Tuesday, November 30, 2021

The UN-Holy "Trintiy" Of Demonrat Governors...

 Actually, I can name twenty-four -- count them! -- twenty-four Demonrat dictators who hold the office of governor hostage; they did this by hook or crook, or, are the electorate in those states just stupid?  Do they really like being slaves to every whim of these maniacal haters of freedom?   Could be; brainwashing is very effective, after all... Remember, our prisoners of war (POWs) had socialist/communist propaganda pounded into their head's day and night, while, at the same time, being deprived of the most basic human necessities -- such as food, warmth and medical care...

So, are the citizens of the three states I'm going to name in a minute, all watchers and listeners of CNN, et al??  Are these the same slaves who go around -- along with the little children in tow -- still wearing face diapers, and UN-social distancing??  

(And it should be noted that two of the three governors are apostate "Catholics"!)

Without any further ad due, here are the three who make up the Un-Holy "Trinity" Of Demonrat Governors: Newsome of California (apostate "Catholic"); Kathy Hochul of New York (apostate "Catholic") and Gretchen Whitmer -- she claims to be some sort of "Christian"... I put the august handle of Christian in air quotes, because, as with many other so-called Christians, she is a radical supporter of the sins to cry to Heaven for vengeance -- abortion, homosexuality, etc... If that be "Christianity," it is right from the bottomless pit of hell itself!  Note, that the other two "Christians" are also facilitators of those two grievous sins that can separate a soul from God for all eternity, in other words, these Un-Holy "Trinity" members will condemn themselves, that is, if they don't repent and change the direction of their enormous power they have as the governor of their respective states... Am I making a judgment here?  Yes, absolutely.  I judge them by their demonic actions -- and omissions! -- of what they have to do: to guide their citizens to the Heavenly beatitude, believe it or not, that is their main duty as the chief executive, along with protecting the commonweal...

One more thing... It just so happens that New York and Michigan have the most "cases" and deaths from... Covid?  In reality, who knows, they don't know, it's all manipulation of numbers to get the highest counts for the perpetuation of fear-mongering and absolute control of every aspect of the lives of their citizens -- and money!  California is close behind... I wonder: can God be punishing these diabolical governors?  Or, is this all one, big "coincidence"?  I'll let you decide...

Pray for strength and honor!  And pray, too, for the conversion of these fallen-away brothers and sisters that they return to our Lord, as the Prodigal Son returned to the arms of his jubilant Father...

Vica Christ Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla



The Patriotism And Ultimate Sacrifice Of Many Japanese-Americans Of The 442nd Regimental Combat Team In World War II...

  Yesterday, November 29, 2021, I wrote the following article: 

Remember The History Of The Disgusting, Anti-American, Disgraceful Treatment Of Japanese-Americans Rounded-Up And Forced Into Internment Camps?

What I failed to do was to include the true story -- the history -- of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team made up of loyal and patriotic Japanese-Americans who fought in the European theater during the Second World War...

Many of these same soldiers still had entire families in internment camps behind barbed wire fences, but at the same time, wanted to fight for their country and revenge the "attack" on Pearl Harbor (Hawaii) on that "day that will live in infamy," December 7, 1941.

As an aside, I wonder how many will remember, or at least recognize from the history books, that nearly 3,000 American military -- and civilians -- were killed by the Japanese air force on that terrible day?  Will it just be another day, as, it seems, was this past November 22, the anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy?  There were few if any articles or stories that I could find in the mainstream media, or even on the alternative media platforms... I don't know, maybe it's just my frustration at the short memories of the American populace, or, is it possible that folks want to avoid the history that demoralizes or depresses them?  If we aren't aware of our own history, isn't it possible that history will repeat itself??  Because of that, I wrote this article: November 22, 1963... Does Anyone Care Anymore?

Getting back to the 442nd...

Here is an article from the nationalww2museum.org...

As Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., wrote: we should not judge a person by the color of his skin, but by the content of his character... How true... Let us not forget those Japanese-Americans who fought to defeat the demonic Nazi, Hitler...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

Monday, November 29, 2021

Remember The History Of The Disgusting, Anti-American, Disgraceful Treatment Of Japanese-Americans Rounded-Up And Forced Into Internment Camps?

