Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Abp. Viganò: Pope Francis Has Chosen His New Cardinals For Their ‘Corruptibility’...


This article from Archbishop Vigano reveals the truth about the imposters; the liars; the morally and spiritually corrupt new "cardinals" appointed by "pope" Francis...

After reading this missive, if anyone has any doubts whatsoever about the real demonic Ape of the Church, then something is lacking in one's ability to separate fact from fiction -- to separate the make-believe, phony novus ordo "church" from the real Catholic Church founded by our Lord, Jesus Christ...

Here is the complete article from

Abp. Viganò: Pope Francis has chosen his new cardinals for their ‘corruptibility’ - LifeSite (

This article is one of the reasons that the good Archbishop is in fear for his life and remains in hiding from the contract hitmen that have taken the lives of other good and faithful servants of our Lord who dare to uphold the truth and reveal the near-total corruption so rampant behind the walls of the Vatican.  

(Does the death of Pope John Paul I come to mind??)

That same Vatican is just as bad, if not worse, than one of the most murderous organizations founded in Sicily back in the 19th Century -- the Mafia...

The Cosa Nostra -- Our Thing -- is composed of monsters who, on the exterior, put on the show of being Catholic by the sacrilegious use of the Sign of the Cross, medals and statues of Catholic Saints, Baptize, attend Mass, and receive the Holy Eucharist -- to their own condemnation (St. Paul) -- but are brutal killers of their perceived rivals.

The analogy is accurate if compared to today's shepherds, mostly appointed by Bergoglio... Sure, in most instances, they don't kill the body of their perceived enemies, but they surely have killed the sanctifying grace of millions of former Catholics who have left the Church because of the sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance, especially the sin of Sodom -- by preying on innocent youth by rabid homosexuals wearing the Roman collar...

This does not even take into account the evisceration of the dogmas of the Church!  Dogmas and doctrines that must be believed in order to attain Heaven!

What passes for the Catholic Church is no longer looked upon as the moral and spiritual beacon it once was, even to non-Catholics, who knew the Church would never compromise on the damnable sins of abortion and homosexuality...

In fact, the recent appointments of the new "cardinals" are some of the very ones who attack Tradition and the Traditional Latin Mass, while, at the same time, pursue their sexual lust with other males and equate the slaughter of the pre-born with that of "social justice issues."  


Pray for the safety of the brave Archbishop, Vigano, and pray too for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla



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