Monday, June 6, 2022

The Rabid Persecution Of The Catholic Church By -- The "Catholic Church"...

 What?  How can that be?  It makes no sense!

A house divided against itself cannot stand!

How can the Catholic Church be persecuted by the "Catholic Church"?

First, the authentic Catholic Church has as its Founder, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, built on the Rock of St. Peter and refreshed and watered by the blood of the martyr-saints...

The "Catholic Church," on the other hand, is a creation of the infiltrators who have made, or are attempting to make, a church in the image and likeness of -- themselves!  This facade, this phony institution is composed of those "clergy" who have not their Master, our Lord as their Lord, but man and the father of lies, Satan, as their master and lord...

With each passing day, we see and read about more persecutions of the faithful clerics who attempt to preach the truth from the pulpit as well as the growing number of lay faithful who attend the most beautiful thing this side of Heaven, the Traditional Latin Mass -- and receive the Traditional sacraments for themselves and their growing families...

(Vatican tells traditional French bishop to suspend ordinations of priests, deacons - LifeSite (

We have also read about the most recent appointments -- promotions -- of certain "bishops" to the rank of "cardinal", especially those perverts who support at least one of the sins that cries to Heaven for vengeance -- the sin of Sodom, not to mention the downplaying of the slaughter of the pre-born and lump that abomination in with "social justice causes," attaching the same importance to both!

These foul actors should be familiar to all, so I will spare listing their vile names, but suffice to say, they have crawled out from under their respective rocks from such damned states as California, Illinois and New Jersey... 

Here is a link to my previous article that has two links to highlight the perverse appointments to powerful Vatican posts that are responsible for the liturgy, the sacraments, and the selection of future bishops, and popes!

Sorry To Write This, But Here is More Proof That The Chair Of St. Peter Is Occupied By An Anti-Christ...

One can only wonder where all this will lead: a white martyrdom?  Perhaps a red -- blood -- martyrdom of the faithful, both clergy and lay?  

Will the authentic Catholic Church be reduced to a Remnant, an Elect that will number in the thousands from over a 1,000,000,000 -- BILLION! -- so-called Catholics?  

To be prepared for what may lie ahead, we must all strive for personal sanctification and for that of our families, and adhere, as much as possible to the Traditional Latin Mass as well as the teachings of the real Magisterium...

Let's face it, we faithful Catholics have powerful and monstrous enemies in the Vatican who will stop at nothing to implement the new-world, one-world-order, Satan inspired agenda of the culture of death: abortion, contraception, de-population and the full-throttle, full-speed ahead of the acceptance of the Zeitgeist -- the evolution of the demonic "spirit of Vatican Two"...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla



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