 This horrific and disgraceful episode in our Republic was triggered by the "attack" on Pearl Harbor, on December 7, 1941.

In my mind, this was the second "day that will live in infamy," when Americans were deprived of their Constitutional rights, and forced into internment camps done out of fear, and, yes, discrimination and prejudice...

Keep in mind that entire families, not just military-aged males, were rounded up because of their race, and trucked to internment camps in California, one of three states that border the Pacific Ocean.  The thinking was that there might be some spies or those loyal to Japan, willing to be coerced into acts of sabotage right in their own homeland -- America...

(Of course, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii was less than 2,500 miles from the "golden state," or Washington or Oregon, a mere hop-skip-and-a-jump for any modern navy with less than a week to reach American soil.)

During the time that the Japanese-Americans were behind barbed wire fences with armed guards patrolling the perimeter, living in not-so-comfortable conditions, there was still a desire to fight for their country.   I find it amazing that regardless of the conditions these Americans were subjected to after being forcefully removed from their homes and apartments, as well as losing any means of earning a living, there was still love of country engrained in the very fiber of their hearts and souls. 

Can this disturbing and traumatic event ever happen again in our beloved nation??

It is quite possible that such a horrendous display of stupidity and disregard for our God-given rights can, in fact, happen again...

I am referring to the totalitarian dictators that pose as elected representatives, not to mention those un-elected tyrants that wear white coats and stethoscopes around their necks with the designation of "Dr." in front of their names, as well as other health-care workers...

In light of the current rumor of a new "variant" of the faux pandemic, emanating from South Africa, the Marxist media is already in lock-step with their globalist masters to impose another round of fear-mongering and eventual lockdowns on the American populace.

In addition, there is a distinct possibility that those World War II internment camps may become a reality once again... What I just wrote is not some "tin-foil-hat" conspiracy theory, but a very real possibility that may come to fruition, imposed on those who choose not to get the filthy, deadly jab.  

This time, it will not only be patriotic Japanese-Americans, but any American who believes in the rights and responsibilities granted to us under the Natural Law, and built into every human being that enters the world -- a true gift from our good God...

If my readers need some proof of this, here is an article from LifeSiteNews, but this has been reported in other alternative media outlets as well... Read here: Australian army hauls 38 citizens to quarantine facility over some positive COVID tests - LifeSite (lifesitenews.com).

It is happening in Australia; we cannot let that happen in the U.S. of A., not only for our own sakes, but also for the sake of our children and their children to come...

We must resist and pray for strength and honor to defeat these diabolical miscreants who do the work of the father of lies, Satan...
They know not God, their real Master!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

Saturday, November 27, 2021

The REAL Domestic Terrorists... Hint, It's NOT Peaceful Parents Protesting At School Board Meetings...

  We all should know by now, that some of those real terrorists are the so-called Black Lives Matter (BLM) radicals, and Antifa, both are hard-core Marxists, but what I'm going to reveal to you are those whose track record shows support and encouragement for those miscreants.

And who are these supporters of those who constantly attack America-loving patriots?  

It is they who walk the halls of the Congress and the Senate, but most importantly those treasonous politicians who have taken the White House hostage since January, 2021, that's who...

Sure, not all those elected representatives fall into the above category, but enough to make the American populace sick to their stomachs, at least those who care and have not been completely hypnotized or brainwashed by the incessant propaganda and fear campaign driven into our heads, day after day after day after day...

Those same reps may not support those anarchist organizations with arms, ammunition or money(?), but by their incessant chanting of their so-called "justice" mantra, they embolden them nonetheless... 

And now, guess what??  

Just as those in the know -- the alternative sources for real news and accurate prognostication, and now the mainstream, Marxist media, have announced that there has been a new and more virulent variant of -- what, exactly, a virus, a flu bug, or?? -- making its way from South Africa, of all places, to the petrified populace of the Western nations.  Just wait and see how long it will take before another round of fear-mongering and shut-downs will occur here, on Main Street, U.S.A.

Believe it or not, there are brainwashed, supple American citizens -- along with their children -- fully "vaccinated" -- still walking around with face diapers!  

