Monday, June 27, 2022

We Are Grasping At Straws... Watch: Owen Shroyer Gets Assaulted; Watch: The Boy Scouts Are "Officially" Damned!

 I'm sorry to have to report this, but our country is doomed!

This may be news to some, but then again, maybe not...


I have embedded a short video from, about 15 or so minutes in duration.  What this video will show is Owen Shroyer being denied his constitutional right to assemble and speak, all guaranteed under the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.  

Pro-Baby Murder Demons Assault Owen Shroyer at Beto Rally (

Mr. Shroyer was attending a rally for the phony Hispanic, Robert O'Rorke, who is running for the governorship of Texas.  This nutjob is as phony as a three-dollar bill, giving himself the handle of "Beto" to appeal to the Hispanic/Mexican Americans of south Texas.  I think our Hispanic brothers and sisters are a little smarter than to buy that nonsense!  And, by the way, this creep is dead set on confiscating our weapons, not to mention that he is part of the culture of death, being a radical supporter of the slaughter of the pre-born!  

But wait!  I thought that the heinous "procedure" known as abortion was dead after the Supreme Court decision struck down Roe?  Nope.  That's not the case at all... all that decision did was to send that "issue" back to the state legislatures... Good luck with that!  Sure, some states have already completely banned the killing of the pre-born, but others have defiantly and diabolically said that they will become a "sanctuary" for those out-of-staters who want to kill their babies, so, in effect, those will become outlaw states!

Unfortunately, that video will also show the Boy Scouts taking part in a "pride" parade, waving those disgusting (co-opted) rainbow-colored flags.  I wonder if those brainwashed boys know what they are actually doing?  Do they know what those flags really represent?  Do they realize that what they are doing is a scandal to other young boys -- and girls -- who may be watching at home or taking part in the filth? 

What these diabolical events reveal to me, is that the Boy Scouts are officially damned!  But the fact that they now take part in such un-natural, demonic demonstrations of moral turpitude should not surprise anyone as the Boy Scouts voted to allow open homosexuals to be "scout masters" some years back...

There were those, who at the time, said that the demand for such "outed" scout masters was only the first, major step toward a complete takeover of a once-great, family-oriented organization that helped boys grow into men.

They were right...

I'm afraid that the Girl Scouts succumbed to that same moral turpitude when they began their association with the pre-eminent baby killing organization known as "planned parenthood"... This revelation shocked the general public, including me...

Do you see the pattern here?  If the demon can get the youngsters, the children, he can possess and rule the world!

These children are the future parents, future leaders of our country and the world, but if their minds -- their intellects -- are infected and possessed by Satan and his minions, what will that future world look like??? 

As I have written many times, all things are connected... And one of those connections is the role that the Catholic -- and non-Catholic -- clergy play in all of this.  

So, I ask, where are the clergy denouncing this filth?  Where are the clergy preaching from the housetops the moral, physical and spiritual dangers to the very souls and bodies of these young people who participate in such un-natural, evil and wicked activities being fostered on these impressionable youth???

Sadly, there are far too few orthodox, traditionally minded clergy who uphold and protect the traditions that have been passed on from our forefathers regarding the love, loyalty and obedience we owe to our God and Lord.  In fact, there are far too many clergy, again, both Catholic and non-Catholic, who have fallen prey to the sin of Sodom!  This sad truth has been exposed for all the world to see including the consequences of evil and uncontrolled lust directed at those innocent young men under their charge leading to the destruction of lives and souls... 

As the church goes, so goes society... Do we need any more proof of that axiom?

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro. Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 


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