Friday, June 3, 2022

Sorry To Write This, But Here is More Proof That The Chair Of St. Peter Is Occupied By An Anti-Christ...

  Notice that I did not say that the Chair of St. Peter is occupied by the anti-Christ.  But as the title of my missive indicates, the occupant -- Bergoglio -- is an anti-Christ.

Again, I am sorry to report this, that is, if you haven't made up your mind by this time about the distinction between Tradition -- and the true Catholic Church and the novus ordo, man-made concoction.    If you haven't, then something is very wrong with your critical thinking processes.  

I have two more informative yet troubling articles/videos to present to make the concrete case for my assertion.  Further, it is also my intent to show the diabolical attacks that continue on sacred Tradition -- and specifically, on the traditional Latin Mass.  These modernist monsters know that in order for their satanic scheme to work, they have to obliterate and totally destroy the Mass of the ages; the Mass that produced countless Saints and Martyrs -- and future Saints and Martyrs...

The first article is from and written by T.S. Flanders...

Cardinal Cupich Appointed as Anti-Trad Enforcer - OnePeterFive.

The second, is from Dr. Anthony Stine of Return To Tradition concerning the appointment of one of the most vile, evil and wicked males to ever hold the office of bishop, and now has been appointed as a cardinal by Bergoglio.  (This appointment, by the way, is a slap in the face, an insult, to Archbishop Gomez of the archdiocese of Los Angeles -- the largest Catholic archdiocese in the country!) 

(5886) Francis Is Making One Of The Most Wicked Men A Cardinal - YouTube.

Read, watch, listen, then you must come to the conclusion that the lay faithful and those faithful clergy are under attack by Satan and his demons, and the attempt to establish a one-world religion -- made in the image and likeness of man, devoid of the supernatural graces of our good God and Savior...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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