These are the most vulnerable to another campaign unleased from the likes of the CDC, NIH, and the corrupted brains behind it all, "Dr." Frankenstein Fauci... Another apostate Catholic who long ago sold his immortal soul to the demon for uncontrolled power and influence in this life, and to hell with the price that he will have to pay in the next...

So, if you want to know who the real domestic terrorists are, look no further than those in the seats of power, both at the federal and state level, mandating that a free American citizenry bend their knees to the god of this world, Satan, and his minions.  Sure, they may not have horns or breathe fire, but their intellects are possessed by the demon, this is reflected in their blood-thirsty lust for the killing of the pre-born.  And, yes, it is all about abortion to keep it "legal" as well as the ultimate goal of these filthy globalist: the de-population of the earth to suit their barbaric agenda to rule all humanity...

Are we living in the end-times?  Looks like it... What do you say?  Leave a comment and I'll respond...

In the meantime, pray for -- and strive -- for personal sanctity, as well as for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


Thursday, November 25, 2021

WARNING! Get Ready For ANOTHER False Flag, This Time It Might Be A Smallpox Or Monkeypox "Pandemic"...

  At the end of this article, I will post a short timeline that should wake you up, that is, if you are still asleep or in a complete brain-fog after being bombarded day after day by the official government narrative that if you don't wear a face diaper, or get the filthy, debilitating "vaccine," or "social distance," you will get sick and die.  

I address this to my Catholic brothers and sisters, or anyone with an once of common sense still left in their brains: how many of you believe this lie???

If you do, why???

Are you aware that the majority of those who supposedly have died from "covid" die in the hospitals and nursing homes???

Are you also aware that hospitals get additional monies if someone is tested "positive" for "covid" that they get even more filthy lucre if the poor soul is put on a ventilator -- an almost sure death certificate!

Are you also aware that the so-called "covid" bug has never been isolated, even under a powerful microscope?

Just as many states and local government entities are "allowing" their residents to get back to some sense of normalcy by lifting face diaper and other "mandates" (mandates are NOT laws!), we are already being warned of another rogue virus, this time it might be smallpox or monkeypox... 

Let's face it, these demonic, devious "authorities" are hell-bent on crushing our freedoms and forcing us to bend to their every whim, in other words, enslave us if we don't get the mark of the beast and snitch on those who refuse to get the jab...

If you think I'm exaggerating, think again... Take a look at what is going on in Australia and Austria... The Australian army is now being used to round up those un-vaccinated folks and transporting them -- forcefully -- to internment camps!   If you don't believe me, check for yourselves, the info is in the public domain.  But you won't see it in the mainstream, Marxist media, though, so do a little digging and you will be shocked -- I hope...

What is the ultimate goal of these madmen?  Population control, or, should I say, DE-population of billions of the world's people.  This too, is not an exaggeration, but confirmed by the likes of Gates and the so-called World Economic Forum, founded on 24 January 1971 by the satanist, Klaus Schwab

What is their instrument of destruction?   World-wide, mandatory "vaccinations," filled with who knows what, stifling fertility and killing those who they consider "useless eaters," another "final solution".  If that sounds familiar -- and it should -- go back to the history of the 1930s lunatic, Hitler, and read and see what happened to the Jews, Catholics and others who were a roadblock to the "super-race" and systematically eradicated from the face of the earth...

These Frankensteins will stop at nothing to implement their diabolical agenda to become their own little gods, creating and destroying whom they want, when they want for whatever purposes their demonic minds can concoct...

WARNING! Timeline Shows Threat of Incoming Smallpox False Flag (2020electioncenter.com)

Is this all circumstantial evidence, presumption, conspiracy theory?  Perhaps, but I must point out that miscreants have been convicted of murder on "circumstantial evidence"...

Prepare to fight these barbarians with personal sanctification as well as the Second Amendment!  "Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!"

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

Wednesday, November 24, 2021


 Numerous media outlets are reporting that there is now a sixth victim killed by the lunatic murderer, Darrell Brooks, as he smashed his SUV into the mostly Catholic crowd celebrating in a Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin.

