there is a massive surge in cases, and hospitals are filling up -- again -- yet no one is dissecting the numbers about just who is getting sick, hospitalized or dying.  

Are all the new cases the young and formally healthy?  Are there middle-aged with some previous health issues?  Or, perhaps, are most of those arriving in the hospitals the elderly with some, or many co-morbidities?  Not a single mainstream media source is spilling the beans.  In fact, I haven't seen any of the alternative news sources break down that very important aspect of the statistics we hear about on a daily basis.  It seems that even "our side" is buying the establishment narrative, hook, line and sinker...

An increase in cases does not automatically mean an increase in hospitalizations, nor does it mean an increase in deaths due to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).  I have written in some of my other articles that the CDC's own website posts a footnote under the column for deaths due to covid-19; it reads as follows: Deaths with confirmed or presumed Covid-19.   I just checked, and that footnote is still on their website...  

We also know that there is an agenda perpetrated by the media to continue instilling fear and panic into thinking that wearing an ineffective facemask will save you from catching the Wuhan virus.  Further, we are also told that we must sacrifice our Thanksgiving holiday because of some perceived fear of spreading that particular strain of the flu bug among family and friends.  I can only guess that Christmas will be next, in fact that is already being speculated by the likes of Fauci and many of the states controlled by the tyrannical Democrat governors, and mayors of some of our largest cities.  

That brings me back to the title of this short article: Media silence on the ongoing slaughter in Chicago...

Over this past weekend alone, 50 -- count them 50 -- people were shot, and five killed on the streets of the "Windy City," run by a lunatic lesbian mayor who seems to have nine political lives!  Why is she still running and ruining that once-great city?   

The shootings and killings are so rampant that even the Chicago Sun Times and the Chicago Tribune cannot avoid the reality of their city turned into a war zone...  Their statistics are horrifying: from January 1, 2020 to November 9, 2020, SIX HUNDRED AND SEVENTY SIX PEOPLE HAVE BEEN KILLED!  WITH 3,619 PEOPLE SHOT, FATAL AND NON-FATAL, COMBINED DURING THE SAME TIME PERIOD, with nearly a month-and-a-half yet to go in 2020!

Like I said, Chicago is now, and has been, a war zone for far too long, yet the media silence on the malfeasance of mayor Lightfoot is truly deafening... 

As we are being barraged by the coronavirus news, innocent men, women -- and yes children! -- are being gunned-down with their lives tragically ended by gang lords and drug dealers fighting to keep their turf from being invaded by other criminals who want a piece of their pie...

Whether a flu virus or shootings on the sidewalks of our cities, the main cause is the fallen nature of mankind, in essence, a rejection of our good God, and an embrace of evil over good...  Nothing will change, unless and until, hearts and minds change and return to the tenets of the Natural Law and the divinely revealed laws of Our Lord's true religion...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


Saturday, November 21, 2020

Is COVID-19 The Real Enemy Of Your Health?

 How deadly is the COVID-19 virus?


Here is some info: Yes ... is highly contagious and can be transmitted from an infected person to an uninfected person, mainly when a person with ... coughs, sneezes, speaks, or even sings (known as airborne transmission or airborne disease). Other people who breathe in the aerosolized bacteria can become infected.

I must admit that I was not completely honest with my readers.  The above contagion refers to tuberculosis (TB), not COVID!  In 2019, there were just under 9,000 cases of TB in the U.S., according to the CDC.  But even though this disease is highly contagious, there is no face-mask mandate anywhere in the United States to help prevent the spread of this deadly disease.

What about the common cold?

Isn't the common cold highly contagious if someone coughs and sneezes near you and you breathe in the germs?   The common cold has been around since Adam and Eve got kicked out of the Garden, yet there is no vaccine; never has been, and probably never will be.  The best way to help alleviate the symptoms is to drink plenty of fluids and enjoy some Jewish penicillin, chicken soup!

Yet, during the cold -- and flu -- season, there is no face-mask mandate.  Why?

According to the CDC, the rate of recovery from the COVID-19 virus is an astounding 99-plus percent for all ages until one reaches the 60th year or older, even then, the rate is still over 94 percent!  

So, is COVID-19 the real enemy of your health?

No.  The real enemies are the draconian measures dictated by badge-heavy bureaucrats arbitrarily imposing illicit, un-constitutional mandates keeping our faces covered and (un)-social distancing requirements, keeping us separated from family and friends, especially those in support facilities such as nursing homes and hospices...

In addition, the number of men, women and children adversely affected by isolation, face-mask-wearing, and lockdowns, is incalculable and is sure to be in the hundreds, if not thousands of deaths, including suicide.  That is the real tragedy of this so-called pandemic!

Now, the Thanksgiving holiday is, for all practical purposes, consigned to the dustbin of history, that is, if you and I allow this sham to continue.  We must resist at all costs, because the birth of our Savior -- that we celebrate at Christmastime -- is next on the chopping block!  This is not by accident, but by the design of godless, power-control-freak politicians and the mindless robots that pass for "law enforcement" that, for the most part, do the bidding of these miscreants.  Remember, all law enforcement officers, whether they walk a beat, patrol in a vehicle or guard a courthouse, took an oath to God almighty to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.  In effect, those who carry out the illicit dictates of the Marxists rabble, are traitors who have violated that sacred oath.

There is always another side of the COVID-19 story... It is you!  And me!  If we allow these new-world-order criminals to carry out their destructive agenda, then we are the enemy, because we will be complicit by our silence and inaction!


Pray for strength and honor!!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Friday, November 20, 2020

The Lunacy Of KILLING The Death Penalty...

 They're at it again!  

