Saturday, June 26, 2021

The Dishonesty Of "Unity," "Dialogue", Then Compromise, Finally Leading To Capitulation -- And Heresy?

 As a practicing traditional, Latin Rite Catholic, I am astounded at the nonsensical drivel I read and hear almost every day emanating from the hierarchs in the Vatican, concerning all matter of faith and morals...

Getting through daily life is difficult enough without more confusion coming from those ecclesiastical entities whose duty it is to protect and guide the flock to the heavenly beatitude.  Some of that confusion stems from the false premise that Catholics must "dialogue" with those outside the true Church of Christ, our Savior, in order to make-nice and not be judgmental of the actions and errors of others.

Please understand what I'm saying here: as a Catholic, I must "dialogue" in the sense that I must converse with those outside the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, and make myself an instrument of the Holy Ghost to convert my separated brethren so that they too might be saved.  But I will not "dialogue" just to go along to get along with nothing to show for it.  What it all boils down to, is that if someone is not willing to listen to the Truth, then I must shake the dust from my feet and spend my time on those individuals of good will who are, in fact, willing to listen.  

We also hear a lot about unity; whatever that means in the new-world-order church.  

Unity with what?

Can we claim to worship and love God, while at the same time, cling to some form of evil?  Can we run the race with the intent to win, but also bet with a bookie to lose that race? That makes no sense at all, yet that's what I see happening every day of the week from the powers enthroned in Rome espousing bizarre dictates that violate our common sense, as well as the teachings enshrined in the Deposit of Faith...

The foolishness coming out from the mouths of the hierarchs is in the public domain, and cannot be denied or explained away as "misinterpretation" or "misinformation."   

Take for instance, the latest musings that the traditional Latin Mass is on the way out, or will be modified to the point of it being little different than the new "Mass" concocted by that master of deceit and betrayal, "archbishop" Bugnini.

Why the hate for the TLM?

What we are told, coming from the pope and those he appointed to fulfill and carry out this attack, is that the TLM is "divisive"; that those who attend the TLM are too "rigid," and hanker for a bygone era... TLM and other forms of traditional worship of our Lord, conflicts with the agenda of the radical progressives that see no problem with sacrificing true Catholics on the altar of modernism and all its despicable errors...

If it were "only" the TLM that sticks in the craw of those intent on abolishing the Mass of all times, that's one thing, but we Catholics who try to live by the perennial teachings of the Church on faith and morals, and the Natural Law, are appalled by the support for one of the sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance: homosexuality, and the sodomite agenda and all the filth that is connected to it...

Unbelievably, there are priests, bishops, cardinals and popes involved in these un-natural vices that destroy, not only bodies, but more importantly, the souls of those who perpetuate that vice, as well as those who are abused and assaulted by the homosexual predators who wear the Roman collar; traitors to the Cross of Christ.

We can read the history books, but we can also see archived films from the days leading up to World War II, and beyond.  There is one particular recording of Prime Minster Chamberlain, who had just gotten off a plane, holding in his hand, the Munich Agreement of 1938, with Hitler's signature, that relinquished a region of Czechoslovakia to the Nazis. Nevertheless, Britain declared war on Germany the very next year. Chamberlain, who had lost political support, resigned in 1940 and died a few months later.

We now know that that attempt at compromise -- more rightly stated, appeasement, didn't work out too well, did it?

If appeasement never works out in secular matters, what makes anyone think that it will work in ecclesiastical matters?  All I see is history repeating itself... God help and have mercy on us...

Pray for strength and honor...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Blessed Fr. Miguel Pro and Fr. Emil Kapaun, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


Friday, June 25, 2021

Former V.P., Biden, Has Nominated A Radical Population Control Monster To Head The BLM...

It's getting to the point that Biden's picks to head various federal cabinet positions are beyond the incredible.  We have already seen his anti-life puppets fill important positions that directly affect life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as described in our Declaration of Independence.  

Apparently, Biden has forgotten that foundational document that led to the founding of our nation, as we broke away from the tyrannical King of England, George III... Now, we have our own petty tyrant illicitly sitting in the Oval Office after "winning" in the fraudulent 2020 election.

As a prime -- and sad -- example, the miscreant-in-charge has nominated a radical population control monster to head the Bureau of Land Management (BLM)...

As reported in, Tracy Stone-Manning... described American children as an “environmental hazard” while advocating for slowing U.S. population growth in her 1992 graduate thesis.  

This poor excuse for a female -- let us remember that it is the glorious creation of God that a woman is the life-bearer, and not supposed to be a life-destroyer -- has written some extremely bizarre musings over the course of time... Here is a prime example from a political advertisement, she penned:  "That’s right, it’s the cute baby...We breed more than any other industrialized nation. At the same time, we suck up one-third of the world’s energy."

And this: “When we [Americans] have children, the planet feels it more. Do the truly smart thing. Stop at one or two kids."

Here's what she thinks of -- her fellow -- Americans: "The planet cannot sustain more Americans," she said of the purpose of her proposed advertising campaign.

Notice that Stone-Manning does not single-out China or India, the two most populace nations on the face of the earth.   As an aside, this is why the "Paris Climate Accords" were, and are a sham; it attacked the U.S., but exempted China and India from reducing the so-called green house gases.  