That sixth victim is eight-year-old Jackson Sparks who succumbed to his devastating injuries (wounds, as this is clearly a war against the God-fearing from the satanic, moronic, Marxist Left) suffered in the mass murder of his friends and neighbors...

Read the article and see the video here:  Jackson Sparks, 8, Becomes Sixth Victim To Die After SUV Plows Through Waukesha Christmas Parade, Bail For Suspect Darrell Brooks Set At $5 Million – CBS Chicago (cbslocal.com)

You may need a tissue or two to wipe your tearful eyes...

Pray for all the victims of this hater of Christ and His faithful flock...

And pray for our country -- for strength and honor to defend ourselves in the coming battle with the evil one...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

Tuesday, November 23, 2021


 Regardless of what you may hear or read from the current Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio, that the Church has cancelled the death penalty, that is his erroneous and scandalous opinion, and is not binding on the conscience of Catholics.  This unjust and uncharitable opinion, along with that of John Paul II, has helped those mass murderers carry out their fiendish crimes without the threat that they too, will pay with their miserable lives for their sins depriving the innocent of their lives, a sin that cries to Heaven for VENGEANCE!

Any Catholic who knows his faith -- as well as God-given common sense -- realizes the fact that the Church has always taught that the state has the right to forfeit the life of a killer in order to protect the commonweal.  

We have just witnessed another mass murder committed on the streets in the little town of Waukesha, Wisconsin, when a hater of white people -- and of life -- drove his SUV through a crowd of peaceful folks during a Christmas parade and celebration.  Included in the five people killed, were children, along with 40 or more innocents injured (wounded! this is a battle with the dark forces!)...

Here is an excerpt from the nypost.com...

 "The man arrested over the deadly Christmas parade attack in Wisconsin should have been behind bars following an arrest earlier this month, but was released on an “inappropriately low” bond days before the attack, the district attorney admitted Monday.

"Darrell Brooks, 39, is charged with five counts of intentional homicide over the deadly crash on Sunday in Waukesha that left five dead and at least 48 injured, police said.

"Brooks was out on $1,000 cash bail at the time of Sunday’s tragedy after he allegedly punched the mother of his child and purposefully ran her “over with his vehicle” in a Milwaukee gas station parking lot on Nov. 2, according to court documents.

"He was arrested and charged that same day with resisting or obstructing an officer, reckless endangering safety, disorderly conduct, bail jumping and battery.

"The Milwaukee County District Attorney’s Office said Monday it had launched an internal probe into how Brooks was given such a low bond given the seriousness of the charges and his criminal history."

End of excerpt...

It should be noted that Brooks is a radical cop hater, as well as a supporter of the extremist, Marxist BLM movement.  

This punk, when convicted, should die a thousand deaths in the gas chamber, lethal injection, the electric chair, by firing squad, or hanging -- and, maybe all of the above!

What the liberal anti-Catholic popes fail to realize (do they really fail to realize, or is their opposition to the death penalty all part of the plan to weaken the Natural Law and official Church teaching that we all have the right to self-defense and to take the lives of those convicted of heinous crimes against humanity?), is that once a criminal is sentenced to death, it can serve two purposes: one, to protect the commonweal, and, two, to give the killer a chance to repent and redeem himself before he meets his Maker at his Particular Judgment.

Over 25 states still retain the death penalty, sadly, Wisconsin is not one of them!  

Pray for the conviction of this killer -- and for his conversion of heart, mind and soul while behind bars, but never to be set free...

Pray for strength and honor!  

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Arcangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


Monday, November 22, 2021

November 22, 1963... Does Anyone Care Anymore?

  Those who are old enough to remember the other "day that will live in infamy," should think about what really happened at Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas on Friday, November 22, 1963,when John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the 35th president of the United States, was assassinated.  And despite the rumored -- or even facts? -- of his reported peccadillos, he didn't deserve to be shot in the head and have his life ended is such a gruesome manner...

JFK was the first Catholic president of the U.S. of A., but not the first Catholic to run for the highest office in the land.  In the presidential election of 1928, the Democratic Governor of New York, Al Smith, was defeated by Republican Herbert Hoover... In fact, to this very day, all the political and religious elites meet, joke and stuff their respective bellies at the annual "Al Smith Dinner" in New York.

