Sunday, June 5, 2022

The Hard Left's Phony Concern "For The Children"...

 I don't know about you, but I am tired of the in-your-face hypocrisy when it comes to the Marxist talking heads that are leading our nation down the road to an unleashed wrath from God almighty for killing His precious gift of life -- the pre-born baby girl or boy...

What infuriates me is that the so-called "devout Catholic" politicians are getting away with murder -- literally!  

With the likes of N. Pelosi, J. Biden and numerous other "Catholics" that make up the fraud's administration, they mouth their "concern for the children" whenever there is an unnecessary (but planned?) slaughter of school children -- who were left un-defended by the stupidity of bureaucratic red tape and anti-Second Amendment lunacy of local school boards -- by attacking those law-abiding, armed citizens that have stopped many potential disastrous public shootings.  Of course, the communist media lackeys never report such heroic actions by the good guys, and only report the attacks by the drugged-out punks who steal or slip by "the system" and get their filthy, blood-drenched hands on a weapon, whether rifle, pistol, revolver or whatever is at hand that can wreak havoc on the innocent.

Having said that, I wonder how many folks realize that more people are killed by other weapons -- other than rifles or even hand guns?

If one were to dig a little deeper into the facts, they would see that many people are killed with knives -- and even by hands!  Of those killed, many if not most, know each other and are members of broken, one parent families...

The real bad guys -- gangs and drug lords -- can get whatever weapons they want on the "black market," so long as they have the filthy lucre.   In other words, no matter what "gun control" laws are enacted, it is only the law-abiding that suffer from not sufficiently being able to defend themselves or their families from rampant crime in their neighborhoods, such as in the war zone of Chicago...

This is only the beginning of June, yet here are the statistics for the once-great city of Chicago, year to date: shot and killed: 234; shot and wounded: 1,034; Total shot: 1,268; total homicides: 258.

I should add that most of these crimes are black-on-black, not white- on-black, or police-on-black as the lying media loves to portray...

In a recent so-called speech, the apostate, Biden, ranted about more "gun control," and stating that the Second Amendment is "not absolute!"   Does anyone in his or her right mind think that the Founding Fathers had it in their minds that the right to keep and bear arms was not "absolute"?  I think not... They knew what a tyrannical government could do to its citizens, and that's why the Second Amendment was listed right after the First Amendment -- to secure free speech -- enforcing that right and to defend ourselves from a behemoth, overreaching monstrous central government...  

But I digress...

So, the phony "concern for the children" is just that, phony, while, at the same time, these hypocrites are the major players in making sure that the unrestricted killing of the pre-born is maintained all the way up to birth!  How on earth, can one be "concerned for the children" and label themselves as "devout Catholics" while fostering legislation that tears apart a developing baby in the womb of her "mother"?  

We are living in very strange and dangerous times.  One of the reasons for these trying, deadly times, is the almost complete evisceration of the moral and spiritual authority of what passes for the Catholic Church, that is, what the world sees as the Catholic Church!  And what they see and hear is what we label as the "novus ordo" church.  This evil thing was a concoction of the modernists that the good -- and Sainted -- Pope Pius X warned and condemned as the synthesis of all heresies!  

And the core dogma of the real Catholic Church -- that outside of Her, there is no salvation for any human creature -- led to countless Catholics becoming Saints and Martyrs because they would not deny that dogma, in other words, they would not deny Christ, their Lord!  

Once the Traditional Catholic Church overtakes and obliterates the novus ordo, Satanic mess, then, perhaps, God will spare us from His justice.   Still, we must continue to obey our Lord's command to love our enemies: showing true charity toward those lost souls, that they return to the flock of Christ...

Pray, not only for strength and honor, but also for those good clergy that have suffered under the yoke and constant attacks of Bergoglio!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla




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