Typical of the global elitists' agenda to wipe out our economic pre-eminence on the world stage; just another way to create a false egalitarianism among the nations of the world... 

Unfortunately, there's more, but I think you get the general idea that she is advocating, for America, the dismal failure of the Red Communist Chinese one-child policy.  That policy, by the way, has now been scrapped as China continues to sink into oblivion; not enough males in relation to the female population, not to mention the primary reason for their ultimate demise: hatred of the God that made them.

We know that Biden has nominated many miscreants to fill many of his vacant cabinet positions with many Stone-Manning-types.  

But why?

I think the answer is many-fold, including the fact that Biden is, to put it mildly, an anti-Christ!  Could it be that he wants to continue to surround himself with clones that espouse the same culture of death mantra polluting the very soul of our Republic? 

Pray for strength and honor to resist -- to the face -- those who would destroy, not only the body, but also the soul...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro and Fr. Emil Kapaun, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

Thursday, June 24, 2021

At Fifteen Weeks Of Development, Was The Baby In Mary's Womb Human?

 In my previous article: The "Controversy": Is A 15-Week-Old Pre-Born Baby A Human Being??   I pointed out the question that more than a few federal congressmen and senators were asked that question.  All the negative -- or I don't know -- responses were from the Democrats; all the Republicans replied in the positive, confirming and affirming, that common sense is still present in the minds of those who fear God, and that, indeed, the baby in the womb is a human being...

As a follow-up to that question, there is another interesting element added to the equation which will prove, unequivocally, that the baby developing in the womb is, in fact, a human being.  Very human -- and Divine -- in the womb of the Blessed Mother!

Neither former vice president, Biden, nor his spokesman, cannot seem to answer the question of whether or not the baby in the womb is a human being.  They beat around the bush and regurgitate some post-Roe v Wade drivel that makes no sense at all.  But would you or I expect anything different from these diabolical barbarians that support the tearing apart of a pre-born baby?  

If the likes of Biden, and other "Catholics," who support the slaughter of the baby in the womb, receive the Holy Eucharist at Mass, but still don't think -- or admit! -- that the baby is a human being, then "what" was in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary?  Then the question that has to be asked: what is "it" that they are receiving??

You see, the hypocrite, Biden, and the rest of the apostate "Catholics" have tricked themselves into believing that the baby is not human, or, as I wrote, won't admit that "it" is a human being...

In a recent article on, Andrew Napolitano wrote the following: "On the other hand, if he [Biden] firmly believes that the baby in a womb is not a person, that somehow abortion does not kill an innocent human life, that Jesus in Mary’s womb was not God and that Mary could morally have killed Him, then he should leave the Catholic Church... at the least, he is culpable for having a gravely and substantially malformed conscience...embracing heresy."

These apostates have backed themselves into a spiritual and moral corner, and they can't seem to slither out of it, instead they persist in denying the obvious...  

One final thought... If such "Catholics" really believe in the Real Presence, and that they are receiving the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ in the Holy Eucharist, then they have to admit that the Baby Jesus developing in the womb of His Blessed Mother, was, and is the incarnate God-man who came to redeem and save mankind -- even those apostate "Catholics" who commit the mortal sin of sacrilege each time they receive Him in Holy Communion.

So, the question of whether or not the baby in the womb of his mother is a human being, is answered in the affirmative; the case is closed for all those whose conscience is rightly formed...

Pray for strength and honor, and pray too, for those Catholics who have lost their supernatural faith, and have succumbed to the spirit of the age of the demon, Satan...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro and Fr. Emil Kapaun, pray for  us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Why Are Police Doing The Work Of Our Enemies?

 I am perplexed...

In the Hippocratic oath that doctors are supposed to take, there is this: First do no harm (to their patients), the police take the oath of allegiance to support and defend the Constitution and yet, they routinely abuse our rights by enforcing unlawful dictates of power-hungry control freaks.  

(How many know that the oath taken by a new officer is sworn to God?  The question then begs: if the police are willing to violate that oath, it can only mean two things: one, they never took that oath seriously in the first place, and, by extension, two, they don't believe in God and just went through the motions at the graduation in order to pin that badge on their uniform.  If that is the case, then that would explain their unfaithfulness to that oath, and their un-constitutional actions violating that oath?) 

Ever since the coronavirus "pandemic," various states, and down to the local level of a county, local school districts and boards, responsible for the education of our children, we find parents at odds with the progressive and un-natural curriculum fed to those very same children.  And when parents object, and exercise their First Amendment right to speak freely at town or schoolboard meetings, all too often they are shut down by the powers that be, even going to the extreme of using the local police or sheriffs to muzzle or remove parents and other interested parties, simply for trying to keep their children safe from anti-American, pro-racist "critical race theory".  Add to this disturbing turn-of-events, is the even more explicit moral turpitude of so-called "sex-ed," that corrupts the impressionable minds of the young...

With all the attacks on police on the streets of our cities, and the radical efforts to defund police departments, many good citizens are outwardly supporting the thin blue line that separates society from chaos.  Sadly, it is some of those very same police that are being used against those citizens, either by coercion -- or fear, fear that is,  from losing their only means of employment and stability for their families.  But is that really the case?  Remember that sacred Hippocratic oath I mentioned?  If a doctor is willing to trash that oath, and an officer is willing to betray and sell-out his oath, do you think that he might he be willing to bend to the whims of the authoritarians???