In a seemingly coincidental act (or maybe it was planned?) three weeks before the Kennedy hit, the Catholic President of Vietnam, Diem, and his brother were brutally murdered after leaving Mass.  It is rumored that the "okay" to take them out, came from none other than the backstabbing, one-world-order politicos in the U.S., especially in the Kennedy administration's state department.  It was, however, made to look like there was dissention within the South Vietnamese government, and the military had to do something to bring the country back to an even keel in order to placate the rural population and guarantee action against the Viet Cong.

Not true!

And from that point onward, the South fell into the hands of a military junta (the term is now used to refer to an authoritarian form of government characterized by oligarchic military dictatorship... A junta often comes to power as a result of a coup d'état. The junta may either formally take power as the nation's governing body, with the power to rule by decree, or may wield power by exercising binding (but informal) control over a nominally civilian government).

I suggest the great book by Geoffrey Shaw: The Lost Mandate of Heaven: The American Betrayal of Ngo Dinh Diem, President of Vietnam.

This will give the reader another angle to this coup d'etat as apposed to the official narrative that we have been spoon-fed down through the years.

Another conspiracy theory?  No at all, just the facts... 

(I arrived in Vietnam four years after the assassination of Diem and Kennedy and served my one-year tour in that war-torn country.)

We all know what happened over the long years of the Vietnam War, and the resulting death and wounding of over 58,000 of my brothers (and sisters, yes some great nurses gave their all while serving and caring for their wounded brothers-in-arms).


As an aside, I can remember when I came home just before Christmas of 1968, I kept my Vietnam service "hidden," in the sense that I didn't want people to know that I did serve in Nam because of all the demonstrations and hate displayed toward my brother vets.  But that attitude has changed.  I have a different outlook and attitude about what happened and the result of my being there...  Sure, to this day I grieve and pray for all my brothers who didn't make it home, and for our POW/MIAs and their families, but I know I did my part to stifle the juggernaut of the Communist advance and takeover in South East Asia.  We took a stand, even though we vets of that war were, in the long run, sold out by those who send us to war, but never join us in the physical and psychological fight and the wounds that never heal... Those elites will have to answer some day -- many already have -- to their Creator for their actions and inactions in abandoning us and our South Vietnamese allies left to face a massive genocide of those kind and gentle people to the barbarian and demonic communists.  The scars that many Vietnam vets face are still with us today, in the form of suicide, drug abuse, broken marriages and the terror of nightmares, as well as the never-ending "gift" of Agent Orange; I speak from personal experience concerning A.O., as my 30-post-operation-radiation-treatments, then scans, are showing no recurring cancer at this time.  I will be monitored for the next several years at least... My only desire is to see my little grandchildren grow up right before my eyes!  What a joy and comfort they are to us!!


Will we ever know the full truth of what happened on that fateful day in Dealey Plaza, Dallas, Tx., on November 22, 1963?  Probably not, but we can hope for some measure of justice in the years to come as more information becomes available, if it ever does, that is...

On this day, please say a prayer for John F. Kennedy, that our good and loving God will have mercy on the soul of the first Catholic President of the United States of America...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla



Saturday, November 20, 2021

Judge A Person By His Color, Not By His Character...

 What I just wrote, is the direct opposite of what Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. wrote and lived by while peacefully protesting for the rights of his (American) people.

Today, however, there are race-baiters throughout the media and in high government office that use race to divide and conquer, or cause unrest among the populace.

We just witnessed this despicable race-baiting as well as declaring someone guilty even before the first day of his trial.  Of course I'm talking about Kyle Rittenhouse and the recent kangaroo court that he was dragged through over the past two-and-a-half weeks.  

Sure, the verdict came out in his favor, finding him innocent of the five horrendous -- unjust -- charges lodged against him, but nonetheless, he was characterized as a "white supremist" going around shooting black people; an "active shooter," as the demonic prosecutor attempted to paint the 18-year-old gentleman, but failed miserably in the end...