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) -- comprised, mostly, of modernist/liberal democrat sympathizers, have once again called on the Trump administration to cease all federal executions.  In essence, this would mean killing the death penalty in America (pun intended).  

Their reasoning?  They claim that capital punishment is not necessary to protect society.  Did you get that?   That claim bears repeating: they say that capital punishment is not necessary to protect society!

Not only is this complete lunacy on the part of these "bishops," it flies in the face of what the Catholic Church has taught for millennia: that the state has a right to protect the commonweal (the welfare of the public) from heinous murderers and the like.

In addition to protecting the commonweal, there is the incentive for the convicted felon who knows that his life will shortly end, to repent and come back to the Natural Law (engraved on the hearts of every human that is born into the world) and, especially, Christ, his Maker.  Without this incentive, and, with the possibility of parole, he sees little to convince him to change his ways and get back on the straight and narrow road that leads to the heavenly beatitude. 

If one was to follow the "logic" of the USCCB, and apply it to Christ, then Our Lord, would not, and could not, have been crucified by the Jews after Pilate washed his hands of the entire matter.  

Remember, Our Lord told Pilate that he (Pilate) would have no power over Him if it wasn't given to him by His Father, indicating that the state authorities do have the power to impose harsh penalties, up to and including the taking of the life of the malefactor.  

I find it interesting and terribly ironic, that most of these very same bishops refuse to condemn "Catholic" politicians for their outright and radical support for abortion -- the killing of the pre-born! 

Here is an excerpt from their statement and plea to President Trump: “The death penalty is not necessary to protect society. It is not necessary to hold people accountable for grave crimes,” they declare. “The decision not to execute someone, even someone who has done something terrible, is not ‘soft on crime’; rather, it is strong on the dignity of life.”  

Except the pre-born???


And folks wonder why what passes for the Catholic Church in America is in such dire straits: homosexual "priests," "bishops," "cardinals," "popes," rabid sexual abuse of the innocent, failure to ex-communicate the likes of Biden, Pelosi and their ilk, not to mention idolatry...  What a disastrous message this sends to the rest of the world, not to mention also a confused and scandalized laity...

Sure, I'll put my trust and obedience in the cabal known as the USCCB!  Like hell, I will...

Pray for strength and honor!!  

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us... 

(Some material for this article was gleaned from an article on

Gene DeLalla

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Dignity: The State Or Quality Of Being Worthy Of Honor Or Respect.

 And, a sense of pride in oneself; self-respect...

I Ask: do these two definitions fit those reporters; those journalists that report the "news" in the mainstream media?  

Can you trust that their reporting is fair and unbiased?  

It has become quite clear that the answer is absolutely not.  

The attacks on the President of the United States, Donald Trump, over the past four years -- even when he first considered running for the highest office in the land back in 2015 -- have been non-stop.  If their theories were correct about collusion with Communist Russia, or that he conspired to establish a quid-pro-quo with Ukrainian officials in some way, that would be one thing.  Then, nearly all those "journalists" jumped on the impeachment band-wagon, supporting wholeheartedly, the unrelenting attempt of the deep-state and the corrupt Democratic congressmen (and women) to remove a duly elected president from office, in a coup d'état.

The grand irony of all these attacks on Mr. Trump, is that the very ones doing the attacking are the ones committing the treasonous acts, not the president!   But this is right out of the Marxist playbook where there is little or no chance -- at least not in the mainstream media -- to get a fair shake in the court of public opinion...

Of course, another clear indication of the hypocrisy of the leftist media is the free-pass given to the actual perpetrator of high crimes and misdemeanors, and, as part of those crimes, an actual quid-pro-quo that Biden and his cronies (including his son, Robert Hunter) was bold enough to state in a video for all to see and hear!!

I titled this short article -- Dignity: the state or quality of being worthy of honor or respect, along with the second definition: a sense of pride in oneself; self-respect... 

Sorry, I don't hear anything from those reporters that even hints at fairness or self-respect.  On the contrary, they don't even try to hide their bias and their disdain for the president.  Moreover, they despise tradition and moral values, and, most importantly, disrespecting the dignity of pre-born children!

What to make of all the voting and election fraud now plastered all over the TV and Internet?  Another coup d'état is unfolding right before our eyes, with fraudulent vote counts, as well as incredible numbers of votes that magically appeared overnight when you and I went to bed!  Nearly ALL those newly-found votes were for Biden; that is a statistical impossibility!   Without fair and unbiased elections, our beloved country will sink to the level of the Socialists/Marxist hellholes that pass for nation-states...

We must continue to pray for our President Trump and for a true counting and reconciliation of the vote totals, if that is done, he will continue to be in the Oval Office for the next four years...

Pray for strength and honor -- dignity and self-respect!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

If You Don't Exercise Your CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS, They Will Be CRUSHED!

 The "second wave" of the so-called Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) is upon us, so say the political and medical tyrants.  Translation: if you don't obey our illicit, unlawful, un-constitutional dictates, you will be singled-out as a spreader of the "pandemic"; you will be shamed; you will be denied access to services. And now, it has been announced there is a plan in the works that airlines will demand folks have a "passport," or "certificate" proving you've been vaccinated, or at least tested, for the coronavirus, no longer than 72 hours before flying on their jets!

I am a veteran.  I receive updates in my e-mail about various goings-on at the VA.  The latest should make every veteran leery about what I read, in short, it described that health-care workers, and veterans will be the first to be offered the new Covid-19 vaccine.  

What's next?

Forced vaccinations for every man, woman, and child in the U.S., formerly the land of the free and the home of the brave!