I think so, and that is the dilemma we face...

Who, then, can we trust?  Into whose hands can we safely place our God-given rights for protection and enforcement?

What's the answer?  If we are God-fearing, then we have the answer, or at least an answer: we serve God rather than men.  Sure, I know we are supposed to obey lawful authority and just laws, but if a law is unjust, and authorities try to force that law down our throats, then we have the right -- the duty! -- to disobey that unjust law.  

Pray for strength and honor and act accordingly...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro and Fr. Emil Kapaun, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla...





Tuesday, June 22, 2021

"Unity": The Truth Finally Comes Out From The Apostate "Bishops"!

First, let me state a fact of spiritual life: it is we Catholics that have the most personal of all relationships with Christ, not Protestants who claim as much...  (That, by the way, is our duty to bring the truth to Protestants and other non-Catholics, and to be the instrument of their conversion to the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, founded by Christ, our Savior, in 33 A.D.)

How can I be so very sure of what I just wrote?  Easy... It is Catholics that receive the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ in the Holy Eucharist at the celebration of Mass.  It is called the Real Presence and it is the Real Presence that was denied by the "reformers" in the early 16th Century, leading to heresy and apostacy on a massive scale...  What occurred because of that, was the imprisonment and gruesome deaths of many Catholics, both lay and clergy, who remained steadfast to the faith, as did the early Catholic/Christians who suffered martyrdom under the pagan Roman Emperors.


Fast forward to the present, and we see the Holy Eucharist being sacrilegiously received, and at the same time, the Real Presence being denied by the majority of "Catholics" who attend the novus ordo (concocted by a rogue "archbishop", Bugnini).  This is the same character, whom it is said, was closely associated with freemasonry, and the central architect of the new, Protestantized "mass." 

The second "great" revolt against the true Church of Christ, was instigated at the Second Vatican Council and the rotten fruits it produced -- some called those fruits, timebombs! -- that has led to the present apostacy we see infecting the faithful, or what is left of the faithful...  

I have no great love for the former pope, John Paul II -- as he was one of the reasons for the current loss of faith, not only among the laity, but also among a majority of the clergy -- but he, himself, coined the phrase: the silent apostacy, that he saw and witnessed gaining more and more of a foothold during his pontificate.  Truth be told, it didn't start with JPII, but began many years even before the reign of Pope Saint Pius X... It was this good Pope who recognized and condemned modernism as the synthesis of all heresies.    

With the father of lies, Satan, having a firm hold on what passes for a good portion of the priesthood -- and that includes the rank of bishop, cardinal, up to and including even popes, we see the results of that second revolution with sacrilege upon sacrilege being committed every time apostate, unrepentant "Catholics" go up to the communion rail, that is, if there is a communion rail; in many churches the communion rail is long gone... The very idea of kneeling to receive our Lord, the Creator of the universe, has been downplayed or completely eliminated. 

What logically follows is that if the communion rail is gone, then one has to receive the Eucharist standing -- that's one insult.  Then, if the Eucharist is received in the hand, instead of on the tongue, that's another insult to Christ.  It is also a sacrilege for unconsecrated hands of the laity to touch the Sacred Host!  But another sacrilege is committed by those who claim to be practicing Catholics, while, at the same time, support, procure, or actually perform the heinous procedure known as abortion, or support same-sex "marriage".  Far too many politicians fall into these categories...

That brings me to thepresent situation the Church finds itself in concerning the "debate"; the "issue," that the Catholic bishops are "struggling" with: should a pro-death "Catholic" politician be denied the Holy Eucharist when he or she goes up to the communion rail to receive our Lord?   

To any faithful Catholic, who knows his faith, the answer is simple, so simple, in fact, that a child, who has reached the age of reason, could readily come up with the correct answer: NO!  But the bishops seem to think that denial would create a deeper rift in the church, and that the Holy Eucharist should not be used as a "weapon" to punish an obstinate, public sinner.  According to them, unity is so important, that the duty -- the obligation -- to admonish the public sinner falls by the wayside.  Therefore, sacrilegious reception of the Holy Eucharist continues unabated, adding more mortal sins to the souls of those who receive our Lord in such a state, and to those who present the Eucharist to a known pro-death politician... 

Are those bishops for real, or are they actors in some diabolical play?  

Pray for strength and honor -- and discernment!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro and Fr. Emil Kapaun, pray for us!

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla



Monday, June 21, 2021

June, The Month Of The Sacred Heart -- And The Blasphemy Of "Pride Month"...

 Does anyone think that it's a harmless coincidence that the month of June, dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, in the true Catholic world, is being blasphemed by the radical sodomite, LGBTQ folks "celebrating" "pride month"?   

No offense to any of my readers, but if anyone does think that, I still have a bridge for sale on some of the best oceanfront property you've ever seen in the sunny State of Arizona!

Let's face it. I have to give credit where credit is due: the children of darkness know their stuff, and apply it so successfully, that it seems the entire country -- and the world at large -- have become the enemy of the "rights of man" if we don't acknowledge and accept the diabolical agenda of one of the sins that cries to Heaven for vengeance...

How did we ever get to this point in our history, that what the courts and public opinion now demand, is total submission to actions and words of a newly protected class of miscreant citizens that far surpass the reason for the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah? 

