Monday, June 20, 2022

Just Go Shopping...

  Just after the "9/11" "attacks," then President George W. -- warmongering -- Bush told the American public to "go shopping"!  I reckon he was trying to give a sense of "normalcy"; not to panic; to keep things in "perspective," etc... 

We know that the Twin Towers came down after a bunch of Arabs with box cutters highjacked several jet airliners and supposedly rammed them into the tallest buildings in the U.S., eluding jet fighters dispatched from nearby Air Force bases after NORAD warned the civil authorities that those airliners departed from their flight plans and apparently went rogue.

Of course, we know that the jet fighters never intercepted the airliners; did we ever find out why???

I know why... 

Numerous articles have been written getting into all the nuances surrounding that terrible day filled with the death and mayhem of nearly 2,900 innocent Americans...

Fast forward to the present day...

What is going on in our country -- and the world, for that matter?

Wars and rumors of wars; out of control inflation eating away at the middle-class breadwinners as they spend $50-100 bucks just to fill up their gas tanks; food prices skyrocketing -- plus the coming of food shortages; skyrocketing diesel prices; the continuing slaughter of the pre-born (we are all awaiting with bated breath to see how the Supreme Court will rule on Roe v Wade); rampant homosexual "rights" being forced on civil society, not to mention the treasonous communists/homosexuals in the hierarchy of the novus ordo "church", etc...

By the way, the connection between ever-climbing diesel costs to the truckers is highly significant because approximately 80 percent of all goods are transported by the "big rigs," that includes food products delivered to supermarkets and grocery stores...

Those outrageous costs must be passed on to the consumer of those groceries.

In addition, patriotic Americans are waiting for the next shoe to drop regarding the next "pandemic" to be let loose on our country, to stifle our freedoms and impose new face diaper mandates -- that we must not obey!!!

The incessant clamor of the tyrannical medical authorities to get the jab and get boosted continues unabated, but now, tiny babies from six months to five years old are being targeted by the demons of this "administration" and big pharma with the FDA approving such injections into the arms of our kiddies!   

Oh, it seems that many "celebrities" as well as well-known politicians and establishment doctors have come down with the "covid" bug -- after being double and triple vaccinated and boosted!

Please watch the following video:  POOR DR. FAUCI HE HAS COVID (

Enjoy!  And go shopping!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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