With the new restrictions being announced almost on a daily basis: mandatory facemasks; disallowing large gatherings for Thanksgiving, and, in some cases, forbidding the holiday altogether, with Christmas being next on the chopping block.  That is not an exaggeration but has been proposed by such leftists as "Dr." Fauci, and the lesbian mayor of Chicago, Lightfoot.  Forget about California, with Gov. Newsom "allowing" strip clubs to operate, but keeping churches under lock and key, or restricting worship services to the out-of-doors, if at all. 

Newsom, by the way is "Catholic"!

The great apostacy is alive and well among the majority of those who call themselves Catholic, with many voting not only for the baby-killers Biden and Harris, but also voted for B. Hussein Obama, not once, but twice.  In addition, recent surveys show that nearly 70 percent of those same Catholics no longer believe in the Real Presence of Our Lord in the Holy Eucharist.  This is a spiritual disaster, and is responsible for the milquetoast response, not only by the laity, but also -- and more importantly -- by the hierarchy to the secular demands to shut the churches down, without a fight or at least a debate, during the last- and now the supposed new-wave of the flu bug.

The infringement of our God-given rights will not end unless and until we law-abiding citizens rise up to defend our rights, but also those rights that are rarely mentioned: the rights of God, and His demand that we worship Him according to His dictates, not the phony dictates of the secular humanists who despise the very God Who made them...

What will you do?  Will you submit and be enslaved, or fight for yourself and your family?

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

On November 18, 1920, Russia Legalized Abortion...

 On the anniversary date of Russia legalizing abortion, on November 18, 1920, over 1,000,000,000 -- that's a BILLION!! -- babies have been exterminated in the most brutal and barbaric of ways, worldwide...

In 1917, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to three children at Fatima, Portugal.  She showed the children souls free-falling into the abyss of hell; numerous as snowflakes!  

Our Lady told many things to those three innocent children.  One of the things she emphatically mentioned was that if mankind didn't change their ways, there would be another, more terrible war (World War II, to be exact) where many good men would die.  Of course, that means that when they died, they would meet her Son at their Particular Judgment, and account for their works -- good or evil...

The Fatima apparition was doubted by many, that is, until, in a rainy, muddy field, nearly 70,000!! people -- both believers and non-believers alike, witnessed the miracle of the sun.  For those who are not familiar with this dramatic display of sheer power shown by the Mother of God, the sun "danced" and looked as though it was about to fall from the sky, come to earth and burn up the earth.  It didn't burn up the earth or the people -- gathered in pure fear for their very lives -- but what did happen, is that the muddy field, along with the wet clothes of those watching, became instantly dry.  This phenomenon was also seen many miles distant from Fatima, by reputable observers.  

It is also interesting that this great miracle was practically unknown here in the U.S.  I would guess that was by design, but that's just a guess...

One of the main reasons that Our Blessed Lady appeared to the three children, was to tell them that Russia must be consecrated to her Immaculate Heart in order for Russia to stop spreading her errors.  This must be done by all the bishops of the world in conjunction with the currently reigning pope.  We see the results of that emphatic demand never being fulfilled: continued wars and rumors of wars.  Meaning, the destruction of many innocent lives.  And today, there is an ongoing war against the most innocent and vulnerable of our species: the pre-born!        

Let's call it what it is: genocide!  This genocide includes all races and creeds; no baby is spared where the killing of the pre-born is "legal."  

Our dear country is still under the scourge of this on-going slaughter; one that must come to an end.  President Trump is the most pro-life president this nation has ever known, but if the likes of Biden and Harris successfully orchestrate the coup d'etat against Mr. Trump, then all bets are off.  The barbarism of human sacrifice will continue -- we have Biden's pledge to use more taxpayer monies to fund the killing of the pre-born!  We cannot let that happen!

Pray and beg for mercy from the Lord of Lords!

Pray too, for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla



Monday, November 16, 2020

From The Mouth Of Biden: "...We Have...The Most Extensive Voter Fraud Organization In The History Of American Politics"...

 Where do I begin?   Read Biden's own words about his deep, deep, arrogant, and overt corruption...

 Judge for yourself: do you want a corrupt politician that has been sitting in the Congress of the United States for 47 years, with hands dripping with blood from aborted babies, occupying the White House for four years?

I don't!

The following is taken from a Breitbart article, but there are numerous organizations that have reported the following, same words.

"Secondly, we’re in a situation where we have put together — and you’d [sic] guys, did it for our, the president Obama’s administration, before this — we have put together, I think, the most extensive and and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics."

If I was a prosecuting attorney, I could very easily use the words of this felon to cement a conviction, and send him to a federal penitentiary for the rest of his natural life.  Yet, the mainstream media has a very short memory, or, to more accurately describe their dementia: they conveniently overlook his crimes -- and, are in fact, complicit in them.  

The fight for the presidency of the U.S. is much more than a changing of the guard.  It is more of a radical transformation from a representative Republic, to that of a Socialist/Marxist hell-hole, that is, if Biden does, in fact, gain the votes of the various state electors of the Electoral College, reaching the magical 270 mark.  

It is my opinion, if there is any justice remaining in our beloved nation and the corruption, graft, fraud, and election shenanigans are proved and rectified, President Trump will remain at the helm of the ship-of-state for the next four years.  

But that is only one aspect of the current dilemma; the other is to see that those responsible for the attempt at a coup d'etat, to remove a duly elected president, through voter fraud, are brought before a jury of their peers, to pay the price for their treason.  Remember, those elected officials, as well as those who overlook the election process, have violated their sacred oath to God to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.

As the time approaches for the electors to cast their votes, pray for justice and for our country...