The very lives of small children are being exposed to filth at places that no one would have ever thought of being a source of -- live, in person -- moral turpitude: the library...

What could those parents be thinking when they subject their innocent children to the deranged, evil readings by males dressed as females?   Or, even worse, witnessing gyrations and suggestive bodily movements of these lowlifes?   It seems that the parents of these children have thrown the Natural Law out the window, nor do they fear God's justice, playing right into the hands of the father of lies, Satan.  

We know what our Lord tells us in the Bible when it comes to scandalizing little children: "It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones." (St. Luke, 17;2, King James Version.)  That admonishment would, or should, scare the heck out of rational folks, but what makes anyone think that parents who subject their children to such depravity are rational??

I could enumerate the numerous causes of the decent into the abyss of evil that has become the norm in our beloved country, but suffice to say, that a morally weakened society is due in major part to a morally and spiritually weakened church.  In days gone by, the church was always looked to as a beacon to guide all Christians, Catholic or otherwise.  That powerful beacon has been extinguished for many years, now...

In conclusion... It would be easy to despair when faced with such blasphemies and evil that seem to surround and bombard us on a daily basis.  But there is always hope, and that hope lies in Christ, Jesus, our Lord!  

There's not much left of the month of June, but we can all implore and worship the Sacred Heart as a counter to the false god of "pride" and their debauched agenda...

Pray for strength and honor -- and for mercy!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Blessed Fr. Miguel Pro and Fr. Emil Kapaun, pray for us!

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla



Sunday, June 20, 2021

Mental Illness Infects The Extreme Left -- And That Includes The Party Of Death: The Democrats...

Who in their right mind would support or counsel the tearing apart -- limb from limb -- another human being, or chemically dissolve human flesh without giving it a second thought?  Those who commit such crimes, whether the "doctor" or the politician that supports legislation that allows such barbarity -- much worse than the ancient Aztecs ever dreamed of doing -- must be mentally ill...

It's as if the extremists have forgotten what happened during the second world war, not only the holocaust, but also the carpet bombing of such cities as Dresden, by the "allies", burning alive many innocent men, women and children who sought shelter in basements, thinking they would be safe, but they could not escape a horrible death.  

Were those bombings of civilians considered the "collateral damage" of war, or was that another example of man's inhumanity against his own brothers and sisters?  

After the war, many German and SS commanders were brought to justice at the Nuremberg Trials, with some sentenced to death, and others spending the rest of their natural lives in prison.  

A couple of paragraphs ago, I asked if the radical merchants of death in our country have forgotten what happened during WWII... I contend they have not forgotten; they just don't care.  Or, can it be, they see nothing wrong with killing the gift of life that our Lord gives us as co-creators with Him, to multiply and subdue the Earth?

Perhaps it's even worse than "they just don't care".  What if it's a diabolical plan to reduce the population of the world through abortion, contraception -- and now "vaccines"?


In a recent article on, 60 "Catholic Democrats" -- that, in my opinion, is an oxymoron! -- wrote an open letter aimed at the Catholic Bishop's conference, who -- finally! -- discussed, among other things, the question of “Eucharistic coherence” and conditions under which a Catholic should not present himself to receive Holy Communion.  

"The representatives declare that “the weaponization of the Eucharist to Democratic lawmakers for their support of a woman’s safe and legal access to abortion is contradictory.”


We hear a lot these days about "the weaponization" of the Holy Eucharist...  What exactly do those apostate Catholics mean?  Are they "concerned" that what is left of the institutionalized Church might have found a tiny amount of gumption to defend the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of our Lord from sacrilege and desecration by refusing the Eucharist to the radical supporters of the killing of the pre-born, as well as those same "Catholics" who openly support the sodomite agenda? 

"In their June 18 letter, the Catholic Democrats insisted they 'seek the Church’s guidance and assistance but believe also in the primacy of conscience.'

And finally, this...

“In recognizing the Church’s role in providing moral leadership, we acknowledge and accept the tension that comes with being in disagreement with the Church in some areas, they declare."

End of excerpt...

We Catholics know that the "primacy of conscience" takes a back seat to what the Church teaches on matters of faith and morals.  The conscience, therefore, must be rightly formed according to those teachings, if it is not, then we get what we see and hear: "Catholics" who think that they can support the continuing slaughter of the pre-born, as well as supporting the sodomites. 

What we are witnessing here, is the conscience of these pro-death politicians being tweaked, and they don't like it!  

And, as for the bishops... The action -- if it comes to pass -- to deny the Holy Eucharist to these "Catholic" barbarians, is long overdue, but the denial of the Eucharist is only the first step... Next, if these characters do not repent, and persist in the culture of death, then they should all be ex-communicated!  That too, is long overdue...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, and Fr. Emil Kapaun, pray for  us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Another Day To Barbecue! Yeah! "Juneteenth" Is Now A Federal Holiday!!!

Most Americans seem to be coming out of their imposed isolation, quarantine, and despair, not to mention uncovering their faces by taking off those filthy face diapers to be able to breathe clean, fresh air!  

What a glorious "independence day"!

