Friday, June 17, 2022

More Lies Emanating From The Vatican And Another Nail In The Coffin Of The Traditional Latin Mass Of The Ages...

  The head of the St. Gallen Mafia, Bergoglio, has appointed more and more haters of the Traditional Latin Mass -- and of Christ, our Lord -- to positions in the Vatican that will directly determine the fate of the TLM and those faithful Catholics who attend the most beautiful thing this side of Heaven...

I wonder if that is why these modernists/communists/homosexuals have been selected to oversee the implementation of the "reform of the reform" of the liturgy as directed by Vatican II?

But wait a minute!  Vat. II never called for an end of the TLM!  In fact, it specifically called for the retention of the Latin Mass, Gregorian chant, etc... The "reform" of the liturgy came from the modernist infiltrators that went hog-wild after the Council!   

The result has been a complete disaster; a complete debacle of the faith of millions of once-practicing Catholics.   I say once-practicing Catholics because millions left the church after the "spirit of Vatican II" was "successfully" implemented by those very same anti-Christs/modernists/communists/homosexuals, et al...

The novus ordo is quickly dying on the vine and the St. Gallen cabal know this, that's why they can't have the enormously successful traditional Latin Mass communities along with growing vocations to the religious life: priests, brothers and sisters, continue.  They know too, that if they can't stop the traditional movement  -- hint, they never will stop us! -- it will prove the abject failure of the traitors and imposters of the novus ordo "church"...

As the faithful Catholic Church in communist Red China has gone further underground due to that diabolical agreement between the enemy in the Vatican and the enemy in the Chinese communist party back in 2018, brokered by Bergoglio and hand delivered by the radical homosexual, seminarian-abuser, "cardinal" McCarrick, we may also find ourselves back in the catacombs in the very near future! 

The idea of obedience to these monster anti-Christs is abhorrent to anyone who has a smidgeon of Catholicity left in their souls!  All faithful Catholics must resist to the face, these traitors of the faith and church founded by our Lord, Jesus... 

Here are just a couple of articles that corroborate what I have just wrote, but there are more, many more that can be found by doing a simple search on the Net... 

I would point to Dr. Anthony Stine; Dr. Taylor Marshall, the Remnant, etc., to get a handle on what is coming down the road for faithful Catholics who adhere to Tradition and the TLM...

Church's head of divine worship says Vatican II promoted a ‘new liturgy’ so Latin Mass must be regulated - LifeSite (

 (6167) Francis SMASHES Nuns And Monks In Brazen Move Against The Church - YouTube

(6167) Blasphemous Mass "Celebrated" By Bishop In Open Rejection Of The Faith - YouTube.

(6167) Archbishop Viganò on St Gallen Mafia, Archbishop Lefebvre (SSPX), and #Infiltration of Church - YouTube.

Catholic Bishop Orders School to Stop Labeling Itself 'Catholic' for Flying 'Gay Pride' and BLM Flags | CNSNews.

Prepare yourselves for the continuing persecution from those "hierarchy" entrenched in the novus ordo thing...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

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