Pray too, for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Sunday, November 15, 2020

The Medical Tyrants Are Calling For Thanksgiving To Be Cancelled -- And Now Christmas??

 This is not a joke!  There are some municipalities and even larger cities, calling for the cancellation of the traditional, secular holiday of Thanksgiving -- because of a new surge in Covid-19 cases.  Not deaths, mind you, but cases!  Ignoring the fact that over 99 percent of those who get sick (from this particular strain of the flu bug) recover.

What's the next target?  Christmas...

This is not a joke either...  

It seems that the supposed leader of the Catholic world, Pope Francis (Bergoglio) has indicated that Christmas midnight Mass will not be celebrated at the Vatican this year.

Let that sink in.

Thanksgiving is one thing, but to not recognize the birth of the Savior of the world because of capitulating to the faux Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) "pandemic" is a pathetic move on the part of the Marxist-influenced former archbishop from Argentina, Bergoglio.

Why should anyone be surprised?  After all, he participated in idolatry with the Pachamama goddess (piece of wood), prominently displayed in St. Peter's Basilica, along with other direct attacks on the true, unchangeable teachings of the Magisterium of 2,000 years.

Because of the actions and anti-Catholic ramblings emanating from the mouth of Bergoglio, the hierarchy of the U.S. are emboldened in their milquetoast response to the secular authorities, thinking that it relieves them of the responsibilities to protect and guide their flocks entrusted to them.  Sorry, bishops; vincible ignorance is no excuse -- and will not satisfy Our Lord's JUSTICE when you stand before Christ at your Particular Judgment!

This is not my opinion.  Here is the pertinent section of the definition of vincible ignorance: (CCC #1860)  No one is deemed to be ignorant of the principles of the moral law, which are written in the conscience of every man.

That's the Natural Moral Law, can you imagine the consequences of being vincibly ignorant of God's divinely revealed law as given to us in the Ten Commandments and the Gospels?

Will you celebrate Thanksgiving this year with you family and friends?  Or will you submit to the illicit, un-constitutional fiats of the one-world-order globalists; whether a mayor, county government, or governor of the state, all the way up to the president?   

Christmas is next!  Will you submit to the God-haters (Marxists) and not worship Our Lord on His Birthday???

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Does Archbishop Gomez Of The Diocese Of Los Angeles Have His "Eyes Wide Shut"?

 I can ask that question of the entire cabal of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops -- the USCCB (I'll use that acronym for the remainder of this article).

"Archbishop" Gomez is the head of the second largest Catholic archdioceses in the U.S., yet he continues to scandalize Catholics, not only in his diocese, but permeates throughout the country, from coast to coast.  

One of the consequences of this so-called shepherd, of the nonsense spewed from his mouth, as well as out of the mouths of the majority of those bishops that make up the USCCB, is the disheartened folks of good will, who once were thinking of entering the Catholic Church.  What must they think when they hear congratulatory messages from the fawning Gomez and his brother bishops to Biden and Harris? Gomez has already declared him to be the second Catholic president of the United States; with John F. Kennedy being the first.  Harris, too, was congratulated on becoming the first female vice president.  Someone should tell Gomez that neither Biden, nor Harris have won the White House, at least not yet!

The anti-life, pro-death record of Biden -- the "Catholic" -- and K. Harris -- the anti-Catholic bigot -- are readily available for all to read.  Both Biden and Harris have the blood of the innocents on their hands, pledging allegiance to, and funding the destroyer of the pre-born: "planned parenthood," as well as other so called pro-choice organizations and groups around the country.

Can "archbishop" Gomez be so ignorant of Church teaching and the Natural Law to somehow sidestep his responsibility to admonish these grave, public sinners, and call for their repentance?  

When I see the diabolical shenanigans of these defectors from the Catholic faith, it makes me wonder if there is any supernatural faith left in their souls?  I know that only God can judge the hearts and souls of His creatures, but Our Lord also tells us in the Bible that by their fruits you will know them.  In fact, He states that twice in rapid succession, meaning the point should be well-taken, and without doubt!

In an article posted on, Gomez said this: “I believe that at this moment in American history, Catholics have a special duty to be peacemakers, to promote fraternity and mutual trust, and to pray for a renewed spirit of true patriotism in our country,” Gomez added.

I would ask the archbishop -- At any price?  By appeasement?  By compromise?  He also takes a jab at President Trump by praying "...for a renewed spirit of true patriotism in our country."  Implying, of course, that Mr. Trump has been a divider, not a unifier, simply because he believes that America comes first, and then our aid and encouragement to other countries...

If anyone thinks that I'm being a little too critical of Gomez, here is a quote from Hugh Brown of the American Life League: "The reality of the USCCB issuing a statement of congratulations to Joe Biden should not be a surprise to anyone. The USCCB is a feckless spineless conglomerate of dead souls. They are not the descendants of the Apostles. They are what St. John Paul II referred to when he wrote of the Anti-Church. Every Catholic should shake the dust from his feet regarding the USCCB. Listen to them not. We must put our faith in Christ."

It is time for the faithful Catholic to realize that compromise and appeasement never work -- for our side -- but only for those who would like nothing better than to see the Bride of Christ brought to her knees.  Right now, she is almost down for the count; all it will take is one last kick in the ribs to knock her out of the fight, or so it would seem to the world.  But that same world does not believe what Our Lord has promised: the gates of hell will not prevail against His church...  How about you, archbishop Gomez, do you believe His promise??  Or, have you already capitulated to the spirit of the world?

Pray for our country, and pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla 


Friday, November 13, 2020

If The Oval Office Is Held Hostage By Biden, His COVID Team "Doctor" Wants Another 4 to 6 Week National Lockdown!