To top it all off, the supposed "president of the United States," Biden, attempted to prejudice the entire nation by painting Kyle, as the now commonly used epithet of "white supremist," but he too failed miserably in attempting to prove that was the reason for the nation being so divided!  Can you believe it?!  No, Biden, you and your handlers are the reason our Republic is in such dire straits, morally, economically and spiritually...

What Mr. Rittenhouse should do come Monday (the 22nd.) is to file a lawsuit against Biden for defamation as Nick Sandman successfully did... And for big, very big bucks!

An apology from that puppet is not sufficient!

Congratulations to Mr. Kyle Rittenhouse, and God bless you!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


"Ex" Member Of Black Militia Threatens Parents At School Board Meeting: Says He Has 1,000 Soldiers Ready To Go, Locked And Loaded!

  Remember the freedom-killing -- and chilling -- information that surfaced a couple of weeks ago regarding parents' protests at their respective school board meetings?   The "department of justice," -- what a misnomer! -- in cahoots with the National School Boards Association, in a back-door-deal, got Attorney General, Garland, and, by his direction, the FBI, to classify those -- peaceful -- parents exercising their First Amendment rights, as potential domestic terrorists for standing up against the so-called Critical Race Theory (CRT) as well as the filth that so permeates the public indoctrination centers.

You read it right: parents concerned about the moral and spiritual well-being of their children, are declared to be potential domestic terrorists simply because they show up at school board meetings?!

Complete lunacy!

Now, I will present to you a real domestic terrorist that the "department of justice" won't touch with a ten-foot-pole: CRT supporter threatens parents: 'I got over a thousand soldiers ready to go... locked and loaded' (bizpacreview.com)

This bizarre story has appeared in other alternative media outlets, but not, of course, what passes for the mainstream media...

Malikk Austin showed up at his local school board meeting and went on a diatribe about supporting CRT!

Fine, that's his right.

But!  Then he goes way overboard and says this: “We are not our ancestors,” Austin declared and then threatened, “I got over a thousand soldiers ready to go… locked and loaded.”

Either this man is a certified nutcase, or he is deadly serious, and should be taken as so, but, as I said earlier, the "doj" won't touch this miscreant with a ten-foot-pole...

Here is a snippet from the story: “I did feel threatened when watching the 11/9/21 video,” Missie Carra, who is a parent and Texas director of Parents’ Rights in Education, told Fox News. “Let’s be honest, in my opinion, when anyone turns toward an audience of mothers and yells ‘I have 1,000 people’ and ‘we’re locked and loaded’ it is difficult to misconstrue the intent of those words as anything else but a threat.” 

I agree, but will anything be done about this character??

What we are dealing with here, is an out-of-control federal bureaucracy under the control of the anti-American Left, targeting parents instead of the real bad guys who want to tear down our Republic and turn it into another Stalin-era Gulag...   

In addition, with the useful idiots in the Marxist media, there is little chance for un-biased reporting on any issue when it comes to freedom-loving Americans standing up for their God-given rights.  Yet that same media will support the likes of Malikk Austin -- and his "soldiers"...

Truly a double standard if there ever was one...


Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


Friday, November 19, 2021

Rearranging The Deck Chairs On The Titanic...


Rearranging The Deck Chairs On The Titanic...

One-hundred-and-nine-years-ago, the gargantuan "unsinkable" Titanic hit an iceberg and went down with about 1,500 passengers, with only about 705 being able to fit in the available lifeboats.  Adding to this unnecessary tragedy, over 1,100 bodies were never recovered...

I say unnecessary, because the number of lifeboats were well under the number to secure the safety of all 2,200+ passengers if the ship had to be abandoned...

Add to this disaster, was the fact that only ten miles away, there was another ship -- the SS Californian -- that had stopped for the night due to the ice fields in the immediate area, but did not respond to the Titanic's distress calls and signal rockets.  (It should be noted that in 1912, the international distress frequency and Mayday call for help -- SOS (save our souls) -- was not yet mandatory to be monitored 24 hours-a-day.)