Notice I wrote, most.  Still, in some areas of the country, the gulags remain in place, such as in the "barbed-wire prisoner of war camp" of Michigan.  In that tortured state, the Stalin-like copy-cat, so-called governor, Gretchen Whitmer -- even though the Michigan supreme court ruled that her draconian covid restrictions violated the state constitution -- somehow, is still getting away with her felonious restrictions on the good citizens of Michigan...

That, my dear readers, makes Whitmer an outlaw, and she should be impeached; removed from office, prosecuted and thrown in jail for the rest of her natural life.  Not to mention that the demonic governor, Whitmer, is also guilty of murder in the first degree -- as is the former vice president, Biden -- for her rabid support of the killing of the pre-born.  For that crime, she should suffer the death penalty, that is, if she doesn't repent and beg -- beg! -- for forgiveness! 

That would be a cause for celebration!  Repentance, that is...


As we know, Independence Day is just around the corner (July 4th..).  A grand day to celebrate our breaking away from the clutches of King George III, as well as doing some barbecuing.  Well, it looks as though we'll have another "independence day."  It's called "Juneteenth"...

What in hades (hell) is "Juneteenth," anyway??

Supposedly, this "holiday" celebrates the emancipation of former slaves that occurred during and after the War between the States, or, more correctly, the War of Northern Aggression. 

President Abraham Lincoln is credited with "freeing the slaves" -- nationwide -- but, believe it or not, that's not the case at all. 

Here is a bit of sobering information that may shred the myth of "the great emancipator," Abraham Lincoln; from, and written by Henry Gates, Jr...

 "Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves, right? Well, the truth is a bit more complicated than that; actually, the truth is very complicated, leading even usually sober commentators such as the venerable historian Lerone Bennett Jr. to cry “foul,” and to do so quite bitterly, suggesting that black people have been sold a bill of goods when it comes to “The Great Emancipator.” This week’s column, honoring another important anniversary of the Civil War, attempts to answer that question, a question as complex as Lincoln’s attitudes toward the black people he was seeking to liberate, attitudes that led Frederick Douglass himself to call Lincoln, a decade following his assassination, “the white man’s president.”

"The simple answer is yes, and no. As we saw in my column last month (“Who Legalized Arming Black Men to Kill Confederates?”), the Emancipation Proclamation, despite its enormous symbolic significance, did not abolish the institution of slavery in the United States. Rather, it “freed” any slave in the Confederate states (that’s right—it did not apply to states in the Union in which slavery remained legal) who could manage to flee her or his plantation and make their way behind liberating Union lines. Historians estimate that as many as 500,000 black people managed to do this. So we might say that these black people freed themselves. To put this number into a bit of perspective, in 1860 there were about 3.9 million enslaved African Americans, which means that by the end of the Civil War, some 3.4 million black people remained in bondage, in spite of the Emancipation Proclamation. So why are African Americans free today? Because of the 13th Amendment to the Constitution, which Lincoln, especially, knew was essential for the permanent abolition of slavery."

In addition, the great Professor, Thomas Sowell, writes in his excellent book: The Thomas Sowell Reader, provides some insightful commentary about slavery in the chapter titled “Twisted History”...

Here is an excerpt from that book...

"...Among those who turned against slavery in the 18th century were George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry and other American leaders. You could research all of the 18th century Africa or Asia or the Middle East without finding any comparable rejection of slavery there. But who is singled out for scathing criticism today? American leaders of the 18th century.

"...It is clear from the private correspondence of Washington, Jefferson, and many others that their moral rejection of slavery was unambiguous...

"In 1862, a ship carrying slaves from Africa to Cuba, in violation of a ban on the international slave trade, was captured on the high seas by the U.S. Navy. The crew were imprisoned and the captain was hanged in the United States – despite the fact that slavery itself was still legal at the time in Africa, Cuba, and in the United States. What does this tell us? That enslaving people was considered an abomination. But what to do with millions of people who were already enslaved was not equally clear.

"That question was finally answered by a war in which one life was lost [620,000 Civil War casualties] for every six people freed [3.9 million]. Maybe that was the only answer. But don’t pretend today that it was an easy answer – or that those who grappled with the dilemma in the 18th century were some special villains when most leaders and most people around the world saw nothing wrong with slavery.

"Incidentally, the September 2003 issue of National Geographic had an article about the millions of people still enslaved around the world right now. But where is the moral indignation about that?"

End of excerpt...

As has been pointed out, the institution of slavery is an evil that should be abolished throughout the world, but there is too much money involved, as well as the fact that those who buy and sell human beings are indulging in pure evil for filthy lucre's sake.  

I would have to point out the glaring hypocrisy of the current cabal of black leaders, especially those who have been elected to the congress and the senate, condemning slavery in all its forms, but not the continued genocide of their own race, through abortion.  

It is a fact, that though blacks represent about 14-15 percent of the total population of the U.S., the percentage of black babies slaughtered through abortion is somewhere between 34 and 40 percent!   Why such a spread in the percentages?  Because only 48 of the 50 states report those poor babies killed in abortions to the CDC... The two most populace states: California and New York, do not report such "statistics," with New York being the abortion capital of the U.S.!   

So, by all means, let us celebrate another federal holiday and chow-down on some great barbecue -- in Michigan, too, I hope!  But at the same time, I would urge all black "leaders" to fight for the life of their precious pre-born and stop their incessant support for the descendants of the radical eugenics monster, Margaret Sanger...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro and Fr. Emil Kapaun, pray for us!