 This is from Yahoo!...

"As the U.S. continues to set new daily record highs of coronavirus cases, at least one doctor on President-elect Joe Biden’s coronavirus task force is floating the idea of shutting down businesses in a lockdown that could last four to six weeks to control the spread of the pandemic.

In a Wednesday interview with Yahoo Finance Live, Dr. Michael Osterholm, who currently serves as director of the Center of Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, stressed that the country is in a position to pay its workers to stay home.

“We could pay for a package right now to cover all of the lost wages for individual workers, for losses to small companies, to medium-sized companies or city, state, county governments. We could do all of that,” he said. “If we did that, then we could lock down for four to six weeks and if we did that, we could drive the numbers down.”'

My Comment: "...we could drive the numbers down."  What numbers, exactly?  The numbers of deaths?  The deaths supposedly due to Covid have been decreasing, not increasing.  The numbers of cases?  The number of cases means nothing, as the CDC itself reports that 99.9 percent of all those who come down with, again, supposedly, Covid, recover!  And, do you know how this lunatic wants to pay for all this?  By borrowing more money thereby increasing the already out-of-control debt.  Keep in mind that most of the money that the U.S. government borrows is financed by -- guess what countries? -- China, Japan the U.K. and others.  In other words, our nation is being manipulated like a puppet on a string!  

But "doctor" Osterholm never mentions the extreme negative effects of these stupid, unnecessary -- and deadly -- lockdowns: despair; an increase in sickness, suicide, alcohol, and even familial, physical abuse.   

It also is a fact that other countries that have instituted such extreme isolation of its populace have seen the terrible results, but Osterholm seems to ignore these data; why?  The only conclusion that can come from such ignorance, is that he is part of an ideological agenda instead of fulfilling his oath to his patients.

It should be noted that the Hippocratic oath that all doctors supposedly still take, clearly states: First Do No Harm.  The recommendations that Osterholm is making, directly contradicts his oath and endangers both young and old citizens of our beloved country. 

If Biden does get to the White House, this is only one aspect that we freedom-loving patriots will face -- along with an assault on the Second Amendment!  Make no mistake, we will have to make a personal and national decision to resist -- to the face -- the actions of a rogue president, determined to undermine our way of life, and, most importantly, the continuing attack on the pre-born!

President Trump must win the election!!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Calls For "Unity" ---- From Biden???

 The corrupt, pro baby-killer, bought-and-paid-for, "Catholic," hypocrite, pro-riot/insurrectionist, "president elect," Biden, is calling for -- get this -- "unity"!!   It is time, he says, to stop calling our opponents "enemies," and re-unite the country.

If this incoherent, poor excuse for a politician wasn't so serious -- at least in his demented mind -- his call for unity would be downright laughable.   But it is laughable to the nth degree!

My dear readers, what we have in the form of Mr. Biden, is the result of decades of moral depravity, deceit, a cunning sell-out of his own country, an extreme attack on the pre-born for most of his adult "Catholic" life, and an attempt of a massive cover-up of his just-as-corrupt-son, Robert Hunter by buying-off the then-corrupt Ukraine government.  J. Biden is on video telling the Ukrainians that if the prosecutor (investigating his son's filthy schemes) isn't fired in six hours, $1,000,000,000 -- BILLION dollars!-- in "aid" would be withheld.  And, according to his own words: "...son of a bitch, he got fired..."  

Yes, this is the character that -- heaven forbid! -- might get to be at the helm of the ship-of-state, guiding our beloved country to who knows where, and at what price...

What is speculated, is that if -- and that's a big IF -- Biden is not defeated after all the illicit votes are thrown out, and he takes office in January, 2021, Harris -- the anti-Catholic bigot, and co-conspirator in the slaughter of the pre-born, will take over as president.  We know this because Biden, to put it mildly, is simply not all there.  

Just think, Biden and Harris are the low-life's that will have to deal with North Korea, Iran (again selling us out?), and his real pals, Communist Red China.  If anyone thinks that Red China is not going to eventually attack and annex Taiwan, I have a bridge for sale.... And, do you think a Biden administration will fight for Taiwan?  No, just the opposite: he will gladly hold the door open for the Red Menace to take over a free people and make them slaves of the Mao's "utopia."

I find it hard to believe that over 70,000,000 Americans voted for Biden.  But then again, half of the "Catholic" population of our nation voted in favor of Biden, or, to put it another way; against President Trump.  These are the same apostate "Catholics" that voted not once, but twice for the Muslim, B. Hussein Obama, keeping him in office as commander-in-chief of the baby killers wreaking so much havoc and destruction on the most vulnerable and innocent of the human race...

You can readily see the depth of the evil of the anti-Christs, allied against the most pro-life president in the history of our country in the person of Mr. Trump.  How and why is this happening?  The answer is almost too simple: when people reject the God Who made them, Our Lord will allow the operation of error to infiltrate their intellects, twisting and warping their ability to recognize right from wrong.  Such folks use their free-will to purposely choose evil over good, thinking perhaps, they are doing the will of God?  Another reason that Biden has gotten away with his radical support for the likes of "planned parenthood" and other baby killers, is the milquetoast -- or even, non-response -- from his "Catholic" bishop in admonishing and correcting him, publicly.  In reality, Biden should have been ex-communicated from the church many years ago.  It seems, however, that the bishops are political animals too; forgetting their primary duty: to guide their flock to Christ, but instead have sold their souls for power, position, and influence in this world, regardless of the consequences they will have to face in the next...