It is quite possible, therefore, that all of the Titanic's passengers might have been saved if the distress frequency had been monitored. During the post-tragedy investigation, it was brought out that: "...despite being the closest ship in the area. Judging by available evidence, the Californian was likely the only ship to see the Titanic, or at least its rockets, during the sinking.[2][3] The United States Senate inquiry and British Wreck Commissioner's inquiry into the sinking both concluded that the Californian could have saved many or all of the lives that were lost, had a prompt response been mounted to the Titanic's distress rockets.[4] The U.S. Senate inquiry was particularly critical of the vessel's captain, Stanley Lord, calling his inaction during the disaster "reprehensible"'.

Instead, the Carpathia was the first rescue ship to reach the Titanic after it sank, plucking the survivors out of the numbing waters...

And even in tragedies, there can be heroes, and during the sinking of the Titanic, there were some notable ones, particularly a Catholic priest by the name of Fr. Thomas Byles of England, who was en route to New York to officiate at the wedding of his brother.  It had been reported that Fr. Byles had the opportunity to get into one of the lifeboats, but refused, and instead stayed and prayed with those who knew they were going to die.  A true hero and shepherd of his flock!


As you can see, I titled my article: Rearranging The Deck Chairs On The Titanic...

I wanted to give due respect for those who lost their lives on the Titanic and to any of their relatives that may still be alive to this very day.  But I also wanted to take the opportunity to reflect on what is going on in secular society, as well as in the ecclesiastical realm, concerning the turmoil and the destruction of lives we see being imposed by the tyrannical dictates (not laws!) of those powerful entities both in government and in the church...  

What is the ultimate goal of these anti-Christs who inflict pain and suffering without regard to the final destiny of their own souls?

I could take a wild guess, and say that the goal is to wipe out our Republic, and those who the elites consider "useless eaters": the old and infirm, all the way down to the tiny baby developing in the womb... This diabolical agenda finds support both in government and in what passes for the "Catholic" Church, under the leadership of the current occupant of the White House, as well as the occupant of the Chair of St. Peter, respectively, Bergoglio... Both are brazen supporters of the population control lunatics as well as a religion that worships the Earth, rather than Christ.

Those who cannot see this unfolding all around us, are "rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic," going about their daily business as if nothing out of the ordinary were happening, all the while families, businesses, lives and our God-given rights are disintegrating right before our eyes...

I place such individuals in the category of the dumbed-down.  You know, the Joe Sixpack type worrying about his favorite NFL team and if they have a chance for the playoffs... Or, if he has a full tank of gas for his Toyota and a 12-pack of Bud for the weekend.  These folks believe everything they see and hear coming from the lying likes of CNN and their criminal partners, and take it for Gospel...These are the same fathers and mothers holding the hands of their little children, covering their precious faces with face diapers, as they walk to-and-fro... 

They will also submit their free-wills to the tyrants-in-charge, flushing their rights down the toilet.  Not realizing that to give up their freedoms for "security," they will have nor deserve neither (paraphrasing Ben Franklin)...

The following is a Letter to a Tyrant, posted Margaret Anna Alice's website: Through the Looking Glass.  See here: 

Letter to a Tyrant - by Margaret Anna Alice - Margaret Anna Alice Through the Looking Glass (substack.com)

"I won’t bother to reason with you or appeal to your compassion—because you have none.

"You are a foul, fetid, festering, fiendish, fear-fomenting fecker devoid of soul, purpose, and meaning. No matter how many lives you masticate, hearts you shred, minds you menticide, and puppet strings you try to throttle us with, you will forever remain a hollow husk of a simulated human.

"I know you envy us our feelings. You seethe with rage, jealousy, loathing, terror, disgust, and every other malevolent emotion, but you are incapable of comprehending love, joy, friendship, warmth, and abiding peace.

"This letter isn’t to beg or plead or ask you to stop. This letter is to put you on notice. This letter is to tell you the people are waking, and it is you who have shaken us awake. You have sown the seeds of your own obliteration, and those seeds are germinating.

"None of your efforts to enshroud the suncontaminate the soilbefoul the waterdefile the oceanstoxify the airautodarwinate seedssequester the food supplyextinguish species, or commodify the ecosystem can stop those seeds from bursting through the earth and winding their tendrils around your Nuremberged neck.