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


Friday, June 18, 2021

The "Controversy": Is A 15-Week-Old Pre-Born Baby A Human Being??

Does this question actually have to be asked?

Isn't the baby developing in her mother's womb, human?  If not, then what is "it"?  (As my readers can see, I put the word it in quotation marks because those with enough grey matter still in tack, realize that once conception takes place, the "it" growing inside the mom's body is a human.) 

It is really silly to have to point this out, but over the last few days, the very title of my article has been asked to multiple congressmen and senators -- all very well-known -- every one of them, I might add, are of the Democratic persuasion... 

If you haven't already guessed, the answer from these anti-life, anti-God, anti-Constitution lunatics bordered on the insane.  Of course, none of these miscreants answered in the affirmative!!  None of them!!

Keep in mind, that these are our elected representatives that create the laws that we must live by and adhere to, that is, all just laws, not those laws that violate or contradict the Natural Law and/or the laws of God (the Ten Commandments and the Deposit of Faith).

How many actually know that one does not have to follow or obey an unjust law??

When the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was thrown in jail in Birmingham. Alabama, he wrote the now-famous: Letter From A Birmingham Jail, written in April, 1963, just seven months before President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas.  (On a personal note, I was to begin my junior year in high school in 1963, and in fact, I composed my term paper regarding Dr. King, later in that term...) One of the items that he covered in that letter was his discourse on just or unjust laws.  Dr. King, a Baptist, quoted not one, but two Catholic Saints, and their teachings that are still quoted throughout society, even though they were written hundreds of years ago, reaching back to the Fifth Century to Saint Augustine, and the Thirteenth Century to Saint Thomas Aquinas... 

The following are excerpts from that letter: "...I am in Birmingham because injustice is here. Just as the prophets of the eighth century B.C. left their villages and carried their “thus saith the Lord” far beyond the boundaries of their home towns, and just as the Apostle Paul left his village of Tarsus and carried the gospel of Jesus Christ to the far corners of the Greco Roman world, so am I compelled to carry the gospel of freedom beyond my own home town. Like Paul, I must constantly respond to the Macedonian call for aid.

"...One may well ask: “How can you advocate breaking some laws and obeying others?” The answer lies in the fact that there are two types of laws: just and unjust. I would be the first to advocate obeying just laws. One has not only a legal but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws. I would agree with St. Augustine that “an unjust law is no law at all.”

"...Now, what is the difference between the two? How does one determine whether a law is just or unjust? A just law is a man made code that squares with the moral law or the law of God. An unjust law is a code that is out of harmony with the moral law. To put it in the terms of St. Thomas Aquinas: An unjust law is a human law that is not rooted in eternal law and natural law. Any law that uplifts human personality is just. Any law that degrades human personality is unjust."


There is much more to Dr. King's letter and can be found by doing a simple search on-line... It is a good and informative read that sheds light on his struggle to secure basic human rights for his people -- and, in reality, all Americans...

I must also harken back more than several years now, when Supreme Court nominee, Elena Kagan, was questioned before the Senate Judiciary Committee, and asked this simple question by one of the Senators: "What are your views on natural rights?"  Her response was chilling: "Senator, I have no views on natural rights."

With that answer, this female should have been immediately disqualified!  But now, she sits on the Supreme Court.  The damage she and other liberals can do to Natural Rights has already been proven, in spades!  

Is it any wonder that these Godless souls cannot answer whether or not a human, pre-born baby, is a human being??  

I could say that I'm flabbergasted, but I'm not... 

God help us and have mercy on us, please...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, and Fr. Emil Kapaun, pray for us..

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Angel Mom: Biden-Backed Amnesty Plan A "Legalization Plan For Criminals"...

If anymore proof was needed to show the soulless, hard-heartedness of former vice president Biden, now holding the White House hostage by successfully pulling off a fraudulent election, with the help of uncountable criminals in high places, look no more... 

Since taking the oath of office back on January 20, 2021 -- an oath never believed in and simply ignores -- the government of the United States has become the real enemy of the people and our God-given rights.   

This miscreant continues to get away with murder.  That commonly used phrase has to be taken in the literal sense with Biden, as he is the commander-in-chief of the slaughter of pre-born babies.   In addition, his reckless -- but planned -- wide open border policies are letting real criminals and drug dealers and their filthy concoction of fentanyl-laced drugs into our sovereign country...

There is another aspect to this treason -- and that's what it is: TREASON! -- the killing and maiming of Americans by drunk, or drugged-out illegal aliens.  No state is immune to this rampage that has increased dramatically since Biden and his cabal of America haters slithered their way into office, like the snakes they are...

When duly elected, President Trump, was in office, the statistics of the perpetrators of criminal activity by illegal aliens was bad enough, due in great part, to the failed immigration policies of the Obama regime: an anti-American horror story that lasted for eight, long years, dividing our nation through race-baiting and the near-destruction of our constitutional rights.  

For example, in 2018 alone, the following, startling numbers, attributed to illegal aliens, should give pause and include:

  • 2,200 deaths.
  • 180,000 rapes or coerced sex.
  • 138,000 assaults.
  • 81,000 cases of drug smuggling.
  • 27,000 cases of human smuggling

(Statistics provided by the Washington Examiner.)