Calls For "Unity" -- From Biden???   His "unity" entails appeasement and compromise -- from his opponents, with little or no give-and-take...  That is not "unity," but the path to total enslavement and domination...

Pray for Biden's ultimate defeat, as well as for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


Wednesday, November 11, 2020


 If something doesn't go your way, you just might exclaim the following: "Oh, Rats"!  Some folks, however, have been known to use, shall we say, a slightly more descriptive phrase, rated at least "PG-13," to express their frustration, and maybe even anger...

The "rats" I'm referring to, has little to do with any particular frustration, but to those men in black -- the hierarchy of the Catholic church -- that have been tasked with the grave responsibility to guide their flock to Christ and everlasting life.

We know from our catechism that the reason why we are here on this earth, is to know, love, and serve God in this life, and be happy with Him in the next.  Every little child knows this, so why have so many adults forgotten the primary goal to persevere to the end of the race, and win the eternal prize??   There seems to be a massive rebellion against this basic premise, in favor of sacrificing the chance of sharing in the joys of heaven for the fleeting and very temporary pleasures that this world has to offer.

Take for instance, the recent endorsement and congratulatory messages for "president elect," Joseph Biden, keeping in mind that Biden and company are the most radical of all individuals or groups that are in favor of dismembering or chemically dissolving the tiny pre-born baby girl developing in her mother's womb.  In fact, he has pledged to use even more taxpayer monies to fund this ongoing genocide, particularly those babies of our black brothers and sisters! 

If Biden claims to be a "practicing Catholic," and he does, wouldn't you wonder what a non-practicing Catholic would look and act like??  It seems that the moral and spiritual bar has been lowered to such an extent, that not even a slithering, slimy slug would be unable to crawl under it.  If there is no admonishing of such public sinners, or public ex-communication of these apostates, how can anyone have one ounce of faith in the actions and statements coming out of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB)??  

How can this be happening?  

One answer is that these traitors of Christ, Our Lord, are emboldened by the words, writings, and actions emanating from the mouth and pen of the currently reigning, Bishop of Rome, pope Bergoglio.

The pope is supposed to be the leader of over 1,000,000,000 --BILLION -- Catholics, guarding and upholding the sacred Deposit of Faith: Scripture and Tradition.  He is not to be an innovator, yet that is exactly what he is doing with his attacks on traditional religious houses; the teachings on faith and morals; idolatry, and, it is rumored, the next item on the chopping block, is the Traditional Latin Mass.  I will say this: if the Traditional Latin Mass is abrogated, there should be -- no, there will be rebellion, and I hope, disobedience by our priests loyal to Christ, not a renegade pope!  I admit, that if that happens, a whole "Pandora's Box" of worms will be let loose, and maybe that's what it will take to shake these apostates to their very bones, and return them to the only faith that will save their souls!! 


Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Anger Management: Be Angry And Sin Not (St. Paul)...

 For anyone that believes in truth, justice, and the American way, it is difficult not to be angry at what we see going on in our beloved fatherland, with voter fraud in the recent presidential election; support for baby killers; rampant homosexuality in the clergy -- and not just in the "Catholic" clergy, but also in the various Protestant denominations.  The only difference is, is that you don't hear about that.  Or; how about homosexual predators in the Jewish communities?  Nope, not there either...

Has anyone lost their only means of generating income for themselves and their families due to a phony "pandemic" of the so-called Wuhan coronavirus (covid-19)?  How could anyone not be angry at that?

How could anyone not be angry at the violence of the radical leftists and their minions in the Marxist movement to destroy our cities and the primary building block of society -- the family unit?

How could faithful Catholics look and listen to Pope Bergoglio and not be angry and dismayed at his defiance of what the church has taught for 2,000 years regarding faith and morals?

If you listen and watch the mainstream media, how could any right-thinking patriot not be angry at the biased, bigoted and racially charged comments fomenting discord and violence in our inner cities?  It should be noted, by the way, that they are mostly run by Democrats, hence the untamed and uncontrolled murder and mayhem we hear about almost on a daily basis; e.g., Chicago, where this past weekend over 50 people were shot and five or more mortally?

Are we in a war zone, or is this the "new normal"?

Just think: if Biden and company manage to steal the Oval Office, there just might be an actual civil war.  And, no, I am not the only patriot who thinks that scenario is possible.  That is why upholding and defending our Second Amendment rights is so important, because if that God-given right to self-defense is weakened or completely destroyed, all our other God-given rights will be, for all practical purposes, null and void.  In other words, we will be subject to the whims and dictates of the oligarchs and their anti-American, communist handlers.   

True Americans, cannot, and will not, let that stand!

As the church goes, so goes society...

There is so much of an anti-life, pro-culture of death ethos that permeates our society, and, in particular the clergy -- both Catholic, Protestant and Jewish -- that it is apparent to me that our good God is punishing us for our sins and the attacks on His gift of life and family.  Far too many people have given themselves over to Satan and his minions for power, influence, and position in this life, and to hell with the consequences they will face in the next.  

We should be angry about what we see and hear on a daily basis, but we should also be angry and hate -- yes hate! -- sin and evil.  We cannot claim to love God and, at the same time, love sin!  That is a spiritual impossibility!  We have to make the right choice; a choice that will determine our eternal fate...

As St. Paul tells us in Ephesians, 4:26 (King James Version): " angry and sin not."   

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


Monday, November 9, 2020

Conspiracy Of Evil...

 The word conspiracy is thrown around these days, helter-skelter, with the actual meaning obscured by overuse and abuse.  So, to clear things up, here is the meaning of the word in question: a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.