"In a way, we should thank you. You have shown your hand so recklessly because you were certain we would roll over. So confident were you in the psychological conditioning you subjected us to—following Biderman’s Chart of Coercion like a recipe—you expected us to jump in the pot voluntarily.

Biderman's Chart of Coercion

"You were half-right, sadly. But the fence-sitters are now witnessing the nuclear fallout from your detonation of The Great Democide, and they can no longer deny the torrent of reality acid-raining down upon us.

"Foolishly forgetting to administer the elite’s faux injections to the most visible tier instead of the commoners’ poison death shot was a clumsy fumble that’s too obvious to miss. You remembered a few celebrities like this one and this one but forgot the athletes, and now they’re collapsing in a pile on the field.

"And your victims, the ones you maimed, the ones you sterilized, the ones you failed to fell immediately, the ones whose loved ones you slayed, are speaking out about their suffering.1

"And now you’re coming for the children. Even the wokety-woke NPC Covidians aren’t buying it anymore:

Alyssa Milano Child Vaccination Poll Tweet

"And then you have an FDA shill making this reprehensible statement about the decision to inject children aged 5–11, “We’re never gonna learn about how safe this vaccine is until you start giving it.”

"Well, we don’t have to wait to find out. A twelve-year-old child just died two days after receiving the Pfizer injection, and the autopsy proves it. And these fourteen children died of such conditions as pulmonary embolism, intracranial hemorrhage, cardiac arrest, and myocarditis post-injection—only to be swept under the rug by BigPharma toady CDC. And deaths of male children have jumped 86 percent in the UK since the vaxx rollout. It is estimated that nearly 800 children have been killed from the injection thus far, and you and your colluders are only ramping up the pedicide program.

"You are commanding that children—whose immune systems are at their most robust and who face virtually zero risk of dying from COVID—put their lives and long-term health at risk by undergoing an experimental injection lacking long-term clinical trials and with substantially greater evidence of harm than good.

"According to this risk-benefit analysis, you will “kill 117 kids to save one kid.” And the proposition that this injection will save a single child is extraordinarily generous considering the nonexistent threat COVID poses to children and the availability of highly efficacious early treatment protocols and historically safe drugs such as ivermectin.

"As more and more children fall prey to your Mephistophelian machinations, you will unleash the Mama and Papa Bears—and then you will see a mass upheaval like you’ve never imagined."

End of Margaret's article...


More than ever, pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro (shot by firing squad during the Cristeros uprising in 1920's Mexico, fighting the Communist/Masonic monsters in control of the government), Fr. Emil Kapaun (who died as a POW in Korea) and Fr. Vincent Capodanno (killed on the battlefield during the Vietnam War, three months before I arrived in-country), pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


Thursday, November 18, 2021

What In The World Did Francis Just Admit??

 Things are getting weirder and weirder in the novus ordo church with each passing day with the machinations emanating from the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio.  Sometimes it's hard to take; I don't know what to think or how to react to the attacks -- whether subtle or in-your-face -- on Tradition in general, and the traditional Latin Mass communities and the faithful who attend and worship our Lord the way He demands we worship Him...

Here is a short video by Dr. Anthony Stine from Return To Tradition... What In The World Did Francis Just Admit?! - YouTube.

It is truly disheartening, but facts must be faced if we (traditionalists) are to respond appropriately to the almost constant attacks from our so-called shepherds, especially those who do the work of Bergoglio, targeting faithful Catholics here in the U.S. and other Western nations...

From what I can gather, the directive to severely restrict or totally destroy the TLM is failing, so other "measures" must be taken to drive the last nail in the coffin of the former Ecclesia Dei TLM communities to end the "resistance" -- resistance, at least in the minds of the die-hards who foster the novus ordo "mass" and the "teachings" of the council from hell, Vat. II...

So, please watch this short video and judge for yourselves what is being said here and what might be coming down the road in very short order.

Could the eventual goal to the growing resistance to modernism and heresy, be ex-communication -- of us!?

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

Devastating Implications Of Heretical "Cardinals" Voting In The Next Conclave! (The Sedevacantists Will Have A Field Day, Proving They Are "Right"!)

 Think about the horrific implications of heretics voting for the next pope! What are some of those implications? How about the fact that a ...