Make no mistake, those statistics will be dwarfed if Biden's policies continue unabated.  Not only that, but there will be more "Angel Moms" and "Angel Dads" grieving for their children, either being killed, wounded, or assaulted on the streets and backroads of America.

The following excerpt is from, with Angel Mom Michelle Root's testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee: "[My] 21-year-old daughter Sarah was killed in January 2016 on the night of her graduation by illegal alien Eswin Mejia...

"The man who murdered my daughter entered the country illegally. He came in as an unaccompanied minor, committed additional crimes, drove while intoxicated, smashed his truck into my daughter, and then ran away after posting a $5,000 bond. His bail was less than what it cost to bury my baby. He was never convicted. Yes, this happened during the Obama administration when the policy was to catch and release, ignore sanctuary cities, and turn a blind eye to illegal immigration in the interior of our country. Unfortunately, those failed policies are back and the Biden administration has continued to endorse the lawlessness.

"I’m here today to say that legislation rewarding illegal behavior is dangerous, and it’s a threat to our rule of law. As a parent, I sympathize with those who want a better life for their children. We would all do what it takes to give them a perfect life. However, you have to understand that rewarding illegal behavior only means we get more of it. The Dream Act, if enacted into law, would benefit people who are charged with crimes. It would legalize people in this country who have even been convicted of violent crimes."


The problem is, is that Biden and his anti-American cronies don't give a hoot about their fellow countrymen, only an agenda that will bring America down to the level of the third-world hell-hole-nations festering with disease and despair.  Further, the intent as I see it, is to build up Red China at the expense of the American populace, i.e., economically, as well as destroy whatever is left of American exceptionalism and individualism, read: freedom!

If there was ever a "president" obviously guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors, it is Biden.  There is actually evidence in the public domain for all to see and hear for themselves, such as a genuine quid-pro-quo, and more...

Pray for strength and honor -- and for some measure of justice!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro and Fr. Emil Kapaun, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle..

Gene DeLalla 

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

The Unconquered, Undying Spirit Of Fr. Emil Kapaun: Prisoner Of War Of The Communist Chinese (In North Korea)...

 I beg all reading this short article to watch this video, detailing the exploits of the Catholic priest, Fr. Emil Kapaun, a prisoner of war held in, what amounts to, a death camp, by the Communist Red Chinese during the Korean War that started on June 25, 1950, and, though not formally ending with a "peace treaty," hostilities did cease on July 27, 1953...

When watching this amazing story, related by Fr. Pawlikowski, as told by eye-witnesses during their struggle to stay alive amid the most brutal of conditions: freezing cold, and lack of food or medical supplies, it reminded me of my father-in-law, who was also a POW in a Red Chinese prison camp for 28 months!   (My father-in-law has since passed; I don't know if he ever knew or came in contact with Fr. Kapaun(?)...

As you will hear, Fr. Kapaun, though a Catholic priest, ministered, not only to other Catholic prisoners, but also to any and all that were in the camp with him, keeping up the hope of eventually being freed from that hell on earth...  

Eventually, the good and holy Fr. Kapaun died from weakness and extreme exposure to the elements and disease... I hope that Fr. Kapaun was welcomed by our Lord, Jesus, into His heavenly kingdom, never more to suffer.  Christ tells us in the Bible, that there is no greater love than for a man to lay down his life for his friends!  

I would like to say that the church needs more Fr. Kapauns, now more than ever, to encourage strength and honor, and the willingness to sacrifice for the greater good of family and country...

The Story of Fr. Emil Kapaun — with Fr. Pawlikowski | Good Catholic™

Continue to pray for that strength and honor that Fr. Kapaun so valiantly displayed for his brothers-in-arms before he died...

It should be noted, that Fr. Kapaun was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor for his service to his country -- and, most especially, to his men, on the battlefield, and in the hellish prison camps..

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro -- and Fr. Emil Kapaun -- pray for us!

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

The FBI And Other "Intelligence" Agencies, Are Warning About Potential Violence From Q-Anon. So, What's New?

Potential violence from Q-anon?  

If the FBI and others are looking for extremists and their penchant for violence, look no further than Portland, OR, Seattle, WA, Baltimore or New York City...

Why is it that those insurrectionists get away with bloody murder -- literally! -- in those, and other cities, while the powers that be, issue warnings of potential violent acts from the "Q"?  

Why is the FBI, the department of Homeland Security, the ATF, and other bloated bureaucracies, so "concerned" about non-existent violence from a shadow group, when ongoing violence is staring them right in the face? 

Could such warnings simply be a distraction; a cause celeb, instead of going after the real law-breakers?   Why are the real instigators of the mayhem -- the Communists -- allowed to continue almost completely immune from arrest and prosecution?  Not to mention the destruction and loss of human life, both black and white, that has persisted over the last year or more...

Is that distraction being used in order to cover-up their dismal failures in stopping the lawlessness in the above mentioned cities? 

What is behind their lack of enforcing laws that protect the commonweal?  Can political correctness (read: pressure from above...) be the driving force, or plain malfeasance of office?  In any case, the facts speak for themselves: the violence continues.  But you would never know that, if you continually watch the mainstream media, or read the New York Times, et al...