Let me now list some of those elements and people that have taken part in the recent presidential election, uncovering a conspiracy of evil to defraud the American people of their licit votes, replacing them with illicit votes -- almost every single vote! -- favoring Biden and Harris, over President Trump and Vice President Pence.

First and foremost is J. Biden... He may be the head, but he is being wagged by the tail of his handlers!  In effect, he is a useful idiot, as are those who support him, and that includes apostate "Catholics" -- see here: over 50 percent of apostate "Catholics" of the novus ordo (new world order "Catholic" church).

Can I identify these apostate "Catholics"?   


Law enforcement uses a term to describe the boss of all bosses in the Italian mob (Mafia): capo di tutti capi. 

The same can be applied to the hierarchy of the parallel "Catholic" church, only in this instance, it would be the USCCB (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops).  These apostates -- with very few exceptions -- are responsible for the ecclesiastical chaos we see in the U.S. among those who still claim to be Catholic in some way, shape or form.   In Rome, the head of all heads, would be Bergoglio, occupying the Chair of St. Peter, and as such, is considered to be the head of what passes for the Catholic church in the world at large.  Their support for Obama, and now Biden, is unbelievable!   

What despicable traitors of Christ!

In the U.S. government, we have the "deep state" consisting of an entrenched hierarchy of previously appointed career politicians of the former anti-life, Muslim president, Obama.   But it goes even deeper than that... In the intelligence community, the real handlers of agencies such as the CIA, NSA, the FBI, and the other ten or so bureaucratic institutions are a cabal of evil, war-mongering, anti-Americans: it is called the military industrial complex that former President Eisenhower warned us about just before he left office.  He declared that they "live" for war and death, and the almighty dollar.  Their allegiance is not to the American people and our nation, but to the world, the flesh and the devil!

What despicable traitors to America!

These apostates -- whether Catholic or not -- are traitors to our country!  This is only the tip of the massive iceberg that is hidden just below the surface and when the ship-of-state rams the steel-hard-frozen sea water, calamity and death occur, as did the "unsinkable" Titanic that slipped under the two-mile-deep North Atlantic in less than two hours, swallowing up nearly 1,500 victims and sending them to their watery graves... 

Without Christ, Our Lord, there is chaos and despair.  He has promised that the gates of hell will never prevail against His Church, that promise gives succor and hope to His faithful...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Sunday, November 8, 2020

New World Order = Enslavement For You And Your Family!

 If election results of the traitor/Marxist Biden -- and the even more radical Harris -- stands, the New World Order will have it's biggest -- compromised -- proponent sitting in the Oval Office for at least a few months.  

Wait!  Isn't the term of president four years?  Yes, but Biden is incoherent much of the time; can't even remember where he is much of the time, and can't speak extemporaneously much of the time without a teleprompter spoon-feeding him what to say so he doesn't make a fool out of himself -- as he does much of the time...

So what will happen after the "few months" that I mentioned?  Harris will assume the presidency.  If and when that happens, get ready to defend yourself and your freedoms to the ultimate sacrifice!  This will be a war -- not only of words, but a physical war.  It just might be another "Mad Max" scenario where we have to take the offense in order for us and our families to survive and defend our rights, especially our right -- and duty -- to worship our good God.  Make no mistake, the family unit will be -- and has been -- the target of the evil one since our first parents were thrown out of the Garden! 

I know most Americans have very short memories -- can that be because of the various poisons, including fluoride, that has been added to the municipal water supplies? -- so I will remind my readers that we have Biden, in a video, speaking at the CFR, telling his cronies that if the prosecutor in the Ukraine isn't fired (the one investigating his corrupt son, Robert Hunter), the government will not get the $1,000,000,000 (BILLION!) in "aid." 

What I just described is a "quid pro quo."  Remember too, that the hard left always accuse us -- and President Trump -- of what they do!

The illicit election of Biden and company -- if not overturned -- will be the culmination of a coup d' tat . And I pray that coup will fail miserably, and President Trump will prevail and serve our nation for four more years.  

Let us also remember that Biden is an apostate "Catholic" who supports, to the hilt, the baby-killing machine, "planned parenthood," as well as other baby-slaughtering "industries" reaping in hundreds of millions of dollars in blood money.   He will foster, and probably increase, the annual windfall of taxpayer monies that helps to pay for the ongoing genocide of the pre-born.  President Trump is attempting to defund, as much as possible, this scourge of death: the real plague, the real pandemic, wounding our country.  

I, for one, will not recognize Biden as the legitimate leader of our country, if he, in fact, takes office.  

He is an agent of the Marxists.  He has sold his soul to Satan for power and influence in this world, regardless of the consequences he will surely face at his Particular Judgment in the next...

Pray that the legal team assembled to defend Mr. Trump gets to the bottom of the corruption in the recent election, indicts and prosecutes those responsible successfully, and that our president will continue at the helm of the ship-of-state...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


Thursday, November 5, 2020

Massive Voter Fraud + Apostate "Catholics" = The Ascent Of Socialists/Marxists To The White House And The End Of Our Republic As We Know It...

 If the massive voter fraud is not exposed and corrected, then be prepared for the Socialists/Marxists to take control, not only of the Oval Office in January of 2021, but also of what is left of our Republic, and the implementation of outright tyranny, choking our God-given rights to death, in our once-free nation.

Let's cut to the chase: over 50 percent of apostate "Catholics" helped to elect B. Hussein Obama to become the first Muslim president of the United States of America.  That was bad enough, but that wasn't the end... those same apostate "Catholics" gave their precious votes to the baby-killing Obama and helped him win the White House for a second term

Now, as we look at what happened on November 3rd, 2020, many more apostate "Catholics" helped to cause mass confusion and legal battles over the legitimacy of the on-going counting of votes in several key states that will determine the final outcome of the most important presidential election in the history of our country. 

The near-destruction of the Bride of Christ -- His holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church -- has been infiltrated over the decades, culminating in the diabolical Second Vatican Council inspired by  Pope John XXIII who had hoped it would open the windows of the archaic church, and let in a breath of fresh air, so to speak.  Translation: to "modernize" the church, and bring it up-to-date with the spirit of the age.

As history shows, just the opposite occurred: the smoke of Satan entered the vey sanctuary of the church, as Pope Paul VI finally admitted!

One of the disastrous results that emanated from the council, was the weak-kneed, milquetoast reaction to the threats and attacks against the church -- from without, and from within! -- specifically, Christ's doctrine that outside the church, there is no eternal salvation for anyone!   Add to this spiritual calamity, was the poor catechesis of those who were born after the Council, depriving young Catholics of the knowledge needed to stay on the straight and narrow road that leads to the heavenly beatitude...

Today, we continue to see that spiritual calamity in the form of poorly formed consciences, making decisions and taking actions, that directly contradict the Deposit of Faith, and church teaching of the last 2,000 years.  Is that why a majority of Catholics believe and use contraception; abort their pre-born children as the pagans do; support the twisted idea of sodomite "marriage," and no longer believe in the Real Presence of Our Lord in the Holy Eucharist??

Is it any wonder why such "Catholics" would vote for the anti-life, pro-Communist, Biden/Harris ticket?

It is said that we get what we deserve, and we do, especially when we reject our good God and His precepts.  I find it difficult to believe that we cannot follow His two great Commandments, to know, love and serve God in this life, so we can be happy with Him in the next and to love our neighbors as ourselves for the love of God...

Pray for President Trump that he will retain the presidency, and pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

A Vast Right Wing Conspiracy??

 Remember Hillary's drivel about a "vast, right wing conspiracy," a few years back?

That's what it was: drivel.

What we have today, however, is a vast Left-Wing Conspiracy!

That's the truth, not a fiction.  And who suffers from this on-going conspiracy to deprive the American people their just due, whether in politics, religion or just being treated fairly?  It's the dwindling middle class; the average worker; family man; bill-payer; tax-payer. etc., etc...

The very thought of Biden, who, by the way, represents the corrupt, deep-state, bought-and-paid-for anti-American Marxists, at the helm of the ship-of-state, is a nightmare too horrible to conceive.

The days of the Republic would come to a head-on-collision at break-neck speed, with little chance for survival.  Peace and tranquility would become a distant memory, with gangs of thugs roaming the streets of, not only the debauched city of Portland, Oregon, but even the tree-lined main streets of rural America, with little or no help from "law enforcement."  Rest assured, however, that the idea that we freedom-lovers will have the ability to defend ourselves -- exercising our Second Amendment rights -- might be a thing of the past, considering the draconian anti-gun rhetoric spewing from the mouths of Biden and his cronies...

There are trying and tumultuous times ahead with little recourse to redress or assuage our grievances because of an intrusive and overreaching, multi-tentacled behemoth, and, frankly, an out-of-control federal government. 

If we have to fight for the just result of the presidential election, so be it.  Hopefully, through the courts, and not through brawls in the street -- as the thugs, Antifa, and the so-called "black lives matter" do so nonchalantly.  But fight we must for justice to be done, for and to, President Trump -- and the American people...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


Monday, November 2, 2020

The United States Of America: The Land That I Love!!

 My country tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, to thee I sing...

Do you love America as I love America?  If not, why not?  Sure, our country isn't perfect in any sense of the word -- neither are we, neither individually, nor collectively -- but look around at the rest of the Western, "civilized" world, look too, at those half-baked, third-world hell-holes that pass for nation-states and tell me what you admire more about them, than the land of your birth!

The historic presidential election tomorrow, November 3, 2020, will determine if our Republic will survive, or be dismantled by socialist, Marxist-loving America haters in the form of the Biden/Harris ticket, who don't even try to hide their disdain for our freedoms and God-given rights.  Rather, they would put in place a form of government derived from the very pit of hell.  

Their life-hating, family-hating, capitalism-hating, Marxist agenda, would stifle, not only economic growth, but also -- and more importantly -- attempt to squash our right to freedom of religion in very short order!

Why, you ask?  Because the Christ-haters know that the true religion is a major hindrance to their goal of a false egalitarianism where everyone is "equal," and those who have worked hard for themselves and their families -- it is called success -- would be relegated to button-pushing robots...

Worse, they would absolutely impose all funding for the heinous torture and death of the pre-born with  our tax monies -- far too much tax-payer money already goes to the death mill giant, "planned parenthood"!  At least President Trump is attempting to defund, as much as humanly possible, those merchants of death and mayhem.  The president has already demonstrated that he is the most pro-life president to ever hold that august and exalted office!

So, this election is not about Republican verses Democrat, it is about voting for life and freedom, against a bleak prospect of death and enslavement...

Remember too, that if the Democrats take the Oval Office, our Second Amendment rights will die on the vine, and if they are successful, all the other rights guaranteed to us by God almighty, and enshrined in the Bill of Rights, will be consigned to the dustbin of history!

If you love your country, please vote for President Donald Trump tomorrow!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

Where Do We Get Such Creatures? From The Pit Of Hell?? "Cardinal" Roche: ‘Nothing Wrong’ With Latin Mass But Church Needed To ‘Move Away’ From It

 From and written by  Michael   Haynes,   Snr.   Vatican   Correspondent , comes this gem:  Cardinal Roche: ‘Nothing wrong...