Of course, the overall goal of those in power, is not to resolve the lawlessness and bring to justice the bad guys, instead it is to focus on race-baiting and division among the populace.  

Further, if the "deep state" is successful, then the next step is another assault upon our God-given Constitutional rights -- especially the Second Amendment -- eventual martial law, "re-education camps" and enslavement!  

This is not hyperbole, but reality as I see it unfolding with each passing day.  In short, it is history repeating itself...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

Reign Of Terror: 1793-1794? Yes, But It Is Being Repeated Here, in 2021, In The United States Of America!

 Perhaps the title of this article is a little over the top?  

If we analyze what is happening here, in the land of our birth, I think we can readily see what the results are of a Godless society, running headlong into the eternal, fiery abyss of hell.  So, no, the title of my article is not "over the top"...

Whether Catholic or non-Catholic, the particulars of what is discussed in this video is pertinent to all God-fearing, patriotic Americans...

The video is from a 2015, Catholic conference, and I contend that circumstances are much worse today, in 2021.

Evil Empire: Why American Catholics Must Oppose the State

Monday, June 14, 2021

WAR ZONE Chicago!

If a Republican was mayor of Chicago, he or she would have long ago been tarred and feathered and run out of town on a rail -- or worse!

I find it incredible, that mayor Lightfoot gets away with re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic that is Chicago, with more shootings and deaths than in Afghanistan, Iraq or just about any other war-torn piece of land in the Middle East, in any three-day period!

Nearly every weekend, the number of shootings and murders by drive-by or intentional "contract hits," is always in double-digits.  We are not just talking about "numbers," here, we are talking about people, and that includes youngsters whose lives are cut short by gangland thugs, drug dealers and their rivals, roaming the streets to defend their "territories".  

As an horrendous example, this past weekend, 43 people were shot, three of them fatally, that is, dead!  

Last weekend, fifty-five people were shot, five of them fatally, in Mayor Lightfoot’s Chicago!

According to the Chicago Tribune, 1,538 people were shot in Chicago January 1, 2021, through June 11, 2021!  Of those 1,538 shot, 289 were killed!  

It is not "just" those shot and killed, but also the suffering families of those shot and killed!!

When will this chaos -- this madness! -- end?  When will the citizens of the once-great "Windy City" of Chicago rise up and throw that weak, ineffective, race-bating bigot out of office, and elect someone who will be tough on crime, not on the law-abiding?

Only time will tell, but if the citizens take their time, more of their fellow citizens will be shot and killed.  Is that okay with those who think they are not affected by this mayhem?  All are affected, because we are all brothers and sisters.  No man is an island; no man...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us!

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle..

Gene DeLalla

Sunday, June 13, 2021

What Has Happened To The Catholic Faith In Ireland??

 Saint Patrick, born in Britannia (U.K.) in 387 AD and went to his heavenly reward in 461 AD, dying in Saul (U.K.).  (Some writers say his death was around 492 or 493 AD, if so, that would make his age over 100 years.)

Let us remember that it was the great Saint Patrick that went from being sold into slavery as a youth, to becoming a Catholic Bishop that converted the entire pagan population to Christ.


Ireland needs to have St. Patrick return to rid his beloved land of the demons that have infected the "Catholic" population who have gone absolutely mad by voting in favor of killing the pre-born!

The vote that took place in 2018, wasn't even close... To put it mildly, it was a landslide, with between 60 and 85 percent, depending on the location of the constituency.  Only one constituency, Donegal, did the majority of nearly 52 percent, vote "NO".  

Of course, those "Catholics" who voted for murdering the defenseless, innocent, pre-born babies, were apostates who long ago abandoned their precious faith, and capitulated to the father of lies, Satan and his filthy minions.

But it gets even worse, if that's possible, after all, what could be worse than murdering the pre-born, one of the sins that cries to Heaven for vengeance?

Let us add this abomination... In 2015, Ireland became the first country to "legalize" homosexual "marriage"!  

That snowball effect started rolling down hill, and quickly became an unstoppable juggernaut with other nations -- including the U.S. of A.  Jumping on the bandwagon of the sodomite agenda, the Supreme Court ruling: Obergefell v Hodges, on June 26, 2015, made homosexual "marriage" "legal" nationwide.

The following is an excerpt from The Observer (Ireland): "Some 62% of the Irish Republic’s electorate voted in favor of gay marriage. The result means that a republic once dominated by the Catholic church ignored the instructions of its cardinals and bishops. The huge Yes vote marks another milestone in Ireland’s journey towards a more liberal, secular society."

And now we get to the crux of the matter, and the real cause of the return to Ireland's pagan past: bishops, cardinals and priests, who gave up their mandate to preach the uncompromised truth to all nations, regardless of the personal consequences they might suffer.  Such weakness has been accelerated ever since the diabolical Second Vatican Council that saw literally tens of thousands of religious and clergy leave their vocations in order "to find themselves."  What satanic drivel. 

The damage has been done. 

It is uncertain if Ireland, the U.S., or any other Western -- formerly Christian -- nation will return to Christ. 

Saint Patrick, pray for us.

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


Devastating Implications Of Heretical "Cardinals" Voting In The Next Conclave! (The Sedevacantists Will Have A Field Day, Proving They Are "Right"!)

 Think about the horrific implications of heretics voting for the next pope! What are some of those implications? How about the fact that a ...